Ross Jeffries' Get Laid/Persuasion NEWSLETTER!!!! 6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275 January/Feb Culver, City CA 90230 2001 (310) 822-5771 email: sandworm@attbi.com Advanced Techniques To Combat The Female Interruption Mechanism! Dear Friend And Seduction/Persuasion Student, One of the most common events that crop up when students first get going with Speed Seduction® is something I once labeled F.I.M. or Female Interruption Mechanism. Well all of us, as men, experienced the various manifestations of this nasty little mind-virus from time to time. Has a scenario like this one ever happened to you, and left you scratching your ass and pounding your head against the wall, trying to figure out what happened? Scenario: You're at a party or a bar. You meet a very hot looking woman, who seems open, even eager to get to know you. You're running patterns on her, and she's feeling that "incredible connection". By the end of the evening (or even a few short hours of talking) the two of you are going at it, making out like crazed teenagers, playing tonsil-hockey and dry-humping like you've just discovered friction. She eagerly gives, even volunteers her number to you, asking when you will call her. Your blue-balls barely allow you to squeak out the answer, "Really soon…. I promise." Seems like a good thing, right? I think you may know where I'm going with all this. You wait a day or two, and when you call her either: You can't get a hold of her. You leave a message or messages and she NEVER calls you back. You do get a hold of her, but she tells you, "I'm just walking out the door" or "I'm on the other line" and she asks if she can "call you back". Of course, you NEVER hear from her. You do get a hold of her, you make a plan to see each other again, but, at the last minute, she calls and cancels with a lame excuse like, "I'm tired" or "I've got to take my friend to the airport" or whatever latest b.s. excuse she's pulled from the U.F.E.A (Universal Female Excuse Archive). Beat me with a stick and tell me it don't ever happen. Now, many students have written to me expressing concern about this kind of thing. Now that they are finally off the bench and in the field, they are finding these kinds of problems cropping up and what is most confusing is…. …….. These Are Some Of The Very Same Responses They Got From Women Back When They Were NOT Attractive And Couldn't Get Anywhere With The Ladies! Women do cancel on, flake, evade and avoid men they plain just don't like. So now that you are getting all these great responses, what the heck is going on? Understanding "The Black Box"…What's Going On In Her Head? It's an interesting aspect of human progress and technology that as you begin to get better at something, success will sometimes seem further away than before. Why is this? Because you now find yourself encountering situations you couldn't previously even get close to. So now, there are more unfamiliar things to cope with, handle and get good at. If, prior to Speed Seduction, you couldn't get laid in a woman's prison with a fistful of pardons, now you will find yourself meeting and attracting a lot more women and running into previously un-encountered situations. And, as I said, the confusing, even fear-inducing part is these are some of the same responses women generate when they are just plain NOT interested in a guy! With all this apparently confusing shit in mind, let's look at what the causes and solutions are to the problems we've been discussing. 1. Many women have some serious "ruins" on the subject of men. They are so fucked-up with so much baggage and fear; they talk themselves out of things. In this kind of circumstance or situation, what happens is that she has a great initial encounter with you. She really does enjoy it, at the time, and she's so caught up in the good feelings, that all the normal bad memories/bad feeling loops are shut off. But just as soon as she's out of your sight, all the old "garbage" kicks in. And anything can trigger it. She goes home, leafs through her scrap-book, and sees that pic of her ex-boyfriend, the smack-shooting, drug-dealing, Republican biker who beat her silly and kicked her dog out the window. Or perhaps it could be something less severe; maybe it is just a recent break-up. The bottom line is, you just don't know. 2. Many women have existing relationships that don't make them happy and they ARE open or at least curious about other things out there. As you get better at attracting, your net that you cast effectively widens, and so you'll get some confused fish. The same behaviors will manifest (canceling at the last minute, flaking, calls not being returned) Again, the best thing is to stay calm and point out they are missing out. The issue is: did you get good, strong, trance responses, doggie-dinnerbowl looks, etc. on the initial meeting or was she simply completely unresponsive and unimpressed? 