TUCoPS :: Scams :: morgue14.txt

Morgue #14: Morgue Carding Guide part 1

                              Á ÁÀÄÙÁÀÄÀÄÙÀÄÄÙÀÄÙ



³ The writers, members, and SysOps involved with Morgue Texts herein, are not  ³
³ responsible in any way shape or form for the effects of the information that ³
³ is contained in this textfile. The actual following of the instructions we   ³
³ have given may be in violation of the law, and you may be punishable by the  ³
³ court system of the U.S., Canada or wherever.                                ³

                   ³Issue Number: Volume One Issue 14    ³
                   ³Release Date: 03/05/93               ³
                   ³Writer(s)   : Acidic Nature          ³
                   ³Title/Subj. : MoRGUE Carding Guide   ³
                   ³              Volume One: Basics     ³
                   ³Comments:                            ³
                   ³     Your basic carding guide for    ³
                   ³ amateurs as well as pros.           ³
                   ³                                     ³
                   ³                                     ³
                   ³                                     ³
                   ³Greets To:                           ³
                   ³                                     ³
                   ³     Noone. So HA!                   ³
                   ³                                     ³
                   ³                                     ³

     Welcome to the first volume of the MoRGUE Carding Guide. To start off,
   another disclaimer. We (us) are not (never) responsible for anything you
   may do with this information. Ok? ok.	

                              Table of Contents       

        Section (1) : The Basics of Carding
        Section (2) : Credit Card Types
        Section (3) : Acquiring Cards/Numbers
        Section (4) : Generating Card Numbers/Algorhythms
        Section (5) : Verifying Numbers
        Section (6) : Finding a Drop Site                 		  
        Section (7) : What NOT to Card
        Section (8) : Finding a Vendor
        Section (9) : Placing an Order
        Section (10): Picking it Up
        Appendix A  : Trashing Tips
        Appendix B  : P.O. Boxes and Fake I.D.'s
        Appendix C  : Trouble Shooting Guide
        Appendix D  : Credit Card Number Generator/Verifier Source Code in 'C'
        Appendix E  : What to Do if Caught/Final Notes

 Section (1): The Basics of Carding

  Carding is a very dangerous, yet very productive method of making money,
 gaining electronic equipment for building boxes, computer equipment, stereos,
 and anything available through a mail order place. Personally I believe that
 carding electronics (ie Computers, Stereos, and the like) is quite risky. If
 you succeed, good. It is very profitable, but, should be taken slowly and
 carefully. Careful planning, and investigation of many aspects of you scheme
 must be done. This file should help you stay out of jail, make a little cash,
 and maybe get a 2.8 gig HD for that XT of yours.. hehehe. Read on.

  Carding, or CCN Fraud has been around forever. There are many ways of doing 
 this. I will go into three major ways.

 1.) Card Numbers.
   Getting card numbers is simple. Read sections 3-5 and appendix B for info.
   This way is by far the most common. First you acquire a number, Exp date,
   name, and billing address for any given credit card. The name and address
   are not totally necessary, as you can improvise and make one up. Most large
   companies can verify this now via a credit card bureau such as TRW or CBI.
   This can be done ONLINE, while you order, so be careful. For optimum results
   you really should have the REAL name and billing address. If not, read on
   for ways around this.
 2.) Actual Cards.
   This is probably the hardest method, and sometimes the easiest. (Confused?)
   If you rob a card from some simp on the street, or from a bar counter, or
   anywhere, you probably want to use it immediately. Say you steal Biff Jones'
   Mastercard. As soon as you have it, run to the nearest mall and leech it to 
   the max. (Quickly, I know if my card was stolen, I'd notice perty quick) 
   Usually within a day (sometimes a few hours) the card is flagged and you'll
   be riding in the back of a nice new Chevy Caprice if you try to use it. 
   This is a good way to get clothes, and small but expensive items from your 
   local department store.

 3.) Person Carding.
   This is the most risky, but believe it or not, very common method. You call
   a place around you where phone orders are acceptable and say your son Billy
   who is off at college in the area will stop by and pick it up. Bill it to 
   a stolen card or CCN, and go pick it up in a day or two. Another good way
   to see if handcuffs are really overrated.

 Section (2): Credit Card Types

   If you do not already know the four major card types, press <ESC> now, then
  delete this textfile. If you have a clue, read on.


