TUCoPS :: TV, Cable, Satellite :: xpress.txt

A list of X*Press Tokens

From apple!cs.utexas.edu!romp!homectl!jim  Sat Jul 21 10:26:52 1990 remote from uuwest
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Posted-Date: Sat, 21 Jul 90 11:22:28 -0600
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To: dick@homectl
Subject: Xpress headers & stuff
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 90 11:22:28 -0600

  Attached find the list of Xpress tokens, and what they mean.  Some of this
is figured out by taking there program apart, and others are from context.
I'll also include a very primitive program, for UNIX, that decodes the
headers in the datastream.  The packet boundary marker is a 0xFF.

  Karen and I are going to go to San Diago for a weekend sometime in the
Fall.  We have a couple of frequent flyer tickets that will expire if we
don't use them by about September.  Any interest in meeting us there?

See ya,


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WSp***** "South Dakota Weather"
WSq***** "Tennessee Weather"
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WSv***** "Washington Weather"
WSw***** "West Virginia Weather"
WSx***** "Wisconsin Weather"
WSy***** "Wyoming Weather"
WR1***** "Alberta/North West Territories Canadain Regional Weather"
WR2***** "British Columbia Canadain Regional Weather"
WR3***** "Mantoba/Saskatchewan Canadain Regional Weather"
WR4***** "The Maritimes Canadain Regional Weather"
WR5***** "Newfoundland/Labrador Canadain Regional Weather"
WR6***** "Ontario/Great Lakes Canadain Regional Weather"
WR7***** "Quebec Canadain Regional Weather"
WR8***** "Yukon Canadain Regional Weather"

X??B**** "X*Press Bulletins"
X??N**** "X*Press News"
X??P**** "X*Press New Services"
X??S**** "What to Watch for in X*Press"
X??T**** "X*Press User Tips"


This program runs against a data file that contains raw Xpress datastreams.
If you can write a small PC program to read from the com line and write to
the file, you ought to be all set.  Be sure to use the correct I/O routines
for DOS or you might find funny EOFs.

/* This program is designed to parse a large file of X*Press raw data      */
/* into individual articles.  These articles will then be output to        */
/* stdout formated as best I can.  The headers will, for sure, be right    */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/termio.h>
#include <sys/tty.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>

/* Local defines                                                           */
#define SOH    0xFF                /* Start Of Header for Link level       */
#define LLHLEN 6                   /* SOH,SEQ.low,SEQ.high,6 more bytes    */
#define ARHLEN 23                  /* Article header length                */
#define ARMLEN 8                   /* Article header minimum length        */

/* Local global variables                                                  */
char *cats = "NSWLETMIXBF";

/* resync - This routine will read from the fd passed until it gets a SOH  */
  FILE *fd;                        /* The file descriptor to read from     */

  int rc = 0x03;                   /* Init to something                    */

  /* Loop through looking for SOH                                          */
  while (rc!=SOH)
    rc = getc(fd);                 /* Read the next byte from file         */
    if (rc == EOF)                 /* Have we bumped into the end of file? */
      {                            /* YES - Ok,the program is done         */
      printf("***EOF***\n");       /* Say all done                         */

  /* Put the SOH back on the stream and return                             */
  if (EOF == ungetc(SOH,fd))       /* Try to put the SOH back              */
  {                                /* It didn't work                       */
    fprintf(stderr,"resync:Unable to place SOH back in stream\n");


  int argc;
  char *argv[];

  FILE *fd;                        /* Used to open '/tmp/siolog'           */
  int i,j;                         /* Misc. guys                           */
  unsigned short seq;              /* The sequence number for stream       */
  int getseq = 1;                  /* Beginning sequence num must be set   */
  int isok;                        /* Flag set if article type is known    */
  int doprt;                       /* The print/noprint flag               */
  unsigned char data;              /* The byte being checked               */
  unsigned char s_low,s_high;      /* Sequence number low & high bytes     */
  unsigned int utmp,dtmp;          /* Used for stuff likes equence numbers */
  unsigned char LLHead[LLHLEN];    /* Link Layer Header                    */
  unsigned char ARHead[ARHLEN];    /* Article header                       */
  unsigned char outarray[17];      /* The output array we are building     */

