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Subliminal tape shopper's guide


The Subliminal Tape Shoppers' Guide

by Susannah Lippman


   Alphasonics International


  Want to increase confidence and reach peak performance

    in work, studies, the arts or sports.

  Want to create more wealth and prosperity in your life.

  Want to attract more loving relationships.

  Want to relieve stress, relax more completely, sleep

    more deeply and awake more refreshed.

  Want effortless weight control for the long term.

  Want to conquer habits like smoking, alcohol, drugs  

    even procrastination  without the struggle.

  Want to enhance health and healing.

Dear Friend,

   Your decision to purchase this report will probably be one of the best

decisions you have ever made.  You see, what you're about to find out is

something more valuable to you than any possession you own or even think of

owning.  Yes, I mean it  cars, houses,  anything!


   What you are going to discover is a key  a golden key  that unlocks

the potential of your own mind.  This key allows you to access your

subconscious, so you can change the programming.  So that you can change

unwanted habits of thought and action to what you want them to be.

   Why is this so important?  We mortals are all creatures of habit.

Habits go very deep.  They are held in the subconscious part of our minds.

Decisions we make consciously are all very nice indeed, but they don't go

deep enough.  Not deep enough to make real changes or to make them stick.

We all know people who make wonderful promises to themselves, only to find

they keep slipping back into well worn patterns.  Perhaps you're one of

those people.  Most of us are.

   Let's take an example.  If you've smoked for years, your mind is

programmed as a smoker.  All the horror stories about how black your lungs

are and how soon you will die may convince you to quit, but they won't make

quitting easy.  Not as long as your mind is still programmed as a smoker.

In fact, until you change your subconscious programming, quitting is


   The same is true, not only for habits like smoking, drugs, and alcohol,

but  for internal habits like procrastination or not managing your time.

Then there are the habits of thought, possibly the worst of all because

they are so subtle.  You may not even know you have them.  If you grew up

in poverty, you may have habits of thinking like a poor person, and even if

you win the lottery or inherit millions, that thinking can keep sabotaging

you until you're right back where you started.  There are habits like

putting yourself down, not believing in your own abilities, believing that

you will always be overweight or in poor health, that you are unattractive

or stupid, or that you will never find a fulfilling loving relationship 

all habits of thought that can keep you stuck where you are for the rest of

your life.

   But think about this:  It's highly likely that your habits of thought

are ALL THAT'S HOLDING YOU BACK  the only thing preventing you from having

everything you've ever wanted in life.  I really do mean everything  

health, wealth, love, career, happiness  everything.

   The reality is that you can have it all.  Now here's the bad news and

the good news.  The bad news is you can't get it by sitting around waiting

for someone else to do it for you.  It's up to you.  The good news is the

same news:  It's up to you.  That means you're not at anyone's mercy.  And

you're not a victim of your own past.  You can change it!


   Now I'm not trying to tell you that subliminal tapes will do all these

wonderful things for you.  They can, however, help remove your limitations.

Then you can do these wonderful things for yourself!  You can live up to

your own highest potential.

   Now stop a minute and take stock:  If those last sentences triggered any

self doubts, if you heard a little voice saying, "Who me?  Do wonderful

things?  I'm not so sure,"  you just heard a perfect example of your

subconscious undermining your own confidence.  Back to what I was saying.

   Your conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg.  Your subconscious

is the vastly stronger and more powerful part of your mind, the part that's

really in charge.  How can you reach your subconscious?  Most self help

methods address only your conscious mind, and if you're lucky a little bit

filters down to your subconscious.

   FACT:   Scientific investigation has shown that subliminal techniques

can and do access your subconscious mind to change thinking patterns and


   Have You Tried Subliminal Tapes in the past?  If so, there are two

possibilities:  They either worked for you or they did not.

   If the results were disappointing, the chances are you had weak tapes.

So don't give up.

   On the other hand, if you got good results  in fact even a glimmer of

hope, the chances are still that you got weak tapes!  Until recently,

that's all that was available.   But if you got any results at all, it

means you are probably one of those lucky people who responds especially

well to subliminal learning.  So if you had success with inferior tapes you

are an ideal candidate for great results with our new super powerful ones!

   Either way, you have a rare and wonderful treat in store for you now.

If you're really serious about reaching your goals, this report will show

you exactly how to select the right tools to do it for you.  And I know you

can do it!

   So read on and discover!

   -- Susannah Lippman



Many don't work at all, most work only a little, but some 

really do give you the rapid, lasting results you've hoped for.

   So report the nation's leading authorities on subliminals, Dr. Lee M.

Shulman, Ph.D., and Dr. Joyce Shulman, Ph.D., the first to do comparative

testing of the many brands available.

   So what's going on?  Subliminal tapes have captured the public

consciousness.  After all, they have the potential to bring us our fondest

dreams.  In other words, they're hot!  The New York Times describes it as a

"brave new industry taking bookstores by storm."  Even the prestigious

economic forecaster, the Kiplinger Letter predicts this as a growing

business trend.  New tape companies spring up like mushrooms.   Newsweek

calls it a boom industry and reports sales have doubled since 1985 and are

expected to reach $50 million this year.

As a result, many tape producers, too eager for profits, without the needed

expertise, are filling the market with worthless tapes.