3. Many women have lives of great financial and other turmoil and once a year we have the thrice-damned "HOLIDAYS" that fuck up everyone's ability to make plans! Scenario/Response If she doesn't show or flakes/cancels, (or just plain doesn't return my calls) here is the message I leave on her voice-mail or machine. And I wish to emphasize I leave this message matter of factly and in a totally calm fashion. No anger, no neediness, just as if I was telling her that her shoe is untied. Staying calm is a huge advantage, indeed, a necessity when dealing with the opposite sex: "Hey, it's Ross… it's 3pm and you were supposed to meet me at the Starbucks at 2pm and I have to say I'm quite puzzled. You didn't STRIKE me) as the kind of person who would deliberately interrupt her own opportunities..... especially when the first tastes felt so good... so I'm just wondering what happened in your environment to force you to keep missing out. My number is: XXXXXXXX) Now, let's take a long, careful look at this message and why it works. First of all, I am avoiding the frame of being a supplicant or beggar. I'm not making it about me wanting something SHE has and now I'm all disappointed, angry, confused and upset that I am missing out on the gift SHE has to give. Everything in this message sets up another frame. And that is the frame that… …She Is The One Who Is Missing Out And Losing By Not Keeping Her Commitment/Appointment With Me! As I have emphasized over and over again in the fantastic LA 99 Frame Control Videos (which goes into all this in painstaking detail!) setting the right frame for your communication and interaction with women is crucial! Consider a frame to be like a mental train-track that sets the direction of all of the thoughts and responses that will take place. If you start going down the track that she is the one with the great gift YOU must pursue, guess who has the control and power, no matter what patterns you cleverly attempt to run? No, you want to set the frame that YOU are the opportunity and if she doesn't act rightly, she will be the one to lose out! (Frame-control and setting is very tough, because we as men have been so conditioned to be the supplicants, pursuers and beggars when it comes to women. And if you have a life of previously fucking things up with women, these little glitches can send you spinning into confusion and fear that you are never going to get mastery of this important area of life. So, stay calm and pay attention!) Now, let's look at the message piece by piece: 1. "It's Ross; it's 3pm and you were supposed to meet me at the Starbucks at 2pm"-Ok, this is simply reminding them of the commitment that was made. 2. "I have to say I'm puzzled. You didn't strike me as the kind of person"- Ok, here I put the emphasis on "strike me". Why? Because it implies something else that is NOT stated, "I guess, after all, maybe you ARE that kind of person." In other words, I'm saying, "Hey... maybe you're a real loser, can you prove to me you are not"? 3. "As the kind of person who would deliberately interrupt her own opportunities"-Ok, notice the language "the kind of person". Here I'm not just challenging her bad behavior, but implying it is about her as a person, which makes it much worse for her as a consequence. And notice I am saying she is "interrupting" her own "opportunities". "Opportunities" is very vague, so she has to do an internal search to find out how it uniquely fits for her. Also,"opportunities" is an emotionally loaded word that is charged with meaning in our culture; this is the land of "opportunities", "don't let your opportunities pass you by" etc. Just ask anyone the difference between "options" and "opportunities" and listen to what they say! So, it IMPLIES she is losing out, big time, WITHOUT ACTUALLY SAYING IT and by tying it in to who she is as a person, is implying that if she keeps acting this way, in the future she will CONTINUE TO MISS OUT! 4. "I'm wondering what happened in your environment to force you to keep missing out"… By switching gears and making it about something in her environment, we are now giving her an "out"; a way to say, "Whew….if I act now, I can blame it on something other than me and STILL get to be with him and not BE A LOSER who misses out in life!". By giving her this "out" she gets to avoid being defensive or sticking with labeling herself as a loser; she can now come back at us fully charged and ready to go for it with us. In a nutshell, what we are doing here is resetting the frame by being vague, using implication, pointing out loss and challenging her self-image. We've in no way been nasty or rude, so we've left the door wide open. Consider: If she really couldn't make it, due to some nasty and unplanned emergency or something else beyond her control, we aren't being mean or nasty and so we keep our option open to see and enjoy her all the while putting the responsibility on her to prove herself to us. If she backed away