TUCoPS :: Radio :: rrb.faq

rec.radio.broadcasting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Subject: Introduction to rec.radio.boadcasting (7-29-93)
Date: 13 Sep 1993 02:54:18 GMT


Rec.radio.broadcasting (r.r.b) is a Usenet newsgroup which
was founded in April of 1992, in order to provide a forum for 
discussion of topics pertaining to 'domestic broadcast radio'.
Already in existance was rec.radio.shortwave, which centers around the
International radio scene, and rec.radio.noncom who's focus is,
obviously, non-commercial radio.  Rec.radio.broadcasting was intended
to 'fill the gap' between these groups.

The Internet Radio Journal is a periodic email digest consisting,
mainly, of articles found in the newsgroup.  It is intended for people
who either cannot access the newsgroup from their system or for some
reason perfer a digestified format for reading.  Subscriptions to IRJ
are free, and available to anyone who wants one, and who is equiped
with some form of email service.  

                -=*=- DOMESTIC BROADCAST RADIO  -=*=-

By domestic, we mean broadcasts which are intended, primarily,for
reception in the same country/nation in which they originate.  R.r.b
is an international newsgroup, though, and the  term 'domestic' should
not be taken to imply 'USA' or even North American.  Readers in other
nations are encouraged to participate. 

                        -=*=- SUBJECTS -=*=-

If it has to do with broadcast radio, and not _specifically_ international
shortwave, it is welcome here.  Occasionally an article which IS
primarily about shortwave will be posted if the subject seems broad
enough that the readership of r.r.b might be interested, or be able
to assist the poster in some way.  

Generally, if a subject 'seems' like it would be of interest to the
broadcasting community (which includes those involved in creating,
transmitting or listening to broadcast radio) will be published.
These subjects include (but are not limited to)..

1)  Formats and programming.
2)  Engineering & technical matters and interests.
3)  DXing (long distance reception) on the standard broadcast bands
4)  Community broadcasting (including non-commercial and clandestine stations).
5)  Pirate broadcasting (especially non-shortwave, domestic pirates).
6)  Legislation affecting the industry, and its 'offspring' industries.
7)  Technologies affecting the industry, and its 'offspring' industries.
8)  General station information.  Who is going on and off the air, and why.
9)  Radio's historical and cultural significance.  
10) Radio's current and future trends.
11) Political and news coverage and its impact.
12) Job openings and help to those seeking work in the industry.
13) Information on equipment and techniques involved in transmission and
    reception of broadcast radio signals.  
14) The International Scene and how broadcast radio is shaping up in the
    various nations of the world.
15) Gabfesting and all matters of general interest to those involved
    in, or interested in, the general subject of domestic radio broadcasting.

                        -=*=- POSTING -=*=-

1) Post to rrb as you would any other Usenet group.  The software does
   the rest.

2) Email your article directly to rrb@airwaves.chi.il.us. Using other
   addresses to post will needlessly delay your article.  You might
   consider installing an alias in your mailer for emailed articles,
   especially if you post a lot of stuff.  See the end of this file
   for all applicable addresses.

                        -=*=- POSTING GUIDELINES -=*=-

* If you post a question that is of potential interest to others in
  the group, ask that replies be posted, instead of emailed to you.
  We all would like access to the answers  If you do receive email
  replies, post a summary to the group.  This forum is only as good as
  it's posters and readers.  Keep the info flowing. 

* If you email an answer to a question, send a Cc: to the group's
  submission address, rrb@airwaves.chi.il.us, so we can all learn from your
  knowledge.  When id doubt... POST POST POST! :-).

* PLEASE edit quoted text to a minimum!  Most users of this
  group are fairly regular readers and do not need, or want, to read the
  entire text of a recent article in every reply.  Of course, if the
  thread is less current, more quoted text may be appropriate.  Use
  your brains (and your editor :->).

* If your message is basically a one or two line "Me Too" or "I disagree" 
  post, consider emailing it to the poster.  However if you go into
  some details as to WHY you agree or disagree, then please post it. 

* If you are replying to an article in the Internet Radio Journal,
  simply use your mailer's reply feature, and again, edit the text to
  ONLY the article you are replying to, and include the article's name
  in the Subject field.  Subjects of "Re: Internet Radio Journal" are
  confusing and may result in needless delays.

* If you post about a local radio station or personality, realize that
  95% or more of the readers will know little or nothing about it.
  Offer a little background, like location, station format, type of
  music played   etc.

* Last but not least, avoid flames and personal insults.  R.r.b has a
  high percentage of broadcast professionals among it's readers.  We
  try to maintain a reasonably high brain to bulls*it ratio here.
  It is perfectly fine to say "I think that what you said is the
  stupidest bunch of crap I have ever heard", instead of "YOU are the
  stupidest jerk I have ever heard".  If you *must* make personal
  attacks, do it in email.  

                        -=*=- MODERATION -=*=-

    R.r.b is a _very_ loosely moderated group.  Normally, all legitimate
      articles will be posted to the group.  Matters that may cause an
               article to be rejected by the moderator include...