  1- Mastercard
  2- Visa
  3- Amex (American Express for those who have never seen sunlight)
  4- Discover

 Follow? ok. Discover is by far the easiest card to use, due to the fact that 
the simps have no online credit bureau support to verify anything online. They
really do reflect the fact that Sears Roephuck owns them. Next, MC and Visa
rank a close second. Both are quite similar. Lastly, AMeX, the king of all CC's
comes in. Average limits on a Discover are between 500 and 2500 dollars. MC and
visa median at about 2500-5000 (Gold cards slightly(?) higher). AMeX cards can
go from 1000-?. (?= unlimited credit limit.). These ARE the kings. A Corporate
AMeX gold is by far the highest ranked card out there. I sit and stare at a CCN
to one at this moment. I recommend you save the American Expresses till you've
successfully used Visas/MCs/Discovers in carding serious shit.


  Finding Card Type-

 American Express -  3xxx xxxxxx xxxxx    (4 digits, 6 digits, 5 digits)
 Mastercard       -  5xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  (4 groups of 4 digits) 
 Visa (Type #1)   -  4xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  (4 groups of 4 digits)
 Visa (Type #2)   -  4xxx xxx xxx xxx     (4 digits, then 3 groups of 3 digits)
 Discover         -  6xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  (4 groups of 4 digits)

-Q: "What do all the numbers on the cards stand for?"
-A: "Read on."

  The first Number:
   The first number signifies the type of card.

   3- American Express
   4- Visa
   5- Mastercard
   6- Discover
  The First Group:

  Example:  4321 0987 6543 2109
             ^the first group determines Card type, Bank, and branch of issue.
     Bank Numbers:

American Express & Discover - This is not true for these cards. AMeX is only
                              offered through the main company, as Discover
                              is offered only through Sears.

Mastercard - Listing below of many major banks
        5215 Marine Midland
        5217 Manufacturers Hanover Trust
        5233 Huntingdon Bank
        5242 Chevy Chase Federal Savings
        5254 Bank of America
        5263 Chemical Bank
        5273 Bank of America
        5286 Chase Lincoln First
        5317 Norwest
        5323 Bank of New York
        5329 Maryland Bank (MBNA)
        5410 Citibank Preferred
        5411 First Financial Bank of Omaha
        5414 National Westminster Bank
        5415 Colonial National Bank
        5418 Dauphin Deposit Bank
        5424 Citibank
        5465 Chase Manhattan
        5678 Marine Midland

Visa - Short list below

        4019 Bank of America
        4024 Bank of America
        4052 First Cincinatti
        4060 Navy Federal Credit Union
        4128 Citibank
        4131 State Street Bank
        4215 Marine Midland
        4225 Chase Manhattan
        4231 Chase Lincoln First -Classic
        4232 Chase Lincoln First -Classic
        4241 National Westminster Bank
        4250 First Chicago Bank
        4271 Citibank Preferred
        4302 H.H.B.C.
        4310 Imperial Savings
        4317 Gold Dome
        4387 Bank One
        4428 Bank of Hoven
        4811 Bank of Hawaii
        4897 Village Bank of Cincinatti

    Now that you know a little about cards, we'll get into the actual start of a
    carding adventure.

 Section (3): Acquiring Cards/Numbers 

    Now,"How do I get a Card?" you ask. Well this is the easiest part. First 
   you decide whether to get an actual card or some numbers. I recommend the
   numbers, but if you want some stuff quick... Anyway, there are like fifty
   million ways to get numbers, and a few to get cards. I'll start with the

  Acquiring an Actual Card - 
   1.) Pickpocketing:
                      An obvious way to get credit cards is to pick someone's
                      pocket. In a pocket may be a wallet, containing not only 
                      credit cards, but cash, spare keysø, things containing a
                      signature, checks, a driver's license, and other useful

              ø If spare keys are found, get address from license and rob the 
                simp's house.

   2.) Bar Counters:
                      The best method is the Bar Method. First you find some 
                      drunk bastard at the bar with an empty chair near him.
                      start talking to the slob, and, (Most drunks keep their
                      wallet on the bar for the bartender to take the bux out
                      of) snatch it while they aren't looking. The drunk won't
                      notice til the next morning or so, leaving you a while to
                      pilfer the card into oblivion. Then you sell the card to
                      some crackhead fiend on the street.

