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alt.self-improve FAQ 2/2

Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: self-impr-faq/part2

                         alt.self-improve FAQ
                         revision 1.7 (PART 2)
                              May 17, 1995

15.  Memory Systems

        Q. What's the deal with all these memory systems?
        A. Quite often the question comes up regarding memory systems.  One
           has either read a book, or has seen an infomercial concerning
           it.  Do they work and are they worth the money?
            A quick bit of history.  Recorded history concerning memory 
            systems is documented to about 500B.C..  There are indications that 
            these were in existence as early as 1500B.C., but only fragments 
            exist supporting this claim.  The ancient orators used these 
            systems to help deliver their famous speeches.
            In modern times we have books, audio cassettes, and video
            recordings all teaching memory systems.  One cannot really
            compare one system to another.  All have some good features to
            them.  All are taught by people who have been in the business or
            have studied it.  Most of the systems utilize a principle called
            mnemonics.  Simply stated, this means assisting the human memory
            by artificially  adding mental pictures or images attached to the
            item to be retained in our mind.
            These systems DO work, but you have to put in some time and
            effort to learn the basics.  Once you do this, you will find the
            systems learned will be invaluable to you for the rest of your
            Virtually anything you wish to remember can be memorized by
            utilizing these systems.  They are not a waste of your time.
            Often the question of cost is raised.  The books cost a few
            dollars while the book + audio/video combinations are much more
            expensive.  Usually this is in the area today of $200 - $300 or
            more. Obviously the utilization of the audio/video is more
            effective due to the learning principles involved.  Our retention
            is greater and our learning time is shortened.  Books, on the
            other hand, are less expensive, but take a bit longer to learn
            from.  An on-site seminar is the best possible way to learn these
            Books on the retail market by Harry Lorayne and Tony Buzan are
            among the best available, although others are published that are
            equally effective.
            One of the best background texts I have ever run across is by
            Kenneth L Higbee of Brigham Young Univ.  He is the only one that
            has done the homework in this business although others are now
            coming on line with more current study findings.  His book is
            titled "Your Memory - How it Works and How to Improve it".
            (Contributed by: r.follmer@genie.geis.com)
16. Mindmapping
        Q. What is mindmapping?
        A. Mindmapping is a technique developed by Tony Buzan for 
           "associatively" recording ideas on paper.  Most notetaking methods
           on paper are linear; that is you start at the top of the page and
           record information in the order presented from top to bottom.
           Buzan recognized that this isn't consistent with the way the human
           mind works, which is "associately" by creating associations 
           between items that are not necessarily related to some predefined
           order.  A mindmap works by beginning at the center of the page
           with a main idea and work outward producing a growing and organized
           structure composed of keywords and images.  Complete sentences or
           even phrases are not allowed because they're redundant and 
           inefficient.  Mindmaps are useful in organizing information, taking
           notes, outlining talks or written material, brainstorming for 
           creating new ideas and seeing new connections between things.  
           Mindmaps take advantage of color, symbols.  They can cluster 
           related ideas.  They require a more active involvement in taking 
           notes because the location of the next item must be decided upon 
           based on what is already there.  Traditional "verbatim" approaches 
           simply state that "what will come will follow what has come."  
           Mind maps are easier to remember and easier to review because each 
           one is visually different and because no two will have the exact 
           same structures, colors, clusters, symbols, etc.

           Mindmapping is described by Tony Buzan in "The Mind Map Book" as
           well as several of his other books.  Another good book is called
           "Mindmapping" by Joyce Wycoff.

        Q. What mindmapping software is available?

        A. One software program is available from the Buzan Centre (see
           Appendix A) called "Mind Maps Plus".  There is a shareware program 
           called "Info Map Lite"" available from CoCo Systems Ltd. (see 
           Appendix A).  In general these software
           programs allow the user to draw and manage mindmaps on computer
           using a graphical user interface.  Some tools allow sophisticated
           re-arranging of the topology, annotating maps entries with notes,

           Visio 3.0 (can accept full sentences).

17. Mind Machines

        Q. What is a mind machine?

        A. Mind machines are devices used for relaxation or to attempt to 
           alter brain states.  These devices are usually worn on the head
           and use light or sound effects.  The scientific validity of their
           effectiveness has been debated in the group with no conclusive

           One positive comment is from lydiapolk@aol.com (Lydia Polk):

           I bought a Theta Technologies Voyager XL since they dropped the 
           price from $350 to $200.  It works as claimed.  It comes with 50 
           built-in sessions and an additional 25.  

           We use it primarily to get into delta sleep.  But you can buy audio
           tapes that are designed to work with it and download session 
           paramaters into the machine.  You can get tapes for all kinds of 
           self improvement.  Highly recommended.  

           The two main manufacturers of mind machines in the United States
           seem to by Zygon and Theta Technologies.  Phone numbers can be
           found in Appendix A.

18.  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
        Q. What is NLP?
        A. The following answer was contributed by (stever@mit.edu):

        This is a merging of several sci.psychology messages defining NLP.
        Please feel free to ask questions, etc.

        If you would like a list of NLP resources (books, training centers),
        I have one of those, too...


        - Stever


        NLP was developed in the mid-70s by John Grinder, a Professor at UC
        Santa Cruz and Richard Bandler, a graduate student.

        Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as most people use the term, is a set
        of models of how communication impacts and is impacted by subjective
        experience.  It's more a collection of tools than any overarching
        theory.  NLP is heavily pragmatic: if a tool works, it's included in
        the model, even if there's no theory to back it up.  None of the
        current NLP developers have done research to "prove" their models
        correct.  The party line is "pretend it works, try it, and notice the
        results you get.  If you don't get the result you want, try something

        Much of early NLP was based on the work of Virginia Satir, a family
        therapist; Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy; Gregory Bateson,
        anthropologist; and Milton Erickson, hypnotist.  It was Erickson's
        work that formed the foundation for a lot of NLP, thus the tight
        connection with hypnosis.  Bandler and Grinder's book "Patterns of
        the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, Volume I" is one of
        the best books I've ever read on how language influences mental

        NLP consists of a number of models, and then techniques based on
        those models.  The major models usually associated with NLP are:

        (a) Sensory acuity and physiology:  thinking is tied closely to
        physiology.  People's thought processes change their physiological
        state.  Sufficiently sensitive sensory acuity will help 
        communicators fine-tune their communication to a person in ways over
        and above mere linguistics. 