or cancelled because she is already with a guy or has talked herself out of it due to pain of a previous relationship or because we made her feel so good, she now has safety and control issues, we've subtly challenged her self image and pointed out to her that she could very well be losing and missing out! It bears repeating: notice too that at NO time are we getting angry, accusing, blaming, or acting desperate, needy or even half-way or mildly rude. Just calmly, casually, implying things and giving her an opportunity to step into something wonderful she knows on some level she wants, desires and needs to enjoy! Now, there are variations on this basic message; sometimes you will get through to them personally and deliver it directly rather than through a machine. But the basic principles of staying calm, using implication and vagueness, challenging her self-image and perceptions of herself (the kind of person who lets opportunities get away from her) and setting the frame that you are the prize to be offered and won; these are what truly counts no matter what the variations! Variations On The Theme; Other Responses To Other Challenges! The "boyfriend" objection can come up at different times. It may be hauled out just as you are meeting her/closing her for the number or it may start when you start getting physical with her. If she tells me she has a boyfriend when we first meet, either directly in the form of an objection, or he just gets brought up in conversation, I treat it casually, just like this, "Oh...well, I ASSUMED someone as attractive as you are would be with SOMEONE. I just sometimes encourage people to ask: is he filling a role? Or is he fulfilling needs that come from deep inside who you are? And deep inside the person you are longing to be? Because if it's the second... well... wow… I can only say, congratulations...this is great. Hang on to this. But if it's the first... maybe we have something to talk about". Now, this is loaded with so much good stuff, I won't attempt to go into it in detail. But basically, it's getting her to go inside and compare her current relationship to what her ideal would be, and 90% of the time the current relationship WILL come up lacking. And, it reframes it away from HER being the one who has something you want, to you being someone and something SHE might be missing out on! Other Major Challenges/Hurdles You Will Encounter As You Continue To Get Good With Speed Seduction® The Safety/Control Challenge As guys, we are usually so eager to get our wicks dipped; we don’t understand that women often have safety/control issues when it comes to sex. Here are some typical things you will hear and some good responses: Her: "Wait, wait... I can't do this. I have a boyfriend!" You: "Oh... I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you were already enjoying this level of experience with him". (Credit to Brother Bishop for this response!) Then get up, walk away, start getting dressed. Her: "Wait... wait... this is going too fast!" You: " I don't think it's really about the velocity that are hands and limbs are moving, is it? It's really about how safe and comfortable you really want to feel... right NOW...isn't it? Because what really matters isn't SPEED...what matters is what feels good...and feel right... for all your own reasons...right here.....(touch pussy)...right now...don't you?? Her: "Wait... Wait... What is it that you want?" You: "What is that you want...to stop denying yourself...because of fears from the past...that have kept you back and held you down for so so long... so long to all of that... as you just let go... and feel good... and deserving... and right... inside... right here... right in this moment... right now!" The Confusion/This Shouldn't Be Happening Challenge Here's an interesting paradox to ponder; the more you stand outside of what a woman is normally used to being attracted to, the more impact you will have, because you are so different from what has come for her before. But it is this self-same difference that will also make you unfamiliar to her, and therefore confusing, even scary! Often, you'll hear something like, "Look; you're just not my type" or "I like you but I am NOT going to sleep with you (until I figure out why I'm so damned attracted to you!) Here is a good, general-purpose response that avoids arguing or begging. "Hey, if you want to prejudge your own opportunities based on the ways you're USE to responding with men, maybe I'm not the one missing out here...so, anyway.... what did you think of the WWF last night on Channel 13?" Again, while the wording is somewhat different, notice again the phrasing about"missing opportunities". It's powerful to recognize that humans are usually more motivated from fear of loss than moving towards what they realize they want; so subtly use this fact in overcoming these many forms of resistances as you enjoy your growing Speed Seduction® success! Take