How To Get Free Soda And Cash From Vending Machines --- -- --- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -------- Written by: THE ANALOG KID --- ------ --- Have you ever wanted to get something for nothing? Well here's a text file to teach you how to do just that with vending and change machines... The first method of obtaining soda and change is really quite simple... All that you need is a one or five dollar bill and some clear tape that's pretty strong... To set up you bill simply take a decent size (anywhere from 9 to 12 inches is fine) piece of tape and attach it to one end of the bill... Make sure that you attach the piece of tape to the bill well and also that the tape does not reach more than about 1 inch up on the bill (see crude drawing).. Then take another piece of tape the same length of the first one and tape it to the back of the other tape (Sticky side to sticky side)... Be sure that the tape is attached to the bill very well so that it doesn't simply slide off... Regular scotch tape does not work very well so I don't suggest even trying it. The best tape to use is clear packing tape that can usually be obtained at you local hardware store... _______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B i l l | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _______________ | | | | | |---| |---| | | | T a p e | | | | | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Once you have set up your bill it's time for some fun... Start out by finding yourself a vending machine that accepts bills... To get your free stuff put the bill in the machine and wait for the machine to spit that bill back at you... See how far the bill goes in (it should go in all the way and then some) and time it so that you can yank the bill out just before the machine spits it back at you... If you can time it just right the machine will give you credit for a purchase and you'll still have the bill in you hand... Good deal huh? Another way to get money out of vending machines is the use of lukewarm salt water... It is quite simple to do and usually very effective... To use this method simply mix up a batch of salt water (make sure that it's lukewarm) and put it in a portable bottle of some sort (2 liter soda bottles are great). Once you get to the vending machine you will need some sort of funnel (a rolled up piece of paper works fine)... Insert the funnel in the change slot and pour the salt water in relatively slowly... If everything works the machine will start spitting sodas and change back at you... The reason this method works is due to the fact that salt water conducts electricity... There is a sort of switch inside the vending machine which tells the machine when to give out money and sodas... The salt water runs between the switch's 2 sides and makes them touch each other thereby making the machine spit out sodas and money... If you need to get in touch with me for any reason I can be reached on any of the following boards... Also, realize that I am in no way responsible for anything that you do with this file... Anything that you try is all on your own and I can't be held responsible for your wrongdoings... If you would like to use this file for posting on any BBS message board sections please get in touch with me before you do so by contacting me on one of the following systems... BlueBeard's BlackBoard (201) 962-0015 Side Show's Palace (201) 208-9546 The Crack in Time (201) 573-0476 (C)opyWrong May 14, 1991 by The Analog Kid