        (b) The "meta-model."  A set of linguistic challenges for uncovering
        the "deep structure" underneath someone's "surface structure"
        sentences.  [Sorry for the transformational grammar lingo.]  

        (c) Representational systems.  These actually appeared in Erickson's
        work and the work of others, though Bandler and Grinder took them
        much further.  Different people seem to represent knowledge in
        different sensory modalities.  Their language reveals their
        representation.  Often, communication difficulties are little more
        than two people speaking in incompatible representation systems.

        For example, the "same" sentence might be expressed differently by
        different people:
                Auditory:       "I really hear what you're saying."
                Visual:         "I see what you mean."
                Kinesthetic:    "I've got a handle on that."

        (d) The "Milton-model."  This is a set of linguistic patterns Milton
        Erickson used to induce trance and other states in people.  It is the
        inverse of the meta-model; it teaches you how to be artfully vague,
        which is what you use to do therapeutic hypnosis with someone.

        (e) Eye accessing cues.  When people access different
        representational systems, their eyes move in certain ways.  Lots of
        research has been done on accessing cues.  Most of it has "proven"
        they don't exist.  My thesis was on accessing cues and concluded the
        same thing.  My real conclusion was that a person is too complex a
        black box to test this effectively.  Also, eyes move in ways that are
        NOT related to information accessing.  While I can visually tell the
        difference between an "accessing cue" and a non-accessing movement, I
        can't quantify the difference enough to base research on it.  

        (f) Submodalities.  The STRUCTURE of internal representations
        determines your response to the content.  For example, picture
        someone you really like.  Make the colors more intense, as if you
        were turning up the color knob on a TV.  Now turn the color down,
        until it's black and white.  For most people, high color intensifies
        the feeling, and B&W neutralizes it.  The degree of color, part of
        the STRUCTURE of the representation, affects the intensity of your
        feelings about the content.

        (g) Metaprograms.  These are aspects about how people process
        information and make decisions.  For example, some people
        are motivated TOWARDS GOALS, while others are motivated AWAY FROM
        non-goals.  TOWARDS or AWAY-FROM tells how they respond to their
        world; which one a person prefers in a given context will
        dramatically change how the person behaves.


        NLP has several techniques for diagnosing and intervening in certain
        situations.  They have a phobia cure, a way to de-traumatize past
        traumas, ways to identify and integrate conflicting belief systems
        that keep you from doing the things you want, etc.

        I first read about NLP in 1978, and thought it sounded great, but
        couldn't possibly work.  The founders made lots of claims about
        one-session cures, which seemed implausible.  [Fourteen years later, I
        still think they overexaggerate at times, but I *have* seen two or
        three session results that rival traditional therapists' results
        over months.]

        In 1984 I took an introductory workshop and discovered, much to my
        surprise, that it worked well.  After messing someone up to the point
        where he almost needed hospitalization, I decided to be trained in it
        fully, so as not to repeat the mistake.

        I find it works scarily well.  So well that even someone with poor
        training in it can do a lot of damage.  There was no quality control
        in the field, and a lot of people go around teaching NLP who know
        very little about it.  Performing NLP techniques is a skill.
        Probably only one in ten NLP Practitioners are in the top 10% of NLP
        skill level, and maybe even fewer than that(*).

        ONE WAY an NLP therapist might approach a client session is by
        understanding the cognitive structure of how a client creates a
        problem.  They then help figure out the cognitive structure of an
        area of life where the client deals satisfactorily.  Then they would
        teach the client to use the good strategy in the problem situation.

        For example: a friend of mine was obsessed with her ex-boyfriend.
        She was in such fear of him that she would fly into hysterics at the
        thought of him.  Cognitively, she made a big, bright movie of him
        physically harassing her, with a soundtrack of him whining and
        lecturing her.  The soundtrack seemed to come from around her left
        ear, and was in the boyfriend's voice.

        She had another ex-boyfriend who she was fine about.  Cognitively,
        his picture was small, framed, and in the distance.  The soundtrack
        was her voice talking about how nice he had been, and how the
        relationship was firmly in the past.

        The work I did with her involved representing the problem boyfriend
        with a small, framed picture.  We removed the soundtrack of his
        voice, and added her narration, instead.  The result: she stopped
        obsessing about her ex, and went on with her life, able to deal with

        Some people have run into NLP-trained people who annoyingly mimic
        body posture to distraction, in an attempt to gain "rapport."  They
        were poorly trained.  Go out in public; watch couples; watch good
        friends.  They walk in synchronization.  They move in
        synchronization.  They NATURALLY mirror each other's movements.  NLP
        just noticed this, and says "if you don't have rapport, here's one
        thing to pay attention to."

        A common question is "Does knowing what's being done make it less
        effective?"  I've found that knowing what someone is doing lets me
        barricade against certain things, but there are definite cases where
        knowledge is not sufficient to keep it from working.  I was once in a
        group dynamics experiment where an outsider watched our group and
        pointed out to us how we kept getting stuck, because of certain
        behavioral loops we were in.  EVEN WITH THIS KNOWLEDGE, we were
        unable to break the loops without incredible effort.  And then our
        efforts to break the loops fell into the same loops.  Certain aspects
        of NLP are like this: if someone is matching your representational
        systems and doing it well, even if you are aware of it, they'll
        still communicate better to you, as long as they're not incongruent
        about it.

        Alas, there are few good NLP books out there.  In part, that's
        because NLP is about communication on all levels, and is much easier
        to demonstrate than to write about.  In part, that's because the
        people who have done the most creation of the models are out there
        creating new models and pushing the technology further.  Writing
        books isn't high on their list of priorities.  If you'd like to read
        about NLP, I recommend:
                Using Your Brain--for a CHANGE, by Richard Bandler
                Frogs into Princes, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
                Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson,
                        Vol I, by Bandler and Grinder
                TRANCE-formations, by Grinder and Bandler
                An Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, 
                        by Joseph O'Connor

        I hope this was useful.  It was written off-the-cuff after a day in
        the sun :-)  Please feel free to send followup questions.

        - Stever

        (*) This is humor.  \By definition/, only 1 in 10 are in the top 10%.

        Q. Where can I get more information on NLP?
        A. There are a number of ways to learn about NLP.  There are many 
           books written about NLP.  Here is a short list of some of the 
           best known books:

                Heart of the Mind - Connirae and Steve Andreas
                Frogs into Princes - Richard Bandler
                Trance-formations - John Grinder
                Use Your Brain for a Change - Richard Bandler
                Neurolinguistic Programming vol. 1 - Dilts
                Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson - Grinder and Bandler
                Structure of Magic vol.1 - Grinder and Bandler
                Structure of Magic vol.2 - Grinder, Bandler, DeLozier
                Turtles All the Way Down - John Grinder
                Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality - Tad James

           Read the alt.psychology.nlp newsgroup.