care to always set or re-set the frame to keep you out of supplication and firmly in control of who is seeking whom! And now, just as I am finishing writing this, here comes some confirmation from a satisfied customer/student…read on as we go to… The Mail Bag: Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 15:59:23 -0500 To: ss@minivend.com From: Russ <xxxx @xxxxxx.net> Subject: [SS] SS usage report (thanks Ross!) Reply-To: ss@minivend.com Dear Ross and SS Brothers, SS is really starting to set in for me. Sunday afternoon I get a call from Jessica. We met online & setup Sunday as the day we'd meet (She gets home from XMas Vacation Sunday). As she was not sure what time she'd get in/unpacked we did not setup a fixed time. She called around 5:30 to let me know she wouldn't be able to make it. I recently had a conversation with Ross (thanks!) and was able to apply some of what he said immediately. Responded to her with "Really, that's too bad, I thought you were the type of person that would notice an opportunity right in front of her and grab ahold of that opportunity. I guess I may have been wrong". She was silent for several seconds and then said "Well I have all my stuff inside so my car is clean...when would work". I came back with "How about right.... NOW". She said OK and left within 10 mins LOL. Brother Russ Russ, If only more students would listen to me and DO just like I told them to! I'm proud of ya, Bro! RJ From: no9 <xxxxx @xxxx.com > To: ss@minivend.com Subject: [SS] Question on Conditioning Vs Training... I've read Ross mentioning the importance of conditioning women, especially those that require more patterning language to lead them where you want to go. My current understanding is that training would be rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior. But conditioning also includes setting the frame in which you want a person to respond to your training ... by conditioning a woman, I am both eliciting emotionsAND setting it up where it is only natural for both of us to continue and deepen this process. So my questions are, what exactly is 'conditioning', how does one go about it in the context of Speed Seduction, and what is the difference between conditioning vs. training? Dear No9 Well, for me, I use the term "conditioning" to step AWAY from the "Speed" part of "Speed Seduction". Meaning, sometimes, being thorough is more important than trying to rush. And also, recognize that some otherwise very tasty and responsive women just take more time to work through their responses. So, for me, conditioning is the process of seduction that may take place over the course of more than one sitting/meeting. Perhaps an initial meeting, then a phone call, (or email) and then a follow up meeting before you "close the deal". This means I am conditioning them to: 1. Be responsive to my voice. To associate my voice to feeling excited, turned on, adventurous, being in a place of "permission" where she can really have what it is she's dreamed of, looked for and beyond. 2. Be responsive to following simple instructions/suggestions/commands. 3. Ratify for themselves that they ARE having a great experience and that they DO want more. (On a scale of 1-10, how good do you feel right now, Brunhilde? Do you want to experience even MORE good feelings? Just say, "More") 4. Viewing me as an opportunity to experience wonderful things within the context of meeting my terms for reliability, keeping commitments, returning calls, being on time, etc. As long as they are responsive, fun, communicative and meeting these other terms, I'm not going to force my tongue down their throat or my dick up their cootchie (I never force it anyway!) and will give them 3, even 4 meetings before they "come across". What this helps to do is to set a context for her to frame her experience with me, when we DO get sexual, as something she's enjoyed, looked forward to, would like to have again, without all the twitchiness, demands, and other spastic stuff that often gets attached when women mate with men, and also avoid it ALWAYS getting stuck into the "one night stand" category. Recruiting may be fun, but it takes up time and focus, and I want to structure things so she can integrate her experience, feel good about it, and want to come back as a repeat customer! Getting a girl damned hot and bothered and banging her outside of her normal time frames can be fun for you AND her, but she may then look back on it with remorse and never talk to you again. 2001 Speed Seduction Seminar Schedule LA Jan 19, 20, 21st Chicago April 27, 28, 29 London, England June 15, 16th 17th NYC July 27th, 28th, 29th Montreal, Canada August (Exact Date to be announced) 2001 Psychic Influence/Persuasion Seminar Schedule Los Angeles, California - 23,24,25 February 2001 Orlando, Florida - May 25, 26, 27 That's all for now folks. Piece and peace, RJ P.S. Watch me on The Learning Channel February 13; "The Science of Seduction"