Hi, Attached find the list of Xpress tokens, and what they mean. Some of this is figured out by taking there program apart, and others are from context. I'll also include a very primitive program, for UNIX, that decodes the headers in the datastream. The packet boundary marker is a 0xFF. Karen and I are going to go to San Diago for a weekend sometime in the Fall. We have a couple of frequent flyer tickets that will expire if we don't use them by about September. Any interest in meeting us there? See ya, JIm ============================================================================ # MAIN MENU N******* "News" S******* "Sports" W******* "Weather" L******* "Lifestyles" E******* "Entertainment" T******* "Tech Talk" M******* "Shopping" I******* "Information on X*CHANGE" X******* "Inside X*PRESS" B******* "Business Wire" F******* "Financial News" # BUSINESS WIRE B??AG*** "Canadian Press(CP): Business Report" B??HS*** "McGraw-Hill News SNAPSHOT" B??RB*** "BUSINESS-WIRE: Company PR W.R.T. 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F??SA*** "Hourly Dow Jones Averages" F??SC*** "New York Stock Market Commentary" F??SD*** "Daily Dividends" F??SR*** "Daily Most Active Stocks" F??TIG** "Daily Gold and Silver Prices" F??TM*** "Metals Prices" # X*CHANGE INFORMATION I??C**** "Computers and You" I??I**** "Inside your Head" I??P**** "Pot Shots" I??R**** "Religion, Sex, and Politics" I??S**** "Students, Teachers, and Parents" I??T**** "Teen Talk" I??U**** "Using Information X*Change" I??W**** "The World Around You" # LIFESTYLES L??C**** "Careers" L??E**** "Food" L??F**** "Family Today" L??H**** "Fitness & Fun" L??M**** "Moneywise" L??T**** "Trends & Events" # SHOPPING M??B**** "Best Buys" M??Bg*** "Newsletter Samplers and Information" M??F**** "Fleamarket" M??S**** "Shopper's Showcase" M??Sq*** "Online catalog" M??T**** "Travel and Leisure" M??Tl*** "Ski Area Snow Reports" # NEWS N??B**** "Business & Finance" N??E**** "Opinions & Editorial" NA****** "Headlines" NA*C**** "AP Commentary" NA*Ci*** "States News Service: Merger Information and Rumors" NA*H**** "AP Headline Stories" NA*N**** "AP News Story" NC*H**** "Canada" NC*N**** "CP Editorial" NCEN**** "CP In Depth Story" NI1***** "France" NI3***** "Republic of China, Taiwan" NI5***** "West Germany" NI6***** "Japan" NI7***** "Mexico" NI8***** "Oil Exporting Countries" NI9***** "Soviet Union" NIA***** "Other International News" NIB***** "People's Republic of China" # SPORTS S??H**** "Sports Headlines" S??S**** "Sports General Schedules S??T**** "Sports TV Schedules" S??F**** "Pro Football" S??F1*** "Pro Football News" S??F2*** "Pro Football NFL News" S??F3*** "Pro Football CFL News" S??D**** "Pro Baseball" S??D1*** "Pro Baseball News S??D2*** "Pro Baseball Major League News" S??D3*** "Pro Baseball Minor League News" S??B**** "Pro Basketball" S??P**** "Pro Hockey" S??K**** "Pro Soccer" S??G**** "Pro Golf and Tennis" S??U**** "USA Collage Sports" S??C**** "Canadian Sports" S??M**** "Other Sports" S??Q**** "Sports Quiz Questions" S??A**** "Sports Quiz Answers" # TECH TALK T??A**** "Apple Technical News" T??Ab*** "Apple Bulleten Board" T??Bb*** "IBM PC and Clone Bulleten Board" T??C**** "Commodore Technical News" T??Cb*** "Commodore Bulleten Board" T??I**** "IBM PC Technical News" T??Ib*** "IBM PC Bulleten Board" T??M**** "Other PC Technical News" T??Mb*** "Other PCs Bulleten Board" T??N**** "Technical News" # WEATHE WI****** "International Weather" WN****** "USA National Weather" WS****** "USA State