           Appendix A has a number of phone numbers you can call for more
           information.  The major provider of NLP seminars and books in
           the U.S. seems to be NLP Comprehensive run by Steve and Connirae
           Andreas.  Another excellent source is Advanced Neuro Dynamics (AND) 
           run by Tad James.  They offer trainings in NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line
           Therapy, and Huna; their World Wide Web site has some very good
           introductory material on NLP.  IDHEA Seminars is run by Rex and
           Carolyn Sikes.  They perform NLP trainings.  Rex is also one of
           the first people certified  as a DHE trainer and Rex and Carolyn
           are the creators of the "Attitude Activator" tape.  The NLP and DHE
           page run by Stever Robbins also has some excellent information.

19.  The People's Network (TPN)
        The following is an advertisment posted by a TPN distributor that 
        describes the purpose and vision of TPN.

        The vision of The People's Network is to form a global partnership, 
        creating an information passageway that offers knowledge from the 
        greatest minds in the world, in an ongoing supportive environment, 
        bringing awareness, purpose, principals and value to all, while 
        stimulating one's imagination and recognizing one's achievements. TPN 
        is more than just a conduit; it is also a movement that gets people 
        involved in the process of personal development.  It is this unique 
        and empowering element that has enlisted the enthusiastic support of 
        the top motivators, educators, and personal development specialists in
        the world. TPN gives to these great minds in a participatory 
        environment that enriches your life beyond your dreams! This venture 
        is heavily financed, supported, and endorsed by these top individuals,
        corporations, and others.       

        Back in 1967 in his book "Grow Rich With Peace of Mind", Napoleon Hill
        wrote, "Someday America will have its very own TV and radio station 
        devoted to just one thing: to teach people in their home, all the 
        essentials of personal achievement."  TPN is committed to the 
        never-ending search for the best within you by providing the greatest 
        minds in the world such as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Susan 
        Powter, and Dr. Denise Waitley just to name a few, to fulfill Napolean
        Hill's prophecy.  There are many more with this type of credibility
        and recognizable achievements. (See currently faculty list below)

        In the best selling book "Unlimited Wealth", Paul Z. Pilzer, a faculty
        member of TPN states that the power in America is being redefined by 
        those involved in new technology, communication and distribution.  The
        Peoples Network is at the cutting edge of all three!  The program is 
        professional, packed with credibility, well financed, and is based on 
        a totally unique and consumable concept. Tod Barnhart, a renown 
        financial expert, shows his suppport for TPN on the inside back cover 
        of his new book "The Five Rituals of Wealth".

        TPN and our partners' vision is to build a broadcast network of 
        affiliates (individuals and businesses) who can use TPN's products and
        services to enrich their minds, save money, and/or create wealth for 
        families.  TPN has an experienced and successful management team and a
        dedicated support team (including the partners) that is integrative 
        and prepared to fulfill TPN's vision.  TPN is also one of the most 
        significant new opportunities to come along in quite some time.  By 
        leveraging our collective resources and influence, you can organize 
        and position yourself to take full advantage of the potential profit 
        and influence TPN will generate in the marketplace.  If you don't 
        believe it now, you will soon!

        TPN's Current Faculty/Partners (As of April 1995)

        Jeff Olson, Co-Founder, President and CEO
        Eric Worre, Co-Founder and Executive Vice-President

        Dr. Tony Alessander     Richard & Linda Eyre    Keith Klein
        Jim Amos                Major Garretta          Lois Lafond
        Denise Austin           Michael Gerber          Pino Luongo
        Tod Barnhart            Jeffrey Gitomer         Francis X. Maguire
        Les Brown               Dr. Lillian Glass       Larry North
        Mark Bunting            Dr. Lloyd Glauberman    Tim Penny
        Gary Cogill             Ken Hamblin             Paul Zane Pilzer
        Cathy Lee Crosby        Mark Victor Hanson      Susan Powter
        David D'Arcangelo       Cathy Harris            Jim Rohn
        Roger Dawson            Bruce & Kris Jenner     Brian Tracy
        Bonnie St. John Deane   Eric Jensen             Jerry Vass
                                                        Dr. Denis Waitley

        Appendix A has information for contacting TPN.

20.  Physical Health
        Q. What are some ways to increase my physical health and energy?

        A. Many approaches to increasing physical health are available.  One 
           perspective on this subject that is popular in alt.self-improve is 
           a philosophy called Natural Hygiene.  The most well-known book on 
           this topic is by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond called "Fit For Life".
           This approach to health advocates a vegetarian diet, very few
           dairy products, an emphasis on natural, unrefined, uncooked foods.
           Another source of information on this approach is through Tony
           Robbins' Living Health seminar.  This is available on cassette
           and is usually presented live as part of his Unlimited Power 
           Weekend seminar.

           A number of newsgroups have discussions on this topic, such as:
           sci.med, sci.med.nutrition, misc.fitness, rec.fitness, 
           alt.health.ayurveda, misc.health.alternative, misc.health.diabetes,
           rec.food.veg, rec.food.veg.cooking.

        Q. What are some methods for naturally improving eyesight?
        A. There is a book written by Aldous Huxley called "The Art of Seeing".
           This book describes the Bates Method for improving your eyesight.
           Huxley wrote the book because it helped him to dramatically 
           increase his eyesight naturally.  It is based around specific 
           exercises that can be performed to return the eye to what is
           called "state of dynamic relaxation".  The the eye returns to this
           state it returns it's natural and perfect shape allowing perfect
           vision to return.