Yet at the same time, recent technological breakthroughs now bring us the

most powerful tapes yet produced.  These new tapes not only work, they work

fast and give people really dramatic results with problems they've

struggled with for a lifetime.

    The Drs. Shulman, leading psychologists with an impressive set of

credentials, set out, along with co-author, Gerald P. Rafferty, Ph.D., to

find out objectively whether subliminals worked.1  After years

investigating this intriguing subject, reviewing all the scientific

research and testing the available brands, they report their findings in

their recent book, Subliminal: The New Channel to Personal Power:  "Many

[subliminal tapes] didn't work at all.  Few lived up to their stated

expectations."  Then they describe their "surprise and delight" as they

discovered a whole new generation of "high-tech subliminal tapes"

representing a "huge leap forward in effectiveness."2

How to be sure you're getting the most effective tapes


   The information you need to tell good tapes from the worthless ones is

all here in this special report by Alphasonics, the company that pioneered

the new technology, the company whose tapes are chosen, after comparison

testing, by the Drs. Shulman for their patients and for themselves.  This

report tells you how you can take advantage of all the benefits (and there

is a truly splendid array of benefits in store for you!) without wasting

your time and money (and your hopes and dreams!) on valueless tapes.

Don't be fooled by appearances.


   That old adage about not judging a book by its cover applies even more

strongly to tapes, which cannot be "leafed through" by curious shoppers.

Don't be misled by a gorgeous sunset on the wrapper.  Some of the prettiest

packaging covers the poorest tapes.

   Yet to dismiss subliminals completely is to deprive yourself of an

amazingly powerful tool for self change, a tool which lets you break

through limitations and frees you to reach your highest goals.

First, choose your goals.


   Maybe you'd like to be free, once and for all, of a struggle with your

weight.  What if a subtle shift inside you could attract an abundance of

love and money into your life?  Can you picture what that would be like?

What if you could meet the world radiating the glow of inner confidence,

and clear away the barriers between you and peak performance in your work,

in studies, the arts or sports?  Or perhaps you could use some help

handling stress, achieving inner calm, sleeping deeply and waking up

feeling fresh and alive.  Maybe there's a habit you'd like to beat  like

smoking, drugs, alcohol or even procrastination  so you could really be in

charge again.   These ideas are just a starting point.  Look within

yourself and come up with your own goals.  The list of possibilities is

virtually endless.  (You'll read more about them later.)

Can subliminals help you do all this? 


   The answer is both yes and no.  Some can.  Some can't.  The sad part is

that when people try an inferior tape, which doesn't work for them, they

often judge all subliminals by that experience.  They make the mistake of

assuming that all subliminals are the same.

   Suppose a primitive tribesman were catapulted into our high tech

society, and the very first car he tried to drive had a dead battery.  If

he went around on foot the rest of his life, insisting that "cars don't

work," we would think it odd that he didn't realize that all cars aren't

alike.  Everybody knows that all foods are not alike, and all music is not

alike, even that all shampoos are not alike.  Yet the public is finally

just beginning to realize that "All subliminals are not alike!"  The next

time you hear one of those "Subliminals do work/don't work" discussions,

try raising the level of the dialogue by interjecting that idea.  Everybody

gets to be right, and everybody gets to learn something new.



MYTH #1:  Subliminal tapes might make you do something you don't want to

do.  Untrue.  They can help you reach your goals, but they must be your

goals for them to work.  You are still very much in charge.

   Some part of you must want the change.  For example, in a struggle to

lose weight, there is usually a battle between the part of you that wants a

slender body and the part of you that wants the piece of fudge cake, the

part of you that vows to go on a diet and the part of you that puts it off

till tomorrow.  Subliminals can strengthen your motivation for change and

help you toward your goal.  They cannot make you do something that you have

no desire to do.

   Notice that in the experiment in the movie theater, back in the fifties,

in which subliminal suggestion sent popcorn and soft drink sales

skyrocketing, a hundred percent of the movie goers did not buy those items

 only those who were predisposed to do so.  Subliminals cannot make you do

anything you're not interested in or don't believe in, and certainly not

anything against your ethics or value system.

MYTH #2:  If you have never used a subliminal tape your mind has not been

subliminally programmed.  Untrue!  Some people say things like,  "I'm not

going to put anything subliminal into my brain!"  For these people, I have

news:  Every one of us on the planet is being subliminally programmed every

second of every day of our lives.  Whether we like it or not.

   Why? Because all the sounds in our environment that are a little bit out

of the range of conscious hearing are heard by the subconscious part of the

mind.  Also, all sounds that are loud enough to be heard but are "drowned

out" by something louder are also heard by the subconscious.

   That means when you passed that construction site this morning, that

remark on your anatomy, buried beneath the jackhammer's roar was heard by

you subliminally.  The same is true of conversations at other tables in

restaurants, and all those TV commercials you don't listen to, even if

you've gone to the kitchen.  The same is true for all the sights and

sounds, (and smells and tastes and touches) around you from the very

beginning of your life to the present!  (In computer terms, that's a pretty

big data base!  It's a good thing there's plenty of memory.)  That's why,

for example, a witness to a hit and run accident, under hypnosis, can often

pull up, from that memory bank, a license plate number which flashed past

their field of vision without being memorized or even consciously noticed.