   3.) MailBoxes:
                      Another method that involves almost no risk is the Mail
                      Method. This is simple. Go around stealing mail. Nine
                      chances out of ten you'll find either a new card in an
                      envelope, a Hallmark full 'o' cash, or a card bill with
                      a number, address, name, exp date, LIMIT, and other shit.

  Acquiring Card Numbers -
   1.) Trashing:      
                      By far the most common method.  
                         SEE APPENDIX 'A' FOR COMPLETE GUIDE!

   2.) Friends:  
                      Everyone has a friend who works at a store that takes
                      credit cards. Get one to snatch you some carbons from
                      work. Carbons, written card information, or even cards
                      people forget. Make sure you can trust them first.
   3.) MailBoxes:
                      As above, but the chances are higher for finding a bill
                      than a card. This gives you ALL information necessary
                      to adequately card anything.

   4.) People:
                      Every cardholder is insured against this very crime. If
                      you find someone willing to allow you to use their card
                      for a few items out of it. No increase in rates etc..
                      The SAFEST method of CARDING.

   There are many other ways, but these are the most common. Calling people and
  pulling the old First National Bank Lost Record of your Card thing don't cut 
  it no more. Nor does getting numbers off boards, codex doors, VMBs, etc..

 Section (4): Generating Card Numbers/Algorhythms

   There are many programs out there that can generate card numbers, and there
 are equally as many so-called algorhythms to generate valid CCNs. One such 
 program, VCARD, actually verifies if it is indeed a real card for you. There's
 not much out there on algorhythms, but I'll go as far into detail as I can.

  Card Number Generators:
  Card number generators rely on simple mathematics. Here is a generator and
  verifier in plain english, translatable into any language.

              Check equals 0
              go from first digit to last digit
              product equals value of current digit
              if digit position from end is odd then multiply product by 2
              if product is 10 or greater then subtract nine from product
              add product to check
              end loop
              if check is divisible by 10, card number passes checksum test

   A nice interface, of course, must be implemented. I'm working on one now 
   in BASIC. Should be done in time for the release of this MEGA-Tfile.

  -SEE Appendix 'C' for Generator/Verifier Source Code in C/C++

 Section (5): Verifying Numbers

   There are many ways to verify credit cards/numbers. This "verification" is
  not the same as that in Section (4). This is to actually see if the card is
  valid, and to test using it. There are a few ways, I'll go into most of them

  1.) Friends: 
         You could always have a friend who works somewhere with one of those
         verifiers (ie: Department Store) verify the card for you. Simple.

  2.) 1-900 Numbers:
         You could always try dialing Anal Annie on her 1-900 number. They ask 
         you for a valid credit card number to bill it to. Call one and enter a
         CCN. Stay on a while, and see if the card works. Again, Simple.

  3.) Actual Card system Verifier:
         Call 1-800-554-2265. 
         Card Type: 10=Mastercard 
         # - Pound Sign = Control Key.

         Bank ID: 1067
         Merchant ID: 1411

    When verifying a card on a verifier, or verifier system, you must remember 
   this. IF YOU VERIFY A CARD FOR 1000.00, AND IT HAS A 5000.00 LIMIT, IT NOW
   IS DOWN TO 4000.00. (Assuming the card was unused).

    Never verify a card from your house.

    Never do anything from your house, let alone NEAR it.

 Section (6): Finding a Drop Site

   Drop Site: Defined as the place you send the carded goods to, where you
              can safely pick them up without getting snagged by the FBI.

  A drop site can make or break a plan. If you have good card numbers, and all 
  goes well, but have a shitty drop site, the plan will most likely be skrewed.
  But, a drop site could also help a fucked up plan. 

  A drop site could be anywhere. Anywhere but near your house, that is.
  Here's a few Ideas.

  1.) Abandoned House
  2.) House with People on Vacation
  3.) P.O. Box (Need Fake I.D.)
  4.) Apartment complex
  5.) House with people at work

   the list goes on and on...

  Experiment with some of the above, or your own spots. You never know where a
  drop site may surface, so keep your eyes open at all times. REMEMBER: THIS

 Section (7): What NOT to Card!
   Carding IS dangerous. Even if you are under 18, they can phuck you. Carding
  is easily detected, usually by computer places. Here's a list of things NOT
  to card.

