HOOKS AND CHORDS: A HEALING MEDITATION. Submitted by Palyne Gaenir 73363,1075 October 1993 For CompuServe New Age Forum Library CONTENTS: Background and Discourse on the subject; Description: Hooks; Chords; Instructions; Personal Notes, Exceptions, and Related Subjects. BACKGROUND AND DISCOURSE. In any relationship there are exchanges of energy to and from the entities involved. The "relationship" can be with anything: humans, non-humans, concepts, ideas, places, objects, even past life or alternate-reality relationships between all these things. (The relationships between humans are the most likely to have physical consequences in terms of energy effects on your physical being, as these are the most "physical" or "dense" energies... in this particular dimension, anyway.) We will say "person" hereafter to mean any "thing" with which you have a relationship. It is a basic groundwork understanding of this meditation that to some degree, you have a "relationship" with everything. (This subject has a direct connection to shamanic, Jungian, and other archetype meditations.) Things with which you have a positive relationship are generally "integrated" within you; they are part of all of you; you might say "you are one with them." Things with which you have a non-integrated relationship are usually "taking up a specific space" within you; existing separately, in other words, like a "thing." Energies which have specifically caused you harm on any level, such as a concept that has been "in your face" your whole life (i.e., injustice) or a person who has a lot of "issues" to work out with you (i.e., a parent) generally leave their "impression." Because you are not "integrated" with that energy, instead of processing it, understanding and absorbing it, and transmuting any of it which was negative into your light self (as would be done even on a physical level, with all the input [food, environment] you receive), you "hold" it (like a grudge, would be a good example of one of these). Things which are harming you are referred to as "hooks" because sensitive persons using this meditation often perceive them as such: a barbed, stubborn, sometimes painful "object stuck in" part of you. But realize that *you* are "holding" this energy; you have chosen to allow it to become part of what you hold. It would be inappropriate to look at them as "things of which you are a victim;" the control over what is part of your being is entirely up to you... even if you didn't *consciously* know you were sensitive to this constant transaction of energies between yourself and "the universe." This meditation is specifically for looking into yourself and "disengaging" those painful energies. (Whether this is psychological or spiritual is probably not relevant; it is very effective no matter what the case. In clinical practice, it is an effective visualization as well.) It focuses on *"communication channels"* mainly; there are other meditations that work more on the "things which take up space within you" but are less "connected to other things/beings." In my experience the meditation has similar aspects to archetypal meditations, although it is from a different approach, and the work on a subject is most effective when they are both used in connection with each other. I'll add a note about the differences at the end of this file. The terms "hook" and "chord" are figurative, and more for the ability to have a conversation about it than absolute "Correctness With The Truth." As are all "terms..." Chords and hooks don't have to come "from" anything else, although they usually do in this particular meditation; most particularly when it comes to people/ animals/ and other entities with the more overtly autonomous consciousnesses. Certain other, more physical, outlooks are that all which you "are" or which you "hold in your being" is manifested on every level, including the astral/etheric and the physical. So if you were "holding" a "problem concept" in your being, it would also be manifested in your etheric and physical beings as well. THE IMPORTANT PART OF THIS CONCEPT TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT "ENERGY TAKES UP SPACE." Literally. Some channeled entities have spoken on this subject, and the most common response from those sources I have heard is that there is a tremendous amount of space in one's body; in all of one's "bodies" even those which are not completely "physical." Such as, between the atoms of your physical self; in higher resonances, which in terms of "space" as we know it are "smaller." Energy, most especially the separate *non-integrated* energies exist (it is said) in the space between the atomic structure of your physical body. (This whole paragraph is reference; and I have no idea if it is true!) The denser energies - - and to the degree you have a problem with something, it becomes more dense, because the vibration is lower, because it is "farther away from the light/God" -- collect, sort of like debris, and can actually "block the light" or block the connection (kind of like an internal electromagnetic connection) of your energies. Some believe that this is the spiritual component of all disease, and that too large amount of