21.  Anthony Robbins
        (Editor's Note: The following comments on Tony Robbins are based on 
         personal recollections of past discussion in the group and personal 
         experiences, additional contributions are as always more than 
        Q. Who is Anthony Robbins?
        A. Anthony Robbins is one of the most prolific self-improvement 
           personalities currently around.  He is probably best known for
           his infomercials pitching his 24 cassette self improvement program
           called "Personal Power" (see the next question).  He is the
           author of two bestselling books, "Unlimited Power" and "Awaken
           the Giant Within".  He started his public speaking career giving 
           seminars with Harvey and Marilyn Diamond (see the section on
           Physical Health).  Soon they parted company and Tony began 
           offering seminars on a fairly new subject called Neuro-linguistic
           Programming.  After a very short training, he began to aggressively
           promote himself at the "foremost NLP practitioner in the world".
           For a short time he was a business partner with John Grinder who
           helped invent NLP.  He began going on television shows like Sally
           Jesse Raphael and cure people of serious phobias right there on 
           the spot.  Soon he was asked to write a book and put together a
           series of tapes based on the live seminars he was giving all around
           the United States.  His infomercial soon followed, which made him
           very famous.  Tony is now involved in running at least 8 companies
           from financial planning to a Fijiian resort to his self-improvement
           seminar company.  In recent years his schedule has reduced the 
           number of live seminars he does around the country, but he still
           does an average of 5-6 seminars a month (see later question).

        Q. What exactly does one learn from a Tony Robbins program?
        A. Tony's programs vary tremendously and have a large scope.  Tony's
           material varies from changing your values and beliefs to managing
           your emotional states.  One simple technique he teaches is called
           "Morning/Eveing Questions".  The idea is that when you wake up in
           the morning, you ask yourself questions that will put you into
           a peak state and focus you on the positive, exciting, truly
           motivating aspects of your life.  For example you might ask,
           "What am I really excited about in my life?" or "What am I really
           grateful for in my life?" or "What could I accomplish today that
           would really make life better for myself and those around me?"
           Tony's philosophies focus on contribution and creating value
           for others as an integral part of creating success for yourself.  
           If you create more value for those around you than anyone else and 
           do it with a sense of fun and enjoyment, how can you fail to be 
           happy and successful?  
        Q. Does the Personal Power tape program (as seen on TV) really work?
        A. As anyone who reads alt.self-improve for very long, you will
           find that there are many many Tony Robbins enthusiasts in the
           group.  This question is one of the most frequently asked.  In
           general when this question is raised, a wide variety of answers
           are naturally given ranging from "Personal Power totally turned my 
           life around" to "It's a good program and I got a lot out of it."
           to "it didn't help me very much."  I've heard very few really 
           negative responses.  In future versions of this FAQ, we will be
           include specific comments from people.  The program is fairly 
           costly ~$179.  Success in this like anything depends very much
           on one's commitment to follow through and apply what you learn.

        Q. Is attending a live seminar worth the money?
        A. Attending one of Tony Robbins live seminars, as almost any who
           has been will tell you, is a fairly amazing experience.  Tony is a 
           vibrant, energetic, and very entertaining speaker.  His shortest 
           seminar lasts on the order of 10-12 hours (Strategic Influence, 
           cost ~$179) to the 9-Day Mastery Program (cost, ~$5000).  His 
           seminars are very high energy and there can be anywhere from 
           250 - 3000 people attending a single seminar.  In spite of the 
           large attendance Tony seems to make the seminars very personal and 
           interactive.  Not everyone who goes feel that it changed their life
           or that it was an amazing experience (especially those who shell out
           $5000).  General comments are usually very very positive and I 
           seriously doubt that Tony has lectured to any non-capacity crowds 
           in the past few years.  I have heard several people say that the 
           Mastery program was not worth $5000.  Most people seem to feel that
           seminars such as "Unlimited Power Weekend" and "Strategic 
           Influence" are fun experiences if not wonderful investments.
           For information on how to contact Tony Robbins' company see 
           Appendix A.

22.  Sales and Negotiation
        Q.  I wonder if any of you know anything about using NLP and 
            learning negotiation skills, or just plain negotiation?

        A.  You have touched on a subject that is very important to me. 
            Negotiation and NLP are, IMHO, so closely linked that they almost 
            become one subject. The "ethical outcomes" and "win-win" 
            approaches that both require naturally complement each other. I 
            have done much training in negotiation, but am self trained in 
            NLP techniques, concentrating more on the results I can achieve, 
            than the technical reasons as to how it works.
            The best, most effective negotiation techniques are those 
            explained in _Getting to Yes_ by Fry and Ury, and the follow-up 
            books by the same authors, who work with the Harvard Negotiation
            Project. Simple guidelines, no "aren't I smart" techniques, and 
            an easy set of principles to remember. Because they are based on 
            relationships and long term outcomes, using NLP to build rapport 
            can only aid the process.
            (From: imarks@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Ivor Marks"))

23.  Scientology/Dianetics
        Q. What is the Church of Scientology (Dianetics)?

        A. The Church of Scientology (originally called Dianetics) was founded 
           by L. Ron Hubbard.  The probable goal of someone in CoS is to 
           become a "clear".  A "clear" is someone who is free of all 
           "engrams".  An engram is a trace left by a traumatic experience 
           that limits your happiness.  The major book on CoS is called 
           "Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard.  For more information about 
           Dianetics and CoS, check out a separate newsgroup called, 
           alt.religion.scientology.  It should also be mentioned as a word
           of caution that many consider Scientology to be a cult and that
           a number of ex-members report the Church using intimidation and 
           control tactics while they were members and after they left the

           There is a Scientology Orientation Seminar which you can sign up
           for at your local Church of Scientology (cost $15.00).
           You can also call 1-800-334-LIFE for more information.

           For information on the darker side of Scientology see the following
           Web page.

24. Software Packages
        Q. What are some software programs that aid in self-improvement?

        A. One of the best selling software packages of all time was Mind 
           Prober, by Human Edge Software.  I was quite surprised not to see 
           it mentioned in your list of self-improvement aids.  Human Edge 
           is now out of business, but there are a few amazing software 
           packages currently out there that cover each of the areas you 
           have mentioned: learning and intelligence, motivation, and sales 
           and negotiation.

           The best of these are grounded heavily in strongly validated 
           research in social and behavioral science.  I know that Neuralytic 
           Systems of Redwood City has put out a brain-builder called IQ 
           smarts that assesses one's strengths in areas of Analytical 
           (Abstract/Symbolic), Creative (Lateral/Associative), and 
           Practical (Problem Solving/Memory) Intelligence.  It then selects 
           a series of exercises that bring stronger areas to bear on weaker 

           I believe that Human Edge had also put out products called 
           Negotiation Advisor, Sales Advisor, and Motivation Advisor.  
           Whoever bought them out may still own the rights to these 
           packages.  Those products generate a frightfully accurate 
           assessment of the personalities of both indivduals involved in 
           a negotiation and generate a report with incredibly specific 
           strategies for dealing with the other person.  

