Meditations on the Twelve Steps Based on A Course in Miracles Nancy Dryden Lorieau To the Shifters "No one in this distracted world but has seen some glimpses of the other world about him. Yet while he still lays value on his own, he will deny the vision of the other, maintaining that he loves what he loves not, and following not the road that love points out. Love leads so gladly!... "To give this sad world over and exchange your errors for the peace of God is but your will." ("A Course in Miracles", Foundation for Inner Peace: Box, 1104, Glen Ellen, CA, 1975.)(T13,8,6) Introduction The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous were in 1938 written by its founder, Bill Wilson, while lying in bed. with pencil in hand and pad of yellow scratch paper on his knee. "A Course in Miracles" was channelled during the period from October 1965 through September 1972 by Dr. Helen Schucman. These meditations came to me in late November 1993, after I had asked my Higher Power for a way to show appreciation at Christmas to some Twelve Step friends. I offer them in love. Nancy Dryden Lorieau Step One "We admitted we were powerless over our addictions - that our lives had become unmanageable." My ego believes that I am alone and my world is a dangerous place. Only by doing something or getting something, will I attain the happiness and safety that I seek. When my efforts fail, it tells me there are certain "magic" substances and habits that can always be relied on. These are my addictions. As I close my eyes, I realize my ego has been mistaken. I see my addictions as devices that have brought only pain. I understand I have no control over them because I have given them all my power, but I also see they have no power of their own. They are as smoke, awaiting only the wind that will dispel them. I begin to see that I have been insane and I wonder about the world of sanity. What will I see there? How will I feel? "I know my beliefs are insane because they have not made me happy." Step Two "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Over and over, I have followed the ego s advice in my attempts to control my life, but each time I have failed. Sometimes I feel I can't go on. However, part of me remembers another Voice - a Voice of sanity and truth, a Voice of reassurance and comfort. I remember the sound of this Voice, soft and certain. It reminds me of my Creator and It tells me I am holy. "No Child of God," It says, "Can be less than perfect." I feel a warmth in my body and know there is a flame of Truth within me. I see an altar in my heart. On it burns a candle. Because the candle is small, the light is dim, but I know it is unextinguishable. As I think this thought, the light becomes brighter. I contrast the light of Truth with the confusion of darkness. "There are two paths open to me, one of chaos, one of sanity. Which will I choose?" Step Three "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God." I stand at a crossroads. Two signs point the way. The one on the right is marked "Peace," the other "Fear." I look down the road of fear and many figures beckon me. I see my addictions and their temporary satisfactions. I see my enemies and the false faces I have made for my friends. The landscape is littered with refuse. The road of peace looks different. There are trees and flowers beside the road and among them walk people I recognize as my brothers and sisters. Although many carry packs of varying sizes, their steps are light and their faces reflect serenity. I smell the fragrance of fresh-mown grass. A clamor erupts among the figures on the road of fear. They call to me, shouting promises, waving glittering strands of jewels and bottles filled with elixir. I gaze at them, and as I gaze the glitter falls away. I choose the road of peace. As I step forward, my brothers and sisters come to greet me. Welcoming hands clasp mine. The flame in my heart grows brighter. I feel gratitude to my Creator and am aware of my Creator's gratefulness to me. "I know there is a power that will heal not only my addictions but my life." Step Four "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." I am on the path now, but my step is anything but light. Although the flame in my heart burns brightly, I am weighed down by an enormous pack. I stop to rest under a tree, remove the pack, open it and look inside. The pack is filled with golden balls and large black stones. There are so many I cannot count them. I pull out a golden ball and, as I see my face reflected in its surface, I realize the ball represents a loving deed I had forgotten. As I acknowledge this, the ball melts into my hand and becomes part of what I know about myself. Next I select a stone. As I examine it, I understand it represents a belief of which I am ashamed. I decide to acknowledge this belief. Instantly the stone grows smaller and lighter, both in color and in weight. I place it beside me. When I ask the light in my heart what I should do, the Voice of Certainty advises me to examine each object until the pack is empty. At first I resist, but soon I realize this task is necessary if I am to know myself. I resolve to carry it through. "I am thankful for the opportunity to know myself." Step Five "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." I am sitting under a tree beside my path next to a pile of small grey stones. People are passing by. I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I am sure each person will see the stones and condemn me. Perhaps some will take the stones and throw them at me! I become afraid. I attempt to cover the stones with my pack, but it seems hopeless. What if my Creator should see them? I cower in fear. Slowly, a feeling of warmth and certainty fills my body. I begin to understand that I am safe. I hear the Voice. (I am growing used to it now.) "Your Creator does not see the stones," It says, "Only your innocence." I try to understand, but it is difficult. "Soon," promises the Voice, "Soon . . ." I look for someone to speak with about my stones. Although I feel some uncertainty, I know this must be done. Someone sits down beside me. As I look into her eyes, I realize she is the one. Together we examine the stones. I feel accepted and safe. I know this person sees my holiness as well as