Posted: Mon Sep 12, 1988 8:58 PM GMT Msg: LGII-3733-1456 From: AMSATDL To: DOCS Subj: P3C TELEMETRY SYSPAGE A M S A T O S C A R - 1 3 T E L E M E T R Y logical telemetry channels S Y S P A G E Compiled by DB2OS for AMSAT-DL 1st September 1988 This document describes the decoding of the 128 logical telemetry channels of the AMSAT Phase 3C satellite, OSCAR-13. Bytes are counted in the followings ways: C - unsigned count (0 to +255) Cs - signed count (-128 to +127, 2s complement) Cx - signed count (+63 to -192, #3F=+63, #FF=-1, #80=-128, #7F=-129, #40=-192, modified 2s complement) All temperature channels are decoded identically using the following decoding relationship: Temp: T = (C-120)/1.71 Celsius Current channels are linear, but have different calibrations for 1A, 2.5A and 5A max. current: 1A: I = (C-15)*4.854 mA 2.5A: I = (C-15)*12.135mA 5A: I = (C-15)*24.27 mA Here the Channel identification and decoding equations: ------------------------------------------------------- Byte Channel Calibration Remarks -------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Uin-BCR U=(C-10)*167mV U-Panel: +0.6V @ 0.35A +0.7V @ 1A 01 Tx-PWRout-L Average power=(261-C)^2 / 724 Watts rectified envelope voltage. 02 T-Rx-U Temp Mode-B reveiver temperature. 03 --- 04 Uout-BCR U=(C-10)*79.5mV BCR output voltage. 05 --- 06 T-TX-U Temp Mode-B transmitter temperature. 07 I-14V-ST 5A Transponder separation bus. 08 U-10V-C U=(C-10)*53.2mV Computer supply 09 Press He-Hi off Helium tank pressure. 0A T-IHU Temp Integrated Housekeeping Unit 0B I-14V-S 1A Separation bus, 14V that supplies torquer and LIU. 0C BCR-Oscill1 >~6=OK BCR status. No count = not working. Typically C=80. 0D Press He-Lo off Helium regulator output. 0E T-BCR Temp Battery Charge Regulator. 0F I-10V-C 1A 10V continuous power supply. 10 BCR-Oscill2 As channel 0C 11 Press Tank off N2O4 tank pressure. 12 T-SEU Temp Sensor Electronics Unit 13 IbatCharge 2.5A Positive Current to battery. 14 L-Sensor (A) U=(C-10)*8.53mV Light-Sensor Antenna Side. 15 Motor Valve off 16 T-ABAT1 Temp Auxiliary battery 1 17 I-BCR-OUT 5A 14V line to battery and other consumers. 18 L-Sensor (M) U=(C-10)*8.53mV Light-Sensor Motor Side. 19 --- 1A T-ABAT2 Temp Auxiliary battery 2 1B I-BCR-IN Equivalent to total current of all panels, not available due to sensor failure. 1C Spin rate C>131, Spin rate=479/(C-109)-2 rpm C<=131, Spin rate=(131-C)*0.85+20 rpm Sensor angular position oscillator. Lock indication channel #47. 1D Rx-L-AGC Gain reduction=(C-75)^2 / 1125 dB 1E T-MBAT Temp Mean battery (normally in use) 1F I-Panel6 1A Solar panel 6 20 Tx-PWRout-U Average power=(287-C)^2 / 1796 Watts As channel 01. 21 T-He-Tank Temp 22 T-Panel1 Temp 23 I-Panel5 1A 24 Rx-U-AGC Gain reduction=(C-71)^2 / 2465 dB 25 T-Tx-L Temp Mode-JL transmitter. 26 T-Panel3 Temp 27 I-Panel4 1A 28 --- 29 T-Rx-L Temp Mode-L receiver. 2A T-Panel5 Temp 2B I-Panel3 1A 2C U-14V-ST U=(C-10)*66.8mV Transponder separation bus. 2D T-RUDAK Temp RUDAK temperature. 2E T-top Temp Arm 1, Antenna side. 2F I-Panel2 1A 30 U-9V-U U=(C-10)*54mV Internal 9 volt bus from Mode-B transponder. 31 T-wall-arm2 Temp 32 T-bottom Temp Arm 1, Motor side. 33 I-Panel1 1A 34 --- 35 T-wall-arm1 Temp 36 T-N2O4 Temp 37 --- 38 U-ABAT U=(C-10)*78.5mV Auxiliary battery. 39 T-S-xpnder Temp Mode-S transponder. 3A T-L-Sensor Temp Light sensor antenna side. 3B --- 3C U-9V-L U=(C-10)*45.4mV As channel 30, Mode-L 3D T-AZ50-Tank Temp 3E T-nutation damper Temp Arm 3. 