Weather" WC****** "Canadian National Weather" WR****** "Canadian Regional Weather" WSA***** "Alabama Weather WSB***** "Alaska Weather" WSC***** "Arizona Weather" WSD***** "Arkansas Weather" WSE***** "California Weather" WSF***** "Colorado Weather" WSG***** "Connecticut Weather" WSH***** "Delaware Weather" WSI***** "District of Columbia Weather" WSJ***** "Florida Weather WSK***** "Georgia Weather" WSL***** "Hawaii Weather" WSM***** "Idaho Weather" WSN***** "Illinois Weather" WSO***** "Indiana Weather" WSP***** "Iowa Weather" WSQ***** "Kansas Weather" WSR***** "Kentucky Weather" WSS***** "Louisiana Weather" WST***** "Maine Weather" WSU***** "Maryland Weather" WSV***** "Massachusetts Weather" WSW***** "Michigan Weather" WSX***** "Minnesota Weather" WSY***** "Mississippi Weather" WSZ***** "Missouri Weather: WSa***** "Montana Weather" WSb***** "Nebraska Weather" WSc***** "Nevada Weather" WSd***** "New Hampshire Weather" WSe***** "New Jersey Weather" WSf***** "New Mexico Weather WSg***** "New York Weather" WSh***** "North Carolina Weather" WSi***** "North Dakota Weather" WSj***** "Ohio Weather" WSk***** "Oklahoma Weather" WSl***** "Oregon Weather" WSm***** "Pennsylvania Weather" WSn***** "Rhode Island Weather" WSo***** "South Carolina Weather" WSp***** "South Dakota Weather" WSq***** "Tennessee Weather" WSr***** "Texas Weather" WSs***** "Utah Weather" WSt***** "Vermont Weather WSu***** "Virginia Weather" WSv***** "Washington Weather" WSw***** "West Virginia Weather" WSx***** "Wisconsin Weather" WSy***** "Wyoming Weather" WR1***** "Alberta/North West Territories Canadain Regional Weather" WR2***** "British Columbia Canadain Regional Weather" WR3***** "Mantoba/Saskatchewan Canadain Regional Weather" WR4***** "The Maritimes Canadain Regional Weather" WR5***** "Newfoundland/Labrador Canadain Regional Weather" WR6***** "Ontario/Great Lakes Canadain Regional Weather" WR7***** "Quebec Canadain Regional Weather WR8***** "Yukon Canadain Regional Weather # INSIDE X*PRESS X??B**** "X*Press Bulletins" X??N**** "X*Press News" X??P**** "X*Press New Services" X??S**** "What to Watch for in X*Press" X??T**** "X*Press User Tips" ============================================================================ This program runs against a data file that contains raw Xpress datastreams If you can write a small PC program to read from the com line and write to the file, you ought to be all set. Be sure to use the correct I/O routines for DOS or you might find funny EOFs. /* This program is designed to parse a large file of X*Press raw data */ /* into individual articles. These articles will then be output to */ /* stdout formated as best I can. The headers will, for sure, be right */ #include < stdio.h > #include < fcntl.h > #include < ctype.h > #include < signal.h > #include < time.h > #include < errno.h > #include < sys/termio.h > #include < sys/tty.h > #include < sys/types.h > #include < sys/times.h > /* Local defines */ #define SOH 0xFF /* Start Of Header for Link level */ #define LLHLEN 6 /* SOH,SEQ.low,SEQ.high,6 more bytes */ #define ARHLEN 23 /* Article header length */ #define ARMLEN 8 /* Article header minimum length */ /* Local global variables */ char *cats = "NSWLETMIXBF" /* resync - This routine will read from the fd passed until it gets a SOH */ resync(fd) FILE *fd; /* The file descriptor to read from */ { int rc = 0x03; /* Init to something */ /* Loop through looking for SOH */ while (rc!