FROM: MEGABRAIN REPORT, VOL. 2 NO. 3 Edited by Michael Hutchison EDITORIAL: PEAK PERFORMANCE BRAIN WAVES A neuroscientist used to be like a man in a Goodyear blimp floating over a bowl game: he could hear the crowd roar, and that was about it. But now we're down in the stands. It's not too long before we'll be able to tell why one man gets a hot dog and one man gets a beer." --Floyd Bloom, neuroanatomist Scripps Clinic The Brain Revolution has been one of the most momentous events in human history. Perhaps its most exciting development has been that for the first time, as Floyd Bloom observes, humans have been able to get right down into the arena of the human brain and observe the action as it happens--and then look at it again in slow-motion on the instant replay. With the development of computerized brain monitoring devices of incredible sensitivity, scientists have been able to observe what goes on in our brains during virtually every life experience-- pain, ecstasy, depression, love, having a flash of insight, seeing stripes, remembering, forgetting, eating, sleeping, having sex. Most remarkably, scientists have discovered that by watching the activity of our own brains, we can quickly learn how to change our brains, and in doing so change what we are experiencing. The implications are enormous. If we can change our own brain states at will, then surely we can learn to shift out of unwanted or unhealthy states or experiences into desired states and experiences. Just as we can change channels on our TVs, we may be able to intentionally switch out of states such as pain, depression, anxiety and anger and switch into pleasure, love, well-being, insight and clarity. While there are numerous new tools for observing the brain, ranging from MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), PET (positron emission tomography), and SPECT (single photon emission computerized tomography), to SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device), perhaps the most exciting work in the last few years has been done using the EEG (electroencephalogram) in the biofeedback or neurofeedback mode--by enabling subjects to observe and thereby to learn to change the electrical activity of their own brains. What these EEG researchers have found, as one writes elsewhere in this issue of Megabrain Report, summarizing his 25 years of research, is that, remarkably, "Brain waves relate to everything." Using EEG feedback, researchers, clinicians and their subjects have, among other things, been able to train the brain to "heal" itself from alcoholism and drug addiction, learning disorders and brain traumas, depression and anxiety. Subjects in some EEG studies have experienced average IQ increases of 20 to 30 points. Some researchers have found certain patterns of brain activity that seem linked to extraordinary or peak brain states, such as transcendence, illumination, flow, awakening. And, using EEG feedback systems as well as other mind technology, they have found that subjects can learn to enter these peak states. With such a wealth of breakthrough work being done with EEG and EEG feedback, we have decided to devote this issue of Megabrain Report to exploring this field. In the pages that follow are articles by some of the leading researchers, clinicians and theoreticians of EEG brain training, as well as discussions of the most exciting research being done around the world, and reviews of the latest EEG equipment. With such a wealth of breakthrough work being done with EEG and EEG feedback, we decided to devote an entire issue of MEGABRAIN REPORT to exploring this field. This issue was to be our "EEG Special." And indeed, in the pages that follow are articles by many of the leading researchers, clinicians and theoreticians of EEG brain training, as well as discussions of the most exciting research being done in the field, and reviews of the latest EEG feedback equipment. However, as we discussed the articles with the various contributors, and as the articles appeared, it became clear that there was simply too much information, too many good articles, too many connections to be made between the work of different contributors, to fit into a single issue, even if we expanded it far beyond our "maximum" of 48 pages. And so our EEG Special has expanded into two jumbo issues, both jam packed with fresh, mind-stretching and original material. When we invited scientists to contribute, we asked them to write about developments and discoveries in EEG feedback and research that they felt were most important. So it has been fascinating, as the articles have come in, to see how each of these scientists, working largely independently, has focused on the same few recurrent themes. Dr. James Hardt and Dr. Les Fehmi both provide moving and heartfelt descriptions of how their first-hand experiences of personal transformation through EEG feedback in the 1960s have added an almost spiritual sense of urgency and committment to their work. Most of the contributors clearly agree that the extraordinary recent developments in EEG are founded on the pioneering EEG feedback work in the 60s and 70s by Joe Kamiya, Elmer Green, Barry Sterman, Joel Lubar, Tom Budzynski, Jim Hardt, and Les Fehmi, among others. They also seem to share a common perception that the vast potential for human development hinted at by the EEG feedback research of the tumultuous 60s was disturbing to the medical, scientific and cultural mainstream, and as a result was suppressed, derided or actively discouraged for almost 20 years--what we can now call the Nixon-Reagan Era. As a result, virtually all of them seem to share a sense of personal satisfaction in the recent emergence of EEG feedback as a "hot" field. Perhaps the heat of the recent EEG explosion is a natural result of the years of discouragement. Hardt, Fehmi, Dr. Jon Cowan, Dr. Len Ochs, Dr. Siegfried Othmer, Dr. Thomas Budzynski, Dr. Julian Isaacs and Anna Wise all write with evident excitement and optimism about the extraordinary power of EEG feedback training of specific types or at certain frequencies to produce unprecedented and at times seemingly miraculous healings, resolutions of formerly intractable psychological problems (including addiction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, brain trauma, depression and anxiety), and sudden re-orderings of personality. While they may all offer speculations, theories and conjectures, using fuzzy words like consciousness, unconscious, subconscious, transformation, "witness" consciousness, "inputting" information, brainwave "training," attention and attention deficit, they all are aware of the tentative nature of their conclusions. All of them seem to share the view that "we ain't seen nothing yet"--that we have only begun to begin to understand a bit about the workings of brain wave feedback, that the workings of the brain remain the greatest and most fascinating mystery of our age. Each of these scientists look at essentially the same phenomena-- high amplitude alpha, whole brain synchrony, alpha-theta training, "good" and "bad" theta, beta training--through slightly differing lenses, pose the same questions in differing words, and offer answers or tentative conclusions that, while in differing words, are in remarkable agreement, harmony or accord. Budzynski, Hardt, Fehmi, Isaacs, Ochs and F. Holmes Atwater all discuss the importance of new technology and offer insights into what types of technology work and what don't, where to place the electrodes and how to interpret the raw data. Virtually all of them emphasize the importance of the right treatment protocol to attain desired results, and offer invaluable descriptions and insights into various protocols, ranging from alpha/theta training for addictions to beta training for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Most of the articles in this special EEG issue of MEGABRAIN REPORT and the one which will follow it come right from the cutting edge of current EEG research, and will be thought provoking and stimulating (and in some cases startling) to scientists, therapists and other health professionals. Much of the information they contain is fresh, eye-opening, and is presented here for the first time. It is also, we believe, extremely practical. It is our hope that this special issue may serve as a catalyst and a stimulus to therapists, educators, counselors, researchers, and other professionals, alerting them to the revolutionary potentials for enhancing human performance and well-being through EEG feedback, and providing the basic practical information needed to take the first steps toward incorporating the EEG feedback into their practice. But of course many of us are fascinated by this work and by brainwaves (both other peoples' and our own) not as professionals, but as individuals who want to learn more about ways we can become stronger, healthier and happier and take greater control over our emotions, states of consciousness, and our lives. And so, we have worked with the contributors to be sure these articles are written in language that is clear, jargon-free, down to earth and accessible to non-scientists. And, as an introduction for non-professionals, we first present "The Brainwave Investigation," a short summary of the historical background and some of the central issues and discoveries of EEG feedback, and brief sketches of the work of many of the leading EEG explorers, whose articles consitute the rest of this extraordinary issue and the one which follows. --Michael Hutchison