3F --- 40 ES-Sensitivity 2MUX0 Earth Sensor sensitivity threshold. bit significance 0 LSB 20mV 1 37mV Hysteresis 200mV 2 75mV Threshold 600mV 3 150mV 4 300mV 5 600mV 6 1.2V 7 MSB 2.4V 41 Antenna/SERI 2MUX1 Antenna relays and SERI resistors. bit significance 0 LSB Hi-gain 2m to U 1 Hi-gain 70cm to L 2 --+ SERI-1 load resistor for 3 -+! SERI-2 both Light-Sensors !! resistance 00 7.5 Ohm 01 3.9 Ohm 10 2.3 Ohm 11 5.9 Ohm 42 RUDAK-Status 2MUX2 IN-B (ex Motor-PWR). C=82, Standard-ROS (S) C=78, Emergency-ROS (N, Not-ROS) C=80, Primitive-ROS (P) 43 S&RUDAK-CNTL 2MUX3 Mode-S and RUDAK interface. bit significance 0 LSB RUDAK OFF 1 " NMI/ 2 " Byte Clock 3 " Byte count reset 4 --- 5 Mode-S Beacon ON 6 " Squelch defeated 7 MSB " Squelch Hi Sensitivity 44 BCR-Sin 2MUX4 Array voltage offset. U=29.1+(Cs*100)mV (16.3V...41.8V) 45 BCR-Sout 2MUX5 Battery knee voltage offset. U=14.98+(Cx*20)mV (11.14...16.2V = 192...63) 46 BCR-relays 2MUX6 bit significance 0 LSB BCR-2 ON 1 Auxiliary battery charging 2 Auxiliary battery connected, Main battery disconnected. 47 SS-1 C=255 or C=0, PLL locked Sun-Sensor angular position oscillator, Slit antenna side. 48 SS-2 Time offset from SS-1 49 Flag-SS C=1, SS-1 Sun sensor data. C=2, SS-2 4A SPIN-RAW Raw spin count (1/256). 4B Sensor-control bit significance (OUT4) 0 LSB --+ MUX-CTRL for sensor elec. module 1 -+! !! 00 - Sun data 01 - spin ref./spin counter 10 - ES lower beam 11 - ES upper beam 2 Earth sensor positive edge select. (Strobes value of spin count at transition.) 3 Motor Instrumentation ON. (Pressure sensors, motore valve indicator.) 4 0.3V Sun Sensor Sensitivity 5 0.6V " " " 6 1.2V " " " 7 MSB 2.4V " " " (Max threshold #F = 1 solar constant) 4C SS-correction 4D Last ES-A Z last ES-pulse Antenna side. 4E " O# (Orbit number and MA value) 4F Last ES-M Z last ES-pulse Motor side. 50 " O# (Orbit number and MA value) 51 Lockoutrange Within +- C counts from sun sensor pip, earth sensor handler ignores data (Spin count 1 circle= 256 counts.) 52 ES-A Strobed spin count at edge selected, Antenna Side beam. 53 Update Flag1 Indicates update,Antenna Side beam. 54 ES-M As channel 52 Motor Side beam. 55 Update Flag2 As channel 53 " " " 56 S/C STATUS bit significance 0 LSB LIU power ON 1 S/A plug status 0=Safe, 1=Arm 2 RUDAK-out (lock) 3 Mode-S Squelch open 4 --- 5 Memory Softerror Counter 6 " " " 7 MSB " " " 57 --- 58 --- 59 --- 5A --- 5B N no of 20ms per dot, morse speed. 5C n running count of units for morse. 5D --- 5E TRANSPONDER bit significance (OUT7) 0 LSB GB OFF 1 GB FSK (1=+170Hz) 2 DPSK OFF 3 EB ON 4 --+ PSK source 5 -+! for GB (EB: don't care) !! 00 - no PSK 01 - ranging 10 - EB source 6 Low power transponder ON 7 MSB Passband OFF (Beacons and Mode-J +3dB) 5F --- 60 MODUS bit significance (magnet control) 0 magnet system ON 1 undespun magnet 61 M-Soll magnet vector desired angle to the despun sun (clockwise as seen from top, 1 circle = 256) 62 M-Out bit significance (OUT3, also L,S,J control) 0 LSB polarity Arm 1 1 polarity Arm 2 2 polarity Arm 3 3 Magnet power ON 4 Mode-J ON 5 --- 6 Mode-S ON 7 MSB Mode-L ON 63 O-FRAC-lo Fractional Z increment in 20ms 64 O-FRAC-hi Counts down to 0 from preset value. 255th Z has different value of O-FRAC. ~7000 counts/Z. 65 O/256 Z from perigee 66 O#-lo Orbit number 67 O#-hi 68 UHR 10ms UTC 69 sec 6A min 6B hour 6C day 1st January 1978 = AMSAT day 0. 6D 256day 6E SU0 10ms IPS stopwatch 0. 6F sec 70 min 71 min*256 72 SU1 10ms IPS stopwatch 1. 73 sec 74 min 75 min*256 76 SU2 10ms IPS stopwatch 2. 77 sec 78 min 79 min*256 7A SU3 10ms IPS stopwatch 3. 7B sec 7C min 7D min*256 7E Event-Lo Used as event ID word in 7F Event-Hi intermediate buffer. END