Power2 Michael Mallows METAPROGRAMS LOGICAL LEVELS 'DRIVERS' Part 1 DRIVERS Drivers are internal auditory anchors that compel practically all our (dysfunctional) behaviours. Drivers are powerful triggers for altered, and often unhelpful states of mind that contribute to systems of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. These patterns are communicated by countless verbal and non-verbal, conscious, but mostly unconscious indicators. These messages, which compel (drive) us, may stem either from an internal Critic, or from the rebellious or compliant 'parts' of personality ('parts', in a psychological sense, is, of course, merely a useful metaphor). There are 6 basic Drivers: Try Hard. Be Perfect. Be Strong. Hurry Up. Please Me. Please You. PACING AND LEADING Just as we can Pace and Lead predicates, values, metaprograms or body language, we can do so with Drivers. E.g. by half clenching your fist and moving it emphatically up and down to mirror similar behaviour in another person. You may thus convey your recognition of hir Trying Hard to Be Strong. If you then suddenly pointed or stood up, inviting hir into Visual Construct, s/he might see new possibilities and be more relaxed and congruent with uncomfortable feelings. If, in the middle of a team meeting, s/he leans forward with an earnest look on hir face, s/he may be Trying Hard to Please You. You could try mismatching by leaning back with a gentle, audible "Mmmmm" while moving your hand gently down to hir right. This could shift hir state from Internal Auditory to relaxed Kinaesthetic. The idea / metaphor of Drivers comes from that other (than NLP) model of 'reality' known as (TA) Transactional Analysis. Common sense, sensory acuity, and TA, tell us that we can observe, explain and experience our own and other people's patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour. These habits, stem from particular EGO STATES (which can be likened to the Id, Ego and Superego. These Ego States are known as Parent, Adult, Child, using Capital letters to differentiate from the 'real' thing. The effects of a particular Ego State expression will be determined by many variables. The environment in which we (trans)act. The desired and actual effects of our own and other people's actions. Respective skills and capabilities, the beliefs and values that underpin or undermine aspirations and desired outcomes, our sense of self, and the nature of the relationship. As the Adult develops, our thinking, despite illusions of objectivity, is contaminated by imposed versions of reality: sin, guilt, Santa Claus, Heroes, unworthiness, politicians are here to help! INJUNCTIONS Injunctions are (negative) beliefs about Self. They aid and abet the Drivers on a level very much out of awareness. They prevent us feeling 'good' enough, or asking for our needs to be met. They may preclude internal permission to succeed or prevent expression of Selfhood with integrity, openness and authenticity. These can be placed in 5 broad categories: DON'T FEEL GOOD ENOUGH DON'T ASK FOR YOUR NEEDS TO BE MET DON'T BE YOURSELF DON'T SUCCEED DON'T BELONG The familiar feelings that accompany the injunctions 'fire' the internal Drivers and linked behaviours. These behaviours, are intended, usually unconsciously, to influence (manipulate) other people's behaviours or to alleviate or escape resultant feelings. We may want to avoid harm (AWAY FROM punishment, rejection) or to pursue pleasure (TOWARD love, appreciation, acceptance), but we always have a(n unconscious) positive intent. RACKETS In our fight or flight efforts, we experience repetitively uncomfortable and unwanted feelings. Rackety emotions, beliefs and actions are attempts to assuage, escape from or to justify the Rackets. They are akin to what Wolinsky, in THE DARK SIDE OF THE INNER CHILD, refers to as TRANCE STATES. It is fascinating, and can be empowering, to understand the STRATEGIES of Rackets and the Driver states that accompany them, and I may include some examples in part 2, next issue. Here is a table of the Injunctions, their 'associated' Rackets and the main or trigger Driver for each Racket. INJUNCTIONS RACKET FEELINGS DRIVER DON'T FEEL GOOD ENOUGH GUILT BP DON'T BE YOURSELF EMBARRASSMENT PY DON'T SUCCEED FEAR OF FAILURE TH DON'T BELONG PANIC HU DON'T ASK FOR YOUR NEEDS TO BE MET UNAPPRECIATED BS MetaPrograms Understanding the links and connections between Injunctions, EgoStates, Rackets, Drivers and MetaPrograms helps make sense of much that may appear chaotic or meaningless. E.g. when skilled and qualified NLPers fail to demonstrate Masterly application in practising