TUCoPS :: Wetware Hacking :: Others :: fcscam.txt

Email scam attempts to get eBay user information

Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 09:57:19 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>
Subject: FC: Scam extracts credit card numbers, bank info from eBay members

Obvious reasons this is a scam:
1. Headers show it originated from sdn-ar-001nynyorp256.dialsprint.net
2. The destination URL is, which receives connectivity
   from qwest.net, not ebay.com.
3. There's no reason for eBay to send this message to me
4. The site is not using a secure connection (https://) URLs for
   to protect sensitive information, which eBay almost certainly would.
5. Replies are directed to to a yahoo.com address


----- Forwarded message from Safe Harbor <SafeHarbor@ebay.com> -----

Return-Path: <SafeHarbor@ebay.com>
Received: from get.hotwired.com (get.wired.com [])
	by cluebot.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 96A5A104FF
	for <declan@cluebot.com>; Thu,  2 May 2002 05:47:31 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (qmail 12535 invoked by alias); 2 May 2002 08:23:07 -0000
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	by avocet.prod.itd.earthlink.net with smtp (Exim 3.33 #2)
	id 173BUP-0004Jk-00; Thu, 02 May 2002 00:58:58 -0700
From: Safe Harbor <SafeHarbor@ebay.com>
To: debiejean@aol.com, debjames@austin.rr.com, debk@prodigy.net,
	debl@dicksonstreet.com, debmatz@aol.com, debmitt@onewest.net,
	debmj3r@aol.com, deborah.nowakowski@ctg.com, deborahdav16@aol.com,
	deborahk@L90.com, deborahlynne@hotmail.com, deborahn1@aol.com,
	deborahs3@aol.com, debperrin@nyc.rr.com, debra@loop.com,
	debra@scotcrest.com, debralee123@aol.com, debredz2r@yahoo.com,
	debroche@benchmark.fr, debs454@aol.com, debs760@aol.com,
	debsking@yahoo.com, debsother1@aol.com, deburden@lisco.com,
	debydi@aol.com, dec@hhs.net, decade4130@aol.com, decades@TIAS.com,
	decadespast@prodigy.net, decasto@cswnet.com, deccard042@aol.com,
	dece@colorado.edu, decentralization@yahoogroups.com,
	decicco@swbell.net, deckhands@worldnet.att.net,
	decksterity@hotmail.com, declan@wired.com, decolmtd@TIAS.com,
	decoratingantiques@TIAS.com, decorativedelights@TIAS.com,
	decoweenie@yahoo.com, DECoxPhoto@aol.com, dede@taquote.com,
	dedejf@aol.com, dedempsey@aol.com, dedeski@ix.netcom.com,
	dedicated@cyberwings.com, dedillon@peoplepc.com, dedorsey@aol.com,
Subject: Urgent message, from eBay Safe Harbor !
Reply-To: cramos_02@yahoo.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Message-Id: <E173BUP-0004Jk-00@avocet.prod.itd.earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 00:58:58 -0700

 Dear eBay member!

 Your information in our eBay file, was marked (flagged) as incorrect and/or 
(fraudulent). To avoid any inconvenience concerning an interruption of your 
service membership, in future. Please take just a moment and update your 
eBay billing file. Remember to "doublecheck" all the fields for any possible

To respond and update your information , please click on the web address 
below.  If that does not work, please cut and paste the entire web address 
into the address field of your browser. Verify,Confirm and Update.

Privacy is very important to us. Our privacy practices are held to high standards 
by outside organizations such as TRUSTe. For more information on TRUSTe, 
please go to www.truste.org. As part of the normal operation of our services we 
collect and, in some cases, disclose information about you.

Your information is secured! The information you supply below is used solely to 
confirm its accuracy for verification purposes. The transfer of your information is 
protected by secure 128-bit encrypted SSL connection. Your personal information 
added in step 3 will not be stored by eBay Your credit rating will not be affected .

We use information in the file we maintain about you, and other information we 
obtain from your current and past activities on the Site, to resolve disputes, 
troubleshoot problems and enforce our User Agreement. At times, we may look 
across multiple users to identify problems or resolve disputes, and in particular
 we may examine your information to identify users using multiple User IDs 
or aliases.

For our latest announcements, please check:

<A HREF="http://www2.ebay.com/av/announce.shtml"> latest announcements</a>.

In order to better serve you, we'd like to occasionally
request feedback on our service. If you would rather
not participate, please click on the link below and send
us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject line.
If that does not work, please send an email to the
email address below. Your request will be processed
within 5 days.


800-546-2665, ATTN: Marry


eBay SafeHarbor
Investigations Team


----- End forwarded message -----

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