PACE ARTICLE Hi there, I'm here to introduce you to Brain Gym AE. Work place stress is becoming an over worked term these days and there really is little consensus about how to overcome it. What seems to be happening is that people are exhibiting the same symptoms that we would have exhibited when out hunting or gathering for our subsistence: muscular tension with whole body prepared to fight the adversary or flee for safety, shallow rapid breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, a sharpened peripheral visual and auditory acuity to be able to see and hear where the foe is coming from. The whole system bent on survival. After all if the job's not done and the money doesn't come in there is no meat on the table. Has our life style really come full circle? Is this society we have created all that different from our forebears? All this pressure, demands of the material life puts our immune system under threat and shortens our life expectancy. Employees are constantly looking over their shoulder, the hunter hunted. The self employed are having to trek further to the well for each new client. What puts you under pressure. Make a scatter list across a piece of paper of all the things that hack you off or get up your nose...... yes, ALL of them. Now choose one of them, a good juicy one and visualise it happening really clearly. How are you feeling ? Write down all your emotions; anger, fear, frustration etc. and now take a magnifying glass and go from top to toe noticing how your body feels. Where is the tension in your system? Neck? Shoulders? Chest? Stomach? Hands? What is happening to your heart rate and your breathing? What does your face feel like and your mouth? What is your general posture like? Exaggerate it. What sort of language do you use in these situations? Where is your sense of humour? How are you communicating with your family, colleagues or peers? What is your attitude to the aggravating issue? Hold on to all that we are going to be come: Positive, Active, Clear and Energetic. P.A.C.E.! Do the following activities carefully. i) ENERGETIC Have a drink of water, as much or as little as you find you need. ii) CLEAR Find your Brain Buttons, the two soft hollows below the clavicle or collar bone at the top and to each side of your sternum, the large, strong bone down the middle of your chest. Massage these gently and place your other hand over your navel area. Swap hands after a few seconds. iii) ACTIVE Stand up if possible, but this may be done sitting down, and march with an action similar to bowling a ball over the opposite leg or tap the opposite knee with your elbow or hand as you raise it, left hand to right knee, right hand to left knee and so on. Do this for about 30 seconds. iv) POSITIVE Sit comfortably with your ankles crossed. Now stretch your arms straight out in front of you, thumbs down. Cross your wrists over, clasp your hands and roll your arms towards you, laying them on your chest and be aware of the tongue on the roof of the mouth. If there is a lack of mobility in your wrists or elbows, for some reason you find that position uncomfortable or you are preparing to sleep, cross your arms over your chest with your fingertips under the arm pits or on the shoulders. Put your attention on the aggravating situation and take a good minute to mull it over, listening to your breathing and the sounds around you. When you feel ready, as if you have had a change of gear, or instinctively feel ready and relaxed, place your finger tips together and uncross your ankles. Take several moments like that. Now take your magnifying glass and re-assess your physical and emotional self. Notice the tension in the head, neck and shoulders, across the chest and in the stomach. How do your hands feel or your face and mouth? What is happening to your heart beat, your blood pressure and your breathing? How would you communicate with your family, peers or colleagues? What is your sense of humour like? And what is your attitude to your aggravating situation? Yes, I am expecting you to notice some difference in the response this time. If you notice nothing at all, did you get in touch with how you feel under stress in the first place? And if you did and still notice no change have another go at those four steps. Slowly and carefully as new learning is best done slowly at first in order to practice perfectly and make perfect. Why you ask should I feel different about it? Look at your list again and ask yourself if any of the items there are, in themselves, life threatening? If you included dangerous drivers then your physio- logical response may have been quite appropriate but if it is things like waiting in a queue or snotty children, unrealistic expectations or cold chips or fries then they in themselves are not life threatening. Eventually they may be the death of you but they are not terminal. Yet your body is responding as if you are about to do or die and that will be the death of you eventually. P.A.C.E. is a quick, easy and reasonably unobtrusive way to change the way you respond to a stressing situation. Why and how is that so? WATER Our bodies need about 2 litres of water per day, "Nothing new." say you. But do you know why water is so important to us? It cleanses our system. Absolutely. It quenches our thirst. Yes, but why do we thirst? What is it about water that is so special? We drink plenty of other fluids such as tea, coffee, Coke or fruit juice. They'll do, surely? Sorry, they do not provide but deny the physical system the very things that it needs as they are either diuretic and so pull the plug on the vital chemicals that water holds in solution or they require so much O B2 to digest that the rest of the system is put under severe stress. Whilst we're on the