From: John Brock <JBROCK@techdata.com> Subject: FYI: 73 Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 08:46:00 -0400 The DOCUMENT to which this introduction refers was extracted from a fairly old copy of the Allied Communications Publication 131(B) amended to Change No 1, which, if I remember correctly merely changed all references to Kc/s and Mc/s (remember them?) to kHz and MHz. Without quoting the introduction to the ACP131(B) it will be obvious that the meanings of these signals are much more formal than the abbreviated meanings of the same signals as adapted and used by amateurs. My reason for "publishing" these meanings is partly nostalgic and = partly for the unintentional humour some of them seem to engender, for me at least. Who can resist a smile at QAK, QAM, QAZ, QCS and QCY. QAU could also be employed quite effectively by amateurs without any modification in certain delicate situations. i.e. QRX5 QAU. I doubt if any of the Aeronautical signals are used anywhere today, but I assume the meanings still stand. If anyone has available any meanings for those marked -unassigned- I would like to hear from them. Reports of errors or omissions will be not be resented. I would also like to hear from anyone who has a full and authentic listing of the Cable & Wireless Z-code which had such gems as ZNN...End of Work; ZAN...Can hear absolutely nothing; ZMO...Wait a mo' etc. If I have time, I may compile a list of the Allied Z-code, although it would probably only be of passing interest. (Even though ZBM2 could perhaps be used to inflict some pain in certain circumstances). The documents are all in plain ASCII text, each page being 65 lines in length and restricted to 75 columns maximum. Each page number is followed by a formfeed (ASCII decimal 12). 73 de Jim, G4RGA Packet: GB7TJF.#45.GBR.EU E-Mail: jayemd@cix.compulink.co.uk 10 September 1997 P.S. ZBM - Place...on watch on this frequency: 1) a qualified speed-key operator. 2) a competent operator. Question: Answer, Advice or Order: QAA -unassigned- QAB May I have clearance (for...) You are cleared (or...is cleared) from...(place and/or control) by...from...(place and/or = control) at...(figures & units) height to...(place and/or control) at... above...(datum)? (figures & units) height above... (datum) QAC -unassigned- QAD -unassigned- QAE -unassigned- QAF Will you advise me when you I am (was) at (over)...(place) are (were) at (over)... (at...hours) (at...(figures (place)? units)) height above...(datum) QAG Arrange your flight in order to arrive over...(place) at...hours. or I am arranging my flight in order to arrive over...(place) at ...hours QAH What is your height above... I am at...(figures & units) = height (datum)? above datum. Note: An aircraft is permitted to reply to QAH IMI by using any of=20 the answer forms of signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN or QBP. In such = cases the signal QAH is omitted from the reply. or Arrange your flight so as to reach... (figures & units) height above...(datum)=20 at...(hours or place). QAI What is the essential traffic? The essential traffic is... Note: Relates to aircraft and Note: Relates to aircraft and = not not communications traffic. communications traffic. QAJ -unassigned- QAK Is there any risk of collision? There is risk of collision. Note: This signal should be followed by appropriate Q signals or=20 ICAO approved abbreviations giving instructions for avoiding = collision. QAL Are you going to land at... I am going to land at...(place). (place)? or or Has aircraft landed at... You may land at...(place). (place)? or (See also signal QTP). Aircraft...landed at...(place). (See also signal QTP) QAM What is the latest available Meteorological observation made meteorological observation at...hours was as follows... for...(place)? =20 =20 Note: The information may be given in Q-code form or the AERO form=20 of the International Meteorological Figure Code. When in Q-code,=20 the information is to be given in the following sequence of = Q-signal answer (or advice) forms: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB, QNH and/or QFE and,=20 if necessary QMU, QNT, QBJ. It is not normally necessary to precede = the QAN, QBA, QNY and QBB information by these Q-signals but this may = be done if considered desirable. When in the AERO form of = International=20 Meteorological Figure Code, the abbreviation AERO is to precede the information. QAN What is the surface wind The surface wind direction & = speed direction & speed at... at...(place) at...hours = is...(dir- (place)? ection)...(speed figures & = units). Note: Unless otherwise indicated in the question, answer (or = advice),=20 surface wind direction is given in degrees relative to MAGNETIC = North. QAO What is the wind direction in The wind direction & speed at... degrees TRUE and speed at... (position or zone/s) at the = follow- (position or zone/s) at each ing heights above...(datum) is: of the...(figures)...(units) ...(vertical distance in figures = &=20 levels above...(datum)? units)...degrees TRUE...(speed in = figures and units). QAP Shall I listen for you (or Listen for me (or for...) = on...kHz for...) on ...kHz (or... (...MHz). MHz)? Note: If the frequency is given = in Note: If the frequency is MHz, the abbreviation "MHz" is to given in MHz, the abbreviation be used. "MHz" is to be used. (See also signal QSX). (See also signal QSX). QAQ Am I near a prohibited area You are... (or...prohibited area)? 1) near 2) flying over a prohibited area (or...prohibited area). QAR May I stop listening on the You may stop listening on the = watch watch frequency for... minutes? frequency for...minutes. QAS -unassigned- QAT -unassigned- QAU I am about to jettison fuel. QAV Are you able to home on I am homing on my DF equipment your DF equipment? on...station. QAW I am about to carry out overshoot procedure. QAX -unassigned- QAY Will you advise me when you I passed...(place) = bearing...degrees pass (passed)...(place) relative to my heading = at...hours. bearing 090 (270) degrees relative to your heading? QAZ Are you experiencing comm- I am experiencing communication unication difficulties difficulties through flying in a through flying in a storm? storm. Note: attention is invited to the possible supplementary use of signals QAR, QBE, QCS, QRM, QRN, QRX QSZ or the signal CL to = amplify the=20 meaning associated with signal QAZ. QBA What is the horizontal visib- The horizontal visibility at... ility at...(place)? (place) at...hours is...(distance figures & units). QBB What is the amount, type and The amount, type and height above height above official aero- official aerodrome elevation of = the drom elevation of the base base of the cloud at...(place) = at... of the cloud (at...(place))? hours is: ...eighths [oktas] (...type) at...(figures & units)* height above official=20 aerodrome elevation. *Note: The cloud amount, type (if reported) and vertical distance information is reported in sequence if several cloud layers are present, the order of reporting being from low to high levels in accordance with the following specifications: a) the lowest individual layer of any amount; b) the next higher individual layer the amount of which is three-eighths [3 oktas] (to the nearest eighth [okta]); c) the next higher individual layer the amount of which is five-eighths [5 oktas] or more (to the nearest eighth [okta]). Example: =3D QBB CYUL 1300 2 300 FT 3 1500 FT 6 9000 FT =3D QBC Report meteorological The meteorological conditions conditions as observed as observed from my aircraft from your aircraft at...(position or zone) at ... (at...(position or zone)) hours at ...(figures and units) (at...hours). height above...datum) are ... Note: - The information may be given in the AIREP, POMAR or Q Code form. When given in Q Code, the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms is used: QMX, QNY, QAO, QDF, QMI, QFT and QNI. QBD How much fuel have you Fuel remaining is ...(hours remaining (expressed as and/or minutes of consumption). hours and/or minutes of consumption)? QBE I am about to wind in my aerial. QBF Are you flying in cloud? I am flying in cloud at ... (figures and units) height above ...(datum) (and I am ascending=20 (descending) to ... (figures and units) height above that datum). QBG Are you flying above cloud? I am flying above cloud and at = ... (figures and units) height above ...(datum). or Maintain a vertical distance of ...(figures and units) above=20 cloud, smoke, haze or fog levels. QBH Are you flying below cloud? I am flying below cloud and at = ... (figures and units) height above ...(datum). or Maintain a vertical distance of ...(figures and units) below=20 cloud. QBI Is flight under IFR Flight under IFR is compulsory compulsory at... at...(place) (or from...to... (place) (or from... (place)). to...(place)). QBJ What is the amount, type At...hours at...(position or = zone) and height above...(datum) the top of the cloud is: ...(datum) of the top of the amount...eighths) (...type) = at... cloud (at ...(position or (figures and units) height=20 zone))? above...(datum). QBK Are you flying with no cloud I am flying with no cloud=20 in your vicinity? in my vicinity and at ... (figures and units) height above ...(datum). QBM Has...sent any message for me? Here is the message sent by... at ... hours. QBN Are you flying between two I am flying between two layers layers of cloud? of cloud and at ...(figures and=20 units) height above...(datum). QBO What is the nearest Flying under VFR is permissible aerodrome at which flight at...(place) which would be = suitable under VFR is permissible and for your landing. which would be suitable for my landing? QBP Are you flying in and out of I am flying in and out of cloud=20 cloud? and at ...(figures and units)=20 height above...(datum). QBQ -unassigned- QBR -unassigned- QBS Ascend or descend to...(figures and units) height above...(datum) before encountering instrument=20 meteorological conditions or if visibility falls beow...(figures and units of distance) and advise. QBT How far, along the runway, At...hours, the observer at the from the approach end, can threshold of runway = number...could the observer at the runway see the runway lights in = operatation threshold see the runway for your landing (at...(place)) = for lights which will be in a distance of...(figures & units) operation for my landing from the approach end. (at...(place))? =20 =20 Note: If the station enquired of is not equipped to make the special observation requested,=20 the reply to QBT IMI is given by the signal QNO. QBU -unassigned- QBV Have you reached the... I have reached the...(figures & (figures & units) height units) height above...(datum) (or above...(datum) (or... ...(area or place)). (area or place))? or Report reaching the... (figures & units)=20 height above...(datum)=20 (or (area or place)). QBW -unassigned- QBX Have you left the...(figures I have left the...(figures & = units) & units) height above... height above...(datum) = (or...(area (datum) (or...(area or place))? or place)). or Report leaving the...(figures & units)=20 height above...(datum) (or (area or=20 place)). QBY -unassigned- QBZ Report your flying conditions The reply to QBZ IMI is given by = the in relation to clouds. appropriate answer form of = signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN and QBP. QCA May I change from...(figures You may change from...(figures & & units) to...(figures & units) height above...(datum). units) height above...(datum)? or I am changing from...(figures & units) to...(figures & units) height above...(datum) QCB Delay is being caused by... 1) your transmitting out of turn. 2) your slowness in answering 3) lack of your reply to my... QCC -unassigned- QCD -unassigned- QCE When may I expect approach Expect approach clearance = at...hours clearance? or No delay expected. QCF Delay indefinite. Expect approach clearance not later than...hours. QCG -unassigned- QCH May I taxi to...(place)? Cleared to taxi to...(place). = (The place is given in plain language). QCI Make a 360-degree turn = immediately (turning to the...). or I am making a 360-degree turn=20 immediately (turning to the...). =20 QCJ -unassigned- QCK -unassigned- QCL -unassigned- QCM -unassigned- QCN -unassigned- QCO -unassigned- QCP -unassigned- QCQ -unassigned- QCR -unassigned- QCS My reception on...frequency has broken down. QCT -unassigned- QCU -unassigned- QCV -unassigned- QCW -unassigned- QCX What is your full callsign? My full callsign is... or Use your full callsign until further notice. QCY I am working on trailing aerial. or Work on trailing aerial. QCZ -unassigned- QDA -unassigned- QDB Have you sent message... I have sent message...to... to... QDC -unassigned- QDD -unassigned- QDE -unassigned- QDF What is your D-Value My D-Value at...(position) at... at...(position)? (figures & units) height above = the 1013.2 millibars datum is... (D-Value figures & units)...* (specify plus or minus) or or What is the D-value at The D-Value at...(place or = position) =20 ...(place or position) at...hours for the ...millibar (at...hours) for the... level is...(D-value figures and millibar level? units)...* (specify plus or minus)= .=20 =20 *Note: When the true altitude (radio altitude)=20 is greater than the pressure altitude PS (plus)=20 is used and when it is less MS (minus) is used. QDG -unassigned- QDH -unassigned- QDI -unassigned- QDJ -unassigned- QDK -unassigned- QDL Do you intend to ask me for I intend to ask you for a series = of a series of bearings? bearings. QDM Will you indicate the The MAGNETIC heading for you to MAGNETIC heading for me to steer to reach me (or...) with no steer towards you (or...) wind was...degrees (at...hours). with no wind? QDN -unassigned- QDO -unassigned- QDP Will you accept control I will accept control (or respon- (or responsibility) of sibility) of (for)...now (or at ... now (or at ...hours)? ...hours). QDQ -unassigned- QDR What is my MAGNETIC bearing Your MAGNETIC bearing from me from you (or from...)