           I have all of these on my shelves.  Being interactive and adaptive,
           I have found software to be much more effective than broad global
           strategies.  Software can provide very individualized solutions 
           that a book or a set of tapes can not.

           (From: roberts108@aol.com (RobertS108))

           Dr. Delgado has released a 3 hour audio CD covering many of his
           health strategies (Tony Robbins quotes from Delgado extensively
           in his Living Health audio program).  The CD covers: exercise,
           nutrition, life extension, and disease elimination.  This is
           available from Seminar Software (See Appendix for more info)

25.  Speed Reading
        Q. How does speed reading work?
        A. Most speed reading courses focus on a number of similar principles.
           One major impediment to speed reading is subvocalizing (saying
           words to yourself while reading).  The motion of the eye is another
           key factor.  Instead of reading just one word at a time, you are
           taught to pick up phrases, sentences, lines, or groups of lines in
           a single glance (depending on the method being taught).  In order
           to increase comprehension, some methods try to make the user more
           active in the reading process by having the user take notes in a
           specific way, ask questions before and after reading, etc.

           jimw@netcom.com (Jim Whitaker) writes:
           Speed Reading Made EZ:

           1) Sit down at a well lit table and sit up straight.

           2) Take a hardcover book with big easy to read print.
              preferably not a novel -- some kind of no-brainer non fiction 
              works best

           3) Take your finger or a pen and underline the words as you read 
              them.  Get used to pacing with your finger for a few minutes.

           4) Now speed up.  Simply move your finger FASTER THAN YOU CAN SOUND
              OUT THE WORDS.  You probably will not be able to understand what
              you read.  In fact, if you think you can comprehend what you are
              reading, speed up till you simply see a blur of words that you 
              recognize.  If you are having problems and keeps sounding out 
              the words compulsively -- humm a tune.  This disables your 
              brain's capacity for verbalizing words.

           5) Aim your eyes above the line of text you are reading, as if you 
              were trying to read "between the lines".  This makes it easy to 
              focus your attention on GROUPS of words rather than your eye 
              stopping on individual words, which slows you down.  At first 
              you are not aiming to understand; you are trying to train your 
              brain to accept that it can see and know what phrases of words 
              mean simply by looking at them.
           6) Practice this exercise for no more than 15 minutes at a 
              sittting, no more than one sitting per day, usually after your 
              morning wake-up ritual when you are at your prime.  If you 
              practice for more than 15 minutes, you will exhaust the 
              overworked neurons that are trying to adapt to a new skill, 
              and will have to wait for 2 to 3 days and restart.  If you try 
              to push too hard or too fast, your brain hardware will resist 

           7) After 8 or so sessions, your brain will start to abandon trying 
              to comprehend what you read as "sounds" and instead will 
              visually grab words and process them in parallel, instead of one
              at a time.  Typical reading speeds at this point in time are 
              around 800 to 1500 words per minute.

           8) The ultimate key to speed reading is realizing that your brain 
              is learning to process words with the process of seeing them in
              groups, then processing their meaning.  We are taught to read by
              seeing words, sounding them out, and then using our spoken 
              speech hardware to comprehend what we read.  The brain doesn't 
              need this slow speech step.

           9) After a number of sessions in which you are comfortable with 
              this technique, get rid of the finger and use a small brown 
              index card with three black semicircular dots along one edge on 
              it.  The black dots tell you where to position your eyes as you 
              read across the page.  Take this card, and drag it down the 
              page, scaning each line 123 123 123 123 with your eyes fixating 
              either on the dots or above the text lines.  With your finger 
              out of the way, you can pick up some serious speed.  As with 
              before, don't expect perfect comprehension right away.
          10) Lose the card.  Get in the habit of just scanning with your eyes.
              (If I'm tired, sometimes I still pull out the card.  It's a great

           There are more techniques for speed than just these.  I used to 
           crank along at 30K WPM.  This 10 step plan is good for about 3K 
           WPM or sometimes a little more.  The fantastic rates come from 
           learning to scan in text essentially out of order, grabbing entire 
           paragraphs as your eyes pop around them almost at random.

           Practice Practice Practice.

           As you read, try to ask questions to yourself about what is going 
           on, or who the material is suitable for, or something to allow you
           to "correlate" it.  If you are not reading with need or potential
           purpose in mind, your brain won't remember it.  In fact, your brain
           will not even process it.  It will just see words flying by.
           The purpose of studying for an exam just doesn't cut it.  You
           have to try to imagine using the material in the real world, or 
           sifting it for "junk" or planning something to do with it, and
           considering what effect what you are reading will have on your
           plan or your needs.  In short, your brain will slowly get in the
           habit of "asking questions" at lightning speeds.  It won't even
           bother to sound these questions out or formulate them -- just
           instantly come up with them and compare them relative to the
           material being read.

           You will remember what you read relative to the questions you
           thought up as you read the material.

           Some people try to speed read novels.  Forget it.  It really
           doesn't work so well.  They become lifeless, because you
           have to read for "this did happen and this did etc"  Speed-read
           novels often lose that sense of life.  If you have an exam in a
           Lit class, then speed reading is for you.  Just expect the novel
           to be a little less "alive" than it might otherwise be when you
           otherwise read slowly and can feel the emotions that were conveyed
           in the words.

        Q. Is speed reading really effective?
        A. The success of speed reading varies from individual to individual
           and is likely dependent on commitment and practice.  The average 
           reader reads about 350 words/minute.  After speed reading training,
           speeds of 500-2000 words/minute are not unlikely.  It is difficult 
           to measure exactly how this effects comprehension.  I am not 
           currently aware of scientific studies that show the effectiveness 
           of speed reading programs.

        Q. What is Photo-Reading?

        A. I took it here in California. I was very disappointed and got a 
           refund on the class fee.

           Most of the class time was spent on standard speed reading 
           techniques, such as preview, skimming, review (they use other terms
           to describe it).  The 'Photo' part is, as best I could tell, more a
           gimmick than a real technique. After doing the 'Photo' process you 
           still have to go back and apply standard reading and/or speed 
           reading techniques to 'activate' the information. Without the 
           'activation' step they assert that your 'subconscious' knows the 
           information but you don't have conscious access to it.

          The brochure I have from them says "...mentally photograph the 
          printed page at rates exceeding a page per minute..." but the class
          teaches, in effect, that's an undeveloped photograph and if you want
          to know what was in the picture you have to go back and use other 
          techniques -- skimming if you want a general idea of the material, 
          and maybe old-fashioned reading and study if you want detailed 
          understanding. Our instructor wasn't able to demonstrate anything 
          better than this.