   USRobotics Modems
   Zyxel Modems
   Any Modems
   - Really, Computer equipment is HARD to card.
   Anything that comes with a name on it.
   Anything upwards of 2000.00. Most limits don't exceed 2500.00
   Etc. Etc. Etc.

   What TO Card 

   Travelers Cheques
   Airplane Tickets
   Bus Tickets 
   Train Tickets
   Rental Cars (Fake I.D.)
   Anything you really want.

 Section (8): Finding a Vendor
  The Perfect Vendor. Hard to find, but worth it. Obviously you don't order 
  anything from one of those places that says at the bottom of the ad:

  This is obvious. Credit card fraud is a felony, punishable by up to 10 years
  in jail and 25,000.00+ in fines. This, like the drop site, is very important.
  If you have the real name and billing address, there is no problem with CBI
  or TRW, but if not, try another place. Here's a good checklist for finding a

   [] Small Company
   [] Pitiful Looking Advertisements
   [] No "Fraud" Slogans
   [] Accept all Major Credit Cards
   [] Offer 1-2 day Air Shipping
   [] No online verification service
   [] Good-Mediocre Prices (The low price places tend to check more)
 Section (9): Placing an Order

   Placing the order can be easy, or extremely difficut, depending on what type
  of person you are. If you get nervous, this will be nearly impossible. But, if
  you can bullshit your way past parents, cops, principals, or whoever, you'll
  do fine. You'll need a few things:

   1.) Name (Off card or a fake one)
   2.) Billing Address (Real or Fake)
   3.) Address of Drop Site
   4.) Card/Card Number
   5.) Product Information/Number 
   Ok. Once you have the above items, you can begin. First you get the nifty 
  800 number from the vendor you chose. Have it ready. In your mind, NOT ON
  PAPER, come up with a story for the order line. If you write it on paper 
  as a reference, you'll probably read it, and you CAN tell when someone reads
  something to you. Now, a few tips for ordering.

   1.) Act as though it IS your money. (ie.: Don't Say "How Much?" "I'll take 
   2.) Ask a moderate amount of questions about the following:
       a.) warranty
            Ask how long the manufacturer's and retailers' warranties are. You
            want them to think that you are unsure about spending the money.
            If they think you are unsure about a product, or service, you're
            in. They'll talk you through the whole think, and practically give
            it to you.   
       b.) on-site service
            Ask about on-site service for stereos/computers etc. They'll talk 
            you to death, and finally write an order on their last breath. This
            is another good question. Ask if it is TRW On-site Service.
       c.) warranty extension plans
            Ask if you can extend the warranty on a protection policy. These 
            usually cost about 50.00 extra for every 600.00. They'll be happy 
            to sell you on this, cuz they don't sell many, and when they do, 
            their boss cums all over. About now, they'll stop doubting the 
            validity of the order.
       d.) shipping 
            Don't ask for overnight shipping. This is suspicious. Ask for 2nd
            day air or something like that. This gets it there in a reasonable
            amount of time, and they get suspicious of overnight/next day air
       e.) Upgradability
            Good for computer orderz. Ask about 486/Pentium upgradability. This
            is usually a question most people ask. Start by saying "Jeez, the
            second you buy the stuff, it's obsolete. What kind of upgrades are
            offered on this system?" This'll get em.

 Section (10): Picking It Up
    This is probably the most risky part. Picking up an order is always tricky.
   You gotta case the place for a while to make sure no FEDS are around, and to
   make sure the FBI's nifty Caprices and Ford Crown Victorias aren't parked 
   anywhere near. Be suspect of VANS, BIG CARS, or anything with tinted windows
   or antennas, Neighbors mowing an ALREADY mowed lawn, People talking to them-
   selves, or ANYTHING. If the drop site is in a Neighborhood with lotsa kids,
   and that day there's no kids in sight, the FEDS tipped the local parents off
   about a sting. Just forget it. If you can, grow a think moustache and beard
   before you go to pick it up. Take a cordless razor with you, and spare 
   clothes. Shave and change off in the bushes somewhere. Take the items out
   of the UPS/FedEx box and throw it in a backpack or something. Have a bike 
   hidden somewhere or a car. Change your gear, shave, and get outta there.
      These days, it is even more dangerous. Make yourself unidentifiable. If
    you can be recognized, they might let you get away with it, then come to 
    your house later and take you to Leavenworth or Alcatraz. Be careful.