* Articles which are not on (or reasonably near) the stated charter and scope
  of the group (domestic radio broadcasting) or pertain to 'non-broadcast'   
  radio services, such as cellular, two-way, ham, citzens-band, and such. 

* Articles  that are too long for submission as-is.  If your article is
  longer than 10k (10,000 bytes), consider splitting it into two parts, or
  better yet, edit it down to a more reasonable size.  Check to see if you
  can eliminate any quoted text.  If you believe that your article is of an
  especially urgent or inforamative nature, and you also feel that you cannot
  reduce the size without damaging the content, let me know and I will try to
  work with you.  

* Articles which are merely multiple repetitions of an identical answer which
  has already been offered several times.  Often these will be bundled
  together into a single article to conserve bandwidth and increase

* Articles which contain 'miles' of quoted and multiple quoted text followed
  by a few lines or less of original text.  Please edit quoted text to a
  minimum and try to adhere to the *50% rule*, that is 51 (or more) percent of
  original text to 49 (or less) of quoted text.  If the thread is not curent,
  more quoted text is appropriate.  Only the worst offenders are omited, 
  usually I will edit quoted text myself, when I have time.  

* Articles that solicit for funds or contain blatant commercial
  content. (see next section on this)

* Articles which are unwarrantedly offensive, abusive or contentious for the
  sake of contention.  Personal attacks and ridicule are considered such.
  Discussion, even argument, of issues and opinions are welcomed and
  encouraged.  Flame-wars and such are not.  We have discussions here, not
  shouting matches.

Note:  Since most articles are used, we do not send out confirmations.
       If your article *is* rejected, you WILL receive a note explaining why
       the action was taken.  If you do not receive such a note, and you do
       not see your article in the group, notify the moderator at once and
       include a backup copy if you have one. 

                        -=*=- NO SOLICITATION POLICY -=*=-

Rec.radio.broadcasting and the Internet Radio Journal maintain a
non-solicitation policy.  Articles which appear to contain substantial      
'commercial content' or which appear to blatently solicit funds from readers
for a 'cause' or a 'project' are generally rejected.  I generally do accept..

Product reviews: ... provided they are objective and informative and contain
  little or no 'motivational' language.  Prices should be reduced to a
  price 'range' and  all inqiries must be directed to the poster -or- an
  address of the manufacturer/distributor.  

Personal items:  Such as old time radio tapes, a specific piece or two of
  equipment etc. sold at a low, hobbiest price.  

Radio-related items for barter/trade:  Self explanatory.

Announcements for non-commercial workshops, conventions, radio related
  flea-markets, etc.  Pricing <other than small admission charge> and other
  specifics (like 'we take your credit card') are considered commercial
  content.  If you want to publicize here, then you must deal with the
  followup mail/calls yourself.

Personal recomendations of a product/company that appear legitimate.
  Especially when it is in response to another poster's inquiry.


In general I will take an 'err on the side of permissiveness' approach to
this.  In other words, if you are credible, informative, reasonably
intelligent, broadcast related,  and have something to offer, I  will do what
I can to pass it along to the readers.  I will only reject the worst of the
lot. the rest I'll try to edit as necessary.

                        -=*=- ARCHIVES -=*=-
   Archives of past Internet Radio Journals are kept for anonymous FTP at
   deja-vu.aiss.uiuc.edu .  They can be found in the directory 
   /misc/rec.radio.b-cast.  In that directory you will find a file called
   INDEX, which contains the issue numbers of all Journals, and the
   title of each article contained within.  The archives are updated
   every week or so. To determine when the last update was, look at
   the date on the file called "<-Archive Last Updated At".
   If you need help with FTP, write me.

   The Journals are arranged in sub-directories of about 100 issues each,
   and are in compressed (.Z) format.  Remember that compressed files
   should always be sent using the "binary" mode. If you have trouble accessing
   anything, or if you have any questions about the archives, send email
   to rrb@deja-vu.aiss.uiuc.edu.  If you appreciate the archives, send
   your notes of appreciation to the site admin, C. Lance Moxley
   <lance@deja-vu.aiss.uiuc.edu>.  He has been very gracious in his
   willingness to store our archives on his machine.  
   * Please do not bother the system admin with problems, direct those to me. *

                        -=*=- ENJOY THE GROUP! -=*=-

     I hope you enjoy the group.  Remember, it is only as good as it's
    contributors.  So don't be shy :-). If you have a question, or answer,
              even if you are not sure, post - post - post. 

  I am open to suggestions on how to improve this group.  Send them via e-mail
         to wdp@airwaves.chi.il.us -or- rrb@deja-vu.aiss.uiuc.edu.

          Thanks to all who have, and continue to, participate.

         We now return you to your regularly scheduled newsgroup :-).

                                William Pfeiffer
          Moderator - rec.radio.broadcasting - Internet Radio Journal

-=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-   Addresses:   -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-

Article submissions  -----   -----   -----   -----  rrb@airwaves.chi.il.us
Internet Radio Journal subscriptions -----   -----  journal@airwaves.chi.il.us
Archive site    -----  -----  -----  -----   -----  rrb@deja-vu.aiss.uiuc.edu
Other communications -----   -----   -----   -----  wdp@airwaves.chi.il.us

-=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-

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