? (or from...) was...degrees (at... hours). QDS -unassigned- QDT Are you flying in Visual I am flying in Visual = Meteorological Meteorological Conditions Conditions (VMC). (VMC)? or Fly at all times in Visual Meteor-=20 ological Conditions (VMC). QDU Cancel my IFR flight plan. QDV Are you flying in a horizontal I am flying in a horizontal = visibil- visibility of less than... ity of less than...(figures & = units) (figures & units)? at...(figures & units) height = above ...(datum). QDW -unassigned- QDX -unassigned- QDY -unassigned- QDZ -unassigned- QEA May I cross the runway You may cross the runway ahead ahead of me? of you. QEB May I turn at the intersection? Taxi as follows at the = intersection: (straight ahead DRT turn left LEFT turn right RITE). QEC May I make a 180-degree turn You may make a 180-degree turn = and and return down the runway? return down the runway. QED Shall I follow the pilot Follow the pilot vehicle. vehicle? QEE -unassigned- QEF Have I reached my parking area? You have reached your parking = area. or or Have you reached your parking I have reached my parking area. area? QEG May I leave the parking area? You may leave the parking area. or or Have you left the parking area? I have left the parking area. QEH May I move to the holding Cleared to the holding position = for position for runway number...? runway number... or or Have you moved to the holding I have moved to the holding = position position for runway number...? for runway number... QEI -unassigned- QEJ May I assume position for Cleared to hold at take-off = position take-off? for runway number... or or Have you assumed position I am assuming take-off position = for for take-off? runway number...and am holding. QEK Are you ready for immediate I am ready for immediate = take-off. take-off? QEL May I take-off (and make You are cleared to take-off (turn = as a...hand turn after take- follows after take-off...). off)? QEM What is the condition of the The condition of the landing = surface landing surface at...(place)? at...(place) is... Note: the information is given by sending appropriate NOTAM Code = groups. QEN Shall I hold my position? Hold your position. QEO Shall I clear the runway (or Clear the runway (or landing = area). landing area)? or or Have you cleared the runway I have cleared the runway (or (or landing area)? landing area). QEP -unassigned- QEQ -unassigned- QER -unassigned- QES Is a right-hand circuit in A right-hand circuit is in force force at...(place)? at...(place). QET -unassigned- QEU -unassigned- QEV -unassigned- QEW -unassigned- QEX -unassigned- QEY -unassigned- QEZ -unassigned- QFA What is the meteorological The meteorological forecast = for... forecast for...(flight, (flight, route, section of route = or route, section of route or zone) for the period...hours = until zone) for the period...hours ...hours is... until...hours? =20 =20 Note: When the forecast is given in Q Code the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms is to be given: QAO, QMX, QMI, QNY, QBA, QMW, QFT and QNI. QFB The... 1) approach 2) runway 3) approach & runway lights are out of order. QFC What is the amount, the type At...(place, position or zone) = the and height above...(datum) of base of the cloud is...eighths the base of the cloud at... [oktas]...type at...(figures & (place, position or zone)? units) height above...(datum). =20 Note: if several cloud layers or masses are present,=20 the lowest is reported first. QFD 1) Is the...visual beacon (at 1) The...visual beacon (at... ...(place) in operation? (place))is in operation. 2) Will you switch on the... 2) I will extinguish the = aerodrome visual beacon (at...(place))? beacon (at...(place)) until your 3) Will you extinguish the landing is completed. aerodrome visual beacon (at ...(place)) until I have landed? QFE (At...(place)) what is the At...(place) the atmospheric present atmospheric pressure pressure at official aerodrome at official aerodrome elevation? elevation is (or was observed at ...hours to be)...millibars. QFF (At...(place)) what is the At...(place) the atmospheric present atmospheric pressure pressure converted to mean sea converted to mean sea level level in accordance with metero- in accordance with meteor- ological practice is (or was ological practice? determined at...hours to be) ...millibars. QFG Am I overhead? You are overhead. QFH May I descend below the clouds? You may descend below the clouds. QFI Are the aerodrome lights lit? The aerodrome lights are lit. or Please light the aerodrome lights. QFJ -unassigned- QFK -unassigned- QFL Will you send up pyrotechnical I will send up pyrotechnical = lights. lights? QFM What height above...(datum) ... ... 1) Maintain (or fly = at)...(figures 1) should I maintain? & units) height = above...(datum). 2) are you maintaining? 2) I am maintaining...(figures & 3) do you intend cruising units) height above...(datum). at? 3) I intend cruising = at...(figures & units) height above...(datum). QFN -unassigned- QFO May I land immediately? You may land immediately. QFP Will you give me the latest The latest information = concerning... information concerning... facility (at...place)) is as facility (at...(place))? follows... Note: The information is given by sending appropriate NOTAM Code = groups. QFQ Are the approach and runway The approach and runway lights lights lit? are lit. or Please light the approach and runway lights. QFR Does my landing gear appear Your landing gear appears = damaged. damaged? QFS Is the radio facility at... The...radio facility at...(place) (place) in operation? is in operation (or will be in operation in...hours). or Please have the...radio facility=20 at...(place) put in operation. QFT Between what heights above Ice formation has been observed ...(datum) has ice formation at...(position or zone) in the = type been observed (at...(position of...and with an accretion rate = of or zone))? ...between...(figures & units) = and ...(figures & units) heights above=20 ...(datum). =20 QFU What is the magnetic direction The magnetic direction (or = number) (or number) of the runway to of the runway to be used is... be used? =20 =20 Note: The runway number is indicated by a two-figure group and the magnetic=20 direction by a three-figure group. QFV Are the floodlights switched on? The floodlights are switched on. or Please switch on the floodlights. QFW What is the length of the runway The length of runway...now in use in use in...(units)? is...(figures & units). QFX I am working (or am going to = work) on a fixed aerial. or Work on a fixed aerial. QFY Please report the present The present meteorological = landing meteorological landing conditions at...(place) are... conditions (at...(place)). =20 =20 Note: When given in Q Code the information is sent=20 in the following sequence: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB, QNH and/or=20 QFE and, if necessary, QMU QNT, QBJ. It is not normally necessary to precede the QAN, QBA, QNY and QBB information by these Q signals but this may be done if considered desirable. QFZ What is the aerodrome meteor- The aerodrome meteorological = fore- ological forecast for...(place) cast for...(place) for the period for the period...hours until ...hours until...hours is... ...hours? =20 =20 Note: When given in Q Code the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms is to be used: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB and,=20 if necessary, QMU, QNT and QBJ. QGA -unassigned- QGB -unassigned- QGC There are obstructions to the... of runway... QGD Are there on my track any There are obstructions on your = track obstructions whose elevation ...(figures & units) height = above... equals or exceeds my (datum). altitude? QGE What is my distance to Your distance to my station (or your station (or to...)? to...) is...(distance figures & units). Note: This signal is normally used in conjuction with one of the signals QDM, QDR, QTE or QUJ. QGF -unassigned- QGG -unassigned- QGH May I land using... You may land using...(procedure = or (procedure or facility)? facility). QGI -unassigned- QGJ -unassigned- QGK What track should I make good? Make good a track from...(place) on...degrees...(true or magnetic). or or What track are you making good? I am making good a track from...=20 (place) on...degrees... (true or magnetic). QGL May I enter the... (control You may enter the...(control area area or zone) at...(place)? or zone) at...(place). QGM Leave the...(control area or = zone). QGN May I be cleared to land You are cleared to land at...(place). at...(place). QGO Landing is prohibited = at...(place). QGP What is my number for landing? You are number...to land. QGQ May I hold at...(place)? Hold at...(place) at...(figures & units) height above...(datum) and=20 await orders. QGR -unassigned- QGS -unassigned- QGT Fly for...minutes on a heading = that will enable you to maintain a track=20 reciprocal to your present one. QGU Fly for...minutes on a magnetic heading of...degrees. QGV Do you see me? I see you at...(cardinal or quad- or rantal point of direction). Can you see the aerodrome? or or I can see the aerodrome. Can you see...(aircraft)? or I see...(aircraft). QGW Does my landing gear appear Your landing gear appears to be = down to be down and in place? and in place. QGX -unassigned- QGY -unassigned- QGZ Hold on...direction = of...facility. QHA -unassigned- QHB -unassigned- QHC -unassigned- QHD -unassigned- QHE Will you inform me when you I am on... you are on...leg of approach? 1) cross-wind leg) 2) down-wind leg ) 3) base leg ) of approach. 4) final leg ) QHF -unassigned- QHG May I enter traffic circuit Cleared to enter traffic circuit at...(figures & units) height at...(figures & units) height above...(datum)? above...(datum). QHH Are you making an emergency I am making an emergency landing. landing? or Emergency landing being made at...=20 (place). All aircraft below...=20 (figures & units) height above...=20 (datum) and within a distance of=20 ...(figures & units) leave... (place or headings). QHI Are you (or is...)... I am (or...is)... 1) waterborne? 1) waterborne ) at...hours. 2) on land? 2) on land ) QHJ -unassigned- QHK -unassigned- QHL -unassigned- QHM -unassigned- QHN -unassigned- QHO -unassigned- QHP -unassigned- QHQ May I make a...approach You may make a...approach (at... at...(place))? (place)). or or Are you making a...approach? I am making a...approach. QHR -unassigned- QHS -unassigned- QHT -unassigned- QHU -unassigned- QHV -unassigned- QHW -unassigned- QHX -unassigned- QHY -unassigned- QHZ Shall I circle the aerodrome Circle the aerodrome (or go = around). (or go around)? QIA -unassigned- QIB -unassigned- QIC May I establish communication Establish communication with... with...radio station on...kHz, radio station on...kHz (or...MHz) (or...MHz) now (or at...hours)? now (or at...hours). QID -unassigned- QIE -unassigned- QIF What frequency is...using? ...is using...kHz. (or...MHz). QIG -unassigned- QIH -unassigned- QII -unassigned- QIJ -unassigned- QIK -unassigned- QIL -unassigned- QIM -unassigned- QIN -unassigned- QIO -unassigned- QIP -unassigned- QIQ -unassigned- QIR -unassigned- QIS -unassigned- QIT -unassigned- QIU -unassigned- QIV -unassigned- QIW -unassigned- QIX -unassigned- QIY -unassigned- QIZ -unassigned- QJA Is my... Your... 1) tape ) reversed? 1) tape ) is 2) mark & space ) 2) mark & space ) reversed. QJB Will you use... I will use... 1) radio? 1) radio. 2) cable? 2) cable. 3) telegraph? 3) telegraph. 4) teletypwriter? 4) teletypwriter. 5) telephone? 5) telephone. 6) receiver? 6) receiver. 7) transmitter? 7) transmitter. 8) reperforator? 8) reperforator. QJC Will you check your... I will check my... 1) transmitter- 1) transmitter- distributor? distributor. 2) auto-head? 2) auto-head. 3) perforator? 3) perforator. 4) reperforator? 4) reperforator. 5) printer? 5) printer. 6) printer motor? 6) printer motor. 7) keyboard? 7) keyboard. 8) antenna system? 8) andtenna system. QJD Am I transmitting... You are transmitting... 1) in letters? 1) in letters. 2) in figures? 2) in figures. QJE Is my frequency shift... Your frequency shift is... 1) too wide? 1) too wide. 2) too narrow? 2) too narrow. 3) correct? 3) correct. QJF My signal as checked by = monitor... is satisfactory... 1) locally. 2) as radiated. QJG Shall I revert to automatic Revert to automatic relay. relay? QJH Shall I run... Run... 1) my test tape? 1) your test tape. 2) a test sentence? 2) a test sentence. =20 QJI Will you transmit a Transmit a continuous... continuous... 1) mark? 1) mark. 2) space? 2) space. QJJ -unassigned- QJK Are you receiving... I am receiving... 1) a continuous mark? 1) a continuous mark. 2) a continuous space? 2) a continuous space. 3) a mark bias? 3) a mark bias. 4) a space bias? 4) a space bias. QJL -unassigned- QJM -unassigned- QJN -unassigned- QJO -unassigned- QJP -unassigned- QJQ -unassigned- QJR -unassigned- QJS -unassigned- QJT -unassigned- QJU -unassigned- QJV -unassigned- QJW -unassigned- QJX -unassigned- QJY -unassigned- QJZ -unassigned- QKA I have effected rescue and am proceeding to...base (with... persons requiring ambulance). QKB -unassigned- QKC The sea conditions = (at...position) ... 1) permit alighting but not take-off. 2) render alighting extremely hazardous. QKD -unassigned- QKE -unassigned- QKF May I be relieved (at.. You may expect to be relieved = at... hours)? hours (by...1) aircraft...(ident- ification) (type...). 2) vessel whose callsign is...(callsign)=20 (and/or whose name (is...name)). QKG Will relief take place when... Relief will take place when... (identification) establishes... (identification) establishes... 1) visual, 1) visual, 2) communciations, contact 2) communcications, contact with with survivors? survivors. QKH Report details of the parallel sweep (track search being (or to be) conducted? or In the parallel sweep (track The parallel sweep (track) search = is search being (or to be) cond- being (or is to be) conducted... ucted, what is (are)... 