 Appendix A: Trashing Tips 

     Trashing is a very valuable method of gaining information. You can find
   anything from Card numbers, account numbers, suitcases full of money/dope,
   Computer printouts, carbons, manuals (Phone Co./Technical), and of course,
   SHIT. I'll go into Where, how, when, and what to use when trashing.
  What to Use: A Trasher's Toolkit!

   You'll need most of the following. Optional items are marked with an (*) 
   asterisk. This is an inexpensive yet valuable tookit.

   Dark, OLD Clothes: You never know who'll see you, or what you'll jump into.
   Gloves: Gloves are good cuz there's all kinds of glass and shit in there.
   Flashlight: So you can see...
   Backpack: to put all the stuff in when you find it.
  *Watch: So you don't stay TOO Long
   Mask: So you aren't recognizable, and cuz dumpsters STINK!
   Crowbar: In case you gotta break into the dunpster.
   Bolt Cutters: Incase of a Padlock..hehehe
  *Smoke Bombs: Diversions in case of escape..
  *Lighter: To light smoke bombs, or a whole dumpster.. hehehe.

  Where To Go Trashing:

   Here's a list of good places to trash and why.

   A.) Flower Shops: Flower shops do most of their work through cards. This 
                     simply means that they'll have carbons, records etc. in
                     their dumpsters. They also have printouts of accounts on
                     that FTD computer system. Probably would be fun to hack.
   B.) Car Dealerships: Car dealerships throw all kinds of shit away. Credit 
                     ratings with card numbers, account information, manuals,
                     keys, slimjims, and other stuff is commonly found here.

   C.) Malls/Department Stores: These are good places. A mall with a SEARS is 
                     good. They throw away all kinds of Discover card info, and
                     lottery information away, as well as carbons from other 
                     stores, etc.
   D.) TelCo Dumpsters: These are filled with valuable info. Manuals, account
                     information, wire, old testphones, and printouts. These
                     printouts contain numbers for loops, and other shit. Good
                     place for the phreaker to trash.
  How To Trash
    First off, remember to build up a trasher's toolkit. Just remember the 
   following lines.
    NEVER do this when the place is open.
    NEVER jump into a dumpster where nails etc could cut you.
    NEVER tell ANYONE what you find.
    DON'T get caught.

   Just do what comes naturally. Take anything that looks important or even a 
  little but interesting. Don't sit and read printouts in a dumpster, throw em
  in a bag and read em at home.
  When You should Trash  
   The best time to trash is at night. You don't waht them to get suspicious 
  and start shredding important stuff, or to lock the dumpsters. Although it's
  not illegal to trash, people may not want you on the property. It can be done
  during the day, staged as a bum collecting tin cans or something. Anytime is
  good, but don't TRY and get caught.

 Appendix B: P.O. Boxes

   P.O. Boxes are for the advanced carder only. This involves many types of
  illegal activities. First, you need a Fake I.D. with another name on it.
  This is so you have no tie to the box. When you have the items shipped to
  a P.O. Box, it's kind of Suspicious. Most places have a little line at the
  bottom of the ad saying "We DO NOT ship to P.O. Boxes.". There's a way around
  this. All you say is that your small town has no mail carriers, and that you 
  have no other way of recieving it. They'll check CBI and TRW for the info for
  sure, so do this only with a REAL Name and billing address. This is simple 
  like the others, but picking it up is more complicated. You want to do this
  at a SMALL Post office where there's not a whole lot of places for the FBI
  to hide out. Again, case the joint for a while before going in to pick it up.
  This usually will work for small sized items like gold jewelry or software,
  or even a readar detector, car stereo deck or whatever, but a Computer won't
  fit in the box. I set this up as an appendix for advanced people only. Do NOT
  attempt this if you have little or no experience carding.

 Appendix C: Trouble Shooting Guide

 Problem: They say they can't ship to anywhere but the billing address.
 Answer: Tell em it;s a gift or something. Say that you need it at the 
         home office before next week so it can be set up (Computers etc.)
         Just Bullshit em.

 Problem: I ordered, but it hasn't come yet. It's been a few days.
 Answer: Forget it. They probably figured it was fake and just didn't bother 
         shipping. Try another card and vendor. Better luck next time.
 Problem: Video Screen is fuzzy.
 Answer: Adjust tracking device. This should clear up the picture.

