ROSS JEFFRIES' GET LAID/PERSUASION NEWSLETTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6245 Bristol Parkway #275 May/June 2000 Culver City, CA 90292 Super-Seduction Through The Power of Abduction: How To Use Poems, Stories and Narratives To Create An Overwhelmingly Powerful And Structured Responsiveness In Her To Your Voice! ============================================ From: Culver City, California Tuesday, 12:35 PM Dear Friend and Speed Seduction Fan and Student, Today, I want to talk to you about the power of abduction. Now, lest you think your ever lovin' Guru is ranting about kidnapping or little grey aliens let me assure you I mean something entirely different. You see, there are basically three modes of thinking. First, there is deduction. Deduction involves starting with basic principles…the big chunk, overall picture and from there, working down to the smaller details. It is "from the top down" thinking. Secondly, there is induction. Induction involves taking the smaller pieces and from there, "inducing" what the larger picture must be. An example of induction would be the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes(he never got laid, so really, how smart was he anyway???!); while he mistakenly called it "deducing" Holmes actually used "induction". From the smaller, detailed clues, he would infer the actual larger picture of events. While all of this is interesting, of course, neither induction nor deduction is of much use IN GETTING LAID. Therefore, we shall skip them entirely for the rest of this newsletter! Instead, I'd like to talk about a profoundly powerful way of thinking called "abduction". Abduction involves talking about ONE thing (such as convincing a woman that jumping on you would be the greatest thing ever to happen in her life) in terms of ANOTHER. It's where we use stories, jokes, poetry, metaphor, narratives, quotes and the like to open an otherwise resistant or non-responsive mind to new possibilities. Now, why do such things work so powerfully? Well, first of all, the unconscious, as I have said before, recognizes FORM before CONTENT. In other words, unconsciously, we are all trained to have a certain set of responses to communication in the form of a story that are more open, more receptive and FAR less skeptical than a flat out argument or recitation of facts. Think back to when you were a little kid and Mom, Dad or even teacher would say, "Once upon a time…." What do those words do? They function as a code that instructs the mind, "Turn off the critical/resistant parts and open up the suggestive, IMAGINATIVE part of the brain." By putting the message you want to get through inside an acceptable FORMAT, you in effect create a Trojan (Or Magnum or Lifestyles or Beyond 7 or whatever brand of scumbag you prefer) horse against which there is little or no possibility of defense! ENOUGH HIGH-FALUTIN' THEORY, ROSS. HOW CAN I USE THIS STUFF TO DIP MY DINGUS INTO DEBBIE'S DARLING DICK-DEFYING SUGAR-DONUT? Thought you'd never ask Buckwheat. Because there are a couple of very important steps PRIOR to the successful use of poetry, stories, etc. as well as steps after to make it more than just an exercise in temporarily entertaining the woman you wish to be with. First, foremost and of course, always, we must have rapport. For more on the essence of non-verbal rapport, I strongly suggest you check out the website of my good pals, Kim McFarland and Tom Vizzini. (And to all you guys who hear Kim's sexy voice on their cd set and keep emailing me asking for her phone number, FORGET IT! I do not wish to incur her wrath!) That site is: http://www.essential-skills.com. For now, let me give you one of the two great VERBAL ways to get rapport that I love to use. And that is to ask questions that require a search on a deeper level of the woman's consciousness in order to answer. These questions really constitute command instructions for her to go deep inside herself and access the level of her dreams, desires, passions, hopes and core identity (which ain't a bad place to be startin', buckaroo!) Let's say for example, your soon to be honey is big on dancing. Salsa, Rumba, Flamenco, Ballet, whatever. Simply asking a question like, "What kind of dancing do you like to do?" really doesn't activate much more than her fact reciting brain centers. All she has to do is give you the simple answer, "Patagonian Two Stepping" and the conversation is already pretty much over. If however, you ask her a question along THESE lines, "What is it about dancing you find the most fulfilling?" she must delve into and ACTIVATE the deeper centers of her mind in order to formulate and give an answer. In so doing she will also be giving you her symbolic accessing; her cues or symbols that she uses to map out and enter that deeper place of such powerful meaning inside her world. In other words, her words are not mere puffs of air between her lips when she speaks from THIS level of the mind. No no, my horny student, customer and friend. Speaking from THIS level, her words are akin to the bread crumbs left out by the children in the tale of Hansel and Gretel; they are markers; waypoints for her to find herself back in that deeper level of the mind. As such, when she answers your question, make sure you mentally note the words she leans on; the ones that receive great emphasis. You see, if in answering you, the words and phrases she leans on are ENERGY……EXPRESSION……PASSION…….BEING A CHANNEL FOR WHAT'S MYSTERIOUS…..then the key to making whatever "abduction" you use much more powerful is… INCLUDE THOSE WORDS AND PHRASES IN YOUR OTHERWISE PRE-SET/MEMORIZED STORIES, POEMS AND PATTERNS! To use NLP jargon for perhaps the only time since I've been writing these newsletters, by using her own key words, you make the stories, poems etc. you use "isomorphic". That is, they very closely and powerfully match HER map of the most important parts of her world, including those she has yet to but longs to EXPERIENCE! You