  /* Replace # with * in the input parms for match                         */
  if (argc > 1)
    j = strlen(argv[1]);
    for (i=0;i<j;i++)
      if (argv[1][i] == '#')
        argv[1][i] = '*';
        if (argv[1][i] == '@')
          argv[1][i] = '?';

  /* Attempt to open the file and bomb if it's not there                   */
  fd = fopen("/usr/spool/xpress","r");
  if (!fd)                         /* Is the file available?               */
    {                              /*  NO - Ok, all done then              */
    fprintf(stderr,"main:Unable to open Xpress datastream file\n");

  /* Before the main loop, try to sync on a SOH                            */
  resync(fd);                      /* Get to beginning of article          */

  /* The main loop                                                         */
  while (!feof(fd))                /* Loop until data exhausted            */
  {                                /* We are at the beginning of stream    */
    if (SOH!=(data=getc(fd)))      /* We should beat a SOH character       */
      {                            /* Error out if we aren't               */
      fprintf(stderr,"main:Missing SOH for a new record\n");

    /* Try to the the link layer sequence number                           */
    s_low = getc(fd);              /* Get the sequence number low byte     */
    s_high = getc(fd);             /*   and the high byte                  */
    utmp = 256 * s_high + s_low;   /* Make it into a real number           */
    if (feof(fd))                  /* Did anything bad happen?             */
      {                            /* Sometimes I get tired of error chking*/
      printf("***EOF***\n");       /* If EOF,then all done                 */

    /* Check the sequence number for a match                               */
    if (getseq)                    /* Should we get the sequence number?   */
      {                            /* YES - Ok, utmp contains seq#         */
      seq = utmp;                  /* Get the initial sequence number      */
      getseq = 0;                  /* Reset the flag that says we got it   */
      if (++seq != utmp)           /* Check for a sequence number match    */
        {                          /* I'll probably have to do more here...*/
        dtmp = 100;                /* See how far off we are?              */
        j = 0;                     /* Total number of trys                 */
        while ((dtmp > 10) && (j < 10))
          resync(fd);              /* Find the next SOH                    */
          getc(fd);                /* Get the SOH, and ignore it           */
          s_low = getc(fd);        /* Get the sequence number low byte     */
          s_high = getc(fd);       /*   and the high byte                  */
          utmp = 256 * s_high + s_low;
          if (feof(fd))            /* Did anything bad happen?             */
            {                      /* Sometimes I get tired of error chking*/
            printf("***EOF***\n"); /* If EOF,then all done                 */
          dtmp = abs(utmp - seq);  /* Find a new offset                    */
          j++;                     /* Count this iteration                 */
        if (j == 10)               /* Did we get completely lost?          */
          printf("main: Expecting seq number %u, resynced to %u\n",seq,utmp);
          if (seq != utmp)         /* Did we find the one we wanted?       */
            {                      /* Much stuff to do here                */
            if (abs(utmp - seq) > 10)
              printf("main: Expecting seq=%u, resynced to seq=%u\n",seq,utmp);
            seq = utmp;

    /* Get the rest of the Link Level header                               */
    for (i=0;i<LLHLEN;i++)         /* Get the rest of link layer header    */
      j = getc(fd);                /* Get a single character               */
      if (j == EOF)                /* Did we run out of runway?            */
        {                          /* YES - All done then?                 */
      LLHead[i] = (unsigned char)j; /* Save the byte we just grabbed.      */