subject, for every 250ml of Coke consumed the body requires 1000ml just to digest it and return to the state you were in before drinking the Coke! Water is used by our body for a number of reasons; principally for keeping important chemicals such as Sodium (Na+) and Potassium (K+) in solution and so available to the nervous system and also for providing and enhancing the capture of Oxygen (O B2) by the blood supply. Messages are sent down the nervous system by momentarily depolarising the potential difference across the Sodium Potassium. Na+, K+ and Ca+ salts are held in solution in the intracellular fluids. When a neuron is stimulated to conduct an impulse the charge inside the cell becomes more positive, Na+ channels are opened allowing an influx of Na+ followed by other positive ions which momentarily causes a positive charge in the cell near the wall, which in turn excites the next cell and so the impulse continues down the nerve in a wave like motion. The cell repolarises in 1/1000th of a second. (Bloom & Lazerson. Mind, Brain and Behaviour. Freeman, 1988) The resting potential of the neuron is +/- 70 mv in a healthy, relaxed individual. To retain this potential and the integrated brain function that goes with it even when working the body or "stressing" it, there needs to be an adequate uptake of those ions and of water to keep them in solution. With greater stress there needs to be a greater intake of good food and water; if not then the potential difference across the membrane drops, triggering a change in chemical response in the brain and causing the "fight or flight" to be activated. As the survival mechanisms of the brain are stimulated the physio- logical emphasis is on the environment, monitoring external stimuli that are potentially life threatening. We develop a "total awareness" as if we have eyes in the back of our heads and can see round corners. Every sound is identified and we are ready to react to anything that comes our way. The heart beat rises and so does blood pressure, breathing becomes quick and shallow and we sweat. We also have an altered perception of the world. The filter we have is one of territorial and personal relationship maintenance. Emotions which are associated with the survival mechanism are fear, anger, greed, and a need to reproduce when things are going well. When on the receiving end there is panic, low self esteem, depression and withdrawal. This as all well and good if we are out looking food amongst other beasts looking for food. When we are going about our daily lives in an unthreatening environment such as work, home or recreation, even where competition is a key part, these symptoms of stress are a hindrance to high level concen- tration, performance and creativity. An adequately hydrated body will absorb 100 to 1000 times more oxygen than a dehydrated body. (Science News, March 1991). The brain uses 20% of all the O B2 available in the blood stream even though it is only 2% of the body's weight. It is one of only a few molecules that passes the blood/brain barrier, the other beneficial ones being, carbon dioxide and the small nutritional molecules such as glucose and essential amino acids required for adequate brain function. O B2 is used by the body to break down food in order to supply energy in the form of adenosine 5 '-triphosphate (ATP) a molecule that traps the chemical bond energy and transports it around the system to drive all the process within the body including the Na+/K+ pump already described. (In his recent book Your Body's Many Cries For Water ( Global Health Solutions, Inc. 1992, 1995) Dr. F. Batmanghelidj says that the root cause of many major diseases is chronic dehydration. One of the effects of having a high resting potential across the cell membrane has been shown to correlate with a higher resistance to disease. Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym AE are educative disciplines which have had significant effects upon individuals' health.) There is very much more to say about water and the system. A lot has been written about it over the years. BRAIN BUTTONS Massaging the two points under the collar bone, just each side of the sternum, has an effect upon several of the circulatory systems within the body. These points are directly above the carotid arteries which carry freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. Stimulating these points draws attention to this area and so may serve to stimulate the flow of oxygen to the brain. In acupressure these points are known as Kidney 27 (K27) and are also significant in the functioning of the lymphatic circulation system which is involved with the proper digestion of protein and the removal of wastes and toxins produced by the body's processes. (Dr. John Thie, Touch For Health Manual) The lymph system is slow and often becomes blocked and inefficient. This makes us feel thick headed and sluggish and if you have ever had flu or swollen glands that is an extreme example of the system seizing up. If you've got flu a complete lymphatic massage might be needed but otherwise stimulating the K27 points can give a shunt to the system just as a reminder. The K27 points stimulate the glial cells which conduct the DC current in the body and brain spreading a more diffusive message through out the system.(Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine. 1988). There are 10-50 times more glial cells than neurons in the brain and their role is to support nourish and manufacture Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) which helps to develop and repair damaged neurons and guide neuronal fibres in nerve net formation. Thus by stimulating the DC current throught the system, one activates as many of the glial cells as possible before doing a task, providing support for more efficient nerve nets for that activity. Whilst stimulating the K27 pointshold the navel. This is the focus for the centre of gravity. Now Have a go at this little demonstra- tion with a partner. If you are aware enough you can do it by your- self. Stand in a space and put all your attention on your feet. Really experience life at ground level, think "FEET". When you are right in your feet have your partner gently, with fingertip pressure push your shoulder. Did you loose your balance really easily? O.K. now think "HEAD". Put all your attention on our hair roots and out into space. When you are ready have your partner give you another gentle push. Did you topple over again? Fine now put all your attention on your navel. Allow your body to make adjustments if needs be and when ready give your partner the go ahead for yet another gentle push. What happened this time. Did you notice how much more stable you were? Good dancers, sports-people and graceful movers have a good centre of balance. When we become clumsy and badly co-ordinated our centre of gravity is out of line. Balance is controlled by the Vestibular system in the semi-circular canals of the inner ear. These send electrical messages to the Reticular Activation System which keeps the neo-cortex active for wakefulness, helps with co-ordination and proprioception, sense of stretch on muscles and an awareness of body space. When properly balanced the semi-circular canals assist to establish and myolinate proper connection with the RAS and the outside world. (Levinson, H.N. The cerebellar-Vestibular Basis of Learning Disabilities in Children, Adolescents and Adults; Hypothesis and Study. In Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67 : 983-1006. 1988.) CROSS CRAWL This activity activates both halves of the cerebral cortex, particularly the primary sensory and motor cortex in the parietal and frontal lobes. This integrates the functions of the logical, language side with that of the creative, context functions of the other hemisphere by repeatedly using and thus myolinating the connective tissue of the corpus callosum. Electrical energy is redirected away from the sympathetic nervous system and the survival responses allowing reason to prevail over reaction. If cross crawl is done slowly it will serve to strengthen fine motor co-ordination particularly is the Vestibular and Reticular Activation Centre is stimulated by turning the head in an exaggerated fashion simultaneously. Slow cross crawl will often earmark co-ordination difficulties that the momentum of a fast cross crawl will mask. HOOK UPS Wayne Cook, and expert in electromagnetic energy at Harvard University, observed that his children sat in a specific position when watching T.V. He wondered what it did for them. When he did it he found it very calming. The Hook Up s described above are an adaptation of the original. Originally one ankle was placed on the opposite knee, the arms, outstretched, wrists crossed and the hands held the foot, one on the soul of the foot the other on the top. This posture was found to be inconvenient for ladies in tight skirts and uncomfortable for those with poor movement in their hips or for anyone to use whilst standing in a queue or lying in bed. Paul Dennison of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation in Ventura, California, adapted it to the one described on P.1. The first half of Hook Ups integrates the function of large areas of the brain. The physical position stimulates the sensory cortex in parietal lobe and the motor cortex in the frontal lobe. Attention is drawn to the limbic system, the emotional centre of the brain which sits on the sphenoid bone directly above the hard palette of the mouth, by the tongue. (In the same way as focusing attention on your navel will steady your centre of balance.) Under stress most electrical energy is focused on working the sympathetic nervous system driven from the brain stem. As a result little thought is given to the emotive reaction which occurs. As blood and electrical energy is redirected up to the limbic system and the neo-cortex incoming sensory information processing is altered to allow thought and emotion providing a rational response. High level reasoning from both hemispheres equally balanced with emotion leads to inner speech, control of one's social behaviour, compassion and altruism. (Hannaford, C.L. Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym AE) with Learning Style Discriminated K-12 Students Ph.D. Thesis.) So P.A.C.E. prepares the brain and the rest of the body to perform at its optimum level. It will activate what ever connections are available to the individual and facilitate in the development of new ones as further skills and fine tuning of those skills takes place. It may take a few moments to do or a few minutes depending on how carefully you wish to focus yourself. P.A.C.E. activates the brain for reasoning, controlled behaviour, focus and improved memory function. We would be interested in your feed back as you use P.A.C.E. in your daily life. It is relevant to sport, domestic and business life. There is much more to Brain Gym AE and Educational Kinesiology than P.A.C.E. It is possible to target specific activities and situations that you wish to handle better than you do now and use this magic system to re-organise the neurological nets and behaviour patterns to help you to step forward into a free and confident personal environment. There's always one more bridge to cross. Get in touch for more information. In the meantime - Stay cool, stay in P.A.C.E. and enjoy. Glen and Helen Jansen. JTI Consultants P.O.Box 5528 Dunedin New Zealand. For the best from your human potential with BRAIN GYM AE jti@earthlight.com.nz