======== Newsgroups: alt.psychology.nlp Subject: How to Use Embedded Commands From: Steve Gold <goldie@earthlink.net> Date: 9 Jun 1996 13:53:32 GMT EMBEDDED COMMANDS Some of the questions that gets asked all the time is, do embedded commands really work? What is the value of being able to use commands in persuasion? Does a person have to believe in the use of commands in order to do them well or is there some evidence that I can learn to detect that will let me know that they are working? Let's answer these questions and learn how to use this skill to enhance the persuasion process. What are embedded commands? Embedded commands are a section of words that are hidden in a normal sentence, and if said independently of the sentence, they would make sense on their own. They would actually give some form of instruction or a suggestion to the listener. Before we cover the concept of "hiding" commands in sentences let's go over the basic concept in creating embedded commands. BASIC CONCEPTS When you first begin to use embedded commands in your language there are some simple rules you can follow that will speed up your ability to integrate this pattern into your behavior. RULE 1. Well Formedness conditions A. Your commands should actually be commands. Think like you are a military drill instructor. When you give a command, it should be short, concise and to the point. Example: Do this now. Buy this program. Be convinced. Realize the benefits. Use embedded commands. Discover the many applications. Get excited. Feel compelled. This is an example of well formed commands. They are short and to the point and can easily be hidden into your language. Exercise: Read the list of commands out loud and say them like a command. This is how you will actually say them when you put them into sentences. A. Here's how they can be put into a sentence. As you realize the benefits of learning to use embedded commands you'll become convinced of the benefit of having this skill now. B. It's also important that the command contain only the words that are actually part of the command. For example, this is not a well formed command. "To get excited." Get excited, is a good command however. (You'll notice that the word to is de-emphasized to indicate it being incorrect in the command) Let me illustrate the point thusly. Read the following two sentences aloud, emphasizing the words in bold. 1. If you were to get excited now about what you're reading you'll be in the right emotional state to learn this material powerfully. 2. If you were to get excited now about what you're reading you'll be in the right emotional state to learn this material powerfully. Can you hear how #1 above sounds much more powerful and #2 is weakened by an incorrectly worded command? It may seem like a trite point, yet it will substantially increase the power of the commands you use. Rule# 2. Analogical marking. Your commands need to be "Marked off" so that you call attention to them at the unconscious level. You can do this in several ways. You can: 1. Pause before and/or after the commands. 2. Increase the volume in your voice as you say the command. 3. After the tone of your voice making it either deeper or higher. I prefer personally 4. Utilize the natural drop in tone when speaking a command. Remember that when you ask a question, the tone in your voice goes up. Try this, say out loud. "What did you say". When you make a statement your voice tone stays flat. Say out loud, "I agree with what your writing". When you say a command, your voice tone drops off sharply. Say out loud (and very commandingly) Learn this material, NOW!!! So when you use commands they need to be marked off so that the command is set apart from the rest of the sentence. You can also mark off commands by marking a particular gesture when you say the command. You might for example tap your pen in your hand with each command or nod with each one. Rule# 3 Frequency. It often amuses me when I hear people that have had some exposure to embedded commands tell me they use an embedded command real successfully. The reason that commands can have such a powerful impact on a person is that the unconscious begins to recognize a pattern of speaking that is different than what it is used to hearing. One example does not establish a pattern! For optimum results you should use a high frequency count of commands in your language. Rule #4 Present tense. Commands need to be spoken in the present tense. Avoid at all costs speaking a command in the past tense. It negates the power of your commands. Another idea that will help you to learn embedded commands is what I call the modal operator method of commands. The easiest ways of using this format is to put your embedded commands after a model operator. Here is a small list of modal operators that will help you: Can, could, should, would, must, have to, can't, couldn't, want , necessary You can take any of these words and put a command right after it and it will work perfectly in most cases. Here's an example. If you will use commands you will be amazed at how you'll be able to persuade more rapidly and if you want to accomplish this, you will become driven to learn these now. As you practice embedded commands you will find that your persuasion skills have jumped another notch. If you'd like a free tape on embedded commands just E-mail me at goldie@earthlink.net,. with your name address and phone number and I'll get a tape out to you write away. Steve Gold