TUCoPS :: TV, Cable, Satellite :: cblthft1.txt

Cable Theft the Neighborly Way, by Spanky

*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                              Cable Theft                              *
*                                                                       *
*                                  The                                  *
*                                                                       *
*                             Neighborly Way                            *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                  By:                                  *
*                                                                       *
*                                Spanky                                 *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                              Thanks To:                               *
*                                                                       *
*                               Rad Man                                 *
*                               Dr. Ripco                               *
*                               Video Vindictor                         *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *

Written on 4-30-88  

You will need:
Underground Cable Source
2 Way Signal Spliter
1 Foot Of 75ohm Coax Cable
A Cable Ready T.V.
Basic Cable Subscription For A Month

1. Order cable for 1 month...This way they will bury the cable in your 
yard,saving you a lot of work...
2. After your one month cable subscription is up and they have come and
taken your box, go out to your cable box and hook the end of the wire that
goes to your house to one of the outputs on the signal splitter...
3. Disconnect the wire going to your neighbors house from the cable source
and connect to the other output on the signal splitter...
4. Now hook the 1 foot section of wire between the input on your splitter
and where your neighbors wire was connected to the cable source...
5. Now go in the house and hook the end of the wire that was hooked to 
your inside cable box to the coax fitting on the back of your T.V..
6. Turn your T.V. on,you should now have whatever cable your neighbors


If your cable goes out that means that your neighbors cable is also out..
So you better go out and make the box look normal again,before the cable 
repair man comes or you will be up shit's creek...
When disconnecting your neighbors cable from the box you should make sure
that they are not watching T.V..A good way to make sure is to go borrow 
a cup of milk...Or better yet do it at 3 in the morning...

Well that about raps it up for this file,look for these up and coming files

How To Get What You Want From Stupid People
How To Play Mind Games With Stupid People
How To Cause Chaos In a Major Metropolitan Area
Fun At Service Merchandice

Call these cool boardz:

Ripco                     1-312-528-5020
Turbo Transfers           1-707-575-5793
White House               1-312-364-5428
Skidd's Lab               1-312-631-5256
Blacknight's Manor        1-312-295-5207


I have written this file for educational purposes only..I take no responsibility
for ways that people use this file other than the way that i have meant it
for...Which is informational purposes only....

4-30-88     9:30pm  CDT           to         4-30-88     10:34pm      CDT
                 First    Uploaded    To    Turbo    Transfers

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