what they teach. They may be Racketeering (-Vc/-K/D), Driven to old patterns of distraction (Vr/Ai/-K) at the expense of new skills (+Vc/+K/+Ae), have an injunction (-Ai/Vr/-K) blocking them). Here are examples of the above used to analyse two particular cases. Each is 'real' but I've reduced each to the bare bones relevant to this article. CASE STUDY: PETER Peter's main injunction was "Don't be yourself" with an accompanying racket of embarrassment. He often felt misunderstood at meetings and he dealt with this by being a bad tempered and non co-operative individual. As a boy, unable to please (Driver) or to challenge his father, he had become self conscious, anticipating criticism, chastisement, being ridiculed. Now, he felt misunderstood as an adult. His bombastic, belligerent behaviour was the anxious Child's way, albeit archaic, of adapting to the reality of a bullying father (with Try Hard/Please Me Drivers). Of course, because he never said, no-one knew that he was vulnerable, scared, lonely. (And those who guessed had neither inclination, courage nor permission to say) Square bracketed words are [logical levels]. Embarrassment was an unconscious AWAY FROM decision [capabilities] to avoid his father's criticisms. Embarrassment was a distorted TOWARD in that we often (unconsciously) seek approval by being 'childlike', dependent, shameful [values]. Adapting to a DON'T BE YOURSELF injunction [identity] is EXTERNAL AUTHORITY, rude and anti social [behaviour] was INTERNAL AUTHORITY. His external behaviours were OTHER (visual) - look at me, notice me [relationship] ; his INTERNAL feelings and behaviours were SELF (I'm hurting and they don't understand). His RULE STRUCTURE created yet further internal conflicts: Father's rules for me on the LOGICAL LEVEL of IDENTITY (I mustn't be myself); My rules for me on the level of BELIEF / VALUE (I have a right to be heard!) My rules for you (when he was rude) His STRESS RESPONSE was very much FEELING, with little or no empathy, no rapport building skills, bad listening style, and virtually no ability to take second position. CASE STUDY: JANE DON'T BELONG PANIC HU Jane is a successful business woman in her late 30s. She has an excellent mind, is married to a successful man, whom she loves and she adores her children. She is involved in a number of projects, and has an enviable life style. Yet she often feels as if she doesn't belong, or as if it will all be 'taken away' and she won't be able to stop it. She wants to build on her career (TOWARD), and yet, for much of the time she feels apathetic (k), can't see the point (V) and decides it's too much bother (INTERNAL). Her CONVINCER Mode is CONSISTENT - she needs to be reassured (EXTERNAL) every day (at least) that she is in a safe place / relationship (TOWARD). She thinks it would be utterly inappropriate to ask at work - as indeed it might! She often feels very frightened, for no obvious reason, and can feel hassled and harried. She literally feels immobilised at times, and that exacerbates the panic feelings. She can be very demanding of her husband and possessive of her children and yet rushes around every minute trying to make their lives more comfortable (TOWARD). She says that noise and face to face interaction gives her some fleeting sense of security, but then she starts to panic again. Jane's ATTENTION OF DIRECTION is OTHER, she is constantly trying to PLEASE YOU so that people will stay (TOWARD). Her REASON is PROCEDURES, she needs familiar patterns (SIMILARITY) because change is threatening - which is in conflict with her professional aspirations. Her style, inevitably, is PROXIMITY, that is she wants to be in control with others around her. One way to counter the Drivers, or at least to reduce their negative impact is to create new Permissions. This requires making a decision, as a grown up, to live by different rules, to be proactive and express an appropriate degree of autonomy. The VALUES that underpin, and can counter the Drivers, are listed below, and I will expand on this in part 2 of this article. I shall develop this theme in a following article, for now I'll just give you the specific Permissions opposite the Drivers. DRIVERS PERMISSIONS BE PERFECT ORGANISATION BE STRONG RELIABILITY/RESILIENCE HURRY-UP EFFICIENCY TRY HARD PERSISTENCE PLEASE FLEXIBILITY THE POWER TO USE NLP by MICHAEL MALLOWS will be ready just after New Year. This is a collection of NLP related articles previously published in various magazines and journals - mostly in RAPPORT. To order a copy send L10 (P&P free) to Power2 publications 37 Layfield Road Hendon London NW4 3UHnlp/drivnet