Subject: Re: DMAE mtymp15@epx.cis.umn.edu (David Hutton) writes: >This weekend, my parents discovered a foil packed that had fallen out of my >pocket containing 6 (six) 350mg tablets of Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate. > >After explaining to them that "NO... it was legal and not* acid" they calmed >down a little (meaning that the sound level is below 100 Db now). They told >me that if I am going to continue to experiment with these newfangled "smart >drugs/nutrients" that I have to prove to them that they are good. Well, first of all, why don't you carry them around in the bottle that they came in? The bottle probably has a nice, typed label that will lend legitimacy to your use of DMAE. A good reference for DMAE, and for many other interesting (and legal) compounds in Dean and Morgenthaler's book, "Smart Drugs and Nutrients." It is from this book that I obtained the basics of the following explanation of the mechanism of action of DMAE (the rest is from a conversation with an informed friend): As any high-school biology student knows, the compound acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter. High-school biology students are probably less familiar with the blood-brain barrier, which (as you might gather from the name) prevents certain compounds from entering the brain from the blood. Acetylcholine is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. This makes sense: if you consumed a meal with a high quantity of acetylcholine, you might involuntarily stimulate your own nervous system. Choline is the usual pre- cursor of acetylcholine, but it does not cross the blood-brain barrier very well. The body makes acetylcholine from choline as it is needed. DMAE is basically a choline molecule with one methyl group missing from the nitrogen. DMAE is more able to cross the blood-brain barrier than choline. Once inside the brain, an enzyme performs a methylation that converts DMAE into choline. So, taking DMAE increases the brain's potential to make neurotransmitters. Dean and Morgenthaler's book reports the following effects for DMAE: mood elevation, improvement of memory and learning, intelligence increases, and increases in the life span of laboratory animals. DMAE is a naturally-occuring compound that is present in signficant amounts in fish. Is this why some people consider fish to be "brain food?" And now, for my personal experiences: I have used DMAE for about six months now. The first time I took it, I was awake almost all night - this was before my roommate told me what its effect was. He merely told me that it was a "smart drug" that he had bought at the local health food store. The dose was 350 mg. The second time I took DMAE, I was on my way to work. I had a very productive morning, and I felt - well - lucid. This is especially significant for me, as I am not a morning person. I felt that my ability to handle mul- tiple tasks simultaneously was improved. As for weird effects, I felt that my vision was somewhat enhanced - and when I had the realization that "Gee, I'm having a great morning!" I got a quick, involuntary smirk across my face. That's all, though. When the DMAE ran out, my roommate and I discovered Source Natural's Mental Edge vitamin, which contains 160 mg DMAE, but also a host of other smart nutrients. I'm taking about one of these vitamins per day - the recom- mended dose is 4/day. The vitamin is best taken on an empty stomach, so I was putting one on top of my alarm clock to take in the morning. I have this nasty habit of setting my alarm 30 minutes ahead after it goes off, and going back to sleep. (My typical weeknight sleep schedule is about 6 1/2 hours.) Well, the first few times I took the Mental Edge, I would roll over about 15 minutes after the first alarm - awake and ready to go as if I had slept for nine hours! The mornings that followed were generally productive ones. Over the course of these six months, the short-term stimulant effect of DMAE/Mental Edge has worn off. In other words, I'm no longer getting the instant pick-me-up that I used to get. However, I have noted that I'm generally more alert. Of course, I'm only averaging about 200 mg/day of DMAE. Dean and Morganthaler's books recommend "a gradual buildup to 500- 1000 mg per day." About three months ago, my roommate and I found DMAE in liquid form. A solution containing 100 mg/ml of DMAE and 150 mg/ml of PABA is available from Twinlabs. The rationale for the PABA/DMAE combination is probably similar to that for another product, xanthinol nicotinate (again reference Dean and Morgenthaler): the presence of PABA allows the formation of a PABA/DMAE complex that crosses some barrier (a cell membrane, or the blood-brain barrier) more readily than DMAE alone. Mix some of this stuff into your orange juice in the morning and you're ready to go. I have only had one negative experience with DMAE. I was running an organic juice bar at a reggae party about six weeks ago. We were selling drinks with or without smart drugs, as people desired. I had three glasses of fresh-squeezed carrot juice, all containing about 300 mg of DMAE. I had a fun day - I ran around at the concert, and did sound for the band - but I had a pretty good headache the next day. The headache symptom is documented in Dean and Morgenthaler. BTW, I do not use caffeine-containing beverages. Well, maybe once or twice a month I'll have a Coke or a cup of tea at dinner. My point is that I do not use any stimulants to stay awake. So, I can't personally compare the effect of DMAE to coffee. However, my roommate says that the DMAE stim- ulant effect is "cleaner" than coffee. He also says that there is also a day or two of "crash" if you stop taking it after taking it a lot. > >If anyone* has info on DMAE on file - or has personal accounts of it's power - >could you post them or e-mail them to mtymp15@epx.cis.umn.edu ? > >My whole parental support system is in the balance. If I cannot persuade them >to let me continue to experiment, they will take away stuff from me if they >ever find out. =) Well, don't act too smart, and they'll never know! ;^) > >|=->The Muffster<-=| >mtymp15@epx.cis.umn.edu >muffman@tfsquad.mn.org > -- ============================================================================= John J. Ladasky II ("ii") (ladasky@netcom.COM) "Great composers do not borrow - they steal." - Igor Stravinsky (Actually, Picasso said it first, in reference to painting - but Stravinsky has claimed it as his own! :^) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : My employer? Internet? Yeah, right! =============================================================================