this debris can lead to physical problems in the physical vehicle. So you might say this is partly an exercise in cleaning up the psychic "gunk" between yourself and other energies. <G> (In fact, my friends and I refer to this as one of the "housecleaning" meds. <G>) The main aspect of this, which I want emphasize, is that this is simply the "removal" of *incorrect energies* which you are holding. It is the removal or alteration of connections between yourself and other entities. (Using the term "entity" to represent the mandala consciousness of all things, not just people.) These connections are not necessarily unwanted; chords are simply "energy channels" (the spelling is because there is more to this; chords are considered positive) between you and some"thing" or some"one" else. However, there are appropriate and inappropriate places for chords, which will be gone into a bit more later. Chords and hooks can actually be anywhere in you: in your body, in your being. As an example, you could have a hook from a "problem concept" in your right upper arm... a hook from an ex-lover in your heart or kundalini chakras; a hook from your child in an unspecified, non- physical part of your "being" that feels like it's near your stomach -- there are no limitations. Look and you'll find them. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EACH TERM. HOOKS. These are a type of chord with a "hook" on the part attached to you. It inflicts pain, wound, stress, trauma, guilt, etc. upon you. They can come from anyone and anything, and keep in mind that they are generally *still attached to that from which they came.* It could even be somebody who saw you once, and had a lousy thought or reaction to you, that you didn't even notice (but you were susceptible to that energy), so there are lots of sources, many of which you may not be aware of. (Sexy celebrities I have met had major hooks in their lower, especially kundalini, chakra areas, for instance. Nothing like the whole world pulling on your energy. Certain personalities and lifestyles may tend to make you more prone to receiving energy from others in some areas rather than others.) Hooks are dominantly in your chakras, but can be anywhere. Conceptually-induced hooks tend to be in chakras that are related to that concept. Person-induced hooks tend to be in chakras related to the issues you had problems with, or related to your areas of vulnerability to that individual. Nearly all persons using this meditation find hooks from "ex-lovers" in their lower and/or heart chakras, which is logical. Remove them gently. Consider them like a physical arrow; take great care not to injure yourself by cutting the chord or yanking out the hook. (...This would infer a certain psychological response on your part which is also inappropriate for spiritual work and would sort of "confirm and validate" that hook's existence.) CHORDS. Resembling umbilical cords, usually connecting a person to your various chakras. (They are more specifically chakra-oriented, because they are "pulling energy," than "hooks," which are simply lodged in you and so can be anywhere.) Although these work in both directions, the ones we are focusing on at the moment are those pulling energy from you. In the case of chords, it is usually not the intention of the person who has attached it to you to be negative. The persons you are closet to will have plenty of chords attached to you, and you mutually to them. It is simply that the only *appropriate* place for chords is in the heart chakra. (There are exceptions to this. Deliberate psychic relationships, as with a sansei/student, often have mutual chords in the three upper chakras; metaphysical lovers often choose to create mutual chords linking each of their chakras.) Through the heart chakra you can *give* out energy -- as opposed to having it *pulled* out. (You can give from other chakras, but generally only when you "will" that to happen at a given moment.) Also, this is the chakra best used for the purpose; having your survival energy, your creativity etc. sucked from you, as would happen with chords attached to the lower chakras, is not healthy; that is *your* energy, your life force, your survival energy. Having love flow from you does you no harm. People who love you who are ill, especially relatives or very close friends, may have serious chords into your lower chakras, especially the Kundalini, as they try (albeit subconsciously) to get more life-energy for their own physical and psychic survival. Although it may seem altruistic to allow this "if they need it," part of existing on this plane of reality is the maintenance of your being. Persons pulling energy from you, no matter what the reason, are not finding and using their own strength... they are sucking out yours. (Sorry to be so graphic. <G>) For their own evolutionary process, they need to live on their own energy. (There are, as always, certain exceptions, usually temporary ones, often used in the healing arts. But this is not a file about healing, only a certain self-healing meditation.) Chords attached to other parts of your being, especially those in the lower chakras, should be gently removed. If you wish to continue a