TUCoPS :: Radio :: phxair.txt

Phoenix Area Aviation Frequencies

This file contains aviation frequencies for the Phoenix area. Let me know if there are any updates to this file.
Internet: rchm30@sps.mot.com


        Sky Harbor N>5500 feet  119.2           Flight Watch                    122.00
        Sky Harbor N<5500 feet  120.7           Sky Harbor N Tower              118.7
        Sky Harbor E >5500 feet 124.9           Sky Harbor S Tower              120.9
        Sky Harbor W>5500 feet  126.8                   
        Sky Harbor S<5500 feet  123.7           Emergency                       121.5
        Sky Harbor  S>5500 feet 124.1           Dear Valley airport             118.4
        Sky Harbor Final                126.6           Deer Valley airport             120.2
        Sky Harbor dep. clearance       118.1           Deer Valley airport             121.8
        Sky Harbor Ground South 121.9           Flight Service                  122.4
        America West Maint.             130.175 Plane-Plane                     122.85
        America West ops OUT    128.975 Flight Service                  122.05
        Williams AFB Tower              255.60          America West ops IN             131.775 
        Prescott airport Tower          123.6           Phoenix Weather         121.2
        Luke AFB                        120.5           CAP                             123.1
        Stellar   rwy 4                 122.8           Phoenix Approach                124.50
        Falcon   rwy 17         124.6           Goodyear Blimp          132.00
        Chandler  rwy 22                123.0           Phoenix Executive terminal      122.70
        plane-plane                     122.75          America West Ramp Control       129.625
        Phoenix Executive Terminal      122.95          America West ground ops 460.825
        Sky Habor                       128.65          America West Ramp Control       130.725

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