          In discussing my refund with Peter Bissonette, president of Learning
          Strategies Inc. which developed Photo Reading, he admitted to me 
          that's about how it is -- but he still asserted that on the whole
          it's a more effective reading method than anything else out there. 
          Maybe so, but the spread between promise versus delivery was too 
          great for me.

          It DOES teach some useful (standard) speed reading/learning 
          techniques. But if you really want to read 12,000 WPM, then 
          question them very carefully on just what they mean by that
          claim versus what you're expecting.
          (From: fluke@netcom.com (Fred Fluke))

        Q. Where can I learn more about speed reading?

        A. The most famous speed reading method is called 'Evelyn Wood's
           Reading Dynamics'.  You can learn this method through a number
           mediums including seminars, books, cassette tapes, or computer
           software.  The number to call for more information is 
           1-800-447-READ.  A book is also available called "The Evelyn Wood 
           7 Day Reading & Learning Program" , ISBN 0380 715775, $4.99.
           A computer software program is also available called "The 
           Evelyn Wood Dynamic Reader" from Timeworks.  See Appendix A for

           Another program is called 'Speed Learning' from Learn Inc.  They
           claim their program goes beyond ordinary speed reading.

26. Marshall Sylver
        Q. What is the general opinion of Marshall Sylver's Program "Power,
           Passion, Profit"?
        A. Nearly all the comments recently have been quite negative about this
           program, but the number of people who have actually listened and
           those that have only seen the infomercial is hard to determine.
           Here are some assorted comments from people who HAVE listened to
           the tapes:

           Joe Slattery <pp000586@interramp.com> writes:
           His tapes sound like you're listening to "Eight hours of cliches 
           on how to get off your butt."  
           His examples reduce his discussion to incorporate the rare ten 
           year old who wants Passion, Profit and Power.

           His section on "Passion", although he says his comments apply to 
           all relationships, really apply 75-80% to troubled love lives.

           If you've listened to Tony Robbins as much as I have, you can't 
           help but notice the virtual quotes.  (Like "the quality of your 
           life is the quality of your communication", even though that isn't 
           TR's quote either.)

           What I did like - he dares to discuss the possibility that being a 
           nice guy is part of life long success in all areas of life.

           ajop@aol.com (Ajop) writes:
           Yes there are some universal truths that Mr. Sylver covers that 
           others do.  Why? because they are true and need to be said. Heck, a 
           lot of Tony's book is based on Bandler and Grinder, which is based 
           on Erickson.  Take all the good things of the world and time 
           transform them into an understandable straight to the point program 
           that gets to the subconscious of people's minds and creates the 
           change people want , and you have Passion, Profit & Power.

27. Time Management
        Q. What are some good books on time management?

        A. One book that has been highly recommended by a number of readers
           is "Time Power" by Charles Hobbs.  The books helps you explore
           your belief systems and work towards achieving "congruence" so
           that your fundamental beliefs, goals, and actions are as free
           from conflict or contradiction as possible.
           Some other suggestions are:

           "How to Get Control of your Time and Your Life" by Alan Lakein
           "Getting Organized" by Stephanie Winston
           "Overcoming Procrastination" by Albert Ellis
           "Executive Time Management" by H. Reynolds and Mary Trammel
           "The Organized Executive" by Stephanie Winston

           Although some of these cater to business folks, if you grasp the 
           principle ideas, then you should be able to apply them to any 

           Alan Lakein's six simple but powerful ideas are helpful:
                1. List goals
                2. Make a Daily To-Do list
                3. Start with the A priorities, not the C's
                4. Ask yourself "What is the Best use of my time right now?"
                5. Handle each piece of paper only once.
                6. Do it now!!!!!!!!!!!

           You really don't need anything else except your own motivation.
           Happy Reading!
           (From: hughes@atlanta.emna.slb.com (Jeff Hughes))

        Q. Is there time management software available?
        A. One program for time management is ASCEND 4.0 for Windows.  This 
           product is from Franklin Quest.  A 60-day evaluation copy is 
           available on CompuServe.  Enter "GO FRANKLIN".  The filename is 

        Q. What time management systems are good?
        A. Here are some comments about various systems:

           jbuchhei@spd.dsccc.com (Jerry Buchheit) writes:
           I would like to recommend the Day-Planner by Franklin Quest.
           The organization of it allows me to maintain a wealth of information
           in ONE place.  I used to be 'organized' with several methods -
           computer based one at work, a small notebook pocket one for
           portability, a larger notebook one for space, and a calendar
           type for appointments.  I found I was 'thrashing' - organizing
           without really being organized for productivity.

Now that I have placed all of my information in ONE location, I
have facts and data at my fingertips.  I am much more organized
and, I hope, productive.

Appendix A.  Resource List
(The following are phone number posted in request to various questions.
 The accuracy of this information has not been verified.  If you have
 corrections or updates please advise one of the editors.)

        Accelerated Learning Assoc.
        50 Aylesbury Road
        Aston Clinton, Aylesbury
        Bucks, England
        Director: Colin Rose

        Advanced Neurodynamics (Tad James)       1-800-800-MIND (6463) [Orders]
                                                 1-808-941-2021 [Information]
                                                 email: mind@aloha.com

        Australian Institute of NLP
        P.O. Box 1
        University of Queensland
        St. Lucia, QLD 4067                     07 369 2821

        Buzan Centre (USA)                      (407) 881-0188
        Buzan Centre (UK)                       (0202) 534572

        Church of Scientology                   1-800-334-LIFE
        CoCo Systems Ltd. (UK)                  0494 434464 (from the UK)
                                                +44 494 434464 (from elsewhere)
                                                0494 431427 (FAX from the UK)
                                                +44 494 431427 (FAQ elsewhere)

        Est (new organization)                  415-882-6300 (San Francisco)
                                                408-522-9600 (Sacramento)
        Franklin Quest                          1-800-654-1776
        Guthy-Renker                            1-800-274-4910

        IDHEA Seminars (Rex Sikes)              (414) 335-9700
                                                (414) 355-4777 (FAX)

        Landmark Education                      (415) 882-6300
                                                (916) 648-1060
                                                (408) 522-9600
        Life Long Learning Association          519-725-2152