relationship with that person, move the chord to your heart chakra. If you do not, simply let it go, knowing that it returns without harm to the person from whence it came and ceases to be a channel. If you don't know where it came from -- if you just do a general search of the area and see chords, and you don't get an "impression" of who that chord is attached to -- you can disconnect it, if you wish. However, moving them to your heart chakra will not hurt you, and as far as I know, there's no limit to the love/energy one is able to provide through that vortex. (This comment also has exceptions... but that would also be in a healing file.) INSTRUCTIONS. (Both Hooks and Chords.) The procedure for dealing with both chords and hooks is the same, and is one of the simpler meditations. You don't need to be in any specific state of mind, as long as you are comfortable and able to access your intuition. Your environment is completely irrelevant as long as you're able to concentrate a little. Once you have this meditation down, you can do "upkeep" with a quick scan of yourself -- while you're holding a conversation if you want... it doesn't require great focus (this is why I say it's one of the easier meditations); just attention. **Much of the "instructions" are part of the "Notes." So read all of this before you do it. It is difficult for me to cover every detail and exception linearly without the document becoming hard to read.** Visualize a chakra, or any part of yourself. Tell your mind you are "looking for chords/hooks (c/h) related to {choose your topic/being/etc}" which are in that place. You will see them, or know they are there, if they are. (I will comment near the end about "not" seeing anything.) OR you can visualize a chakra or part of yourself and tell your mind you are "looking for ANY c/h which are there" (no matter what). OR you can go systematically through chakras or let areas of your body pop into your mind as containing c/h. PERSONAL NOTES, EXCEPTIONS, & RELATED SUBJECTS: 1) You often get a very spatial feeling about it: if you imagine your chakra as a ball of colored energy, you may feel there is a small chord coming out to the right and a thick chord coming out the top, etc. You may also feel a texture; some of the hooks are like rubber or hard steel; some of the chords feel warm and colorful. Accept any and all information of this type; I believe it will be accurate in a representational way. 2) You may also find that there are many layers to a chakra (or any part of you); in fact, I get the best results with this, though it's a longer med. Release or move all the chords that you feel are there in the chakra, and then tell yourself you are moving to the next higher/inner dimension (I picture it as the ball, and although I was able to access "inside it," I suddenly see that I've "moved inward" to the next reality of it). You may find there are different chords attached to different layers; some chords or hooks you will not see until you are many layers in, and you will have to uncover many more layers before you get to where it is rooted to release it. Some layers may have no hooks, and others may look like a pincushion. I'm not sure why this is, but I suspect it has something to do with different levels of reality or time and your relationships in each. I have noticed that when I first began this meditation, some of the most serious hooks, (you "know!" they're serious) were very large, and hooked into a deep, inner layer. You may even feel a "hole" when you remove one of these. This *is* spatial, dimensionally, so this is logical. If you feel an "emptiness or hole," fill it with energy and healing. If you have a certain entity you like who's responsible for that chakra or working as your sansei you can ask them to help you fill it in with whatever is best. (See #6.) 3) I've found that if you do a physical connection to the place you are studying, for instance if you sit so that you can actually put your hand (palm) on your throat chakra as you work on it, it aids both your concentration and the flow of energy. 4) If you go in enough layers -- and there are lots, maybe 50? -- you eventually get to the "middle." It's powerful, clear (usually clear/white instead of the color normally associated with the chakra), and is a powerful version of the "being with it" or "transcendent" kinds of meditations. You often find yourself expanding as part of the chakra you're "being with," and can even physically feel the effects in that chakra as you do so. 5) For hooks, I conceptualize the link as like a measuring tape, the bobbin-wound kind in the container that you pull out and lock in place. When I disconnect it, it automatically pulls back into itself quickly (my mind almost hears "whooooosh-snap! bounce-bounce-bounce" <G>). If the entity has negative energy invested in this hook (which they do, or it would not still be in me), they will receive this back. It's not an uncommon experience to work on hooks and find some major ones from persons you haven't seen in years but used to be very close to; releasing them often brings on an almost immediate contact from them... they just "suddenly thought of you..." This is not (or should