Ross Jeffries' Get Laid/Persuasion NEWSLETTER!!!! 6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275 January/Feb Culver, City CA 90230 2002 (310) 822-5771 email: sandworm@attbi.com Nine, No, Make That 10 "Master Keys" To Outrageous Pick-up Success! Here are 10 Powerful Secrets To Meeting Women Anytime, Anywhere! (Warning: Hidden In This Issue Of This Newsletter Is A Key Principle For Persuading People To Accept You As An Unquestionable Authority In Virtually Any Context Or Situation!) Dear Friend and Valued Reader, First, I hope you will forgive me for being so tardy in coming out with a new newsletter issue. Let me assure you, while it might seem I've been a little lazy… …I've Been Putting The Time To Great Use! No, your good old "Guru of Getting Some" hasn't just been spending time enjoying his own Speed Seduction Success. In fact, I've been deeply delving into massively improving the Speed Seduction™ technology, and even more so into making some very deep breakthroughs into the field of deep level change work, most especially how to break people out of deeply stuck life conditions and circumstances, including lifting the three most prevalent "self curses" of life. (To learn more about this, you'll have to purchase my Magick/Psychic Influence course…available now from Straightforward). But on a topic more related to THIS newsletter, I've also been improving the art of what my students call "Walk-Ups"; meeting women anytime, anywhere. Why is this important? Well, unless you want to practice on blow-up dolls, or you are a hillbilly with lots of sisters and female cousins, you need to… …Get Out There And Meet REAL WOMEN! With that in mind, I give you my Nine "Master Keys" to "Gold walk-up/pick-up success". The Master "Master Key" As in anything, I believe the first steps to success involve deciding for yourself the meaning and intent you are going to carry into what you are doing. First and foremost, I believe "walk-up” or "pick-up" is not necessarily the most useful label. I prefer to think of it as "energy extension and sharing". Now, before you go accusing me of being a tofu gobbling, New-Age sissy, let me explain. My view of meeting women is that I am going to go out in a great state, and playfully extend my energy, awareness and intent to see what responses I can get from people and then use whatever responses they give me to see if they are people I want to further play with. Now, contrast this with how Don Desperate and Harry Horny think about meeting women. They think of it as… …A TEST TO SEE IF THEY ARE ATTRACTIVE. Golly, Miss Molly...if that is how you walk into it, then WHO is going to have the power? I can give you the best seeds in the world, but if the soil is filled with toxic waste, what is likely to grow? Either nothing or mutations! The first key to meeting women, then, is to assign the right meaning to the task, which is, YOU ARE PLAYING WITH PEOPLE AND ****YOU**** ARE TESTING ****THEM*****. First, and foremost, you are looking for responses that give you something you can use and information that tells you something about her, other than the fact that just looking at her gives you a stiffy the size of Mt. Baldy. Once you get them, you can further test and gather more info and take them further along in the "seduction" process. (By the way, for those of you who STILL think that Speed Seduction™ is only about the memorized conversational "patterns" you are so far wrong it isn't funny. In fact, 80% of the time when you do the "canned patterns" what will happen is that it opens the deeper levels of her mind and she begins revealing to you all the things she needs for you to seduce her! You can learn how to do this by getting the DC 2000 Seminar Videos, available from Straightforward and Yates, but these are NOT for beginners; only for students who have already been smart enough to purchase the Basic Home Study Course) 2. Being matter of fact. This is a biggie. When I do my approaches, I am just VERY matter of fact about it. No matter how outrageous my words MIGHT be (and they aren't always) my tone, posture and energy are all "matter of fact". It's as if what I am really saying is, "This is the way it is for me...can YOU handle it?" Especially if I am delivering anything that smacks of a compliment, I deliver it in the same way I'd say, "Excuse me… I just wanted to tell you… your shoe's untied!". Generally speaking (there are always exceptions), the more out there you are in what you say, the more you need to under-play the presentation of it. 3. Verbally pacing the on-going situation/demonstrating authority. One of the key principles of persuading someone to do something, in any context or situation is this: Before a person will accept you as an authority on where they can go, they must first accept that you are an authority on where they are! This especially applies if you are different from what they normally go for. When you verbally pace the ongoing situation-when you use your words to accurately describe the situation between you and what she is going through, she shifts to accepting you as an authority