        NLP Books Etc.                          1-800-783-1184 (Colorado)
        NLP Comprehensive:                      1-800-233-1657
        NLP Meta Publications                   (415) 464-0254 (Voice)
                                                (415) 664-8044 (FAX)
        New Jersey NLP Inst.                    1-800-35-NLPNJ
                                                (201) 770-1084
        New York Training Inst. for NLP:        (212) 473-2852
        New York Milton H. Erickson Soc.        (212) 628-0287 (Info)
                                                (212) 505-6141 (Mailing list)
        Nightingale-Conant                      1-800-323-5552

        People's Network, The                   1-800-799-2713
                                                904-422-2122 x590 (FAX)

        Robbins Research International (US):    1-800-445-8183
        Robbins Research International (UK):    0044 71 376 0808
        Jim Rohn International                  1-800-929-0434

        Seminar Software                        (214) 361-4227
        Marshall Sylver                         1-800-92-POWER

        Theta Technologies                      1-800-395-9148 (order)
                                                (206) 222-6962 (cust. serv.)
        Timeworks                               708-558-1300
                                                1-800-323-7744 (order)
        Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics:           1-800-447-READ (Voice)
                                                (312) 939-1680 (FAX)

        Zygon Inc                               (206) 885-9200

        Internet resources
        Advanced Neurodynamics Web Page (Tad James)
                             or http://www.ilhawaii.net/~tadj/
        Altered States of Consciousness (Hypnosis FAQ)
        Big Dreams (hypertext personal/business success newsletter):
        Covey Leadership Center http://www2.pcy.mci.net/marketplace/covey/
        Creativity Web Page     http://www.unidata.com/~ucc01/creative.htm
        Forum Graduate Assoc.   http://http://lute.qnet.com/~fgainc
        Institute of HeartMath  http://www.webcom.com/~hrtmath
        Hypnosis Info           http://www.hypnosis.com/
        Mind Gear               http://www.netcreations.com/mindgear/
        Mind Media              http://www.mindmedia.com/
        NLP and DHE             http://www.nlp.com/nlp//
        Option Institue:
                                email at: option@human.com
        Stellar Business (World Wide Edition):
        SuccessQuest (Magazine for Entrepreneurs):
                Free copies of this on-line magazine may be requested
                by sending email to MAALLEN@DELPHI.COM
        Self Esteem Mailing list:
        Thought of the Day Mailing List:

        Bill Reilly (war@world.std.com) publishes the works of Diane S. Harper
        on _The Awareness Technique_ (TAT) that is an approach to finding one's
        "inner consciousness".  There are three books, the first chapters of
        which are not copyright and may be freely retrieved via ftp from 
        ftp.std.com in directroy /books/Awareness:
        Book 1, Chapter 1 (Multi-Level Awareness) is file b1-1.txt
        Book 2, Chapter 1 (Multi-Plane Awareness) is file b2-1.txt
        Book 3, Chapter 1 (Perfecting the Spirit) is file b3-1.txt
        From gopher go to gopher.std.com and select Booksellers, then The
        Awareness Technique.

Appendix B.  Brief Biographies
(If anyone would like to submit biographical information about personalities
 in the self improvement community please do and help us expand this section,
 please limit submissions to 400-500 words if possible).

        Richard Bandler - Richard, along with John Grinder, is one of the 
          co-founders of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).    Richard
          is the creative driving force behind the development of NLP and
          the new field called Design Human Engineering (DHE) which has 
          evolved from NLP.  In 1988 Richard was arrested for murdering a 
          dominatrix and was later acquitted.  He is currently teaching 
          advanced NLP and hypnosis trainings.
        Dr. Stephen Covey - See separate section on Stephen Covey

        John Grinder - John, along with Richard Bandler is one of the
          co-founders of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).  John brought
          the expertise in linguistics to the partnership.  John was
          an expert in Transformational Grammar, which was a basis
          for their first book (Structure of Magic vol. 1).  

        Tad James - Tad James is a leading trainer of NLP and Hypnosis around 
          the world.  He heads one of the largest NLP training institutes in 
          the world.  Tad received a Bachelor's degree in speech and a 
          Master's degree in Communications from Syracuse University.  He 
          began his business career managing a radio station in Wisconsin.  In
          order to become successful as a broadcaster, Tad devoted himself to 
          learning sales, business, and management.  He married and gradually 
          developed a successful business career, first in broadcasting and
          later as a business consultant.  

          As problems developed in his marriage, he began to seek answers.  He
          looked to Transcendental Meditation and for a while, it seemed to 
          solve some of the problems he was dealing with.  His work required a
          move to Hawaii to manage another radio station, and eventually, with
          investors, bought a radio a radio station and made more money.  

          After his first marriage failed, Tad married again and continued his
          quest for further answers.  He became involved with NLP and Hypnosis
          and, today, is a Master Trainer of NLP and holds a Ph.D. in 
          Ericksonian Hypnosis from the American Institute of Hypnotherapy.   
          He is a member of the faculty of the Ericksonian Congress  which is 
          held bi-annually.

          Tad is also the developer of Time Line Therapy and is the author of 
          several books, including, "Time Line Therapy and the Basis of 
          Personality", "The Secret of Creating Your Future" and "The Lost 
          Secrets of Ancient Hawaiian Huna".  Tad currently spends his time 
          teaching seminars all over the world and in addition, recently 
          became President of the American Institute of Hypnotherapy.

        Anthony Robbins - See separate section on Anthony Robbins.
Appendix C. Reader Votes (Books, Audiotapes, and Seminars)

The question frequently comes up about "What do people think of product X?"
This appendix will try to create a fast way of viewing the general opinion.
Obviously no product can be summarized with a single number and hopefully this
won't discourage questions and discussion, just provide a more concise way of
capturing the general view.  You can vote for a book, audiotape, seminar that
you have experience with by sending me a list with your vote.  The easiest way
is to just cut out the list below and put your vote out to the side.  If you
are posting a book review, including a rating on a scale of 1-10 and I'll add
it to this list automatically.  So far, this list just includes things I have
read or that I could think of right off the top of my head.  I'll keep adding
to the list based on your feedback (all votes so far are mine - so much for

