TUCoPS :: Radio :: neohio3.txt

NE Ohio radio Frequencies 3/4

massillon ham repeater.........147.180
massillon ham repeater.........146.955
massillon state hospital.......155.995
millersburg ham repeater.......146.670

n & w railroad.................161.250
navarre fire dept. ............33.82
navarre fire dept. ............33.76
navarre police dept. ch. 3.....154.860
navarre police dept. inner-city155.370
navarre police dept. ch. 2.....155.520
north canton fire/rescue.......154.430
north canton pd ch. 1..........155.070
north canton pd ch. 2..........155.760
north canton pd ch. 3..........155.370
north canton pd ch. 4..........155.430
north lawrence fire dept.......33.82

ohio bell......................451.300
ohio bell......................451.350
ohio bell......................451.500
ohio dept. of liquor control...45.100
ohio dept. of transportation...47.340
ohio edison (mobiles)..........37.460
ohio edison....................37.520
ohio edison....................37.840
ohio fire depts. emergency net.154.935
ohio fire depts. disaster net..155.805
ohio fire marshal hazmat truck.154.280
ohio fire marshal hazmat truck.155.460
ohio power.....................37.700
ohio power.....................37.740
ohio state highway patrol
 post to car...................44.740
 car to post...................44.860
 post to post/aircraft to post.45.020
 district 3 intersystem........45.140
 car repeaters.................154.680
 vehicular repeaters-base......465.375
 vehicular repeaters-south.....465.425
 vehicular repeaters...........465.525
 vehicular repeaters-north.....465.550

p & s ambulance service........155.295
penncentral rr.................160.800
penncentral rr.................161.070
perry twp. fire dept. .........33.820
perry twp. police dept. .......155.130
perry twp. pd ch. 2............155.190
perry twp. pd inner-city.......155.370
perry twp. pd ch. 1............155.070
perry twp. road dept. .........158.745
plain twp. fire dept.operations33.640
plain twp. fd fireground.......33.820
plain twp. fd administration...158.925

reed's towing..................150.815
republic steel massillon......153.170

stark ambulance................152.210
stark ambulance................155.220
stark ambulance................155.235
stark ambulance (portables)....155.280
stark county alert.............155.175
stark county sheriff
 ch. 1.........................155.430
 ch. 2.........................155.520
 ch. 3.........................154.860
 ch. 4 (inner-city)............155.370
 mobile repeater...............154.650

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