the things I regret. As we embrace, I am filled with love. I know this person is my friend. "I recognize my holiness and the holiness of others." Step Six "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." I am sitting under a tree beside my pile of stones. I put them back in my pack, shoulder the pack and continue on my way. My pack is much lighter now, but it is still heavy. After awhile, I stop to rest. Some of the people on my path have no pack at all. These people seem to have more energy than the rest; they seem lighter and happier. I begin to wish my pack were gone. I hear the Voice. "You wish your pack were gone, but you are still holding on to it!" I notice my fingers gripping one of the straps. Although I try to let go, it is difficult. The Voice tells me that some people let go of their burdens one stone at a time, but I want to release them all. As I visualize myself releasing the pack, I am filled with gratitude. My fingers relax. I am ready to let go. "I release the past. Now is the only time there is." Step Seven "Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings." I am sitting beside my path next to my pack. I am ready to let it go. Eyes closed, I ask my Creator to take it away. I feel a Gentle Presence. "I cannot remove your burden, my Child, because I cannot see it. I see only your holiness. I see only your light. You have made your burden; now, you must walk away from it." Someone takes my hand. Opening my eyes, I see it is my friend. Gently, she pulls me to my feet. Together, we continue down the path. "I understand that I am free. I am as God created me." "Step Eight" "Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them." I am walking along the path with my friend. My pack is gone. Although I am happy, I am not yet at peace. I ask my friend why. "Now that you have laid down your burden, "she says, "You must set things to rights. You must make amends." I am surprised. I thought when I walked away from that pack it was finished, I say. "You mean there's more?" "Yes," says my friend. "Now you must deal with every person or situation about which you have a feeling of guilt, and you must deal with these in such a way that peace returns to your relationship." I ask the Voice for guidance and learn that the main cause of unhappiness in my relationships was that I had seen others as either more or less important than myself. I had not recognized their value as equal Children of God. I understand that the healing of my relationships will come only with respect for the holiness of my brothers and sisters. My friend hands me a paper and pencil. I sit down beside the path, search my heart and begin to write. "I am grateful for my equal companions. I feel their love." Step Nine "Made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." It's late in the afternoon and my friend and I are sitting in the shade of a large rock, eating a simple dinner. I am in a hurry. "I've finished my list," I say, And I'd like to get a few of these names taken care of before bedtime. I'll just go down to the phone at the general store and call them all up to say I'm sorry. I hope I have enough quarters." "Not so fast!" says my friend. "Making amends," as I said, "usually involves more than just saying you're sorry. It means setting things to rights. Every case is different. Sometimes you can t do anything at all but offer a blessing in your heart." "But how will I know?" I cry in frustration. I'm not God!" "No," smiles my friend, "But the Creator is." I take out my list and look at the first name, then close my eyes and ask for guidance. The answer comes. "I allow the healing of my relationships." Step Ten "Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Again, I am on the path. It is a beautiful day and I feel carefree and happy. I have not quite finished with my amends, but I am making good progress. I notice people are happy to be with me. Strangers sometimes smile when they catch my eye. I stop by a roadside stand. A wizened old man has arranged a variety of items on a long, bare table. He looks hungry and ill. I decide to buy something. As I look over the merchandise, I see a tarnished golden ring with an unusual stone. Although it is priced very cheaply, I suspect it is valuable. I discover it is gold. Hardly able to contain my glee, I pay the peddler fifty cents, put the ring on my finger and continue on my way. I'm proud of the sharp bargain I've made. Then, I feel a weight in my pocket. I reach in and discover a large, black stone. I realize my mistake. Quickly, I return to the stand, give the ring to the peddler, and explain its value. I see the gratitude in his eyes. We shake hands in friendship. "My Guidance tells me what to do." Step Eleven "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood God, praying only for the knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out." It's morning. I have been sleeping beside a small stream. As I wake up from my happy dream, I hear birds singing and the sharp tinkling of water. I look forward to the day ahead. After washing my face in the stream, I sit cross- legged on my bedroll. I close my eyes and turn my thoughts to my Creator. I acknowledge God's holiness and my appreciation for creation. I remember the sacredness of all things and all people. I ask to be led where I am needed, and for the resources necessary to do what I am requested to do. I offer my guilt and my grievances for healing. Gratitude fills my heart. I know I am not alone. "As I understand my Creator, I understand myself." Step Twelve "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs." It's midday. I m walking along the path. Although the weather is chilly and the sky is overcast, the light in my heart warms my companions and me, and casts a special radiance on all I see in my world. I know I am in exactly the right place and this is exactly the right time. I am filled with certainty. As I round a curve in the path, I see a person sitting alone under a tree next to a pile of small grey stones. I sit down beside him . . . "When I ask only to be helpful, I know exactly what to do." Meditations on the 12 Steps is copyright 1993 by Nancy Dryden Lorieau 14028 - 121 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5L 2S9 Canada Telephone: (403) 455-9820