therefore awaken those aspects of her that reflect her deepest desires and unmet needs! This not only gets her to powerfully respond but can easily be parlayed (ha ha) into her reaching the mysterious conclusion that opening up and responding to YOU is the key to continuing to experience even more and better of this than she ever DREAMED possible! Without doing this, you are simply throwing bombs against the wall, without knowing the part you want to hit. This is one of the PRIME mistakes of those beginning Speed Seducers. They merely memorize patterns and without ANY understanding of the deeper world of the woman they are "sarging" just start throwing them out, willy-nilly, hoping to get a "hit". In other words, they are SO focused on mastering the weapons, they are not paying any attention to the target! (And please, don't write me hostile letters about my hostile metaphors! This is only a way of speaking about things that guys readily and easily identify with; see…I KNOW HOW TO USE METAPHORS THAT WORK TO GET MY POINT ACROSS….DO I NOT?) As my new good buddy and former kick-ass Navy Seal Richard Machowicz, author of "Unleashing the Warrior Within" taught me in a 24-karat gold lesson that changed my life: "Targets dictate weapons. Weapons dictate movement!" So if you are going to insist on using pre-memorized patterns word for word, only do so to "prime the pump" to get her more eager to get talking and to prepare her for hearing and responding to the types of questions I have outlined above. Now, assuming you've got her all important "trance" or "key words" the next step is to inject them into a poem, story, or other delivery vehicle that you've got memorized or otherwise on hand. A perfect example, of course, would be some of the WONDERFUL seduction poetry and stories created by my student Michael H, aka "THE BISHOP". (For those of you who don't know, Bishy is a guy who is about 50 lbs. overweight, looks like a retarded John F. Kennedy that got interbred with Benny Hill, and prior to learning Speed Seduction® had slept with only 5 women! He's now gone, in the space of a year to sleeping with 54, and more than a few of those were threesomes!) Or you could use any of the poems discussed on the alt.seduction.fast newsgroup or ones you've taken from a book; the important point being that you modify them to include the words she has allowed to surface from the deepest places in her mind. Next Step…Anchor And Set Up A Loop! SPECIAL NOTE/WARNING: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO LEARN IN THIS SECTION CAN TRIGGER AN UNBALANCED WOMAN'S "STALKER MECHANISM". THEREFORE YOU ARE WARNED TO CAREFULLY EVALUATE A WOMAN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL MAKEUP BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER OR YOU WILL CREATE A STALKER! DO NOT USE THIS ON "UNBALANCED" WOMEN! Ok…Yates is gonna really scream at me for GIVING this away. But screw it…I'm a dedicated teacher, so here goes. Once you've recited your poem or story or narrative loaded with her key words, make sure you anchor the response. Simply reach out, touch her on the back of the hand and say, "Can you feel THAT…(timing it so the touch coincides with the word "that")..would be an amazing thing to experience. You have now got a permanent pathway back into that part of her mind by setting up the anchor. You are then going to build on that pleasure state you've created to condition her to much deeper and more powerful responding! "But how, Oh Mighty Cat-Luving Guru?" you are asking By getting her to run a loop. Simply say, "Now, I invite you to notice how by just closing your eyes…and taking a deep breath(demonstrate the behavior by taking a deep breath in)…all the imagery and all the feelings of that story(or poem, whichever it was) can CUM FLOODING THROUGH YOU.(As I say this last part, I actually like to picture my cum flooding through her…it helps to send across the right message). Continue by saying, "So that with each and every beat of your heart…each and every breath you take…each and every passing moment..the pleasure and the enjoyment of being in this special place…with this special voice…just gets better and better." Now, what are you doing here? Well, by getting her to repeat the images and feelings (WITHOUT THE WORDS THAT PRODUCED THEM..THIS IS VITAL!) you are really anchoring in the deepest levels of response, reinforcing all the most powerful imagery and feelings to… ………..The Mere Act Of Listening To Your Voice…No Matter What You Friggin SAY! Thus, with this model, "seduction" really is about a process of CONDITIONING her to powerfully respond to your voice, using a structured approach that incorporates 1.non-verbal rapport 2. begin the process of opening the deeper levels through the questions you ask which can ONLY be answered by her accessing those deeper levels on her part 3. adding more energy and power and responsiveness to those levels of her mind by incorporating her answers into your already powerful poems and/or stories, 4. DEEPENING the conditioning and responsiveness through having her LOOP BACK THROUGH THE IMAGERY AND FEELINGS WITH THE WORDS SUBTRACTED OUT! Please understand that by subtracting out the words and just having her loop on the images and feelings, you are creating the generalization in her mind that opening and responding to your voice is what produces the incredible states of pleasure…and NOT the actual words that you say. Therefore, from this point on, ANY traditional SS patterns you might use will be met with much greater responsiveness on her part, and for that matter, so will reading from the frickin' phone book, because YOU have created that conditioning! Now I ask you; where else are you gonna find such kick-ass information, abso-fuckin-lutely free? Really, this just isn't right……. Ross' Plug Corner: Ok, I mentioned him earlier in this newsletter. I'm mentioning him again. Because his book, "Bishop's Journal" is a warehouse chock-full of poems, stories, patterns and narratives