not be) "wishing it on them." Simply "not accepting this intrusion into your being." You are not "pushing it back at them," it automatically retracts the moment you disconnect it. Seems quite amusing, and is an effective conceptualization. Everyone I've meditated with delights in it, so it must work. 6) Don't be too intangible about this stuff. I've encountered a lot of people who wander around in this vague "I'm protected by my love!" and "well I just *know* that all the energy becomes positive!" sort of wonderland, but the fact seems to be (although the foregoing sounds so nice and all) that you are responsible for the creation of these things, especially in the midst of a meditation for that very thing. If you want that hole in your chakra filled in, visualize it, and/or ask for assistance. Assuming that it will happen because that's what you "sort of want of course" doesn't do it; you have to want it pointedly or your aimlessness and lack of focus will make your desires ineffective. (Same as in life, I guess.) 7) A person can, if they wish, move or remove chords and hooks from another person or entity. It's no different than removing your own, except that unless you are remarkably sensitive you may not get much impression of who a hook or chord belongs to. (This is one of the many aspects of healing.) I'm not particularly psychic in most areas, so I was surprised that it was so easy for me to "see and sense" these in other people. Merely talking to them about their lives will make it pretty clear "where in them" to start looking. 8) In the case of intimate partners, one can deliberately instigate mutual chords between partners, linking chakras: i.e., your crown connected to their crown, your heart connected to their heart, etc. You should not mix the chakras that the chords are between, as you don't really want grosser (denser/heavier) energies mixing in with higher vibrational chakras. 9) With hooks, I visualize that when I touch them the barb inside immediately melts and becomes straight, so that when I pull it out, it slides out smoothly and doesn't injure me. Despite this, there are occasionally some serious ones (like with parents, children, or ex- lovers, ex-bosses, ex-friends) that you may feel really injure you as you pull them out. Visualize the complete healing of the injured area *before* you move on. There are also likely to be hooks from any and all conceptual things you are not clear with, issues you need to deal with. However, any issues which you feel you may be "in denial" about are probably better reached through one of the shamanic, astrologic or other archetypal meds. 10) It's more effective to be less ambitious about getting yourself *all* clean and more detail oriented about getting *one place* clean. Many people's chakras, especially if they are "sensitives," are literally pin- cushions of hooks, on each of dozens of layers down. This can become a very serious meditation. It works better to just do one chakra at a time (I usually ask for ALL hooks in one area unless there's some issue I'm having trouble on and want to work out) and go firmly and thoroughly through every hook, every layer until I get to the middle. When I finish a layer I think a "cleansing/balancing" energy at it before I go to the next one. This includes the idea of "filling in any holes left by the things I've removed." As you can see, if one has lots of hooks, this can make the process, if done right, a somewhat lengthy one. When you get to the center, if you do, work seriously on expanding with it, and demand assistance from whatever deity you choose and really take advantage of the moment, because it's rare that you get to that level by will alone without the prior process. I suspect the mere presence of hooks etc. in the layers of your chakra makes your accessing the inner core of it that much more difficult, so this new clarity is a special event worth taking the time for. 11) You may find that as you touch and release hooks or even chords, you will flash (either visually or just knowingly) upon a person or event or a memory; obviously, it means they are attached to or responsible for that hook. You may be surprised who or what has hooks in you or beautiful chords between you. Then again, you may not! 12) Hooks are not all the same. On some occasions, people I've meditated with found "hooks" in chakras that were not even really hooks, although they may have been barbed, I don't know; they were said to be large, fleshy, just lying there inert. They said it felt kind of wet... (Yiiich! I dislike presenting the dark side of things, but people have had them, so I thought I'd mention it.) If you see something when you are "looking for hooks" -- I don't care if it looks like a frog or something -- get rid of it! Don't assume that if it's not what you "expect," that if it does not fit my description, that it must "be your imagination." This is a very personalized and imaginative experience. If you *ask* for hooks, you will see them. Don't assume the answer is wrong. 