   The problem is that so much of this input is negative.  We are

bombarded from all sides with blaring radios, angry words, harsh

criticisms, distorted advertising slogans, lies and manipulations.  As

children we received about twenty negative messages for each positive one.

Much of it may have been intended as constructive criticism, but it

registered negatively in our subconscious minds.  It programmed us to

believe that we were not really satisfactory the way we were.  (And all the

degrees and awards and accolades we can win somehow don't erase that

feeling of not being quite enough.)  It programmed our minds with certain

limiting beliefs that keep on holding us back, even after we consciously

accept new, more growth producing ideas.

   Subliminals give you a choice  a way of flooding your mind with enough

positive input, to offset the negative.  Subliminals can set you free.

MYTH # 3:  Subliminal programming is something strange and mysterious.  So

anyone who knows enough to make a subliminal tape must have a lot of

special high tech information.  Wrong.  If somebody just turned on the bath

water very loud and talked into a little hand held tape recorder the result

would be  by definition  a subliminal tape.  Now don't get any ideas.  It

would be worthless, but it could be correctly called "subliminal."

   What this means is that nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry who has heard

there are millions to be made in subliminals is now getting into the act.

Some of them are putting out little more than "bathtub variety"


   What does this mean for you?  It means that instead of just a few, there

are now many dozens of brands to choose from.  All the conflicting claims

and the hype have created a lot of confusion on a subject that (fortunately

for some bogus manufacturers) most people know very little about.  That's

why we've created this set of guidelines to give you the information you

need to keep from getting ripped off.

MYTH #4:  If I can't hear it, it can't possibly help me.  Actually you can

(in the true meaning of the word) "hear" it.  Just not on a conscious

level.  It's the subconscious part of your brain rather than the conscious

part that picks up the signal.  So you're not aware that you're hearing it.

   It's as if you and I are having a conversation on an airport runway.  A

jet plane comes in, and even though we're still talking, we can no longer

hear each other.  At least not consciously.  The plane has "drowned out"

our voices.  But the sounds of our conversation are still vibrating in our

ears and sending messages to our brain.  The difference is that now it's

the subconscious portion of our brains.  Since the subconscious is the part

that's really in charge, this affects us much more than what we hear


   So subliminal technology is not voodoo.  It's not magic, although the

results sometimes seem like it!  It's very real in the physical sense.

MYTH #5:  Taking in a large number of messages would confuse my brain.  NOT

EVEN CLOSE!  Our brains are truly wonderful things!  In that small space

inside your head is a highly sophisticated instrument whose capabilities

dwarf the largest, most powerful computers ever devised.  We use only a

tiny fraction of our brain's vast capacity.  It's been estimated at about

5%.  Albert Einstein is said to have used 8%.  What if you could double

your capacity?  Just think how that would change your life!  The right

tapes can help toward that!

How and why subliminals work: An inside look at the new technology

   Let's take a look at how subliminals are made:  A series of short

positive sentences like, "I am calm and confident," or "I am relaxed," are

read into a microphone and recorded.  Then a covering sound, such as water

sounds or music, is recorded over it at a higher volume.  That's the basic

minimum.  But a tape like that would give you little or no result.  Yet

through advanced technology, tapes can be made to pack incredible power.

This Tape Shoppers' Check List reveals what it takes to make it happen for




o Fourteen things to look for to help you find the tapes that 

  will work foryou

o How to be sure you get your money's worth?  

o How to tell if you're being ripped off?

o How to evaluate the tapes you already have?  

o Here's what to look for:

1.  Are the messages in stereo?  

   Most tapes use stereo only for the covering music or nature sounds,

while the messages themselves are on a single track.  Many companies,

including at least one of the leading brands, tell us proudly that their

messages are in stereo, but what they don't tell us is that both channels

are identical!  This entirely defeats the purpose of stereo!  For them

"stereo" is only a marketing gimmick.  Alphasonics tapes have separate

channels scripted differently for right and left brain hemispheres.  Yet

this is extremely rare, as only an estimated one to two percent of the

brands have this feature.  It is extremely important, since the two sides

of the brain take in information in entirely different ways.  An

affirmation scripted clearly for one side of the brain is heard by the

other side as if it were spoken in Outer Mongolian.  It just doesn't get


 2.  How many messages are on the tape?  

   The basic minimum is in the 1000 to 1500 range.  That's the number of

short sentences you can read in an hour.  (Most tapes are a half hour on

each side.)  A few manufacturers have increased that.  If they've gone to

the extra trouble and expense of doing that, believe me they will tell you!

So if they don't mention it, assume it's the minimum.  A few increase the

number to 2,000 to 3,000 and fewer still to the 20,000 range.  One or two

claim 100,000.  Alphasonics has the only technology we have found, capable

of putting over a million messages on a one hour cassette, in real time.

It would take over 600 ordinary no-frills tapes, played simultaneously on

over 600 tape players to equal this.

   Now the question people ask at this point is, "Can the mind absorb all

this?"  The answer is a resounding YES!  And if you don't believe me you

are greatly underestimating the vast potential of that incredible organ

inside your skull.  Scientists such as Carl Sagan and researchers at UCLA

agree that our subconscious minds can process at least a hundred million

bits of information per second!

