TUCoPS :: Scams :: pyramids.txt

Pyramids to Get-Rich-Quick

                 (word processor parameters LM=8, RM=78, TM=2, BM=2)
                        Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
                            Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
                                     PO BOX 1031
      ÿ                          Mesquite, TX 75150

                                   July 30, 1990

                            Pyramids to Get-Rich-Quick

       In spite of  the  relatively  obvious  impracticalities of limitless
       pyramid schemes, promoters who use this marketing technique continue
       to thrive.

       People who fantasize  about becoming  rich  easily  make  especially
       attractive targets.  These    people   are   easily    seduced    by
       opportunities which sound too good to be true.

       The victim's strong   desire   to  believe  the  promoter  seems  to
       overpower common sense.

       In most cases, the opportunities promised to potential investors are
       big bucks from the commission on  what  is  sold, as well as bonuses
       for picking up new recruits.

       Also, investors are  told that they will earn a commission  on  what
       any distributor beneath  them  sells,  even as far down as the ninth

       Pyramid schemes like this just don't  work.  A few people at the top
       level will make  money,  but  everyone else will get  little  or  no
       return on the initial investment.  There aren't enough pieces of the
       pie if everybody is taking a bite out of what the distributors below
       them are selling.

       If only people   would  sit  down  and  think  logically  about  the
       investment.  Unfortunately, the victim has usually been blinded by a
       slick sales pitch that focuses on the so-called rewards.

       It sounds appealing to be sitting  on  your own yacht in three years
       while you earn  money from other people's efforts,  but  is  that  a
       realistic vision?

       Pyramid scheme promoters  often  hold  large opportunity meetings in
       hotels, telling those attending that the sky's the limit.

       One tip-off that the opportunity  may  be  too good to be true is if
       the promoter spends most of the time talking about  big  profits and
       recruiting additional investors   rather   than  talking  about  the
       product or service which will be sold.

       The safest thing to do when tempted  by a get-rich-quick opportunity
       is to find  a devi's advocate.  Talk over the sales  pitch  with  a
       third party far removed from the promotion.

       Chances are he  or  she will ask the questions you may have been too
       excited, confused, or afraid to ask.  The answers to those questions

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       may offer the  proper  insight  to  make  a  logical  and thoughtful

       When you were young, your parents  probably asked you at one time or
       another, "If everyone you knew jumped off a bridge, would you?"

       Well, now that you're an adult, here's another question to consider:
       If a man said that you could earn a million bucks by  leaping from a
       bridge, would you?

       Naturally, the answer  would  probably depend on how high the bridge
       was and where you would be landing.   Nonetheless,  it  is  doubtful
       that you would jump off without at least looking over the edge.

       Well then, why  do  so many people drop so much money  into  schemes
       perpetrated by smooth-talking hustlers?

       It's not that  the  con  artist's  scheme  is so complicated or well
       planned that the average person can't  find the catch.  The catch in
       most misleading or illegal schemes is usually easy to find.

       The scheme generally works because the victim wants  to  believe  in
       the promoter and what he is selling.

       So great is the victim's belief that he is afraid he will learn that
       the "get rich  quick"  opportunity  is an illusion if he takes a few
       minutes to thing about it.

       In other words, people are afraid that if they look over the edge of
       the bridge, they won't want to jump.  So they leap without looking.

       This is a  dangerous  way to handle  money,  considering  the  large
       number of promoters out there who thrive on making  a  deal sound so
       enticing that the  victims,  overcome  with excitement or conf sion,
       forget to think.  Instead, they simply react.

       Those of us who link to KeelyNet  are  no  doubt  aware  of how mind
       control techniques are especially effective with groups of people as
       detailed in Dick Sutphen's paper called MIND2 (available on KeelyNet
       at no charge).

       Consider a pyramid  type  promotion  in which you invest  $1,000  to
       become a distributor for a company.  This company could be selling a
       product or service, it doesn't matter.

       In addition to   selling,   you  are  also  to  recruit  four  other
       distributors, and each  new  distributor   would   subsequently   be
       required to do the same.

       If each new  distributor had to find four new distributors,  by  the
       ninth level, 87,380 distributors would be working for you.

       You would then  be  earning  not only a commission on your sales but
       also the sales  of 87,380 distributors  which  sounds  pretty  good,
       doesn't it?

       Well, consider that you became involved in this program by attending
       an opportunity meeting with 99 other potential investors,  all  from

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       If as few  as  one-fourth (25) of the people at that meeting decided
       to invest, the  total  number  of   distributors   needed   for  all
       investors, including you, to achieve nine levels would  be more than
       two million.  Soon, investors would be recruiting each other.

       Also, many people who invest in pyramid schemes assume that they are
       entering at the top level.  But think about it.

       Isn't the person  telling  you  about this program trying to recruit
       you?  Where do you fall in his pyramid,  and  where  does he fall in
       someone else's pyramid?

       Isn't' that amazing?  By doing some simple math, the opportunity now
       seems less appealing.


       If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
       this paper covers,  please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
       Sciences address as listed on the  first  page.   Thank you for your
       consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet


                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189


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