on where she ought to go. Let's use the example of meeting a woman who is in an obvious hurry. She's about to dash out the door of the coffee place where you met her in line, her keys are in her hand, and she's looking at her watch in an obvious rush. And, you haven't had more than 3 minutes to talk. Here's the pattern to use: "Listen, I don't have a lot of time here, and obviously you don't either. I've got to get going, and it appears you do to. And, we don't know each other. I don't really know you and you don't yet know the person I am...but if you're not with someone who is with you in the way you truly want them to be…maybe we owe it to each other to talk" In this example, you are making statements that are observably true and that she MUST agree with. It creates a great deal of acceptance for the challenge/opportunity you present at the end of it. One thing you can do to start this process in virtually any situation is to say something along the lines of, "Excuse me...you don't know me but..." and then add in whatever else you have to say. You are verbally pacing her realization and the factual situation that indeed, she does NOT know you. It also immediately inoculates against her having that objection, because you have brought it up! Here's a variation on this that adds in a challenge to her: "Excuse. me.... you don't know me...but I was hoping you're confident enough to accept a sincere compliment...." By the way, when I say the word "sincere" I close my eyes as if I am feeling the sincere feelings at that moment and put my hand on my chest. I'll then offer the compliment SO matter of factly it is more like an observation, as if I was observing, "Your shoe is untied". (There's that matter of fact thing again!) 4. Continuously monitoring/calibrating her comfort level. This is an important skill in any type of persuasion situation, and it requires that you get out of your own head and focus entirely on the other person, while at the same time, keeping your intent and outcome somewhere in mind. As such, it can be a tricky thing to master. The fact is, when you first approach a woman, she might be less comfortable in the beginning, than later on. Or she may not agree with or even understand what it is you are trying to tell her! Rather than taking that personally, if you can back up and measure where she is at, and just view whatever she offers by way of response as useful information, you can calmly learn to grab it, redirect, even use it as a lever to catapult her into liking you, wanting you, and sooner or later banging your brains out. The bonus to all of this is that this ALL reassurance and rapport process that makes the "physical close" so much easier when it comes time to get down to doing the nasty beastie-bump! Now, here is a very cool technique that is so easy, that will help you apply this master key. When I sense I am overwhelming a woman or she is otherwise less than comfortable with what I am saying or doing, I will PHYSICALLY lean back, withdrawing the energy and attention I am offering. More important, if I am standing, I will physically take 2 steps backward to give her the chance to process what I am saying. This is SOOO important. Time and again, in initial walk ups, when I sense discomfort, I take two steps back and immediately the woman softens and starts to process in a more positive way. 5. Showing genuine curiosity on a deep level, early on. For me, when I meet a woman, I want to put the lust aside long enough to GET CURIOUS. What moves this person? What are her wants? Needs? Desires? What stirs her? What does she find most fulfilling? Did you ever see the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? Remember how Indiana Jones would almost DROOL over some ancient legendary relic? He couldn't wait to explore hidden mysteries... Now, I keep my energy held in, somewhat. I'm not assaulting the person or being hyper-kinetic. I am demonstrating that THEY, in that moment, are my entire attentive world and I want to find out about them. I even this out with a good, playful sense of humor. Makes a great combination. 6. Demonstrate something fascinating early on. Either an opportunity to learn about herself (handwriting, Cube (a great tool!) a demonstration about how she visualizes etc. You can see me doing this on the DC 2000 Seminar Videos. 7. Testing her for various kinds of responses. Please, listen to me. Harken onto this golden advice: the best pick-up artist/seducers always test the women they meet to see if they meet a certain set of qualities and characteristics. It is very important; of course, that you select a woman who is physically attractive, but that alone doesn't mean you should continue with the pick-up. Here are some of the things I test for: How well does she follow instructions? How well does she follow a train of thought? Does she offer her own ideas/feedback? How does she respond to being touched? Is she open and eager to exploring life? Does she offer compliance as part of her being curious and wanting to learn? 