>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > Scan-ALL! A Frequency guide by Adam Gott. - # 1 - Aug 1989 < >--------------------------------------------------------------------< > The Hole in the Wall BBS - (415)/524-1329 - User #20 < > Spectrum Analysis Center - (714)/532-2300 - User #215 < > A.N.A.R.C. - (913)/345-1978 - Adam Gott < >--------------------------------------------------------------------< > Please send me ANY additional info that you have! Thank you! < >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 26.965 - 26.965 Citizens Band (Class D & C) 30.000 - 30.550 U.S. Government 30.580 - 31.160 Business Band 31.180 - 31.980 State Police (40khz spacing) 32.010 - 32.990 U.S. Government 33.020 - 33.100 Highway Maintenance, Special Emergency 33.120 - 33.400 Petroleum Industry 33.420 - 33.980 Fire Departments (some mobiles) 34.010 - 34.990 U.S. Government 35.020 - 35.980 Business (Mobile Telephones (Base) 35.26-35.60) 36.010 - 36.990 U.S. Government 37.020 - 37.980 Local Government, Utilities 38.270 - 38.990 U.S. Government 39.020 - 39.980 Police, Local Government 40.010 - 41.990 U.S. Government 42.020 - 42.940 State Police 42.960 - 43.680 Business (Mobile Telephones - 43.26-43.54) 43.700 - 44.600 Trucks, Busses 44.620 - 46.580 State Police, Local Police, Fire 46.610 - 46.970 Portable Phones The following channels are listed as BASE/HANDSET. 46.610/49.670-Channel 1 46.770/49.830-Channel 6 46.630/49.845-Channel 2 46.830/49.890-Channel 7 46.670/49.860-Channel 3 46.870/49.930-Channel 8 46.710/49.770-Channel 4 46.930/49.990-Channel 9 46.730/49.875-Channel 5 46.970/49.970-Channel 10 Various other low power items licensed here. 47.020 - 47.660 State Highway Maint (Red Cross-47.42) 47.440 - 49.580 Utilities, Forestry, Petroleum Products 49.670 - 50.000 Portable Phones (FM Room Monitors noted here) 50.000 - 54.000 Amateur Radio 54.000 - 72.000 VHF Television (Ch 2 - 4, 6 Mhz/channel) 72.000 - 76.000 Model Radio Control, and Industry 76.000 - 88.000 VHF Television (Ch 5 - 6, 6 Mhz/channel) 88.000 - 108.000 FM Commercial Advertising 108.000 - 112.000 Aviation Nav. (Even Tenths VOR,odd Localizer) 112.000 - 136.000 Aviation Communication (Emer. 121.5) 136.000 - 138.000 Weather Satellite, U.S. Government 138.000 - 144.000 Government (Military Bases) 144.000 - 148.000 Amateur Radio 148.000 - 150.775 Government 150.815 - 150.965 Tow Trucks, Auto Clubs 150.995 - 151.985 Highway Maintenance, Business 152.007 - 153.725 Business (Mobile Telephone (Base) 152.03-152.21) (Mobile Telephone (Base) 152.51-152.81) 153.740 - 156.240 Local Government (Police, Medical, etc.) (Police Department TACTICAL freqs here) 156.275 - 157.425 Marine (Marine Telephone (Ship) 157.2-157.4) (Emer. 156.8) 157.450 - 158.670 Business (Taxi, Tow Trucks, Utilities) (Mobile Telephone - 157.77-158.10 158.49-158.7) 158.730 - 159.465 Local Government (Police, Highways, Forests) 159.495 - 160.200 Taxi Services 160.215 - 161.565 Railroad 161.640 - 161.760 Radio and TV Remotes 161.800 - 162.000 Marine (Ship telephone freqs) 162.025 - 174.000 U.S. Government (Newspapers/Motion Pictures 173.225-173.375) NOAA Weather is transmitted on: 162.400/162.475/162.550 174.000 - 216.000 VHF Television (Ch 7 - 13, 6 Mhz/channel) 216.000 - 220.000 Maritime Mobile 220.000 - 222.000 Land Mobile Radio 222.000 - 225.000 Amateur Radio 225.000 - 329.000 U.S. Government (Military Aviation, MILSAT's) 329.000 - 335.000 U.S. Government (Airport Glide Slope Navigation) 