1) the direction of 1) with direction of sweeps... sweeps? degrees...(true or magnetic). 2) the separation between 2) with...(distance figures & sweeps? units) separation between 3) the height above the sweeps. datum, employed in the 3) at a height of...(figures & search pattern? units) above...(datum). =20 QKI -unassigned- QKJ -unassigned- QKK -unassigned- QKL -unassigned- QKM Has locationof the survival The location of the survival craft been marked? craft was marked at...hours by: 1) flame or smoke float. 2) sea marker. 3) sea marker dye. 4) ...(specify other marking). QKN Aircraft plotted (believed to be you) in position...on track...=20 degrees at...hours. QKO What other units are (or will In the operation = (...(identification be) taking part in the oper- )), the following units are (or = will ation (...(identification of be) taking part...(name of = units). operation))? or ...(name) unit is taking part in operation (...(identification)) (with effect from...hours). QKP Which pattern of search is The search pattern is... being followed? 1) parallel sweep. 2) square search. 3) creeping line ahead. 4) track crawl. 5) contour search. 6) combined search by aircraft and ship. 7) ...(specify). QKQ -unassigned- QKR -unassigned- QKS -unassigned- QKT -unassigned- QKU -unassigned- QKV -unassigned- QKW What has the rescue vessel ...(identification) has = recovered: or rescue aircraft recoverd? 1) (...(number)) survivors. 2) wreckage. 3) (...(number)) bodies. QKX -unassigned- QKY Are you in the search area I am in the (...(designation)) (designated as...(desig- search area. nator or latitude/longitude))? QKZ What is the estimated drift The estimated drift of the = survival of the survival craft? craft is...(figures and units). QLA -unassigned- QLB Will you monitor...station I have monitored...station and and report regarding range, report (briefly) as follows... quality, etc? QLC -unassigned- QLD -unassigned- QLE -unassigned- QLF -unassigned- QLG -unassigned- QLH Will you use simultaneous I will now key simultaneously = on... keying on...frequency and frequency and...frequency. ...frequency? QLI -unassigned- QLJ -unassigned- QLK -unassigned- QLL -unassigned- QLM -unassigned- QLN -unassigned- QLO -unassigned- QLP -unassigned- QLQ -unassigned- QLR -unassigned- QLS -unassigned- QLT -unassigned- QLU -unassigned- QLV Is the...radio facility The...radio facility is still still required? required. QLW -unassigned- QLX -unassigned- QLY -unassigned- QLZ -unassigned- QMA -unassigned- QMB -unassigned- QMC -unassigned- QMD -unassigned- QME -unassigned- QMF -unassigned- QMG -unassigned- QMH Shift to transmit and receive on...kHz (or MHz);=20 if communication is not established=20 within 5 minutes, revert=20 to present frequency. QMI Report the vertical distrib- The vertical distribution of = cloud ution of cloud (at...(posit- as observed from my aircraft = at... ion or zone)) as observed hours at...(position or zone) is: from your aircraft. lowest layer observed = *...(eighths [oktas] (...type) with base of...=20 (figures & units) and tops of...=20 (figures & units). *(and similarly in sequence for each of the layers observed.) height above...(datum). =20 Example: =3D QMI 1400 11 2 CU 1000 FT 2500 FT 6 SC 6000 FT 10000 FT 5 AC 13000 FT 14000 FT MER =3D QMJ -unassigned- QMK -unassigned- QML -unassigned- QMM -unassigned- QMN -unassigned- QMO -unassigned- QMP -unassigned- QMQ -unassigned- QMR -unassigned- QMS -unassigned- QMT -unassigned- QMU What is the surface temperature The surface temperature = at...(place) at...(place) and what is the at...hours is...degrees and the = dew dew point temperature at that? point temperature at that time = and place is...degrees. QMV -unassigned- QMW At...(position or zone) what At...(position or zone) the zero is (are) the height(s) above celsius isotherm(s) is (are) = at... ...(datum) of the zero celsius (figures & units) height above... isotherm(s)? (datum). QMX What is the air temperature At...(position or zone) = at...hours (at...(position or zone)) the air temperature is...(degrees (at...hours) at the... and units) at...(figures & units) (figures & units) height height above...(datum). above...(datum)? =20 =20 Note: Aircraft reporting QMX inform- ation will transmit the temperature=20 figures as corrected for airspeed. QMY -unassigned- QMZ Have you any amendments to The following amendment(s) should = be the flight forecast in respect made to the flight forecast... of section of route yet to be (If no amendments, signal QMZ = NIL). traversed? QNA -unassigned- QNB -unassigned- QNC -unassigned- QND -unassigned- QNE What indication will my On landing at...(place) = at...hours altimeter give on landing with your sub-scale being set to at...(place) at...hours, my 1013.2 millibars (29.92 inches), sub-scale being set to 1013.2 your altimeter will indicate... millibars (29.92 inches)? (figures & units). QNF -unassigned- QNG -unassigned- QNH What should I set on the sub- If you set the sub-scale of your scale of my altimeter so that altimeter to read...millibars (or the instrument would indicate hundredths of an inch *), the my elevation if I were on the instrument would indicate your ground at your station? elevation if you were on the = ground at my station at...hours. * Note: When the setting is given in hundredths of an inch the = abbrev-=20 iation "INS" is used to identify the units. QNI Between what heights above... Turbulence has been observed = at... (datum) has turbulence been (position or zone) with an = intensity observed at... (position or of...between...(figures & units) zone)? and...(figures & units) heights above...(datum). QNJ -unassigned- QNK -unassigned- QNL -unassigned- QNM -unassigned- QNN -unassigned- QNO I am not equipped to give the information (or provide the facility) requested. QNP -unassigned- QNQ -unassigned- QNR I am approaching my point of no return. QNS -unassigned- QNT What is the maximum gust speed The maximum gust speed of the of the surface wind at... surface wind at...(place) at... (place)? hours is...(speed figures & = units). QNU -unassigned- QNV -unassigned- QNW -unassigned- QNX -unassigned- QNY What is the present weather The present weather and intensity and the intensity thereof thereof at...(place, position or at...(place, position or zone) at...hours is... (See Notes zone)? a) and b)). Notes: a) When present weather information is transmitted by a ground station, = the=20 information shall be selected from the present weather table (Table III) in PANSMET (Doc 7605- MET/526). If none of these condit- ions prevail the reply shall be QNY NIL. b) When present weather information is transmitted by an aircraft, the=20 information shall be selected from item 11, AIREP. If none of these conditions prevail the reply shall be QNY NIL or alternatively the=20 appropriate answer (or advice) form of signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN or QBP. The alternative may also be given in addition to present = weather=20 conditions when one or more of the conditions listed in Item 11 = prevail. QNZ -unassigned- QOA to QQZ The series QOA to QQZ inclusive is reserved for the Maritime Services; however, no meanings have been assigned to date. QRA What is the name of your The name of my station is... station? QRB How far approximately are The approximate distance between = our you from my station? stations is...nautical miles = (or... kilometres). QRC By what private enterprise (or The accounts for charges of my State administration) are are settled by the private accounts for charges for your enterprise...(or State admin- station settled? istration). QRD Where are you bound and where I am bound for...from... are you from? QRE What is your estimated time of My estimated time of arrival = at... arrival at...(or over...) (or over...) (place) is...hours. (place)? QRF Are you returning to...(place)? I am returning to...(place). or Return to...(place). QRG Will you tell me my exact Your exact frequency (or that = of...) frequency (or that of...)? is...kHz (or MHz). QRH Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies. QRI How is the tone of my The tone of your transmission is: transmission? 1) good. 2) variable. 3) bad. QRJ How many radiotelephone calls I have...radiotelephone calls to have you to book? book. QRK What is the intelligibility of The intelligibility of your = signals my signals (or those of...)? (or those of...) is... 1) bad. 2) poor. 3) fair. 4) good. 5) excellent. QRL Are you busy? I am busy (or I am busy with...) Please do not interfere. QRM Are you being interfered with? I am being interfered with (1. nil 2. slightly 3. moderately 4. severely 5. extremely). QRN Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by static (1. nil 2. slightly 3. moderately 4. severely 5. extremely). QRO Shall I increase transmitter Increase transmitter power. power? QRP Shall I decrease transmitter Decrease transmitter power. power? QRQ Shall I send faster? Send faster (...words per = minute). QRR Are you ready for automatic I am ready for automatic = operation. operation? Send at...words per minute. QRS Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly (...words per minute). QRT Shall I stop sending? Stop sending. QRU Have you anything for me? I have nothing for you. QRV Are you ready? I am ready. QRW Shall I inform...that you Please inform...that I am calling are calling him on...kHz him on...kHz (or MHz). (or MHz)? QRX When will you call me again? I will call you again at...hours (on...kHz (or MHz)). Must Wait. (or Wait until I have = finished I wait? communicating with ...) QRY What is my turn? Your turn is number...(or = according (Relates to communication). to any other indication). = (Relates to communication). QRZ Who is calling me? You are being called = by...(on...kHz or MHz)). QSA What is the strength of my The strength of your signals (or signals (or those of...)? those of...) is... 1) scarcely perceptible. 2) weak. 3) fairly good. 4) good. 5) very good. QSB Are my signals fading? Your signals are fading. QSC Are you a cargo vessel? I am a cargo vessel. QSD Is my keying defective? Your keying is defective. QSE What is the estimated drift The estimated drift of the = survival of the survival craft? craft is...(figures & units). QSF Have you effected rescue? I have effected rescue and am proceeding to...base (with... persons injured requiring ambulance). QSG Shall I send...telegrams at Send...telegrams at a time. a time? QSH Are you able to home on your I am able to home on my D/F D/F equipment? equipment (on station...). QSI Will you inform ... (callsign) I have been unable to break in on that I have been unable to your transmission break in on his transmission=20 (on...kHz (or MHz)? QSJ What is the charge to be The charge to be collected to... collected to...including including my internal telegraph your internal telegraph charge is ...francs. charge? QSK Can you hear me between your I can hear you between my = signals; your signals and if so can I break in on my transmission. = =20 break in on your transmission? QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? I am acknowledging receipt. QSM Shall I repeat the last telegram Repeat the last telegram which = you=20 telegram which I sent to you (or sent me (or telegram(s) = number(s)...)=20 previous telegram)? QSN Did you hear me (or...(call- I did hear you (or...(callsign)) sign)) on...kHz (or MHz)? on...kHz (or MHz). QSO Can you communicate with... I can communicate with...direct = (or direct or by relay? by relay through...). QSP Will you relay to...free of I will relay to...free of charge. charge? QSQ Have you a doctor on board I have a doctor on board (or... (or is...(name of person) on (name of person) is on board). board)? QSR Shall I repeat the call on Repeat your call on the calling the calling frequency? frequency; did not hear you (or have interference). QSS What working frequency will I will use the working frequency you use? ...kHz (normally only the last three figures of the frequency=20 need be given). QST -unassigned- QSU Shall I send or reply on this Send or reply on this frequency = (or frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz) on...kHz (or MHz)) (with emission = of (with emissions of class...)? class...). QSV Shall I send a series of V's Send a series of V's on this = freq- on this frequency (or...kHz uency (or on...kHz (or MHz)). (or MHz))? QSW Will you send on this frequency I am going to send on this = frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz)) (with (or on...kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class...? emissions of class...). QSX Will you listen to...(call- I am listening to...(callsign(s)) sign(s)) on...kHz (or MHz)? on...kHz (or MHz). QSY Shall I change to transmission Change to transmission on another on another frequency? frequency (or on...kHz (or = MHz)). QSZ Shall I send each word or group Send each word or group twice = (or... more than once? times). QTA Shall I cancel telegram Cancel telegram number... number...? QTB Do you agree with my counting I do not agree with your counting = of of words? words; I will repeat the first = letter or digit of each word or group. QTC How many telegrams have you to I have...telegrams for you (or send? for...). QTD What has the rescue vessel or ...(identification) has = recovered... rescue aircraft recovered? 1) ...(number) survivors. 2) wreckage. 3) ...(number) bodies. QTE What is my TRUE bearing from Your TRUE bearing from me is... you? degrees (at...hours). or or What is my TRUE bearing from Your TRUE bearing = from...(callsign) ...(callsign)? was...degrees (at...hours). or or What is the TRUE bearing of The TRUE bearing of...(callsign) ...(callsign) from...(call- from...(callsign) was...degrees sign)? at...hours. QTF Will give me the position of The position of your station my station according to the according to the bearings taken bearings taken by the D/F by the D/F stations which I = control stations which you control? was...latitude...longitude (or = other indication of position), class...