Cross pole alignment Small Eart Station Cross Pole Alignment is a procedure to align the feed horn with the vertical or horizontal antenna on the satellite. If this is a new dish or feed horn installation, get the current chart showing the inclination for your site. SES Americom or similar site. Perform course setting with a inclimeter and leave set screws loose on the retaining collar. Power up LNA only! and connect the output coax to a spectrum anlyzer. Set the frequency to the PILOT / BECON freq of the bird you are looking at. If you are looking for vertcal, center on that freq and then look to the right for the lower freq hort signal. Adjust the feed horn until the hort is hidden in the noise floor. Do this a couple of times and confirm you know where you are. At this point you can lightly tighten the retaining set screws. Contact the receiving Gateway Earth Station and have them set up to view your transmitt. Now if all is cleared OK, turn on your HPA/SSPA and do the fine tuning. Now this will work fo r a site that just got a new dish or feed horn, but if it is a completely new site do a complete setup! We hold a FCC lic for a reason, don't harm others. I have No References, just years of doing this task for AT&T.