335.000 - 400.000 U.S. Govt. (Military Aviation- Emer. 243/282.8) (Various Security/Low Power devices also) 400.000 - 419.975 U.S. Government (Military heavy use, probably ALL agencies can be found here!) 420.000 - 450.000 Amateur Radio 450.050 - 450.925 Broadcast (Radio & TV) Pickups 451.025 - 452.1875 Business, Industry 452.050 - 452.9625 Taxi, Busses, Railroad, Tow Trucks 452.962 - 453.000 Newspaper Relays 453.012 - 453.9875 Local Government (Police, Fire, Highway) 454.025 - 454.975 Mobile Telephone (Landline, Aircraft, etc.) 458.025 - 460.6375 Medical, Police, Fire (The frequencies ending in .?125, .?375, .?625, .?875 are LOW POWER frequencies) (458.025-458.175 Medical on scene - 5 watts) 460.650 - 460.875 Airlines (Maintenance, Airport freqs usually) 460.900 - 460.975 Central Alarm Companies (Burglar Alarms) 461.000 - 462.525 Business (The frequencies ending in .?125, .?375, .?625, .?875 are LOW POWER frequencies) 462.550 - 462.725 General Mobile Radio (REACT teams operate here) 462.750 - 462.925 Paging (Low power business freqs mixed in) 462.950 - 463.175 Medical Services (Dispatch, MED1-MED8) 463.200 - 470.000 Business (The frequencies ending in .?125, .?375, .?625, .?875 are LOW POWER frequencies up to 465 Mhz) 470.000 - 806.000 Television (Ch 14 - 70, 6 Mhz/channel) 806.000 - 810.000 Business Radio Service (mobile in) 810.000 - 816.000 Public Safety Service (mobile in) 816.000 - 821.000 Business Radio Service TRUNKED (mobile in) 821.000 - 825.000 Land Mobile Satellite Service (mobile in) 825.000 - 835.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones NON-WIRELINE SYSTEMS (mobile in) 835.000 - 845.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones WIRELINE SYSTEMS (mobile in) 845.000 - 850.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones EXPANSION (mobile in) 850.000 - 851.000 Reserved for future expansion 851.000 - 855.000 Business Radio Service (base out) 855.000 - 861.000 Public Safety Radio Service (base out) 861.000 - 866.000 Business Radio Service TRUNKED (base out) (Phone calls sometimes placed here) 866.000 - 870.000 Land Mobile Satellite Service (output) 870.000 - 880.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones NONWIRELINE SYSTEMS (base out - Channels 1-333) 880.000 - 890.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones WIRELINE SYSTEMS (base out - Channels 334-666) 890.000 - 896.000 Cellular Mobile Telephones EXPANSION (base out) 896.000 - 902.000 Private Land Mobile Radio Service (mobile in) 902.000 - 928.000 Amateur Radio Service (RESERVE) 928.000 - 930.000 Domestic Public Radio Service (Paging, Private systems, future expansion) 930.000 - 931.000 Domestic Public Radio Service (advanced paging) 931.000 - 932.000 Domestic Public Radio Service (common carrier paging) 932.000 - 935.000 Government Private (shared) 935.000 - 941.000 Private Land Mobile Radio Service (base out) 941.000 - 944.000 Government Private (shared) 944.000 - 952.000 Broadcast Radio Service (studio-transmitter link, intercity relays) 952.000 - 956.100 Private Microwave Service (signalling (?)) 956.262 - 956.4375 Private Fixed Service (signalling & control) 956.500 - 959.800 Private Microwave Service 959.862 - 959.9875 Common Carrier Radio Service 960.000 - 1215.000 Aviation Services (Navigational aids) (Military TACAN, Civilian DME) (1030.0 Ground to transponder, 1090.0 Air/Ground) 1215.000 - 1300.000 Amateur Radio ----------------------------------------------------------------------