   You and I and all the rest of us are under utilizing that brain of ours.

That's what this subliminal business is all about, at the core of it  to

help us use more and more of our brain power.  The possi- bilities are

truly exciting.  What if we could reverse learning disabilities, even

retardation?  We don't know.  Some early signs do point in that direction.

The research which can tell us is greatly needed!

3.  Are the messages speeded up?

   Having said all that about large numbers of messages being a plus, I

should caution you about one thing.  Nearly all the manufacturers that are

increasing the number of messages are doing it by speeding them up.  It's

called "time compression," and it's very controversial.  Many experts say

that once it gets past the speed where it sounds like Alvin the chipmunk,

the words blur together into a meaningless high pitched squeal, which is

just as unintelligible to the subconscious as to the conscious.

   There's another method that avoids this problem:  layering one sound

track over another.  It's the technique that allows recording artists to

sing duets, trios, quartets with themselves.  This works well, but until

recently the number of tracks which could be used effectively was severely


   Then came the invention of an entirely new kind of sophisticated

multi-tracking system, developed in the laboratories of Alphasonics.  It

allows for the layering of 240 or more separate sound tracks!  This makes

it possible to put well over a million messages on a one-hour cassette, in

what is known as "real time."  No high speed recording is used!  No squeal!

   A couple of tape makers (ones without high tech capabilities whose tapes

carry only a minimal number of messages) are making a desperate attempt to

discredit their competitors.  They've taken to warning the public about

their tapes with large numbers of messages, citing the "squeal" factor.

They may be right about the high speed tapes.  The trouble is, they assume

that the only method of increasing the number is by high speed recording.

Although they claim to be electronic experts, they are apparently not yet

even aware of the existence of multi-tracking.

4. Do they have themes and subthemes?

   The extra capacity for so many messages allows technicians to combine

several scripts on one tape.  A main theme can now be supported by several

related subthemes.  A "Stop Smoking" tape can carry subthemes to curb

accompanying weight gain, promote will power, confidence and calm.  "Weight

Control" can heighten self esteem, promote exercise and calm nervous

eaters.  On an even deeper level, it can help the user conquer fears and

food obsessions and develop healthy eating habits for the long term.  Since

it's the special multi-tracking system that makes this possible, no company

other than Alphasonics has been able to do this.

5. Is there a special introduction to prepare you? 

   Is there an introduction which readies you for the rest of the messages?

Alphasonics has developed a special Preparative Induction. This means that

the first five minutes of each side is designed to put you into a more

receptive state.  Since it's also subliminal, you're not aware of it

consciously, but it can greatly increase your response to the tape.  We

have not seen this feature anywhere else at all.

6. Are Alpha and Theta waves increased?

   Does the tape in question have a method for increasing your Alpha and

Theta brain waves to promote greatest receptivity?  If not, you may remain

in Beta, a state in which the affirmations will have little effect.  (This

helps to explain why some tapes don't work.)  This is easily verified,

since the brain states are testable with laboratory equipment.  In fact

many simple, inexpensive biofeedback devices give you a fairly good idea of

this as well.

   Why is this important?  It is well known that you are most receptive

when you are relaxed and open.  Much of the time, you're in the Beta state,

the ordinary, mundane state of mind, the one you're in when you pay your

bills and empty the garbage.  In the Alpha state you are calm and relaxed,

yet alert and clear headed.  In fact it has been said that, given the

correct information, you cannot make a wrong decision in the Alpha state.

This is the best state for listening to most subliminals.  In the Theta

state you are even more relaxed and receptive, but not alert enough to go

about your usual activities, as you are in Alpha.  (That's why Theta is

used only for tapes promoting sleep and rest.)  Biofeedback practitioners

have reported that Alphasonics tapes put people into Alpha and Theta more

quickly than any method they have seen.  A great many tapes on the market

do not address this goal at all.

7.  Are the scripts entirely positive?

   Who would write a negative script?  Hardly anybody does this

intentionally.  But a lot of well meaning amateurs write sentences like,

"Sugar is poison," and "Tobacco is poison," planting negative seeds in the

mind and creating new problems for the user. This is horrendous!  Suppose

you never ate another dessert for the rest of your life (and who among us

would make a promise like that!)  What about hidden sugar in restaurant

food, or natural fruit sugar in the apple you eat?  What about a non-smoker

in a smoke filled room?  There's enough negativity coming into our minds

every day, without adding more!  When you use a negative suggestion there

is always some unfortunate price to pay.  It's universal law of nature.

   We even came across one company (which shall remain nameless) whose

weight loss tape actually has us visualizing our food turning to maggots on

the plate!   Heaven preserve us!  Could they actually be trying for


   Take another example from a third brand:  "I am happy because I don't

smoke."  Words like "don't" and "not" are generally not perceived by the

subconscious.  So it hears "I am happy because I smoke."  Is it any wonder

that the tape doesn't work?

   Not sure if you believe that?  Let's actually do a mind experiment.  I'm

going to help you break a habit, and just to make it easy, I'll pick a

habit you don't even have.  I'll say to you, "Don't think of a purple

tiger!"  Now, are you thinking of a purple tiger more or less than you were

ten minutes ago?  How much effect did the word "don't" have on you?  Not

much, you say?  You say you're still thinking of it anyway?  You just can't

resist, can you!