Books                                                        Avg./Voters
-----                                                        -----------
As a Man Thinketh (Allen)                                       9.25/2
Three Magic Words (Anderson)                                    4.0/1
Frogs into Princes (Bandler, Grinder)                           9.5/1
Structure of Magic (vol. 1) (Bandler, Grinder)                  8.75/2
Structure of Magic (vol. 2) (Bandler, Grinder)                  4.0/1
Use Your Brain For a Change (Bandler, Grinder)                  9.0/1
The Magic of Rapport (Michael Brooks)                           8.5/1
Procrastination (Burka, Yuen)                                   5.0/1
Genius (Buzan)                                                  5.5/1
Make The Most of Your Mind (Buzan)                              7.25/2
Speed Reading (Buzan)                                           6.25/2
Use Both Sides of Your Brain (Buzan)                            6.5/1
Use Your Perfect Memory (Buzan)                                 7.0/1
The Artist's Way (Cameron and Bryan)                            10.0/1
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)              7.27/6
Wealthy Barber, The (Chilton)                           
Creating Affluence (Chopra)                                     9.5/1
Perfect Health (Chopra)                                         6.0/2
Quantum Healing (Chopra)                                        7.5/2
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini)              10.0/1
Richest Man in Babylon (Clason)                                 9.0/1
You Can Negotiate Anything (Cohen)                              
First Things First (Covey,Merill, Merill)                       9.47/3
7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)                     9.0/6
Principle Centered Leadership (Covey)                           7.5/1
DeBono's Thinking Course (de Bono)                              9.5/1
I Am Right You are Wrong (de Bono)                              7.5/1
Lateral Thinking (deBono)                                       7.83/3
Use of Lateral Thinking (deBono)                                7.0/1
Fit for Life (Diamond, Diamond)                                 6.75/2
Fit for Life II: Living Health (Diamond, Diamond)               6.75/2
Your Money or Your Life (Dominguez and Robin)                   8.0/2
Gifts From Eykis (Dyer)                                 
No More Holiday Blues (Dyer)
Pulling Your Own Strings (Dyer)                                 6.0/1
Real Magic (Dyer)
Sky's The Limit (Dyer)
Your Erroneous Zones (Dyer)                                     6.0/2
You'll See It When You Believe It (Dyer)                        6.0/1
Overcoming Procrastination (Ellis)
The Evelyn Wood 7 Day Speed Reading and Learning Program (Frank)
Man's Search For Meaning (Frankl)                               8.33/4
Creative Visualization (Gawain)                                 6.5/2
Financial Self Defense (Givens)
Super Self: Doubling Your Personal Effectivenss (Givens)
Wealth Without Risk (Givens)                                    7.0/1
How to Audition for Film and TV (Renee Harmon)                  8.0/1
You Can Heal Your Life (Hay)                                    5.0/1
Choices (Helmstetter)                                           8.5/1
Master Keys to Riches (N. Hill)                                 9.5/1
Think and Grow Rich (N. Hill)                                   8.0/5
Time Power (Hobbs)                                        
Dianetics (Hubbard)                                             4.0/3
Mega Brain (Michael Hutchinson)                                 6.0/1
Mega Brain Power (Michael Hutchinson)                           8.0/1
The Lost Secrets of Ancient Hawaiian Huna (Tad James)           
Secret of Creating Your Future (Tad James)                      4.0/1
Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality (Tad James)      
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Jeffers)                        8.5/1
Survival: A Manual on Manipulating (William Jones)              8.0/1
Happiness is a Choice (Barry Neil Kaufman)                      10.0/2
To Love is to Be Happy With (Barry Neil Kaufman)                10.0/2
Breakthrough Rapid Reading (Kump)
How to Take Control of Your Time and Your Life (Lakein)         8.75/2  
Profiles of Genuis (Jean Landrum)                               
Mastery (Leonard)                                               8.0/1
Thinking Better (Lewis, Greene)                          
Psycho-Cybernetics (Maltz)                                      7.88/4
Greatest Salesman in the World (Mandino)                        6.33/4
Greatest Reaches of Human Nature (Maslow)                       9.0/1
Mastering the Information Age (McCarthy)                        9.0/1
Always at Ease (McCullough)                                     2.0/1
Time Management for Unmanageable People (McGee-Cooper,Trammel)
Unlimited Selling Power (Donald Moine and Kenneth Lloyd)        9.0/1
The Power of Positive Thinking (Peale)                          8.0/1
The Road Less Traveled (Peck)                                   8.75/2
Age of Propaganda (Pratkanis and Aronson)                       7.0/1
Outrageous Betrayal: Werner Erhand's Dark Journey from est 
                to Exile (Stephen Pressman)
Don't Shoot the Dog (Pryor)                                     7.0/1
Executive Time Management (Reynolds, Trammel)
Magic of Rapport (Jerry Richardson)                             9.0/1
Awaken the Giant Within (A. Robbins)                            8.13/4
Giant Steps (A. Robbins)                                        7.5/1
Unlimited Power (A. Robbins)                                    9.25/4
Do You Really Need Eyeglasses (Rosanes-Berrett)                 
Overcoming Indecisiveness (Rubin)                               8.5/1
Wishcraft (Sher)
I Could Do Anything if I Only Knew What It Was (Sher)           5.0/1
10 Natural Laws of Time and Life Management (Hyrum Smith)     
Accelerating (R. Sterling)
Maximum Achievement (Brian Tracy)
Hope and Help for Your Nerves (Claire Weeks)
Getting Organized (Winston)
Secrets of Closing the Sale (Ziglar)
See You At the Top (Ziglar)                                     8.0/1
Don't Just Do Something, Sit There!                             8.0/1

Audio Tape Programs                                             Avg./Voters
Succeeding Through Inner Strength (Nathaniel Branden)           
Power of Persuasion (Roger Dawson)
Basic NLP Practioner Training (Tad James)                       9.5/1
Personal Power (Anthony Robbins)                                9.0/2
PowerTalk (Anthony Robbins)                                     10.0/1
Unlimited Power (Anthony Robbins)                               9.0/1
Power, Passion, Profit (Marshall Sylver)
Action Strategies for Personal Achievement (Brian Tracy)
Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)                         6.0/1
Mega-memory (Kevin Trudeau)                                     5.0/1
Psychology of Winning (Dennis Waitley)                          6.5/2

The Forum
Breakthrough to Inner and Outer Influence (Tad James)
Huna Introduction - The Lost Secrets of the Ancient Hawaii (Tad James)
Secret of Creating Your Future (Tad James)
Time Line Therapy Training (Tad James)
Mastery (A. Robbins)
Date With Destiny (A. Robbins)
Strategic Influence (A. Robbins)                                9.5/1
Unlimited Power Weekend (A. Robbins)                            10.0/1

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