that are astoundingly powerful to get women to loop through, even if you DON'T modify them by using a woman's personal trance words that you've discovered through the proper questions. Not only that, but Bishop is a master at spinning patterns on the fly, incorporating, feeding back, anchoring and amplifying the answers he gets from women, and this gigantic, 179 page book contains several of his word for word seductions, all the way from initial walk-up and approach right to the actual moist relief! Plus Bishy carefully outlines the thought-processes behind what he does in extensive foot-notes in each chapter so you can learn to think on your feet and come up with your own stuff using HIS processes! As if that weren't enough, I sat down and interviewed the Bish, in a gab-fest that runs a for three CDs, which are included in the price of the course! A lot of this newsletter came from my extensive study of Bishy's work and what grew out of our interviews! So I'd recommend you pick up the phone, give Yates a call at 703-791-6421 and …. ….ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! The Mail Bag From: "Tommy XXX" <XXXX @XXXX.net> To: <ss@seduction.com> Hello Brothers, I just completed the Basic course and have played around with the tools and gotten some results, both small and the classic doggie dinner bowl as well. I screwed up on this one girl though. I know what I did, but I am not quite sure how to back up and try it again. Here's the situation: I fumbled around with bits and pieces of patterns, but didn't really present them as I should. Lots of "UMMMM----UHHHH". Nevertheless, I got a response even though it was small. I got the girl to admit that she has feelings for me even though one week prior she said. "We've always been great friends, but that's as far as it will ever go.". I was pretty amazed, so I went on to full patterns. I experienced them for myself a little more this time and had her calling me at all hours of the night. Then, that's when I totally messed it up. I-----supplicated-------and she lost the interest that I had built. I then spoke to another friend that was an ex-girlfriend. I did some patterns on her and really got into the feeling and let my voice take on the tone of what I was saying. I did the "What's it like when you're so attracted to a man' s voice" spiel. When I got done, I asked her if she had ever experienced that.......she was so fascinated that she literally just sat silent....then she said, "I think I just did". I took her from talking casually, with her blabbering on about what she did that day...to total silence. Now that I have gotten better at my approach and tonality, and have begun to have the experience for myself as well, how do I back up and re-build that state of connection with the first girl. And do it in a way that it doesn't "wear off". I know that as I do this, I will NOT supplicate or anything like it. That's where I made the mistake, and I am very good as learning from my mistakes---I have to be, I'm an engineer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Dear Tommy, What's most interesting to me is the difference you experienced in the power of what you do, when you added in a key element that has been missing. As you stated, "I experienced them for myself a little more this time". This is a key; you must have some of the feelings YOU want to lead the woman into, if your "patterning" is going to have impact, power and effect. Note again where you say that you "really got into the feeling and let my voice take on the tone of what I was saying". The key to rebuilding the connection is easy enough; the girl is anchored in to your voice tonality! I would suggest you call her and casually suggest a meeting for coffee! Then follow the precise instructions in this newsletter you are reading right now to reinforce the power of your voice in her mind and her responsiveness! As far as supplicating even AFTER you've gotten a good result, I think this often happens because guys are NOT prepared for their success! It so takes them by surprise that they don't know what to do…and when you don't know what to do guess what your brain falls back on! That's right…WHAT IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN USED TO DOING! Therefore, you must mentally REHEARSE success and how you are going to handle it/take it further. That is, in your mind, see the woman responding positively…perhaps even mentally "step into her" and feel what she is feeling, hear her own internal voice. Then rehearse what YOU will do next to make sure you close the deal! Special Note: We've got the dates and places for our Psychic Influence Seminars! June 23, 24, 25 in LA and July 7, 8, 9 in Orlando! So call Yates at 703-791-6421 and sign up…NOW! Piece and Peace, Ross P.S. We are getting increasing amounts of interest in doing a Speed Seduction® seminar in London. If you are an English customer, live in continental Europe or would just like to visit Old Blighty, do email us and let us know if attending a London SS seminar is something you'd definitely be willing to do. YOU guys will decide, based on the interest you show, if we do this or it remains a mere possibility to one day do. P.P.S Have you ordered your copy of BISHOPS JOURNAL yet? If not, why not? This book and cd set is chocked full of what you need to get you going to seduction super-success in a big, big way! Call up Yates and order NOW! P.P.P.S Yates has asked me to remind you that the ONLY way to learn what I've outlined in this newsletter is to come to one of the remaining Speed Seduction® seminars this year! Like Washington, June 10, 11, 12! And I'll even show you some more powerful steps that I am NOT going to teach, for free, in a newsletter! Imagine taking what you've learned in this issue and super-charging it with a few steps I've left out! P.P.P.P.S. Wow, I just keep plugging…anyway, this year's amazing Speed Life seminar will be in Maui…call Yates for more details! Back to the Newsletters Menu