=20 at...hours. QTG Will you send two dashes of I am going to send two dashes of = ten ten seconds each followed by seconds each followed by my = callsign your callsign (repeated... (repeated...times) (on...kHz (or times) (on...kHz (or MHz))? MHz). or or Will you request...to send two I have requested...to send two dashes of ten seconds followed dashes of ten seconds followed by by his callsign (repeated... his callsign (repeated...times) = on times) on...kHz (or MHz)? ...kHz (or MHz). QTH What is your position in My position = is...latitude...longitude latitude and longitude (or (or according to any other according to any other indication). indication)? QTI What is your TRUE track? My TRUE track is...degrees. QTJ What is your speed? My speed is...knots (or = kilometres or statute miles per hour).=20 (Indicates the speed of a ship or=20 aircraft through the water or air=20 respectively). QTK What is the speed of your The speed of my aircraft in = relation aircraft in relation to the to the surface of the earth is... surface of the earth? knots (or...kilometres or statute miles per hour). QTL What is your TRUE heading? My TRUE heading is...degrees. QTM What is your MAGNETIC heading? My MAGNETIC heading is...degrees. QTN At what time did you depart I departed from...(place) at... from...(place)? hours. QTO Are you airborne? I am airborne. or or Have you left dock (or port)? I have left dock (or port). QTP Are you going to alight (or I am going to alight (or land). land)? or or Are you going to enter dock I am going to enter dock (or = port). (or port)? QTQ Can you communicate with my I am going to communciate with = your station by means of the station by means of the = international international code of signals? code of signals. QTR What is the correct time? The correct time is...hours. QTS Will you send your callsign I will send my callsign for = tuning for tuning purposes or so purposes or so that my frequency = may that your frequency can be be measured now (or at...hours) = on... measured now (or at...hours) kHz (or MHz). on...kHz (or MHz)? QTT The identification signal which follows is superimposed on another=20 transmission. QTU What are the hours during which My station is open = from...to...hours. your station is open? QTV Shall I stand guard for you on Stand guard for me on the = frequency the frequency of...kHz (or MHz) of...kHz (or MHz) (from...to... (from...to...hours)? hours). QTW What is the condition of Survivors are in...condition and survivors? urgently need... QTX Will you keep your station open I will keep my station open for for further communciation with further communcation with you me until further notice (or until further notice (or until... until...hours)? hours). QTY Are you proceeding to the I am proceeding to the position = of position of incident and if so the incident and expect to arrive when do you expect to arrive? at...hours (on...date). QTZ Are you continuing the search? I am continuing the search for... (aircraft, ship, survival craft,=20 survivors or wreckage). QUA Have you news of...(callsign)? Here is news of...(callsign). QUB Can you give me, in the Here is the information = requested... following order, information=20 concerning: the direction in=20 degrees TRUE and speed of the=20 surface wind; (The units used=20 for speed and distances should=20 be indicated), present weather,=20 visibility, and amount, type and=20 height of base of cloud above surface elevation at... (place of observation)? QUC What is the number (or other The number (or other indication) = of indication) of the last the last message I received from = you message you received from me (or from...(callsign) is... (or from...(callsign))? QUD Have you received the urgency I have received the urgency = signal signal sent by...(callsign of sent by...(callsign of mobile mobile station)? station) at...hours. QUE Can you use telephony in... I can use telephony = in...(language) (language), with interpreter on...kHz (or MHz). if necessary; if so, on what frequencies? QUF Have you received the distress I have received the distress = signal signal sent by...(callsign of sent by...(callsign of mobile mobile station)? station) at...hours. QUG Will you be forced to alight I am forced to alight (or land) (or land)? immediately. or I will be forced to alight (or land)=20 at...(position or place) at...hours. QUH Will you give me the present The present barometric pressure = at barometric pressure at sea sea level is...(units). level? =20 Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical telecommunications = service =20 will interpret this signal as: =20 =20 What is the present atmospheric The present atmospheric pressure = at pressure at... ...(place or position) at...hours = (place or position)? is...(figures & units).=20 QUI Are your navigation lights My navigation lights are working. working? QUJ Will you indicate the TRUE The TRUE track to reach me = (or...) track to reach you (or...)? is...degrees at...hours. QUK Can you tell me the condition The sea at...(place of = co-ordinates) of the sea observed at... is... (place or co-ordinates)? Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical tele- = communications service will complete the answer, information or = advice=20 form by the use of a numbered alternative as given hereunder, = selected=20 according to the average wave height as obtained from the larger=20 well-formed waves of the wave system being observed. If observed = height=20 coincides with one of the limits, report the lower numbered = alternative,=20 e.g. waves with a mean maximum height of 4 metres are to be = reported=20 as "5". Height Number Metres Feet (approx) 0 Calm-glassy 0 0 1 Calm-rippled 0-0.1 0-1/3 2 Smooth wavelets 0.1-0.5 1/3-1 2/3 3 Slight 0.5-1.25 1 2/3-4 4 Moderate 1.25-2.5 4-8 5 Rough 2.5-4 8-13 6 Very rough 4-6 13-20 7 High 6-9 20-30 8 Very high 9-14 30-45 9 Phenomenal Over 14 Over 45 QUL Can you tell me the swell The swell at...(place or = co-ordin- observed at...(place or ates) is... co-ordinates)? Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical tele- = communications service will complete the answer, information or = advice=20 form by the use of the following numbered alternatives: Number Length of Swell Height Number Length of Swell = Height 0 - - 5 Long = Moderate 1 Short or average Low 6 Short = Heavy 2 Long Low 7 Average = Heavy 3 Short Moderate 8 Long = Heavy 4 Average Moderate 9 Confused - Additionally, stations of the international aeronautical=20 telecommunication service may indicate the direction of swell by = the use of the appropriate cardinal or quadrantal point abbreviation N, = NE, E, SE, etc. following the numbered alternate for indicating = swell=20 condition. The descriptions in the above numbered alternatives are=20 as follows: Length of Swell Metres Feet (approx) Short =3D 0-100 0-300 Average =3D 100-200 300-600 Long =3D Over 200 Over 600 =20 Height of Swell Metres Feet (approx) Low =3D 0-2 0-7 Moderate =3D 2-4 7-13 Heavy =3D Over 4 Over 13 When there is no swell, the numbered alternative "0" is used;=20 when the swell is such that the length and height of the swell = waves cannot be determined, the numbered alternative "9" is used. QUM May I resume normal working? Normal working may be resumed. or or Is the distress traffic ended? The distress traffic is ended. QUN Will vessels in my immediate My position, TRUE course and vicinity (or in the vicinity speed are... of...latitude...longitude (or of...)) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed? Aeronautical Notes: a) All stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication = service will interpret this signal (in part) as referring to=20 TRUE TRACK. b) English-speaking stations of the maritime mobile service=20 may interpret this signal (in part) as referring to TRUE = HEADING.=20 When communicating with such stations it is recommended that = supple-=20 mentary use be made of the signal QTI to avoid any = misunderstanding. QUO Shall I search for... Please search for... 1) aircraft, 1) aircraft, 2) ship, 2) ship, 3) survival craft, 3) survival craft in the vicinity of... in the vicinity of...latitude latitude...longitude (or ...longitude (or according to according to any other any other indication). indication)? QUP Will you indicate your My position is indicated by... position by... 1) searchlight. 1) searchlight? 2) black smoke trail. 2) black smoke trail? 3) pyrotechnic lights. 3) pyrotechnic lights? QUQ Shall I train my searchlight Please train your searchlight on = a nearly vertical on a cloud, cloud, occulting if possible and, occulting if possible and, if my aircraft is seen or heard, if your aircraft is seen or deflect the beam up wind and on = the heard, deflect the beam up water (or land) to facilitate my wind and on the water (or landing. land) to facilitate your landing? QUR Have survivors... Survivors... 1) received survival 1) are in possession of = survival equipment? equipment dropped by... 2) been picked up by 2) have been picked up by = rescue rescue vessel? vessel. 3) been reached by ground 3) have been reached by = ground rescue party? rescue party. QUS Have you sighted survivors or Have sighted... wreckage? 1) survivors in water, If so, in what position? 2) survivors on rafts, 3) wreckage, in position...latitude...longitude=20 (or according to any other indication). QUT Is position of incident Position of incident is marked = by... marked? 1) flame or smoke float. 2) sea marker. 3) sea marker dye. 4) ...(specify other marking). QUU Shall I home ship or aircraft Home ship or = aircraft...(callsign) to my position? ... 1) to your position by trans-=20 mitting your callsign and=20 long dashes on...kHz (or MHz). 2) by transmitting on...kHz (or MHz) TRUE track to reach you. QUV What is my MAGNETIC bearing Your MAGNETIC bearing from me=20 from you (or from...)? (or from...) was...degrees at... (This signal, in general, hours. (This signal, in general, will not be used in the will not be used in the maritime maritime mobile service.) mobile service.) Aeronautical notes: a) When using QDL QUV procedure in the international aeronautical telecommunication service, completion of the "hours" blank space is not required. b) In communications between stations of the aeronautical mobile service the signal QDR will be used instead of QUV. QUW Are you in the search area I am in the...(designation) = search designated as...(designator area. or latitude & longitude)? QUX Will you indicate the MAGNETIC The MAGNETIC course* for you to course* for me to steer towards steer to reach me (or...) with no you (or...) with no wind? wind was...degrees at...hours. (This signal, in general, hours. (This signal, in general, will not be used in the will not be used in the maritime maritime mobile service.) mobile service.) Aeronautical notes: a) All stations of the international aeronautical tele- communication service will interpret "course" as referring=20 to "heading". b) When using QDL QUV procedure in the international aeronautical telecommunication service, completion of the "hours" blank space is not required. c) In communications between stations of the aeronautical mobile service the signal QDR will be used instead of QUV. =20 QUY Is position of survival craft Position of survival craft was marked? marked at...hours by... 1) flame or smoke float. 2) sea marker. 3) sea marker dye. 4)....(specify other marking) QVA to QZZ The series QVA-QZZ inclusive has not been allocated to date Z-Signals Signal Question Answer, advice or order ------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ZAA You are not observing proper=20 circuit discipline. ZAB Your speed key is improperly adjusted. ZAC Cease using speed key. ZAD Your operating signal (made at ...) received as ... (1. Not understood 2. Not held.) ZAE I am unable to receive you. Receipt through... ZAF Will you patch me through I am about to patch you through = to...(via you or...)? to...(via...) Army Z Signals courtesy Doug Faunt, N6TQS Question Answer, Advice or Order ZAA You are not observing proper = circuit discipline. ZAB Your speed key is improperly adjusted. ZAC Cease using speed key. ZAD Your operating signal (made = at...) received as...(1. Not understood; 2. Not held). ZAE I am unable to receive you. Receipt through... ZAF Will you patch me through I am about to patch you through to...(via you or...)? to...(via...). ZAG Break...(1. Go ahead with next = tape; 2. Go back...feet; 3. Advance your key tape to reference mark number and repeat last transmission (or transmission...). ZAH Unable to relay message...in = present form. We file. Transmit correctly prepared tape under new number to all addressees (or to...). ZAI Run...(1. Caller; 2. Test tape; 3. Synchronising tape; 4. Traffic tape; 5. Marking signals; 6. Spacing signals; 7. Reversals; 8. Run tele- typewriter space bar signals). ZAJ I have (or...has) been unable to break you. ZAK Transmission on...kHz (or MHz) suspended until...(or was suspend- ed at...) on account of electrical hazards (or...) ZAL I am closing down (until...) due to... ZAM I am unable to obtain reply from teleprinter switchboard...(for connection to...). Request you call him (or other intermediate switch- board) for me. ZAN Transmit only messages of and = above precedence... - Page 1 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZAO I cannot understand your speech. Use radiotelegraph. ZAP Shall I work...(1. Simplex; Work...