   But I really want to help you break your purple tiger habit, so what if

I say the sentence to you over and over thousands of times a day?  You say

that wouldn't help?  You think it would just keep reminding you of purple

tigers?  (Just as "Don't smoke" reminds you to smoke.)  I guess you're

really hooked on this habit of yours.  Now what if I gave you a positive

suggestion to think of something else so interesting that you forgot all

about purple tigers?  Now we're onto something!  Notice it's the positive

suggestions that work.

  The point of all this is that the scripts must be written by

professionals with a thorough understanding of the subconscious mind.  At

Alphasonics, our scripts are prepared by a doctor who not only has this

expertise but has used sophisticated biofeedback equipment to test the

responses of the body to specific words and phrases.  Scripting is not done

by guesswork.

8. Are the scripts written in the language of the subconscious?

   The subconscious is very childlike.  It takes everything literally.

Sentences must be short, simple and direct.  They must avoid complicated

"if "and "when" clauses.  "If I eat too much I will get fat," could be

heard by the subconscious as "I eat too much.  I will get fat."  Could this

ever backfire!  A sentence like that  in fact any long involved sentence 

is a sure tip off that the writers have no idea what they are doing.

9. Are they in the present tense?

   The subconscious knows only the present.  A good script avoids the

future tense.  After all, the future is always ahead of us.  It is always

"now."  For example, "I will succeed," doesn't work as an affirmation.  It

tells the mind that you are not succeeding now.  It puts it off into a

future that never comes.

10. Is there non-verbal reinforcement?

   Do the tapes depend entirely on verbal affirmations, or do they

incorporate the whole range of sounds which the human ear can hear?  (So as

not to send you on a frustrating wild goose chase, it's only fair to tell

you that Alphasonics has pioneered this unique technology, and you're

unlikely to find anything like this elsewhere.  It's a type of

Substimulation called Neurosonic Attunement, and it refers to a whole

series of tones and frequencies which resonate in specific glands and

organs to balance and integrate and reinforce the verbal.  It also involves

certain rhythmic patterns, used subliminally.  All this is carefully

orchestrated to accompany the verbal messages.3  This technique is very

powerful, perhaps even more powerful than the verbal affirmations.  So when

it is combined with them to form a Dual Technology you can think of it as

more than doubling the impact of the subliminal messages.

11. Are the tapes tested and approved by professionals?  

   If it isn't mentioned on the package, you can be fairly sure they're

not.  Here again, any company who's gone to the trouble and expense of

doing this would be foolish not to say so.  Although saying so doesn't make

it true, not saying so is a big tip off.  All Alphasonics tapes are written

and reviewed by a panel of qualified health care professionals, so that you

can be entirely confident about using them.

12. Is there a moneyback guarantee on results?

   No self respecting tape is without one.  A cheap tape without a

guarantee is no bargain!  Chances are you're wasting your money.  A

costlier tape with a guarantee may be worth hundreds of times its price.

Remember that your goal is not to own a tape but to get results!

Alphasonics tapes carry an extra generous 365 day guarantee on results, the

longest in the industry.

13.  Is there a warranty on materials and workmanship?  

   Defective tapes should be replaceable.  Some companies, like

Alphasonics, offer to replace your tape even if you just plain wear it out.

In fact, we extend that offer for your entire lifetime!

14.  Test the tapes yourself. 

   If you know how to use kinesiology it's an ideal way to test quickly

whether a tape is right for you.  If you aren't familiar with it, read

Chapter 9 of Subliminal: The New Channel to Personal Power, or other books

in your library or bookstore.4  Of course the ultimate test is to try the

tapes for yourself!  The proof is in the pudding.  If there's a moneyback

guarantee you have nothing to lose.


(and so continue using).

1. Covering sounds.

   This is largely a matter of personal preference. It's usually nature

sounds or music.  Remember, you'll be hearing it over and over and over.

So watch out for music you'll get tired of.  Nature sounds are usually a

safe bet, since they fade into the background and allow you to concentrate

or sleep without interruption.  And you can have music of your choice on

another player or on radio or TV.  Some people buy their favorite titles in

both music and nature sounds, for different moods.

2. Announcements

   I don't know about you, but when I lie back and put my feet up and

settle in for a nice snooze or bath, or quiet time with a book, the last

thing I want to hear is some announcer droning:  "You are listening to

Such-and-Such Topic, a So-and-So brand tape, produced by the What's-It

Company."  This is no place for a commercial!  I don't even want him to

tell me exactly how I should lie back and relax my body parts.  That's fine

for a talk tape, or even a subliminal the first time you hear it.  But once

you've got the routine down pat,  once you've drifted into that sweet

limbo, and your tape on an auto-reverse cycle comes round to the start

again, that voice can jolt you right through the ceiling.  And by the time

you've heard it a jillion times you may be ready to commit mayhem.  So much

for stress reduction!

   My point is this.  Lots of the tapes have announcements.  Some people

may want them, though I can't imagine why.  If you aren't one of them, be

sure your tape doesn't have any.  (We at Alphasonics pledge never to bother

you with any talk!)