    /* Fill in the article header                                          */
    for (i=0;i<ARMLEN;i++)         /* Get the minimum article header length*/
      {                            /* Try to move the header in            */
      j = getc(fd);                /* Attempt to get a header byte         */
      if (j == EOF)                /* Make sure we didn't EOF the sucker   */
      ARHead[i] = (unsigned char)j; /* The byte we just grabbed            */

    /* If the article ID token is known, get the rest of the header        */
    isok = strchr(cats,ARHead[0]) ? 1 : 0;
    for (i=ARMLEN;i<ARHLEN;i++)    /* Loop through the rest of the header  */
      if (isok)                    /* Is this a 'known' article?           */
        {                          /* YES - Fill in the rest of the header */
        j = getc(fd);
        if (j == EOF)
        ARHead[i] = (unsigned char)j;
      else                         /*  NO - Lots more work to go           */
        ARHead[i] = 0x00;          /* Just fill in empty header stuff      */

    /* Display the header information                                      */
    data = ARHead[ARMLEN];         /* Remember the first header byte       */
    ARHead[ARMLEN] = 0x00;         /* Null terminate the type              */
    doprt = 1;                     /* Assume we print this one             */
    if (argc > 1)
      if (strcmp(ARHead,argv[1]))
        doprt = 0;                 /* If we didn't match                   */
    if (doprt)
      printf("%5.5u",seq);         /* Start of header                      */
      printf("%c ",(isok ? '>' : '}'));
      for (i=0;i<LLHLEN;i++)       /* Print every byte of header           */
      printf(" %8.8s ",ARHead);    /* Show article type                    */
      ARHead[ARMLEN] = data;       /* Restore article header byte          */
    if (isok && doprt)             /* Do we know about this article type?  */
      {                            /* YES - Decode and print header        */
      printf("%2.2X/%2.2X/%2.2X %2.2X:%2.2X:%2.2X.%2.2X ",
      for (i=ARMLEN+7;i<ARHLEN;i++)

    /* Scan the rest of the data in this article                           */
    ARHead[8] = 0x00;              /* Mark the end of the string           */
    data = SOH;                    /* Assume we don't print data           */
    j = 0;                         /* Number of bytes output so far        */
    if (argc > 1)                  /* Are there any arguments?             */
      if (!strcmp(argv[1],"ALL"))  /* Do they want everything printed?     */
        data = 0x00;               /* YES - We will display the whole thing*/
      else                         /* Otherwise display only matches       */
        if (!strcmp(argv[1],ARHead))
          data = 0x00;
    if ((data != SOH) && doprt)    /* Do we need to finish the header?     */
      printf("\n");                /* YES - Do it                          */
    while (data != SOH)
      {                            /* Loop through until eof or 1st SOH    */
      data = getc(fd);             /* Get the next data byte               */
      if (data == EOF)             /* Are we at the end of the line?       */
        {                          /* YES - Easy to handle that then       */
      if (data == SOH)             /* Have we picked up the SOH?           */
        {                          /* Try to return it to the stream       */
        if (EOF == ungetc(SOH,fd)) /* Try to put the SOH back              */
          {                        /* It didn't work                       */
          fprintf(stderr,"resync:Unable to place SOH back in stream\n");
        {                          /* Ok, a good byte.  Display it         */
        i = j % 16;                /* Where are we in the line?            */
        outarray[i] = data;        /* Get the data byte in outarray        */
        switch (i)                 /* There are enough formatting states   */
          case 15:                 /* The last byte on a line?             */
            printf(" %2.2X |",data);
            for (i=0;i<16;i++)
              printf("%c",(isprint(outarray[i])) ? outarray[i] : '.');
          case 0:                  /* The first byte on the line?          */
            printf("       %4.4X: %2.2X",j,data);
          case 8:                  /* Is it the middle byte?               */
            printf(" %2.2X",data);
        j++;                       /* Count another character read         */
        }                          /* else                                 */
      }                            /* while                                */
      if (doprt) printf("\n");
  }                                /* while                                */

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