(1. Simplex; 2. Duplex; 2. Duplex; 3. Diplex; 3. Diplex; 4. Multiplex; 4. Multiplex; 5. Single 5. Single Sideband; 6. With auto- Sideband; 6. With automatic matic error correction system; error correction system; 7. Without automatic error = correct- 7. Without automatic error ion system. correction system)? ZAQ The last word (or group)... (1. = Re- ceived from you was...; 2. Trans- mitted to you was...) ZAR This is my...request (or reply). (1. First; 2. Second; 3. Third; etc.) ZAS Rerun all tapes run on...since... (1. Your present frequency; 2....kHz (or MHz); 3. Callsign...; 4. This channel or...channel). ZAT Am preparing traffic (perforating tape) for transmission. ZAU What is the teletype range of Teletype range taken on your my signal(s)? signal(s) is...to... ZAV Transmit traffic for me (or = for...) by broadcast method until further directed (or until...). ZAW Shall I transmit 12 inches of Transmit 12 inches of blank tape = at blank tape at short intervals short intervals at...words per at...words per minute? minute. ZAX You are...(1. Causing = interference. Listen before sending. 2. Causing interference by inattention to order to wait; 3. Sending at the same time as...(callsign); 4. Causing delay by slowness in answering. 5. Causing delay by slowness in answering my service or procedure messages; 6. Answering out of turn). ZAY Transmit traffic to me (or to... on...kHz (or MHz) without waiting for receipts. I (or...) will receipt your traffic later (on...kHz) (or MHz)). ZAZ One or more transmitters, simul- taneously keying on this broadcast, are defective but transmission will continue on remaining transmitters. Traffic so transmitted will be re- peated when full service is restored. - Page 2 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZBA What is the cause of delay Delay (or bad transmission) due (or of bad transmission)? to... ZBB For following message you will require a total of...copies. ZBC You are transmitting a continuous (1. Mark; 2. Space). ZBD Will you repeat what you Following is what I (or...) sent (or...) sent (at...)? (at...). ZBE Retransmit message...to... = (for...) (1. Action; 2. Information). ZBF For following message use large message forms. ZBG You are transmitting in upper = case. ZBH Make preliminary call before = trans- mitting traffic. ZBI Listen for radiotelephony. ZBJ -unassigned- ZBK Are you receiving my traffic I am receiving your traffic... clear? (1. Clear; 2. Garbled). ZBL I am unable to receive you while = I am transmitting. Do not use break- in procedure. ZBM Place...on watch on this = frequency. (1. A qualified speed key operator; (2. A competent operator). ZBN Your...is reversed. (1. Tape; 2. Mark & Space). ZBO Of what precedence(s)? I have (or...has)...(numeral = follow- ed by precedence prosign for each precedence) message(s) for you (or for...). ZBP Your...(1. Characters are = indistinct; 2. Spacing is bad). ZBQ When and on what frequency Message...was received at...on... was message...received? kHz (or MHz). ZBR Shall I send by... Send by...(1. Direct (R) method; (1. Direct (R) method; 2. 2. Broadcast (F) method; 3. Int- Broadcast (F) method; ercept (I) method; 4. Repeat back 3. Intercept (I) method; (G) method. 4. Repeat back (G) method)? - Page 3 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZBS Your...(1. Dots are too heavy; 2. Dots are too light; 3. Dots are varying in bias; 4. Dot spacing is bad.; 5. Dots are missing; 6. Dots are burring). ZBT How do you count following Text group(s) should be counted text group(s)...? as...group(s). ZBU Report when you are in radio communication with... ZBV Answer me (or...) on...kHz (or = MHz). ZBW Will you shift (or ask...to I am (or...) is shifting to = transmit shift) to transmit on...kHz on...kHz (or MHz). (or MHz). ZBX Will you shift (or ask...to I am (or...) is shifting to = receive shift) to receive on...kHz on...kHz (or MHz). (or MHz). ZBY Pass...(1. On boradcast...; 2. On broadcast...single operator; 3. On broadcast... two operator period; 4. On broadcast...general periods only). ZBZ What is the printing accuracy The printing accuracy of your = signals of my signals (or those of...)? (or those of...) is...(1. Totally corrupt; 2. Very corrupt; 3. Partly corrupt rendering traffic unaccept- able; 4. Occasionally corrupt but traffic acceptable; 5. Perfect - no corruption). ZCA -unassigned- ZCB -unassigned- ZCD -unassigned- ZCD -unassigned- ZCE -unassigned- ZCF -unassigned- ZCG -unassigned- ZCH -unassigned- ZCI -unassigned- ZCJ -unassigned- ZCK -unassigned- ZCL -unassigned- - Page 4 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZCM -unassigned- ZCN -unassigned- ZCO -unassigned- ZCP -unassigned- ZCQ -unassigned- ZCR -unassigned- ZCS -unassigned- ZCT -unassigned- ZCU -unassigned- ZCV -unassigned- ZCW -unassigned- ZCX -unassigned- ZCY -unassigned- ZCZ -unassigned- ZDA I have a formal message for you. (precedence is...). ZDB Expedite reply(ies) to my...(1. Previous operating signal; 2. Request(s) for repetition and correction; 3. Service message...). ZDC Does the last message (or Last message (or message...) message...) require a signal requires a signal of execution. of execution? ZDD Bring message...to the circuit. ZDE Message...undelivered...(1. Will continue efforts to effect disposal; 2. Advise disposition; 3. Will not continue further efforts. Request cancel and file; 4. Give more complete address. - Page 5 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZDF Message...was received by... (addressee designation) at...Z or was (1. Received by action address- ee(s) at...Z; 2. Received by info- rmation addressee(s) at...Z; 3. Received by all addressees at...Z; 4. Received by action addressee(s) message centre at...Z; 5. Received by information addressee(s) message centre at...Z; 6. Received by all addressees' message centre at...Z; 7. Delivered by broadcast at...Z; 8. Forwarded by commercial means at...Z; 9. Mailed at...Z). ZDG Accuracy of following message(s) (or message...) is doubtful. Correction or confirmation will be forthcoming. ZDH Request corrected copy of message = be forwarded to... ZDI Place this message (or = message...) on (1. MERCAST; 2. MERCAST one operator period). ZDJ How many groups does your I have a message = containing...groups message contain? to transmit to you (or to...). ZDK Will you repeat message...(or Following repetition (of...) is = made portion...) (or will you rerun in accordance with your request. number)? ZDL Confirmation...(1. Was omitted; 2. Differs from text). ZDM I am holding your message... ZDN Report disposal of message...your your station with any reason for delay. ZDO I could not send message...to... ZDP Hold my message...until = correctness is confirmed. ZDQ Message...was relayed to...at... by...(on...kHz (or MHz)). ZDR This is a multiple-address or = book message tape containing...routeing indicators in the routing line which is to be routed in accordance with the established doctrine. - Page 6 - Question: Answer, Advice or=20 Order: portion...) is... ZDS Message (or message...) which you have (or...has) just forwarded was incorrectly transmitted. Correct version of message (or part or ZDT Exercise messages are not to be = sent until further orders (or until...). ZDU Pass the following...(1. Private message (telegram); 2. Service telegram...) (Number of words charged for is...). ZDV Private message (telegram) = received for...Request instructions. ZDW In addition to the regular = broadcast times, this hydrographic message is to be transmitted on the following hydrographic schedules... (1...schedule; 2. All schedules on... (date); 3. All schedules from...to... (dates inclusive)). ZDX Messages up to and including = serial (or circuit) number...have been previously transmitted. ZDY Private messages (telegrams) are = not to be sent until further orders. (or until...). ZDZ On...(date) message(s) was (were) mailed to...(command(s)) bearing serial numbers... ZEA Pass plain language copy to...by by secure means. ZEB This is a reprocessed ICAO = message. ZEC Have you received message...? Message...(1. Not received; = 2.Unid- entified. Give better identifying data). ZED The following confirmatory = inform- ation as received is at variance with the text. ZEE Request message...be transmitted. ZEF This message has been read = (received or intercepted) from a ship at sea. ZEG This message is not to be = decrypted or reported outside the communication centre in...(1. Agressor force; 2. Friendly force). - Page 7 - Question: Answer, Advice or=20 Order: portion...) is... ZEH Accuracy of...portion of = following message (or message...) is doubtful. Correction or confirmation will be forwarded when received. ZEI Accuracy is doubtful of heading = of message received as follows...Check to station of origin if necessary and repeat. ZEJ Replies to this message (or message...) are to be sent now (or at...). ZEK No answer is required. ZEL Is message...a correction to This message is a correction (to message...which was previously message...) (transmitted to...) transmitted with doubtful or Note: May only be used in conjun- missing groups (words)? ction with ZDG. ZEM -unassigned- ZEN This message has been delivered = by a separate transmission or by other means (1. Messenger/courier; 2. Mail) to the addressee(s) immediately following this operating signal. ZEO Transmit this message by rapid = means when no charges are involved and to all others by mail. ZEP This message (or message...) was was incompletely received. Each word or group missed, which is indicated by position of ZEP in the message, will be forwarded as soon as obtained. ZEQ Your message...has been missent = to this station...(1. Request you re- transmit to correct addressee; 2. I will retransmit to correct addressee). ZER This is a multiple-address or = book message tape containing...routeing indicators in the routing line for which the station called in the pilot is responsible. ZES Your message...has been = received... (1 Incomplete; 2. Garbled). Request retransmission. ZET Message has been protected and no further action by...is required. - Page 8 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZEU Exercise (drill) message. ZEV Request you acknowledge Message (or message...) is message... acknowledged. ZEW Your attention is invited, for... (1. Action; 2. Information) to message...which is in your files. ZEX This is a book message and may be delivered as a single-address message to addressees for whom you are responsible. ZEY This message (or message...) has been (or will be) put on the... broadcast schedules (serial number...). ZEZ When delivery is effected of this book message to addressee by comm- ercial means, or when copy is forwareded to confirm message pre- viously delivered by telephone, it is to be sent as a single address message. (May only be used in conjunction with ZEX). ZFA Following message has been read (received or intercepted). ZFB Pass this message to...(1. On arrival; 2. On return to base) (BASEGRAM) ZFC Have you received (or sent) Executive signal ("Execute") for = last the executive signal message (or following message) = has ("Execute") for message... been made (or was made at...). ZFD This message is a suspected = duplicate. ZFE Pass message...(which is in your files) to addressee(s) for whom you are responsible using the indicated supplementary heading. ZFF Inform me when this message (or message...) has been received by... (addressee designation) or by... (1. Action addressee(s); 2. Inform- ation addressee(s); 3. All address- ee(s); 4. Action addressee's/ addressees' message centre; 5. Inform -ation addressee's/addressees' message centre; 6. All addressees' message centre). ZFG This message is an exact = duplicate of a message previously transmitted. - Page 9 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZFH This message (or message...) is = being (or has been) passed to you (or..) for...(1. Action; 2. Information; 3. Comment) (at the request of...) ZFI Is there any reply to There is no reply to message. message...? ZFJ Message(s)...number(s)...not = trans- mitted on this schedule (or on schedule...) are no longer needed. ZFK Does message...(or station Message...(or station serial = number serial number...) concern me ...)...(1. Does not concern you (or...)? (or...); 2. No longer concerns = you (or...). ZFL Was there any traffic addressed Following traffic was addressed = to to me on...broadcast schedule you on...broadcast schedule = between between serial numbers... serial numbers...and... and...? ZFM Message(s) serial number(s)...(to ...) which was (were) transmitted during unserviceability of one or more transmitters, simultaneously keyed, will now be repeated. ZFN -unassigned- ZFO Message...is being delivered as a basegram message. ZFP Basegram. ZFQ Two messages (...and...) received under channel number (or station serial number)... Both released. ZFR Cancel transmission...(made under channel or station serial number...). ZFS Make message...same channel or station serial number as this procedure message. ZFT Message...received without = channel number (or station serial number) following message bearing channel number (or station serial number)... Both released. ZFU Channel numbers...and...preceeded message... Lower number recorded and higher number blanked. - Page 10 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZFV Message...containing channel = number ...separated by portions of the message, released subject to correction. Take necessary action to provide corrected copy. ZFW BLANK channel number(s)...Forward message...as channel number... ZFX Channel number (or station serial number)...is open. ZFY -unassigned- ZFZ -unassigned- ZGA What is my callsign for Your callsign for use on this use on this circuit only? circuit only is... ZGB Send (answer)...(1. In = alphabetical sequence of callsigns. Each station to make its callsigns once (or... times); 2. In the following sequence of callsigns). ZGC -unassigned- ZGD Two stations are using the same indefinite callsign on...kHz (or MHz). Both stations are to select different callsigns. ZGE Send your callsign(s) once (or... times) on this frequency (or on ...kHz (or MHz)). ZGF Make callsigns more distinctly. ZGG What is callsign of... Callsign of...is...(1. Friendly (1. Friendly striking force striking force aircraft; 2. = Friend- aircraft; 2. Friendly shadow- shadowing aircraft; 3. Incoming ing aircraft; 3. Incoming vessel; 4. Senior officer present vessel; 4. Senior officer afloat (or Officer in tactical present afloat (or Officer in command); 5. Ship acting as flag- tacticl command); 5. Ship ship for...). acting as flagship for...)