TUCoPS :: Radio :: netrom.txt

Changing the callsign in your Netrom software


Subject: How to CHANGE the CALLSIGN in the NETROM Software


A bit of History...

   When NETROM was first announced, most of the packet community realized that
it was another significant contribution to the growth of packet radio.
Contributions from the WA7MBL and W0RLI authors, the hundreds of digipeater
owners, sysops of countless PBBS's and "packeteers" who have DONATED their time
and efforts to packet, have been the backbone of packet growth.

   Despite the many complaints from many amateurs over the cost of the NETROM
"contribution", Digipeater owners once again dug deep into their pockets and
DONATED their efforts to the cause of Packet Amateur Radio and NETROM Nodes
have been appearing everywhere.

   Now with the emerging controversy over Nord-Link's "THENET" (a NETROM
"look-alike" being distributed FREE with source code for the Amateur community
to modify and improve), Mike Bush and Ron Weekes of Software 2000 (owners of
NETROM) have made harsh comments of theivery, etc.. towards Nord-Link for their
efforts. Amateurs who have viewed the code are questioning the validity of such
comments by Software 2000.

   As a "packeteer" and a PBBS sysop, I can only view these comments as
"wimpering" over the possible loss to the "padding of their pockets"
Something I feel Amateur Packet should NOT be about! Software 2000 HAS made a
worthy addition to the world of packet, and they are deserving of credit in
that aspect, but with the current cost of the initial NETROM software, PLUS the 
fact that a callsign change requires another COMPLETE purchase of that software,
and now this "blubbering and name-calling" over Nord-Links release of "THENET",
I can only conclude that Software 2000 is not interested in the "advancement of
the art and science of Amateur Radio" as much as they are interested in the
"advancement of the size of their wallet".

   If all of the fore-mentioned contributors (i.e. PBBS authors, digi owners,
sysops, etc...) had this attitude, the packet network we ALL enjoy today would
not exist! Luckily, we still have hams who hold the advancement of the art and
the enjoyment of amateur radio above the almighty dollar.

   The following file was passed to me recently, and "In the spirit of Amateur
Packet Radio and for the advancement of the Art and Science" I am passing this
on for widest possible distribution. I ask only that this file be distributed
in its entirety to preserve its intent.
                                          Mark Marston KA1NNN   Sysop CoCoPBBS

             How to CHANGE the CALLSIGN in the NETROM Software

Remove the code from the following areas by setting values in these areas to
Hex $00.
               Address                    (PC Tools Reference)                  

Hex:      $ 0786  to  $ 0797         Location 3   Lines  390 - 407
          $ 2629  to  $ 263A         Location 19  Lines   41 - 58
          $ 3A75  to  $ 3A86         Location 29  Lines  117 - 134
          $ 4BAF  to  $ 4BBC         Location 37  Lines  431 - 444

         Insert the following 18 bytes into location starting at $ 0786
                   (PC Tools Reference:  Location 3  Line 390)
      Address     Insert                      (PC Tools Reference: Location 3)
Hex:  $ 0786       $ 21                                             Line  390
      $ 0787       $ xx  <-- 1st Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  391
      $ 0788       $ xx  <-- 2nd Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  392
      $ 0789       $ 22                                             Line  393
      $ 078A       $ 30                                             Line  394
      $ 078B       $ 82                                             Line  395
      $ 078C       $ 21                                             Line  396
      $ 078D       $ xx  <-- 3rd Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  397
      $ 078E       $ xx  <-- 4th Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  398
      $ 078F       $ 22                                             Line  399
      $ 0790       $ 32                                             Line  400
      $ 0791       $ 82                                             Line  401
      $ 0792       $ 21                                             Line  402
      $ 0793       $ xx  <-- 5th Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  403
      $ 0794       $ xx  <-- 6th Letter of Callsign in ASCII Hex    Line  404
      $ 0795       $ 22                                             Line  405
      $ 0796       $ 34                                             Line  406
      $ 0797       $ 82                                             Line  407

   If the Callsign is less than 6 characters, pad the remaining characters with
spaces which is a Hex $20.

            Insert the following 5 bytes starting at Location $ 4BAF
                  (PC Tools Reference: Location 37  Line  431)

      Address     Insert                      (PC Tools Reference: Location 37)
Hex:  $ 4BAF       $ 3E                                            Line  431
      $ 4BB0       $ xx  <-- SSID Code (Explained Below)           Line  432
      $ 4BB1       $ 32                                            Line  433
      $ 4BB2       $ 36                                            Line  434
      $ 4BB3       $ 82                                            Line  435

   Place the Hex value for the desired SSID in Location $ 4BB0 
   from the chart below:       (PC Tools Reference: Location 37  Line 432)

     SSID         Hex Value
       0            $ 60
       1            $ 62
       2            $ 64
       3            $ 66
       4            $ 68
       5            $ 6A
       6            $ 6C
       7            $ 6E
       8            $ 70
       9            $ 72
      10            $ 74
      11            $ 76
      12            $ 78
      13            $ 7A
      14            $ 7C
      15            $ 7E

This completes the modification for the change of NETROM callsign.

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