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Gambling Systems






Winsystem/One is not designed to be an income-producing system. It is intended for groups and individuals who wish to keep their hopes alive for the big win and play over the long term essentially at no cost.

Before you begin to play using Winsystem/One you must compose a table similar to the one below for your favorite lottery.  You must also determine whether you can bet as many tickets as you like on a single combination of numbers.  This formula will not work in lotteries where you cannot choose the numbers you wish to play.

Here's How to Make Your Own Table:

  • Under "Your Bet" for play 1, put the lowest amount you can bet (usually $1.)
  • Under "Total Bet" place the total amount you have bet on that series of plays (for play 1, the cost of 1 bet:  for play 2, the cost of 2 bets, etc.)
  • Under "Total Win", place the amount you would win in that play if you won.  Find this out by multiplying your bet by the payout (A $5 bet with 6:1 payout gives a $30 total win.)
  • Under "Net Profit" place the amount you would receive in profit if you won on that play.  Find this out by subtracting "Total Bet" from "Total Win".  If "Total Bet" is larger than "Total Win", you must increase the bet until "Total Win" exceeds "Total Bet".

A Sample Table:

Here is how we get our results for one week's work of draws based on a $1 minimum bet and a $10 minimum win.

Bet No. Your Bet Total Bet Total Win Net Profit
1 $1 $1 $10 $9
2 $1 $2 $10 $8
3 $1 $3 $10 $7
9 $1 $9 $10 $1
10 $2 $11 $20 $9
11 $2 $13 $20 $7
12 $2 $15 $20 $5
13 $2 $17 $20 $3
14 $2 $19 $20 $1
15 $3 $22 $30 $8
16 $3 $25 $30 $5
17 $3 $28 $30 $6
18 $4 $32 $40 $8
19 $4 $36 $40 $4
20 $5 $41 $50 $9
33 $18 $177 $180 $3
34 $20 $197 $200 $3
35 $22 $219 $220 $1
36 $25 $244 $250 $6


Winsystem/One works to make you a profit on your lottery dollar by insuring that no matter how much you have bet previously when using the formula, you can always make a small profit every time you win.

Winsystem/One is not designed to be an income-producing system. It is, rather, intended to allow you to keep your hopes alive for the big prizes without actually costing you money out-of-pocket to play regularly.

We do not advise use of this system in lotteries offering greater than 70 to 1 odds against winning the smallest prize. You can find out the odds against the minimum prize (usually $5 or $10) from your regular lottery dealer.  All state-run lotteries are required to furnish complete odds on demand.  Your dealer can also tell you whether you can purchase large blocks of tickets on single combinations of numbers.



Always start with a single ticket (usually $1) on every sequence of bets.

Bet the required amount as shown by the table you composed for your own lottery - no more and no less.

Increase your bet as required by your table.  If you cannot afford to bet the full amount, do not place the bet until you can.

Always bet the full amount shown on the table for that draw on a single combination of numbers.  You need  not bet the same set of number on every draw, but do not divide your bet among two or more sets of numbers.  You will increase your odds of winning, but reduce your chances of making a profit.

Every time you win, regardless of the total, return to the top of the table and start over again on a single ticket.


In order to be guaranteed a profit using WinSystem, you must follow the formula until you have a win.  Each time you win you are guaranteed a profit.

If for any reason you are unable to continue using the system you are advised for your own safety, that the farther you advance through the formula without a win, the more you will ultimately lose if at any time you quit playing.

Odds on lotteries can appear to be misleading.  We must tell you that if your odds against winning a minimum prize are 25:1, you have only a 50% chance of winning once  in 25 draws; only a 75% chance of winning once in 50 draws, and only an 87.5% chance of winning once in 100 draws.  This means that one time in eight you will go 100 draws without a win.  If you continue to bet on any game with reasonable odds, you will win eventually . . . if you don't go broke first.



This "historically-based" system of picking numbers is gaining increasing popularity in the United States.  It cannot guarantee a profit, however, and there is no mathematical basis for any claim that it increases your chance of winning.  It is presented merely as a curiosity.

To use this system, take three to five decks of cards or sets of slips of paper.  They will represent the numbers which could be drawn in a given lottery.  Some lotteries have 54 numbers, so in order to do this properly you should have jokers in the deck.

The slips of paper should be as close to the same size as possible for the best random selection.  If your lottery does have 54 numbers, use the whole deck with jokers.  If it has 53, remove one joker;  both for 52;  the king of diamonds for 51; the queen of diamonds for 50;  and so on until you have the same number of cards in each deck as there are numbers to be drawn from.

Next, assign number to your cards and slips of paper.  Write numbers corresponding to numbers to be drawn on three to five sets of slips of paper, or chart each card left in the deck with a number.  Write the cart on a separate sheet of paper this way: Ace of spades equals 2, deuce equals 3, up to king of spades which equals 13.  The ace of clubs then equals 14, up to the king of clubs which is 26.  The ace of hearts equals 27 up to the king which equals 39, and so on  through the diamonds.  The jokers, if necessary, will equals 53 and 54.

Find out the numbers drawn in the last five to twenty draws and keep them handy.  Then remove slips of paper or playing cards corresponding to the numbers drawn.  The number already drawn are not important;  we want what's left after they have been removed.  When you find a number that's been drawn twice in recent draws, take the corresponding card out of the second deck of cards or set of slips.  Keep removing numbers until you run across one that you have already removed from the other decks. You should have a relatively small number of cards left which will represent the numbers you will select from when you purchase your tickets.

Eventually you will have to go back to the oldest draw from which you removed cards or slips and place those numbers back in the pile in order to have a good selection.

What your are doing here is removing numbers which have been drawn in the past on the assumption that those numbers have less chance of being drawn in the future.  In actual fact, you're not gaining a thing.  The lottery corporation returns all numbers drawn into the bin or barrel so they can be drawn from on the next draw.  In doing so they make sure that every number has an equal chance of being drawn in any given draw. Some may claim that since some balls drop more often than others, the opposite happens.  Frequently drawn number, they say, stand a better chance of being drawn in the future, which is again not true. The balls used in most lotteries are made to extremely close tolerances, and lottery gear is very expensive as a result.  The firms who make this equipment take extreme care to make sure that just such a thing cannot and will not happen.

While it may be fun to experiment with numbers and formulas, they really can't be made to work.  "Elimination-based" systems may be fun to play with, but they do nothing to increase your odds.

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