? ZGH I am using this transmitter to = answer calls on two or more frequencies. Answer to calls may be delayed. ZGI I am or have been (or...is or has been) calling you (on...kHz (or MHz)). ZGJ When will you call me again I will call you again as soon as on present frequency (or on possible (or at...) on present ...kHz (or MHz))? frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz)). - Page 11 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZGK When shall I call you again Call me again at...on present on present frequency (or on frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz)). ...kHz (or MHz))? ZGL ...will answer calls for me (or for...). ZGM Did you (or...) hear...at...? I have (or...has) been unable to communicate with...(since...). ZGN When was I (or...) last heard? Nothing heard from you (or...) (since...). ZGO What is my number and sequence Your number is... Answer after of answering? number... (Numbers are to be separated by separative sign). ZGP Answer calls for me on present frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz)). ZGQ -unassigned- ZGR -unassigned- ZGS -unassigned- ZGT -unassigned- ZGU -unassigned- ZGV -unassigned- ZGW -unassigned- ZGX -unassigned- ZGY -unassigned- ZGZ -unassigned- ZHA Shall I decrease frequency Decrease frequency very slightly = (or very slightly (or...kHz) ...kHz) to clear interference. to clear interference? ZHB Shall I increase frequency Increase frequency very slightly = (or very slightly (or...kHz) ...kHz) to clear interference. to clear interference? ZHC -unassigned- ZHD -unassigned- ZHE -unassigned- ZHF -unassigned- ZHG -unassigned- ZHH -unassigned- - Page 12 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZHI -unassigned- ZHJ -unassigned- ZHK -unassigned- ZHL -unassigned- ZHM -unassigned- ZHN How do you receive my Your automatic transmissions = are... automatic transmission? (1. Good; 2. Fair; 3. = Unreadable). ZHO What is your speed of auto- My speed of automatic = transmission matic transmission? in...(1. Revolutions per minute; 2. Words per minute; 3. Bauds) is... ZHP What is preventing automatic Automatic reception is prevented = by reception? ... ZHQ Please listen for me on...kHz (or MHz) and transmit to me on...kHz (or MHz). ZHR Is my speed of automatic Your speed of automatic = transmission transmission correct? is...(1. Fast; 2. Slow; 3. = Erratic; 4. Correct). ZHS -unassigned- ZHT -unassigned- ZHU -unassigned- ZHV -unassigned- ZHW -unassigned- ZHX -unassigned- ZHY -unassigned- ZHZ -unassigned- ZIA This message (or message...) is being (or has been) passed out of proper sequence of station serial numbers. ZIB Two messages...and... (or Change station serial number of group counts and time of message...to read number...OR origin...and...), both Assign to message...station = serial received as serial number... number... What are correct serial numbers? ZIC What is (are) station serial Station serial number(s) or = channel number(s) or channel number(s) number(s) of last message(s) = trans- of last message(s) you trans- mitted to you (or to...) is = (are)... mitted to me (or to...)? - Page 13 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZID What is (are) station serial Station serial number(s) or = channel number(s) or channel number(s) number(s) of last message(s) = received of last message(s) received from you (or from...) is (are)... from me (or from...)? ZIE Station serial number(s) or = channel number(s) (from...) has (have) not been received. Repeat message(s) or cancel serial number(s) or channel number(s). ZIF I (or...) did not use serial number(s). ZIG Is (are) number(s)... (to...) Number(s)...(to...) is (are) = blank. blank? ZIH Repeat headings of message number ...to...transmitted by you (or...) to check serial numbers. ZII What was...of your (or...'s) My (or...'s) number...had = following number...? (1. Date-time group; ...(1. Date-time group; 2. Filing 2. Filing time)? time). ZIJ I am now changing my channel = number/ letter. Last number sent in this series is that of this message. ZIK This is a weather controlled = message which is not to be transmitted in the clear over radio circuits. ZIL -unassigned- ZIM -unassigned- ZIN -unassigned- ZIO -unassigned- ZIP Have set continuous watch, or (1. Single operator period; 2. Two operator period; 3. General periods only; 4. Reduced single operator periods) on broadcast indicated. First serial number received is... /No number yet received. ZIQ -unassigned- ZIR -unassigned- ZIS -unassigned- ZIT -unassigned- ZIU -unassigned- ZIV -unassigned- - Page 14 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZIW -unassigned- ZIX -unassigned- ZIY -unassigned- ZIZ -unassigned- ZJA Read signalling light of... ZJB May I close down visual Close down visual watch now (or watch now (or at...)? at...). ZJC Repeat all flag signals made by = the senior officer (senior officer present afloat). ZJD Use...(1. Better light; 2. Better background). ZJE Set visual watch now (or at...). ZJF Visual relaying station between senior officer (senior officer present afloat) (or...) and... is to be... ZJG Repeat all flashing (or = semaphore) messages made by the senior officer (senior officer afloat). ZJH Your light is unreadable...(1. = Not trained correctly; 2. Not bright enough; 3. Too bright). ZJI What are the callsigns of the Callsigns of teh ships in company ships in company with you? with me are...(For visual use = only). ZJJ Use double-flash procedure. ZJK Are you (or is...) visual I am (or...is) visual guard = for... guard for...? ZJL Hoist the following signal. ZJM ...(1. Flaghoist; 2. Semaphore; 3. 20-inch signalling projector; 4. 10-inch signalling projector; 5. ALDIS; 6. Intermediate; 7. Heather; 8. Daylight signalling lantern; 9. Masthead flashing light; 10. Infrared; 11. Signal searchlight; 12. Omnidirectional flashing light; 13. Directional flashing light) ZJN Message...has been passed to = those for whom I am responsible (or to...) (at...) but "L" has not been received. - Page 15 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZJO Repeat back each group of the = text of this message as it is transmitted. ZJP Message which follows is to be encrypted and passed to all addressees (by...). (Only to be used by visual not liable to inter- ception). ZJQ Repeat signal (or message...) the senior officer (senior officer present afloat) (or ship indicated) is now transmitting or is about to transmit. ZJR Only semaphore is to be used for visual signalling between...and ...(or from...). ZJS Directional lights of minimum brillance are to be used for all visual traffic between...and... except for messages of precedence priority and above requiring transmission to two or more ships. ZJT Broadcast transmitter indicated = is about to be taken off for...minutes (or until...). ZJU -unassigned- ZJV -unassigned- ZJW -unassigned- ZJX -unassigned- ZJY -unassigned- ZJZ -unassigned- ZKA Who is controlling station I am (or...is) controlling = station (net control station) on (net control station) on this this frequency (or on... frequency (or on...kHz (or MHz)). kHz (or MHz))? ZKB Is it necessary to obtain the It is necessary to obtain the permission of the controlling permission of the controlling station (net control station) station (net control station) before transmitting messages? before transmitting messages. ZKC Substitute code sign (callsign) = of of control station of group (net) in place of this operating signal. ZKD Shall I take control of net Take control of the net (for...) (for...) (until...)? (until...). - Page 16 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZKF Station leaves net temporarily = (or for...minutes) (to communicate with...) (will be on...kHz (or MHz)). ZKG Observe (or direct...to obeserve) schedule with...on...kHz (or MHz) (at...). ZKH Did you (or...) observe I (or...) observed schedule with schedule with...at...? ...(at...). ZKI Set watch on...kHz (or MHz)... (1. Continuous; 2. Until further notice). ZKJ May I close down (until...)? ...(1. Close down (until...); 2. I am closing down (until...)) ZKK Assume radiotelegraph (wireless) organisation...forthwith (or at...) ZKL Resume normal radio communication now (or at...). ZKM Take guard (for...) (on...kHz (or MHz)). ZKN I have taken over guard on...kHz = (or MHz). ZKO I have handed over guard (to...) = (on ...kHz (or MHz)). (Serial number of last message received was... ZKP Are you (or is...) radio guard I am (or...is) radio guard for... for... (on...kHz (or MHz))? (on...kHz (or MHz)). ZKQ Indicate ships or stations for = which you are (or...is) guard. (1. Radio (on...kHz (or MHz)); 2. Visual). ZKR On what frequencies are you I am (or...is) maintaining watch = on (or...) maintaining watch? ...kHz (or MHz)). ZKS What stations are keeping Following stations are keeping = watch watch on...kHz (or MHz) (or on...kHz (or MHz) (or are in = net). are in net)? ZKT Am keeping watch on...kHz (or = MHz) for...(1. First five minutes in each half hour; 2. From 10 to 15 and 40 to 45 minutes past the hour; 3. Between...and...minutes past the hour). - Page 17 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZKU I am (or...is) maintaining = continuous watch, or (1. Single operator period; 2. Two operator period; 3. General periods only; 4. Reduced single- operator period) on...(callsign)... Broadcast. ZKV I am (or...is) standing = splitphone watch on...and...kHz (or MHz). ZKW -unassigned- ZKX -unassigned- ZKY -unassigned- ZKZ -unassigned- ZLA I have pictures of the following types to tranmsit...(1. Photo- graphs; 2. Weather maps; 3. Blue- prints; 4. Printed matter; 5. Test). ZLB What drum rotation speed Transmit at...revolutions per = minute. shall I use? (1. 30; 2. 45; 3. 50; 4. 60; 5. = 90; 6. 100) ZLC Your transmission...(1. Shows = object- ional modulation; 2. Suitable for communication but not for picture; 3. Shows caption too close to edge of picture; 4. Shows buckled print; 5. Shows fork drift; 6. Picture shows too much contrast; 7. Picture shows insufficient contrast; 8. Picture shows cross-over). ZLD I am unable to...(1. Sychronise = with you; 2. Transmit pictures; 3. Copy pictures). ZLE Send...(1.Fence; 2. White; 3. = Black; 4. Picture; 5. Synchronise; 6. Fence swinging black; 7. Fence swinging white until I stop you). ZLF ...(1. Inverter; 2. Converter; 3. = 96- line 12 x 18 transceiver; 4. 100- line transceiver; 5. 300-line trans- ceiver). ZLG Shall I transmit (1. Negative; Transmit...(1. Negative; 2. Positive)? 2. Positive). ZLH Will you transmit map(s)... I am going to transmit mpa(s)... (...area...time...type)? (...area...time...type). ZLI Reverse material on drum and = re-run until I break you. - Page 18 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZLJ What size lettering shall Use...(1. Standard telegraphic = type- I use? writer; 2. Jumbo typewriter (if available; 3. Hand lettering at least 3/16 of an inch high). ZLK -unassigned- ZLL -unassigned- ZLM -unassigned- ZLN Facility indicated cannot be = operated at present. ZLO Is (are) facility(ies)... The following...facility(ies) is operative at your station (are) operative at this station = (or (or at...)? at...). 1. Homing beacon; 2. = Radar beacon; 3. Revolving and/or flashing beacon; 4. Radio beacon; 5. Instrument landing system; 6. Ground control approach; 7. Approach control; 8. Tower transmitter (state which type LF, MF VHF or UHF); 9. MF direction finder; 10. VHF direction finder; 11. UHF direction finder; 12. Runway lights; 13. Sandra lights; 14. Radio track guide; 15. Radio range). ZLP What is (are) the magnetic The magnetic line(s) of shoot of = the line(s) of shoot of the... ...(facility) is (are)... = degrees. (facility)? ZLQ -unassigned- ZLR -unassigned- ZLS -unassigned- ZLT -unassigned- ZLU -unassigned- ZLV -unassigned- ZLW -unassigned- ZLX -unassigned- ZLY -unassigned- ZLZ -unassigned- ZMA What was bearing of unknown Bearing of unknown station (or station (or station using station using callsign...) was... callsign...) at...(time) (at...time) class...(on...kHz (on...kHz (or MHz))? (or MHz)). - Page 19 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZMB Bearing of you (or of...) was... (class...) from me (or from...) at...(time). ZMC Bearing of station which answered message (or transmission) from... was...(at...(time)) class...(on ...kHz (or MHz)). ZMD 1. Your bearing appears to be = between ...degrees and...degrees, and sense indicates you are to the...(direct- ion) of this station; 2. Your bearing is changing rapidly. ZME Pass in direction finding bearing (of...) obtained on...kHz (or MHz) (or between...and...kHz (or MHz). ZMF Will you endeavour to obtain Bearing of station now = transmitting a direction finding bearing (or of...) (on...kHz (or MHz)) = was of station now transmitting ...(class...) sense determined = at... (or of...) (on...kHz (or MHz))? ZMG This bearing (course or position) = is unreliable. Error in excess of class C bearing (or position) may amount to...degrees or miles). ZMH Surface craft using callsign... cooperating. Change to...kHz (or MHz) and follow diretion finding procedure when called. ZMI Will you send your callsign I am about to send my callsign = and and dashes of five-seconds' dashes of five seconds' duration = at duration at intervals in intervals in order that you = (or...) order that I (or...) may may home on me. home on you? ZMJ Check...(1. Correctness of last = QUV; 2. Sense of last QDR; 3. Correctness of last QDM; 4. Sense of last QDM). ZMK Cannot determine your = (or...'s...) (1. Position; 2. Bearing). ZML Steer...degrees for 2 minutes if possible and send callsign and long dashes while you are so doing. ZMM Increase height to enable more accurate bearing to be completed. ZMN Change over to loop direction = finding on...kHz (or MHz) (and home on transmissions made by...). - Page 20 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZMO What is my position by Your position by direction = finding direction finding bearing cross bearings from nearest = landmark from the nearest landmark (or from...) is...