=SOH) { rc = getc(fd); /* Read the next byte from file * if (rc == EOF) /* Have we bumped into the end of file? */ { /* YES - Ok,the program is done * printf("***EOF***\n"); /* Say all done */ exit(0); } } /* Put the SOH back on the stream and return */ if (EOF == ungetc(SOH,fd)) /* Try to put the SOH back */ { /* It didn't work */ fprintf(stderr,"resync:Unable to place SOH back in stream\n"); exit(8); } return; } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE *fd; /* Used to open '/tmp/siolog' */ int i,j; /* Misc. guys */ unsigned short seq; /* The sequence number for stream */ int getseq = 1; /* Beginning sequence num must be set */ int isok; /* Flag set if article type is known */ int doprt; /* The print/noprint flag */ unsigned char data; /* The byte being checked */ unsigned char s_low,s_high; /* Sequence number low & high bytes */ unsigned int utmp,dtmp; /* Used for stuff likes equence numbers */ unsigned char LLHead[LLHLEN]; /* Link Layer Header */ unsigned char ARHead[ARHLEN]; /* Article header */ unsigned char outarray[17]; /* The output array we are building */ /* Replace # with * in the input parms for match */ if (argc > 1) { j = strlen(argv[1]); for (i=0;i < j;i++) if (argv[1][i] == '#') argv[1][i] = '*'; els if (argv[1][i] == '@') argv[1][i] = '?'; } /* Attempt to open the file and bomb if it's not there */ fd = fopen("/usr/spool/xpress","r"); if (!fd) /* Is the file available? */ { /* NO - Ok, all done then */ fprintf(stderr,"main:Unable to open Xpress datastream file\n"); exit(8); } /* Before the main loop, try to sync on a SOH */ resync(fd); /* Get to beginning of article */ /* The main loop * while (!feof(fd)) /* Loop until data exhausted */ { /* We are at the beginning of stream */ if (SOH!=(data=getc(fd))) /* We should beat a SOH character */ { /* Error out if we aren't */ fprintf(stderr,"main:Missing SOH for a new record\n"); exit(8); } /* Try to the the link layer sequence number */ s_low = getc(fd); /* Get the sequence number low byte */ s_high = getc(fd); /* and the high byte * utmp = 256 * s_high + s_low; /* Make it into a real number */ if (feof(fd)) /* Did anything bad happen? * { /* Sometimes I get tired of error chking*/ printf("***EOF***\n"); /* If EOF,then all done */ exit(0) /* Check the sequence number for a match * if (getseq) /* Should we get the sequence number? */ { /* YES - Ok, utmp contains seq# */ seq = utmp; /* Get the initial sequence number * getseq = 0; /* Reset the flag that says we got it * } else if (++seq != utmp) /* Check for a sequence number match * { /* I'll probably have to do more here...*/ dtmp = 100; /* See how far off we are? * j = 0; /* Total number of trys */ while ((dtmp > 10) && (j < 10)) { resync(fd); /* Find the next SOH */ getc(fd); /* Get the SOH, and ignore it */ s_low = getc(fd); /* Get the sequence number low byte * s_high = getc(fd); /* and the high byte */ utmp = 256 * s_high + s_low; if (feof(fd)) /* Did anything bad happen? * { /* Sometimes I get tired of error chking*/ printf("***EOF***\n"); /* If EOF,then all done * exit(0) } dtmp = abs(utmp - seq); /* Find a new offset */ j++; /* Count this iteration */ if (j == 10) /* Did we get completely lost? * printf("main: Expecting seq number %u, resynced to %u\n",seq,utmp); els if (seq != utmp) /* Did we find the one we wanted? */ { /* Much stuff to do here * if (abs(utmp - seq) > 10) printf("main: Expecting seq=%u, resynced to seq=%u\n",seq,utmp) seq = utmp; } } /* Get the rest of the Link Level header */ for (i=0;i < LLHLEN;i++) /* Get the rest of link layer header * { j = getc(fd); /* Get a