3. Hypnosis

   Some tapes have hypnosis on one side and subliminals on the other, while

others are subliminal on both sides.  Decide in advance what you want so

you won't have any surprises when you unwrap your tape and pop it into the

player.  Hypnosis is a tremendously valuable technique and we have great

respect for professional hypnotherapists, many of whom offer our tapes to

clients as powerful reinforcement between visits.  Yet, for a hypnosis tape

there are a few inevitable limitations:  For one thing, hypnosis is spoken

aloud on a single track, so only the minimal number of messages is

possible.  Secondly, hypnosis involves the conscious (as well as the

subconscious) part of the mind and so cannot completely bypass your

resistance to change, as subliminals do. The practitioners we know who've

used both with patients have found Alphasonics subliminals more powerful

than hypnosis.5  So a hypnosis side would probably decrease, not increase

the effectiveness.

   Also, hypnosis cannot be used while you do other activities, and the

spoken words can get tiresome when heard over and over.  There are several

other advantages to subliminals on both sides, as you see below.

4. Subliminal on both sides?

   If so, you'll never need to rewind.  There are no spoken interruptions.

You can use an auto- reverse player to keep it going seamlessly while you

work, rest, meditate, or sleep.  This extra convenience usually means you

will use it many more hours.  That in turn will bring you the best possible




   I've given you lots of criteria, but you are largely dependent on what

the manufacturer says in print.  Saying it doesn't make it so, but not

saying it is a pretty good tip off that a feature is not included.  Why

would they spend money to do something and pass up the marketing advantage

of telling you?  However, once this Report circulates widely, some tape

producers may be tempted to claim things they don't have, since much of

this is hard for the consumer to check.  Or once they learn of the

existence of this new technology, they may attempt to utilize it without

knowing how to do it effectively.



1.  Most importantly, they bypass your conscious mind and reach directly

into your subconscious, which is the true source of change within you.

2.  Bypassing the conscious also bypasses much of your resistance to

change.  That's why they often work where other methods fail.

   You see, everything we take in consciously (from books or audible talk

tapes, for example) is "filtered" by our conscious mind which evaluates it

and decides whether to believe it, before allowing a severely censored

version to pass into the subconscious.  When someone gives you an

extravagant compliment, if you don't believe it, you simply may not let

that thought in.  Suppose you hear a tape saying, "You are wonderfully

successful."  Part of you believes it and part of you does not.  The debate

that sets up in your mind often completely sabotages the benefits.

   The subconscious, on the other hand, is like a computer.  It just

accepts everything without judgment.  The down side of this is that's how

some of the negative concepts got in there in the first place why some

brilliant people believe they aren't very bright and some handsome people

think they are ugly.  Deep inside, they believed what they were told as

young children, regardless of the facts.  And because these ideas are

lodged deep in their subconscious, they often keep right on believing them

as adults, despite all evidence to the contrary.  Garbage in, garbage out!

   But this computer-like quality of the subconscious is also why positive

affirmations from a subliminal tape can go right to the subconscious where

it counts, without interference of censorship by the conscious mind.  It

may take a great many positive affirmations, repeated over and over, to

overcome the negative programming, which has built up over years.

3.  The better subliminals allow you to hear thousands (and in the case of

Alphasonics tapes, millions) of affirmations in a short period of time, to

counteract both the negative programming from your past and the constant

stream of new negative input from your environment.  This is of course

impossible with audible tapes or other self help methods.

4.  They're convenient for busy people.  Since they don't require your

conscious attention, they don't take any time out of your life.  You can

listen while you do all sorts of other things  exercise, get dressed for

the day, prepare meals, work, clean house, talk on the phone, even read or

watch TV.

5.  You don't get tired of hearing the same words over and over as you

might with an audible talk tape.

6.  Subliminals work from within, in a healthy, natural way.  The changes

never feel as if they're being forced on you from something external.  For

that very reason people often don't realize it's the tape that's working.

They think they just reached their goals all by themselves.  And that's OK!

Since they're so happy with the results, we can't complain!

7.  The changes happen without struggle.  People tell us this all the time

 people who've battled all their lives with a weight or smoking habit, or

whatever their personal challenge.  The battle's over, they tell us.  No

more forcing yourself to follow rules!  You can just relax and do what you

feel like doing.  Because, now what you feel like doing is what's healthy

for you.

8.  It's an inexpensive solution, especially compared with repeated visits

to places like smoking or weight clinics, or constantly replenishing your

supply of diet powders.

9.  Short term results:  They work quickly for most people.

10.  Long term solution:  Unlike the superficial quick fix, the results are

extremely lasting.

11.  Best of all, you have the tape forever, just in case you ever need a

little more encouragement down the road.  Once you achieve your goal, you

can taper off or even stop playing it.  Yet remember that this one time

purchase gives you all the reinforcement you'll need for the rest of your




1.  Has it been proven that subliminal messages affect us?  Yes!  The Drs.

Shulman "investigated the reports of thousands of experiments and tests

involving subliminal stimulation,"  proving that they do.  More about this


2.  How often should I play the tapes?  At least an hour or two every day.

It's important not to skip a day!  Increasing the number of hours will

bring even faster results.