8. Leaning in and leaning out. This sounds a bit like master key 4, but it is a bit different. Even when she is showing she is deeply comfortable I have found that setting up SOME kind of rhythm where, from time to time I withdraw my energy by physically leaning back and then re-extend it by leaning in, vastly deepens rapport and her responses. 9. Getting agreements early on in my conversations. What do I mean by this? Well, I tell women, early on, when offering a demonstration of some kind, that sometimes it gets really accurate and that scares some people. So, I want to make an agreement. I will tell you EVERYTHING I see, but only if you promise that instead of being scared, you'll be excited enough to want to learn more and get even MORE curious and intrigued! Deal? (And then I extend my hand for them to shake...) Once they do that, they've inoculated themselves against fear/overwhelm. I've given them an identity to live up to, EARLY ON, that strongly sets a direction for them to accept something new, different, etc. I STILL watch out for signs of overwhelm, but it greatly diminishes it. I'll also say things like, "Look...I'm a LOT of person. I've got a lot in here, and sometimes it can overwhelm people. So let's make an agreement as we hang out that if you ever start feeling a little overwhelmed, you'll just let me know, and I'll back up a bit." Same thing with extending the hand and the handshake. But often, I also get from them, "Don't worry! I'm too much for most people too! I THINK IT'S GREAT!" I'm also watching to see how congruent they are in these agreements. If I sense fear, even AFTER this, I know they are a bad candidate for further explorations, and I simply cut things short/break rapport/leave etc. etc. etc. I've learned to do this, because, fact of the matter is, I CAN be overwhelming. I'm a very powerful, VERY confident person, and while this can be and is attractive, it CAN scare people if they aren't properly "prepped". 10. Screen out sickos! I'm lately DETERMINED not to let "sicko/psycho" women past my defense grid! Women who early on in a conversation inappropriately revealing private things about their lives, women revealing grandiose/disturbed thought patterns, women who have totally dead emotional affect or who are deeply angry at men, women who totally seek abuse/jerkoff men.... I ELIMINATE THEM! Within about 5 minutes. Ok...those are my 10 Master Keys. Put them into use and enjoy your skyrocketing suck-cess! This Issue's Product Recommendation: Ross Jeffries' Magick/Psychic Influence Home Study Video Course If you'd like to learn how to create your own effective and powerful rituals to zoom past your stuck points and into your dreams and influence people powerfully without saying a word, this is the course for you! Enjoy over 16 hrs of viewing pleasure, learning how to use your energy, language, and personal symbols of desire to silently influence others up close and at a distance, create new patterns for your life and manifest the dreams you long to live! Now you can stop crawling and leap into the fast lane, enjoying the journey and the destination! Here is just some of what you'll learn after you order this course today: *How To Create Your Own Personal Language Of Desire To Draw From Deep Wellsprings Of Unconscious Power, Super-Charging Your Action Effectiveness And Intent *How To Properly Use Ritual To Draw Who And What You Want Instead Of Having To Chase Down Your Goals *How To Energetically Magnetize Yourself To Be The Person Most Noticed, Seen, And Desired In A Group Or Crowd: The Ancient, Lost Secrets Of Casting "Crowd" Glamour (Could this be useful for salespeople, presenters, actors/performers at auditions, teachers and others dealing with the public?) *Creating The Magickal Self-How To Create And Mentally Project An Image Of Yourself That Taps Into Others Beneath Their Surface Level Awareness And Causes Them To View You As The Fulfillment Of Their Wants, Desires And Needs How To Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor-Why wait for that business meeting to start or for the evening of "meeting people" to begin, before you start getting results? Learn to reach out and "pre-influence" events energetically so they roll around in your favor as you wish them to! Get the leg up on the competition before THEY even step out the door! How To Connect With And Influence Your Own Higher Self And Use The Energies Of Your Body And Breath To Turn Your Previously Wispy, Wimpy "Wanna-Be" Daydreams Into Supercharged, "DELIVER ON DEMAND" Blueprints! How To Program Others To Dream What You Wish - Here it is, my fabulous "Dream VCR". Learn to influence others erotically AND OTHERWISE when they are dreaming and asleep! And much, much more. Ten videos, over 20 hrs of hard-hitting, power-packed instruction. Call Yates now to order: 1-703-791-6421. Piece and Peace, Ross 2002 Seminar Schedule: Speed Seduction: Los Angeles, Jan 25-27 Chicago, May 3-5 Atlanta, July 12-14 Montreal, August 9-11 Palo Alto, Sept ember 13-15 Magick/Psychic Influence Orlando, March 29, 30, 31 New York City, June 7-9 P.S. Watch me on The Learning Channel February 13; "The Science of Seduction"