single character */ if (j == EOF) /* Did we run out of runway? */ { /* YES - All done then? */ printf("***EOF***\n"); exit(0); } LLHead[i] = (unsigned char)j; /* Save the byte we just grabbed. * /* Fill in the article header * for (i=0;i < ARMLEN;i++) /* Get the minimum article header length*/ { /* Try to move the header in * j = getc(fd); /* Attempt to get a header byte */ if (j == EOF) /* Make sure we didn't EOF the sucker */ printf("***EOF***\n") exit(0) ARHead[i] = (unsigned char)j; /* The byte we just grabbed * /* If the article ID token is known, get the rest of the header * isok = strchr(cats,ARHead[0]) ? 1 : 0; for (i=ARMLEN;i < ARHLEN;i++) /* Loop through the rest of the header */ if (isok) /* Is this a 'known' article? * { /* YES - Fill in the rest of the header */ j = getc(fd) if (j == EOF { printf("***EOF***\n") exit(0); } ARHead[i] = (unsigned char)j; else /* NO - Lots more work to go */ ARHead[i] = 0x00; /* Just fill in empty header stuff */ /* Display the header information */ data = ARHead[ARMLEN]; /* Remember the first header byte * ARHead[ARMLEN] = 0x00; /* Null terminate the type */ doprt = 1; /* Assume we print this one */ if (argc > 1) if (strcmp(ARHead,argv[1]) doprt = 0; /* If we didn't match */ if (doprt { printf("%5.5u",seq); /* Start of header */ printf("%c ",(isok ? '>' : '}')); for (i=0;i < LLHLEN;i++) /* Print every byte of header */ printf("%2.2X",LLHead[i]) printf(" %8.8s ",ARHead); /* Show article type */ ARHead[ARMLEN] = data; /* Restore article header byte * if (isok && doprt) /* Do we know about this article type? */ { /* YES - Decode and print header */ printf("%2.2X/%2.2X/%2.2X %2.2X:%2.2X:%2.2X.%2.2X " ARHead[ARMLEN+1],ARHead[ARMLEN+2],ARHead[ARMLEN+0] ARHead[ARMLEN+3],ARHead[ARMLEN+4],ARHead[ARMLEN+5] ARHead[ARMLEN+6]); for (i=ARMLEN+7;i < ARHLEN;i++ printf("%2.2X",ARHead[i]); } /* Scan the rest of the data in this article */ ARHead[8] = 0x00; /* Mark the end of the string */ data = SOH; /* Assume we don't print data */ j = 0; /* Number of bytes output so far */ if (argc > 1) /* Are there any arguments? * if (!strcmp(argv[1],"ALL")) /* Do they want everything printed? * data = 0x00; /* YES - We will display the whole thing*/ else /* Otherwise display only matches */ if (!strcmp(argv[1],ARHead)) data = 0x00 if ((data != SOH) && doprt) /* Do we need to finish the header? * printf("\n"); /* YES - Do it */ while (data != SOH) { /* Loop through until eof or 1st SOH */ data = getc(fd); /* Get the next data byte */ if (data == EOF) /* Are we at the end of the line? */ { /* YES - Easy to handle that then * printf("***EOF***\n"); exit(0) if (data == SOH) /* Have we picked up the SOH? * { /* Try to return it to the stream * if (EOF == ungetc(SOH,fd)) /* Try to put the SOH back * { /* It didn't work * fprintf(stderr,"resync:Unable to place SOH back in stream\n"); exit(8) else { /* Ok, a good byte. Display it */ i = j % 16; /* Where are we in the line? */ outarray[i] = data; /* Get the data byte in outarray * switch (i) /* There are enough formatting states */ case 15: /* The last byte on a line? */ printf(" %2.2X |",data); for (i=0;i < 16;i++ printf("%c",(isprint(outarray[i])) ? outarray[i] : '.'); printf("|\n") break; case 0: /* The first byte on the line? */ printf(" %4.4X: %2.2X",j,data); break; case 8: /* Is it the middle byte? * printf(":%2.2X",data); break; default printf(" %2.2X",data); break; } j++; /* Count another character read */ } /* else * } /* while * if (doprt) printf("\n") resync(fd); } /* while */ }