3.  When can I expect results?  This depends on your receptivity and how

much resistance you have to each specific change.  With Alphasonics tapes,

which work faster than others, most people notice some results within a few

days.  For some individuals it takes two or three weeks or longer.  Others

notice a difference in hours!  Once you achieve your goal, continue playing

the tape for a few weeks to make the new habits your own.  Then you can

taper off and use it from time to time as reinforcement.

4.  Are they recommended for children?  Yes!  Children are even more

receptive to the benefits than adults because they are still so open, not

yet set in their patterns of thinking.  (All Alphasonics tapes have

underlying themes of self esteem and inner calm that are wonderful for

getting the best start in life.)

5.  Do I need expensive equipment?  No, an ordinary $20-$30 walkman will do

fine.  Stereo is important for best results with Alphasonics tapes because

of the different channels for right and left brain hemispheres.  Use

speakers whenever earphones are inconvenient, although you do get somewhat

more benefit with earphones.

6.  Can the tapes be duplicated?  Although they can be played on an

ordinary tape player, the better tapes cannot be duplicated on standard

equipment without so much loss of quality that they would be ineffective.

Duplication is against the law, plus it would void all guarantees and



7.  Do subliminals work best during sleep?  Since parts of your brain shut

down during sleep, the tapes are generally more effective while you are

awake, but you can still get benefits from them while sleeping.  They do

work especially well when you are relaxed.  The relaxing ones can help you

get better sleep.  Avoid high energy tapes like "Peak Performance" at

night, though, as they may keep you awake.



   One week Professor A reports a study finding subliminals effective, and

the next week Professor B proclaims they 're not.  People ask me all the

time, how can these scientists come up with opposite conclusions?  The

answer is so simple!  ALL SUBLIMINALS ARE NOT ALIKE!  Those who test the

good ones say they work.  Those who test inferior ones say they don't.

It's like the classic story of the blind men and the elephant.  You're

probably familiar with that.  The man who touched the trunk said that an

elephant was mighty like a rope, while the one who felt the animal's

massive side thought it was mighty like a wall.  And so on and on, as each

man who touched a different part came up with a different definition of

"elephant."  So it is with the researchers.

   Of course it's not quite as simple as that.  Some of the studies are

poorly designed and not valid anyway.  Some of the researchers begin with

an ax to grind and their minds already made up.  This contradicts the very

essence of the scientific method, which calls for open and impartial

investigation.  But what if they've already announced to the world that

subliminals don't work, or that a rival colleague who reported positive

results is a fraud?  If their professional reputation is riding on it,

think how easy it would be to ignore positive results and see only the

negative.  This can even happen subconsciously, while the investigator

truly believes he/she is being objective.



I can say that with absolute certainty because the most sophisticated new

advances have been made by Alphasonics.  I have a complete list of

researchers who have tested Alphasonics tapes, and none of them has found

them wanting.  Not one of them has written a negative report.  There may be

researchers out there that I don't know about yet, but I do know that they

have not tested tapes by Alphasonics.

   Actually, I seriously question the scientific method of any researcher

who says subliminals don't work.  He or she ought to be saying that the

ones I tested didn't work.  (Or better still, the ones I tested did not

work in my particular study.)  If they haven't tested all the different

kinds of tapes they are in no position to generalize.

   Now in defense of the researchers, it may have been some over eager

newspaper reporter, gunning for a sensational headline who looked straight

at the professor's paper (which said exactly that) and still splashed it

all over page one that "Subliminals don't work."  Most of us see the

newspaper article, not the research paper.  So the sad part is that people

like Marge with a weight problem that's out of control and Bill who's

smoking himself to an early grave may pass up the best chance they have of

breaking through their self defeating habits.

   I personally invite any researcher who reads this report to test our new

technology.  We welcome all scientific investigation!  I especially

challenge the nay sayers to test it.  After all, the scientific method

requires open minded objectivity.  Skepticism is fine because it keeps us

probing, but cynicism stops investigation cold.  If they scoff at

subliminals without testing new developments, they might as well take their

place among those who insisted that the world was flat.  Or that airplanes

would never fly.  History is peppered with nay sayers.  They're not the

people who have been responsible for the great advances of civilization.

That takes creativity, and creativity requires an open mind!

   That's because the cynics only look backwards, at what has been done

before, and insist that's all there ever can be.  Creative people look

forward to the possibilities.  That is why they find them!


   Countless scientific studies have shown the efficacy of subliminal

techniques.  (The Shulmans, you recall, investigated thousands of such

studies.7)  For example, in a series of experiments by different

researchers, people who were asked to "guess" which three-digit numbers had

been read to them subliminally gave about 80% correct answers, while those

in control groups who had received no subliminal numbers, guessed about 90%

wrong.8  Suggestions about honesty imbedded in the music in retail stores

reduce shoplifting dramatically, often by as much as 50%.  Statistics show

this in store after store after store.  Note that the placebo effect could

not have been a factor in these studies.

   Yet with all the evidence, explaining subliminals to some people is a

lot like explaining television to Marco Polo or fax machines to Genghis


   In the best known 1957 experiment, popcorn sales at a New Jersey drive

in skyrocketed 57.5% in a six week period during which movie goers were

given subliminal suggestions to " Eat popcorn."  (This misuse of subliminal

techniques has often obscured issue.  Even today there are still those who

don't differentiate between their use by advertisers to influence consumers

without their knowledge and consent, and their use as a tool by an

individual who makes a conscious choice to do so, to accomplish personal


   Even the scholarly encyclopedia of mind research, The Oxford Companion

to the Mind from Oxford University Press,9 contains a section, "Subliminal

Perception," which begins, "Perception without awareness, evidently taken

for granted by such philosophers as Democritus, Socrates, Aristotle and

Leibniz" is "still strenuously resisted by some academic psychologists."

