PRO34.6 17. On the component side of the PC board you will see lots of nifty surface mounted compone~ts, a fat little barrel capacitor (used for maintaining the channel freqs while you change the batteries.. and make modifications :) near the edge of the PC board you will see a couple of small diodes moutned vertically. These will be labeled on the PC board as D10 and D11, you will also see a place for another diaode to be soldered in but was not installed at the factory.. this is D9. 18. You must now move diode D11 to the place where D9 is labled. As you have probably noticed by now there is a tin cover over about 1/2rd of the PC boards solder side. The edge of the tin cover nearest the diodes has 2 metal tabs soldered to the P board. Desolder these 2 tabs and gently bend the metal cover way from the soder side of the PC board. This will expose the board enough to let you get your soldering iron in to where the diode leads are. 19. Desolder the D11 diode from the bottom while pulling it away from the board on the top of the board using neadle nose pliers on the LEAD only. 20. Now heat up the D9 solder pads and insert the diode (the same way it was oriented in the D11 location) You Have Completed the Mods for complete 800mhz band coverage and 66-88mhz band cov}rage. Follow the same steps backwards (20->1)and replace "remove" with "replace" and "desolder" with "solder" LASTLY, Now that you have made the mods, you can use the warranty card to light the Bar-B-Q Grill with. :-) source: Mark Copple