(class...) = at... (or from...)? (hours). ZMP Endeavour to plot position from bearings taken on station(s) now transmitting (or of...) (on...kHz (or MHz)). ZMQ Cannot determine your position, = you are in line or nearly in line with direction finding station baseline. ZMR Take over direction finding guard = as previously ordered (on...kHz (or MHz)) (from...to...kHz (or MHz)). ZMS Carry out short direction finding procedure (as locally prescribed). ZMT Sense determination unreliable, bearing may be reciprocal. ZMU ...(1. Listen (for...0 on = direction finding on...kHz (or MHz) (or between ...and...kHz (or MHz)); 2. Shift to direction finding frequency...and listen for call- sign...). ZMV What is the Grid Course for The Grid Course for you to steer = to me to steer to reach you reach me (or...) is...degrees = at... (or...)? hours. ZMW -unassigned- ZMX -unassigned- ZMY -unassigned- ZMZ -unassigned- ZNA You are encrypting...incorrectly. (1. Operating signals; 2. Radio callsigns; 3. Address groups). ZNB What is authentication of... Authentication (of...) is... (1. Message...; 2. Last (1. Message; 2. Last = transmission; transmission; 3. ...)? 3. ...). ZNC All transmissions will be = authentic- ated...(1. On all circuits; 2. On this circuit; 3. On...frequency). ZND You are using authenticator in- correctly...(1. Verify authenticator system key; 2. Check authentication of your last transmission). - Page 21 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZNE I am prepared to authenticate. ZNF Addressees who are not holders of the cryptographic system employed in the text need not decrypt (decipher), but shall sight (read) translation at first opportunity and obtain copy if applicable. ZNG Commands who are included in the collective address used in this heading, who are not holders of the cryptographic system employed in the text, are exempted. ZNH Plaintext tape of this message should be prepared during process of decipherment. ZNI Shift to...(1. On-line; 2. Plain) operation now. ZNJ -unassigned- ZNK Addressees who do not hold = crypto- graphic facilities are exempted. ZNL Receiving Cryptographic Office concerned should refer queries relating to the text of this message (e.g. requests for verification) to...(address designators except plain language). Note: To be used in codress messages when necessary to indicate originating crypto centre and then normally limited to messages of Immediate precedence and above. ZNM Originator authorises the = transfer of this message into the secure networks of all authorities address- ed, provided the networks are secured or approved for the security classification of the message involved. ZNO Unable to decrypt message... = (from indefinite callsign...). Note: Only to be used under circumstances laid down in cryptographic instructions. ZNP Transfer operation of channel now to...(1. Normal; 2. Top Secret; 3. Conference; 4. Engineering;) on-line cipher operation. Note: Note: This signal is for use only when already in on-line operation. - Page 22 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZNQ This message (or message...) = received at this station... (1. Without authentication (when authentication is in force); 2. Incorrectly authenticated). ZNR This message may be forwarded = without change by radio or non-approved circuit. ZNS -unassigned- ZNT -unassigned- ZNU -unassigned- ZNV -unassigned- ZNW -unassigned- ZNX -unassigned- ZNY -unassigned- ZNZ -unassigned- ZOA Relay this message (or = message...) by visual (to...). ZOB Take (I will take) no further action regarding forwarding message... ZOC Station(s) called relay this = message to addressees for whom you are responsible. ZOD Act as radio link (relaying = station) between me and...(or between...and ...). ZOE Can you accept message Give me your message. I will = dispose for...? (1. On-line; of it...(1. On-line; 2. = Off-line). 2. Off-line) ZOF Relay (pass) this message (or message...) to...now (or at...). ZOG Transmit (pass) this message (or message...) to...(for...) (1. Action; 2. Information). ZOH Send message for...on...kHz (or = MHz) by...(1. Receipt method; 2. Broadcast method; 3. Intercept method). ZOI Pass this message to the nearest (or...) weather central/control. - Page 23 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZOJ Unable to relay message...in = present form...(1. Callsigns not encrypted; 2. Text not encrypted). ZOK Relay this message via... ZOL I will relay your callsign to = senior officer present afloat, whose call- sign is... ZOM Delivery of this message by mail = in lieu of broadcast permissable (to...). ZON Place this message (or = message...) on...(1. Continuous wave broadcast; 2. Radioteletype broadcast) indicated by following specific broadcast designator(s)... ZOO Place this message (or = message...) on MERCAST indicated by following specific broadcast designator(s). ZOP This message (or message...) has been delivered to all broadcast areas (or to the following specific broad- cast area(s)...). ZOQ Deliver this message (or = message...) to all broadcast areas (or to the following specific broadcast area(s)...). ZOR 1. Route traffic for...via...area broadcast; 2. Beginning at... traffic for you (or...) will be routed via...area broadcast. ZOS Request area routeing for Area routeing for messages for... messages for... is... ZOT Transmit or handle this message = at the lower precedence to the station or address designator(s) which follow(s). ZOU How should traffic for... Route traffic = for...through...(on... be routed. kHz (or MHz)). ZOV Station designation preceding = this operating signal is the correct routeing for this message, rerouted by... ZOW Broadcast this message at special watchkeeping periods for ships with (1. One radio operator; 2. Two radio operators). - Page 24 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZOX Place this message (or = message...) on submarine broadcast indicated by following specific broadcast designator(s)... ZOY Relay this message only to the station(s) whose designation(s) preceed this operating signal. ZOZ Relay this message (or = message...) in its present form without decryption. ZPA Your speech is distorted. ZPB Your transmitter has strong = radiation while idling. ZPC Your signals are...(1. Fading = badly; 2. Fading slightly; 3. Good for... ...words per minute; 4. Getting stronger; 5. Getting weaker). ZPD Is your signal as checked by My signal as checked by = monitor... monitor...satisfactory (1. is satisfactory (1. Locally; Locally; 2. As radiated)? 2. As radiated). ZPE Maximum power is now being = radiated. ZPF What is the readability of the The readability of the signals of signals of the group (net) the group (net) (or of...) is... (or of...)? (1 to 5). ZPG What is (are) signal strength(s) Signal strength(s) of the group = (net) of group (net) (or of...)? (or of...) is... (1 to 5). ZPH -Unassigned- ZPI -Unassigned- ZPJ -Unassigned- ZPK -Unassigned- ZPL -Unassigned- ZPM -Unassigned- ZPN IFF switched ON in distress = position. ZPO The text of this message is to be relayed in precisely the same format as that in which it is received. No characters or machine functions are to be added, inserted or deleted and the relative positions of the groups are to be retained. - Page 25 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZPP Message which follows is a a submarine surfacing signal to be cleared on the calling frequency. ZPQ -Unassigned- ZPR I have (number) messages = (precedence) prepared in tape relay format for you (or for...(addressees)). (Consideration should be given to receiving these messages directly on a printing reperforator/typing reperforator). ZPS -Unassigned- ZPT This transmission is a = transmitter pre-acceptance trial. Request expeditious strength and readability reply. ZPU If more than one tropical wind warning message in this sequence is awaiting transmission, transmit highest serial number first. (Sequence/serial is understood to include tropical warning name or number and consecutive warning number). ZPV If the earlier wind warnings = ident- ified by DTG(s) following this signal are awaiting transmission, file those warnings without further trans- mission. ZPW This message cancelled at time indicated. File without further transmission. ZPX This message is forwarded to your for screening and determination of need for broadcast promulgation. Advise broadcast control commander of recommended message disposition. ZPY -Unassigned- ZPZ -Unassigned- ZQA The landing lights at the = aerodrome (or at the aerodrome at...) are out of order. ZQB What is the magnetic direction The magnetic direction in which in which landing is to be made? landing is to be made is... = degrees. - Page 26 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZQC Are you (or is...)... I am (or...is)...at...(time). (1. Airborne; 2. Waterborne; (1. Airborne; 2. Waterborne; 3. On land)? 3. On land). ZQD Am I to carry out the procedure You are to carry out the = procedure appropriate to the use of the appropriate to the use of the... ...(facility)? (facility). ZQE What is your desired rate of My desired rate of descent is... descent expressed in hundreds hundreds of feet per minute. of feet per minute? ZQF What is the length in yards of The length of the runway in use the runway in use? is ...yards. ZQG -Unassigned- ZQH -Unassigned- ZQI -Unassigned- ZQJ -Unassigned- ZQK -Unassigned- ZQL -Unassigned- ZQM -Unassigned- ZQN -Unassigned- ZQO -Unassigned- ZQP -Unassigned- ZQQ -Unassigned- ZQR -Unassigned- ZQS -Unassigned- ZQT -Unassigned- ZQU -Unassigned- ZQV -Unassigned- ZQW -Unassigned- ZQX -Unassigned- ZQY -Unassigned- ZQZ -Unassigned- - Page 27 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZRA How does my frequency check? Your frequency is...(1. Correct; 2. Slightly (or...Hz (or kHz)) high; 3. Slightly (or...Hz (or kHz)) low; 4. Stable on steady mark; 5. Stable on steady space; 6. Unstable; 7. Erratic). ZRB Check your (or...'s) frequency on this circuit (or on...kHz (or MHz)). ZRC Shall I tune my transmitter Tune your transmitter to...(1. = Proper to...(1. Proper frequency; frequency; 2. Zero beat with my 2. Zero beat with your (or...) transmitter). (or...) transmitter)? ZRD What is the frequency of the... The frequency of the...radio = facility radio facility now in operation? now in operation is... ZRE On what frequency do you hear I hear you best on...kHz (or = MHz). me best? ZRF Will you send tuning signal on Am about to send tuning signal on = my your present frequency (or on present frequency (or on...kHz = (or ...kHz (or MHz)) for one MHz)). minute or until AS is given? ZRG When will a change of frequency A change in frquency (to...kHz = (or (to...kHz (or MHz)) be MHz)) will be necessary at necessary? approximately... ZRH Is my frequency shift correct? Your frequency shift is...(1. Too wide; 2. Too narrow; 3. Not linear; 4. Correct) (by Hz). ZRI -Unassigned- ZRJ Will you check your...? I will check my... ZRK Shall I revert to single Revert to single channel working. channel working? ZRL Are you working on the correct I am working on the correct code. code? NOTE: This meaning NOTE: This meaning applies only to applies only to frequency frequency shift diplex. shift diplex. ZRM Can you receive both sidebands I can receive...(1. The upper = side- of my independent sideband band; 2. The lower sideband; 3. = Both transmissions? sidebands). ZRN Do you intend to transmit on... I intend to transmit on...(1. The (1. The upper sideband; 2. The upper sideband; 2. The lower side- lower sideband; 3. Both band; 3. Both sidebands independ- sidebands independently)? ently). ZRO Can you read me on... (1. I can read you on...(1. Channel A; Channel A; 2. Channel B; 2. Channel B; 3. Channel(s)... 4. = All 3. Channel(s)...; 4. All channel(s). channel(s). - Page 28 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZRP Transfer signal on channel...to channel... ZRQ Change to other sideband. ZRR Message(s) number(s)...will no = longer be broadcast but are effective and of interest (to units indicated). ZRS Your carrier is...(1. = Over-suppressed; 2. Under-suppressed). ZRT Radiate full unmodulated power for...minutes. ZRU Are my tone frequencies Your tone for...(1. Marking and correct? spacing are high; 2. Marking and spacing are low; 3. Marking and spacing are correct). ZRV -Unassigned- ZRW -Unassigned- ZRX -Unassigned- ZRY -Unassigned- ZRZ -Unassigned- ZSA May I ascend to...(height)? You may ascend to...(height). ZSB May I descend to...(height)? You may descend to...(height). ZSC Switch on IFF. ZSD IFF switched OFF. ZSE Do you have glider in tow? ...(1. We have glider in tow; 2. = We are forced to release glider at (approximate position)...). ZSF Switch off...(1. IFF; 2. IFF sets = for 10 minutes in area denoted except for ships whose callsigns follow). ZSG May I make an approach using You may approach using the = facility the facility indicated. indicated. ZSH -Unassigned- ZSI You are...(1. To maintain height of...feet and report over...(call- sign) range station; 2. To hold on ...leg of the beam...(callsign) range station at height...feet) ZSJ -Unassigned- ZSK -Unassigned- - Page 29 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZSL -Unassigned- ZSM -Unassigned- ZSN -Unassigned- ZSO Send tapes...(1. Once; 2. Twice). ZSP -Unassigned- ZSQ -Unassigned- ZSR -Unassigned- ZSS -Unassigned- ZST -Unassigned- ZSU -Unassigned- ZSV -Unassigned- ZSW -Unassigned- ZSX -Unassigned- ZSY -Unassigned- ZSZ -Unassigned- ZTA ...(1. Radio; 2. Visual; 3. = Landline; 4. Teletypewriter (Teleprinter); 5. Telephone; 6. Automatic; 7. Fascimile; 8. Shore telephone; 9. Shore teleprinter; 10. Radio- teletypewriter). ZTB ...(1. Tranmitter-distributor; 2. Auto-head; 3. Perforator; 4. Reperforator; 5. Printer; 6. Undulator; 7. Keyboard; 8. Frequency shift keyer; 9. Multiplexing carrier base; 10. On-line crypto device). ZTC ...