"Hardly less interesting than the phenomena of subliminal perception has

been the resistance to accepting its validity."  Then, after four pages of

solid scientific studies, "Despite the very great evidence from many

disciplines, there are still those who cannot bring themselves to accept

the reality of subliminal perception."  The author believes this to be a

"carefully sustained prejudice [which] is itself a psychological defense,"

"presumably because it seems to threaten notions of free will."  "Evidence

of many kinds, including that from studies of behavior under hypnosis

suggest that this is, to say the least, mistaken."  In other words,

subliminal learning does not interfere with your free will.




   Now that we've provided you with all this information about subliminals,

you know they can work for you.  You know how and why they work and how to

avoid wasting your money and time on tapes that will likely disappoint you.

You know why Drs. Lee and Joyce Shulman, the psychologists who tested the

tapes and wrote the book, report that Alphasonics' principal tape

developer, "Dr. Alexander Kirzhner has developed some techniques that are

on the leading edge of subliminal technology."10  And you know why these

experts who undoubtedly know more about this subject than anyone in the

world right now  have chosen Alphasonics tapes for their patients and for

themselves. You also know why they get such dramatic results, and how you

can too!

   While we can't speak for any other tape producer, we can pledge to you

that Alphasonics tapes meet, or exceed, every standard, laid out in this

report.  In fact, Alphasonics set those standards, standards that go far

beyond anything available up to now.

   We invite you to reap the many benefits for yourself.  With a 365 day

moneyback guarantee on results, you have nothing to lose.

     What you have to gain is a richer life and a chance to reach your own

potential in a myriad of ways.  Perhaps these tapes are all you need to

remove what's holding you back.  Then there's no limit to what you can do

and be!


To your health, happiness, and success!!!

Susannah Lippman


Alphasonics International

(C) Copyright 1990, 1994 Alphasonics International.  All rights reserved.

For additional reprints of this report, contact Alphasonics(TM) International.

We welcome inquiries from:

	  Health practitioners interested in providing tapes to clients, for

      whom we provide professional courtesy discounts.

	  Corporations desiring to make subliminals available to employees for

      training and motivation or for promoting health and wellness.

	  Service businesses or retail stores interested in using subliminals

      as an additional profit center and a service to clients.

	  Any organization or business interested in making subliminals a part

      of their program.

	  Individuals interested in subliminals for personal use.

	  Researchers, to whom we provide information and assistance.  

Whatever your interest, we are glad to provide you with further information

and work with you to make your project a success.

(C) Copyright 1990, 1994 Alphasonics International. All rights reserved.

For additional copies of this report, or for permission to make reprints,

please contact:

Alphasonics(TM) International

35 Cuesta Road

Santa Fe, NM 87505-8781

Before June 1, 1994 (505) 983-7773

After June 1, 1994 (505) 466-7773



1  Lee M. Shulman, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist and marriage

counselor who was a founding member of the Michigan Society of Consulting

Psychologists and former secretary of the Academy of Psychologists in

Marital and Family Therapy.  He has trained and supervised psychotherapists

at Wayne State University and the Merrill-Palmer Institute, has been a

frequent guest lecturer for graduate and undergraduate students at many

universities, and serves as Chairman of the Board of Advisors for the

Simonton Cancer Center.  He is co-author of When to See a Psychologist and

has been in private practice for over forty years.  Joyce Shulman, M.S.W.,

Ph.D., has a masters degree in social work from the University of Michigan

and a doctorate in psychology from Walden University, and has been in

full-time private practice since 1975.  In addition to active practices in

Southern California, both Drs. Shulman have investigated subliminal

learning for many years, and have applied their special expertise to the

development of subliminal scripts.  Co-author, Gerald P. Rafferty, Ph.D.,

is a writer and publisher who also conducts a consulting and counseling

practice helping people achieve their business and personal goals.

Together the three founded the Institute for Subliminal Studies to

investigate this subject further.

2  Lee M. Shulman, Ph.D., Joyce Shulman, Ph.D., Gerald P. Rafferty, Ph.D.,

Subliminal: The New Channel to Personal Power, InfoBooks, Santa Monica, CA,


3  Shulman, pp. 126-129, especially p. 129.

4  Step by step instructions for kinesiology, a technique used widely by

chiropractors, are given in the Shulman book, pp. 135-153.  Entire books on

the subject include: Muscle Response Test, by Dr. Walter Fischman, C.M.D.,

and Dr. Mark Grinims, D.C., Richard Marek Publishers, New York 1979, and

Your Body Doesn't Lie by John Diamond, Warner Books, New York, 1979.


5  Shulman, p. 128, offers one example.

6  Shulman, pp. 32-34.

7  Shulman, p.32

8  Hal C. Becker, Ph.D., et al, "Subliminal Communication and Hypnosis," 1982.

9  The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press, 1987.

10 Shulman, p. 128.

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