 Problem: I went to pick it up, and got chased with the goods.
 Answer: Stash em in Grandma's attic for a while and don't tell even your best 

 Appendix D: Credit Card Generator/Verifier Source Code in C/C++

 This can be compiled with MS C or Borland C++. It can be converted into about
 any language including BASIC, TP, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN or whatever. Just ask
 someone good in C to translate it for you. I'm C illiterate. This is from 2600
 magazine issue ?. Added it for your convenience.

/* CC Checksum Verification Program
   by Crazed Luddite and Murdering Thug
   of the K00l/RaD Alliance! (New York, London, Paris, Prague.)
   Permission is given for free distribution.
   "Choose the lesser of two evils.  Vote for Satan in '92"

#include <stdio.h>
char cc[20];
int check, len, prod, j;
printf("\nAmex/MC/Visa Checksum Verification Program");
printf("\nby Crazed Luddite & Murdering Thug\n");
printf("\nEnter Card Number [w/o spaces or dashes.] (Q to quit)\n:");
if ((cc[0]=='Q')||(cc[0]=='q')) break;  /* exit infinite loop, if 'Q' */

/* Verify Card Type */

if ((cc[0]!='3')&&(cc[0]!='4')&&(cc[0]!='5'))
    printf("\nCard number must begin with a 3, 4, or 5.");
 else if ((cc[0]=='5')&&(strien(cc)!=16))
   { printf("\nMastercard must be 16 digits.");
 else if ((cc[0]=='4')&&(strien(cc)!=13)&&(strien(cc)!=16))
   { printf("\nVisa numbers must be 13 or 16 digits.");
 else if ((cc[0]=='3')&&(strien(cc)!15))
   { printf("\nAmerican Express numbers must be 15 digits.");

 /* Perform Checksum - Weighing list 2121212121212121.... */

 check = 0;                     /* reset check to 0 */
 len = strien(cc);
 for (j=1;j<=len;j++)           /* go through entire cc num string */
 prod = cc[j-1]-'0';            /* convert char to int */
 if ((len-j)%2) prod=prod*2;    /* if odd digit from end, prod=prod*2 */
                                /* otherwise prod=prod*1 */
 if (prod>=10) prod=prod-9;     /* subtract 9 if prod is >=10 */
 check=check+prod;              /* add to check */
 if ((check%10)==0)             /* card good if check divisible by 10 */
 printf("\nCard passed checksum test.");
  printf("\nCard did not pass checksum test.");

-That's it. Just compile it, with whatever interface you want. it should work 
 for you.

 Appendix E: What to Do if Caught/Final Notes
 What to do if Caught!

 Burn all printouts of this and any card information. Burn everything you ever 
 wrote about carding or whatever. Delete this file <Grin>. Deny Everything. If
 over 18, cry.

 Final Notes:
   Don't try this at home. This is performed by-- Anyway. You know the routine.
  Again, I say, I and we are not responsible for the effects of this info. Do 
  what you wanna, but don't rat on anyone. This is a hypothetical situation,
  meant for INFORMATIONAL purposes only, and to benefit and brighten the world.

  Look for future Carding issues. The next one'll be full of algorithms and
  bank Numbers, merchant numbers, and other shit.

                                Senior Members
                        Phatal Error      - Dictator
                        Acidic Nature     - Co-Founder/Writer/Programmer
                        Anonymous Caller  - V.P./Head Writer
                        Social Distortion - Writer/Head Courier

      Phatal Error, Acidic Nature, Anonymous Caller, Social Distortion 
        Manifest Destiny, Emanon, ASCII Express, Malhavok, CorrupTor

                                 Member Boards
        Status       Board Name         Number       Modem         SysOp
  ³Morgue Home³³Ionic Destruction   ³³215ÄPRIÄVATE³³16.8 DUAL³³Phatal Error    ³
  ³Distro. #01³³Villa Straylight    ³³215ÄBAKÄSOON³³14.4 HST!³³Anonymous Caller³
  ³Distro. #02³³Chromatic Death     ³³215Ä755Ä9051³³16.8 DUAL³³Emanon          ³
  ³Distro. #03³³The Eastern Alliance³³717ÄTMPÄDOWN³³16.8 HST!³³Acidic Nature   ³
  ³Distro. #04³³Underworld Legacy   ³³717-566-5750³³14.4 v32b³³CorrupTor       ³


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