(1. Does my...appear to be ...(1. Your...appears to be = faulty; faulty; 2. Is your...faulty)? 2. My...is faulty). ZTD Shall I use...? Use... ZTE Are you (or is...) able to I am (or...is) able to use... use...? ZTF Are repairs completed? Repairs completed. ZTG ...(class of emission/type of transmission). ZTH -Unassigned- - Page 30 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZTI ...(1. Receiver; 2. Transmitter; 3. Power supply; 4. Antenna system; 5. Radio direction finder). ZTJ Cease using... ZTK Are you (or is...) connected I am (or...is) connected to... to...? ZTL Are you (or is...) about to I am (or...is) about to = disconnect. disconnect? ZTM I (or...) is unable to use... ZTN What is my bias distortion? Your bias distortion is... (1. Excessive; 2. ...percent (marking); 3. ...percent (spacing); 4. ...percent (total distortion)). ZTO Is my character formation Your character formation is... correct? (1. Correct; 2. Defective in the start element; 3. Defective in the 1st unit; 4. Defective in the 2nd unit; 5. Defective in the 3rd unit; 6. Defective in the 4th unit; 7. Defective in the 5th unit; 8. Defective in the stop element). ZTP What is the duration of your The duration of my modulation modulation cycle? cycle is... 50 Baud Equipment ----------------- 1. 148 milliseconds (7.42 units) fast. 2. 150 milliseconds (7.5 units) correct. 3. 152 milliseconds (7.6 units) slow. 4. ... erratic per character. 45.5 Baud Equipment ------------------- 1. 161 milliseconds (7.35 units) fast. 2. 163 milliseconds (7.42 units) correct. 3. 165 milliseconds (7.5 units) slow. 4. ... erratic per character. ZTQ Will you...(1. Get the Circuit I will...(1. Get the Circuit Engineer/Facility Control Engineer/Facility Control Tech- Technician to speak on this nician to speak on the circuit; circuit (or circuit...); 2. Hand the line over to the 2. Hand the line over to the Circuit Engineer/Facility Tech- Circuit Engineer/Facility nician for check and call you = when Control Technician for check)? check has been completed). - Page 31 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZTR Will you...(1. Disconnect your I will...(1. Disconnect (or I am equipment from line and carry disconnecting) my equipment from out local test, reconnecting to and carry (or to carry) out local line in ...minutes; 2. Connect test, reconnecting to line in... your transmit line to your minutes; 2. Connect my transmit = line receive line to enable me to to my receive line to enable you = to carry out a loop test for... carry out a loop test for... minutes)? minutes). ZTS Is the line satisfactory? The line is...(1. Satisfactory; 2. Unsatisfactory). ZTT -Unassigned- ZTU -Unassigned- ZTV -Unassigned- ZTW -Unassigned- ZTX -Unassigned- ZTY -Unassigned- ZTZ -Unassigned- ZUA Request a timing signal now Timing signal will be transmitted = now (or at...) (or at...). The numerals = indicating the time will be followed by a five- second dash terminating exactly at the time indicated. ZUB At... ZUC From...to... ZUD Until further orders (or = until...). ZUE Affirmative (Yes). ZUF Air raid...(1. Warning; 2. In progress; 3. All clear). ZUG Negative (No). ZUH Unable to comply. ZUJ Stand by. ZUK ...(Appointment Code) desires ...(Appointment Code) is now = ready key conversation on this to begin key conversation with... circuit with...(Appointment (Appointment Code). Code). Will you indicate when you are ready? ZUL -Unassigned- ZUM -Unassigned- ZUN -Unassigned- - Page 32 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZUO -Unassigned- ZUP -Unassigned- ZUQ -Unassigned- ZUR -Unassigned- ZUS -Unassigned- ZUT -Unassigned- ZUU -Unassigned- ZUV -Unassigned- ZUW -Unassigned- ZUX -Unassigned- ZUY -Unassigned- ZUZ -Unassigned- ZVA Station called is responsible for relay or delivery to all stations in line two (2) or to stations indicated. ZVB What was your time over last My time over last compulsory compulsory reporting point, reporting point was...and my ETA and ETA at next compulsory at next compulsory reporting = point reporting point? is... ZVC -Unassigned- ZVD -Unassigned- ZVE What are the security Security conditions at my = termination conditions of your of this channel = (or...channel/circuit termination(s) of this designated) are...(1. Secured for channel (or...channel/circuit Restricted; 2. Secured for = Confid- designated)? ential; 3. Secured for Secret; 4. Secured for Top Secret). ZVF This channel = (or...channel/circuit designated) is unserviceable for classified traffic. ZVG -Unassigned- ZVH -Unassigned- ZVI -Unassigned- ZVJ -Unassigned- ZVK -Unassigned- ZVL -Unassigned- - Page 33 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZVM -Unassigned- ZVN -Unassigned- ZVO -Unassigned- ZVP -Unassigned- ZVQ This message, relating to a = warning, an alert, distress, or an emergency, is authorised to be relayed via the facilities of your network without prior arrangement. ZVR Retransmit this message (or = message ...) at once to all subordinate stations. ZVS -Unassigned- ZVT -Unassigned- ZVU -Unassigned- ZVV -Unassigned- ZVW -Unassigned- ZVX -Unassigned- ZVY -Unassigned- ZVZ -Unassigned- ZWL No forwarding action to the = desig- nation(s) immediately following is required. ZWM Correct answer to last question = (or question...) is...(or will be found in...). ZWN Correct version of the part of = the last message (or message...) which was sent incorrectly is...(or will be found in...). ZWO Following message (or question, = or exercise) is for the exercise of (1. Junior operators; 2. Senior operators; 3. Ratings on watch). ZWP A junior operator is to carry = out... (1. A standard flashing exercise; 2. A standard semaphore exercise; 3. A standard radio telegraphy transmitting exercise; 4. A standard radio telegraphy receiving exercise). ZWQ -Unassigned- - Page 34 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZWR -Unassigned- ZWS -Unassigned- ZWT -Unassigned- ZWU -Unassigned- ZWV -Unassigned- ZWW -Unassigned- ZWX -Unassigned- ZWY -Unassigned- ZWZ -Unassigned- ZXA The following group is a = callsign, delivery group or an address group. (Used in plain language texts of messages other than procedure messages. ZXB Station(s) to whom this message = is routed obtain a complete copy of this interrupted transmission by addressing a service message to the originating station. ZXC -Unassigned- ZXD This message is to be delivered = to the addressee(s) in tape form. ZXE -Unassigned- ZXF -Unassigned- ZXG -Unassigned- ZXH -Unassigned- ZXI -Unassigned- ZXJ -Unassigned- ZXK Station called relay this message (or message...) to...in addition to predetermined responsibilities. ZXL -Unassigned- ZXM -Unassigned- ZXN -Unassigned- ZXO Request you obtain retransmission of messages...from station... - Page 35 - Question: Answer, Advice or Order: ZXP I have for you...(1. A request = for direct air support; 2. A reply to a support request. Precedence is...). ZXQ I have for you...(1. A request = for tactical reconnaisance; 2. A request for photographic reconnaisance; 3. A request for artillery reconn- aisance. Precedence is...) ZXR Extensive flag signalling will = take place shortly (or in...minutes). ZXS Message which follows is to be handled by...(Officer Emergency Cryptographic team; 2. Ratings Emergency Cryptographic team; 3. Senior Communications Rating; 4. Junior Communications Rating; 5. Coder (Educational)). ZXT This message is not to be = transmitted by radio telegraph or radiotelephone in any form over part of its route. ZXU -Unassigned- ZXV -Unassigned- ZXW This message has been delivered = to all action addressees whose designations follow this operating signal. ZXX This message has been delivered = to all information addressees whose designations follow this operating signal. ZXY Transmit this message to the add- ressee(s) indicated by the numeral(s) following... All add- ressees are to be counted conseq- utively as they appear (numbers to be separated by the Separative Sign). ZXZ -Unassigned- The series ZYA through ZZZ is reserved for assignment as required by national authorities. - Page 36 - Cable & Wireless Service Z-Code. (This is probably not a complete list ZAC.....Advise...(callsign) the frequency you are reading ...running dual for you. ZAK.....Transmission interrupted at...hours. ZAL.....Alter your wavelength. (Change frequency). ZAN.....We can receive absolutely nothing. ZAP.....Acknowledge please. ZAR.....Revert to automatic relay. ZCA.....Circuit seriously affected. All signals or channels from...unreadable. Please try to advise us on which frequency a readable signal is useable. ZCB.....Circuit interrupted. Signals unheard. ZCC.....Collate code. ZCD.....Your collation is different. ZCF.....Please check your centre frequency. ZCI.....Circuit interrupted. We are advised that...is running and available. Please cover also and advise which signal first becomes useable. ZCK.....Check your keying. ZCL.....Transmit your callsign intelligibly (in international morse at no more than 24 wpm, (or by voice) for station identification. ZCO.....Collation is missing. ZCP.....Local receiving conditions are poor, please increase power to maximum. ZCR.....Now using concentrator. Please give preliminary call. ZCS.....Cease sending. ZCT.....Send words twice. ZCW.....Are you in direct communication with...? ZDC.....We are diagnosing circuit faults and will advise. ZDF.....Your frequency is drifting ZDH.....Your dots are too heavy. ZDL.....Your dots are too light. ZDM.....Your dots are missing. - Page 37 - ZDT.....Following transmitters are running dual... ZDV.....Your dots are varying in length. ZED.....We are experiencing drop-outs. ZEF.....We are experiencing fill-ins. ZEG.....We are experiencing garbles. ZFA.....Auto transmission is failing. ZFB.....Signals are fading badly. ZFC.....Please check your shift. ZFD.....Your signal is fading. ZFF.....Please observe and furnish FRAME code reports on...(...frequency). ZFK.....Revert to FSK. ZFO.....Signals faded out. ZFQ.....Your frequency shift is...Hz. ZFR.....Your signal is fading rapidly. ZFS.....Your signal is fading slightly ZGF.....Your signals good for...wpm. ZGP.....Please give priority. ZGS.....Your signals getting stronger. ZGW.....Your signals getting weaker. ZHA.....How are your conditions for auto reception? ZHM.....Indicate extent of reception of harmonic radiation. ZHS.....Send high speed auto. ZHY.....We are holding your... ZIM.....Interruption by ISM interference. ZIP.....Increase power. ZKO.....Revert to on/off keying. ZKQ.....Advise when ready to resume. ZKW.....The key weight of your signals is...percent. ZLB.....Please give long breaks. ZLD.....Receiving a long dash (mark or space) from you. - Page 38 - ZLL.....Landline control signals distorted due to inductive pickup. ZLP.....Reduce power. ZLS.....We are suffering from a lightning storm. ZMH.....Magnetic activity. ZMO.....Standby a moment. ZMP.....Mispunch or perforator failures ZMQ.....Standby for... ZMU.....Multipath effect causing distortion. ZNB.....We do not get your breaks, we send twice. ZNC.....No contact with... ZNG.....Receiving conditions no good for code. ZNI.....No call letters (ident) heard. ZNN.....Nothing further. All traffic cleared. ZNO.....Not on the air. ZNR.....Not received. ZNS.....Here new slip. ZOA.....We have checked...(equipment or callsign). ZOD.....We are observing... ZOK.....Receiving OK. ZOL.....OK on line. ZOM.....Mail delivery possible. ZOR.....Transmit reversals. ZPA.....Printer line-feed missing. ZPC.....Printer carriage-return missing. ZPE.....Punch (perforate) everything. ZPF.....Printer motor running fast. ZPO.....Send plain once. ZPP.....Punch (perforate) plain only. ZPR.....Restart present slip. ZPS.....Printer motor running slow. - Page 39 - ZPT.....Send plain twice. ZRA.....Your tape is reversed. ZRB.....Relayed signals is corrupt. Please check signal being received. ZRC.....Can you receive code? ZRF.....Run foxes. (Send a QBF test tape). ZRK.....Reversed keying. ZRL.....Rerun previous slip. ZRM.....Please remove modulation from... ZRN.....Rough note. ZRO.....Are you receiving OK? ZRR.....Run reversals. ZRS.....Rerun slip number... ZRT.....Revert to traffic. ZRY.....Run a test tape. ZSF.....Send faster. ZSH.....Heavy static. ZSI.....Advise signal intensity as received. ZSM.....Microvolt input to receiver is... ZSN.....Please observe and furnish SINPO code reports on...(call and/or frequency). ZSO.....Send slips once. ZSR.....Signals strong/readable. ZSS.....Send slower. ZST.....Send slips twice. ZSU.....Your signals unreadable. ZSV.....Your speed is varying. ZTA.....Transmit by auto. ZTH.....Transmit by hand. ZTI.....Transmission temporarily interrupted. ZUA.....Conditions unsuitable for automatic working. ZUB.....Unable to break you. - Page 40 - ZUC.....Unable to comply. (Will do so at...hours). ZVB.....Varying bias. ZVF.....Signals varying in frequency. ZVP.....Send Vs please. ZVS.....Signals vary in intensity. ZWC.....Wipers or clicks here. ZWO.....Send words once. ZWR.....Signals weak but readable. ZWS.....Frequency varies. ZWT.....Send words twice. ZXA.....Adjusting (or please adjust) to receive speeds... ZXC.....Pictures...conditionally accepted. Will advise. ZXD.....Send dashes. ZXF.....You are floating badly. ZXH.....Your limits are too high. Reduce to...Hz. ZXJ.....You are jumping out of phase. ZXK.....Is your sync correct? ZXL.....Your limits are too low. Reduce to...Hz. ZXO.....Last run defaced (due to...). ZXP.....Go ahead with pictures. ZXS.....You are floating slowly. ZXV.....Your modulation varies. ZYA.....Cease traffic on all channels. Send As on "A" channel for synch. ZYC.....Cycling on ARQ with errors stored your end. ZYK.....Your keying on channel...affected; please check. ZYN.....Reduce bias. ZYP.....Change from multiplex to single-channel. ZYR.....Put...on multiplex reversals. ZYS.....Transmission speed is... ZYX.....Revert to multiplex reversals...channels. - Page 41 - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCCF0F.D02B29C0--