13) I suppose it would be arrogant and unrealistic to assume that we have never put a hook (or even an improperly placed chord) into somebody else. I suspect that archetype meditations infringe upon these hooks and chords, and when you merge with your archetype you have released hooks as well as just "merged" in that one reality; that may be part of why the behavior of a person that you've just done a great arch med or a thorough "hook & chord" med on changes so immediately and sometimes so dramatically; they are no longer in active (if unconscious) pain because of you, and striking back or trying to defend themselves. Seems like it's a good idea to seek out the reverse as well once in a while; look for chords that leave you and go into other things/people; you'll know if they're positive or negative the moment you locate them. 14) It should be mentioned that this is not a static subject. You cannot assume that because you removed all the hooks you saw in your heart chakra on Monday that there won't be any there on Wednesday. There are two reasons for this. The main one is that every moment, every action and reaction and relationship you uphold or disintegrate, every interaction between yourself and even thoughts, concepts, issues, ideas, can create hooks and/or chords within you. The second (and I don't know if this is true, I just suspect it of being so) is that we may have limited vision about the hooks and chords existing within us depending upon what we're willing to see. As one constantly evolves, one may see things they weren't ready to accept at an earlier time. So as you see, this is really a maintenance and preventive-maintenance kind of meditation: it should be done monthly if not more. Once you've done serious work on all the hooks/chords on all your chakras/etc., you can usually fall into a "scan" of yourself to point out new ones. 15) As always, a note about "It's just my imagination!" Your imagination is what creates some of your dreams; your ability to take "inner realities" and project them into something you can "see or sense" is a fabulous tool. Whether it is imagination or psychic ability or hypnosis, the point is, no matter the source, the information is probably valid on at least one level. Even if this were "all in your mind," the psychological practice of this meditation would be extremely beneficial. 16) Archetypal meditations appear to work with your full "concept" (the wholistic, many-dimensional perspective of something) of the concept/person/thing you choose to meditate on. Hook/Chord meds may -- but they are more oriented toward your active give/ take relationship with people/ places/ events/ etc. Both are valid for any experience, but I find that they have slightly different effects. If you have an issue you *know* is a major problem for you, try this med first, and be complete, looking for hooks related to that specific issue. *Then* do the archetype med. This can greatly reduce the (um...) "intensity" of your archetype's... less attractive points. <G> If you are working with less tangible conceptual issues, or concepts you do not know much about (ie astrology or tarot archetype meds when you don't really understand the field) it usually works better to do the archetype meds. 17) Some people who have trouble with the acceptance necessary to "meet" their guides & archetypes do much better with the hook/chord meds; they begin closer to the physical reality, and they gradually move inward, as opposed to archetypes, where one quick cave and you're supposed to be "there" and ready. Also, the suspension of disbelief required appears to be a bit less in this meditation, possibly because it seems more "physical" and less "intangible," so that also helps persons who have problems "seeing anything" in their meditations. 18) Children who are sick nearly always have strong chords into the solar plexus chakras of their mothers, in my experience. This is often so strong as to be seen clearly by sensitives and healers when the issue hasn't even been brought up. If you have a child or someone close who is ill, make a point of checking for chords to your lower chakras, and if you find them, move them to your heart. Otherwise it's possible that you may find yourself lacking in energy and immunity; you're giving your physical/survival energies away. (Again, this can be part of healing, but that's a temporary, deliberate, focused issue.) 19) This isn't a med that one would need to do morning and night. Do a few serious, complete ones if you've never done this before. When you feel you've "cleaned yourself out," once a week or even once a month is probably plenty. 20) Last but not least... because this is a cleansing meditation, the Violet Ray is particularly suited to it. Asking for and visualizing the bright violet fire permeating your chakras, filling all empty spots and "transmuting" anything "which is not of God" to light is perfect as both a cleansing/sealing for each chakraic layer and as a final touch to the meditation. Saint Germaine is responsible for this Ray, but I would guess that any official entity you choose would be able to assist you in summoning it. If this is too intense for you -- the Violet is rather immediate and extreme -- I always find myself typing "violent" by accident and I figure that's some kind of subconscious slip! <G> and you're feeling you'd like something warmer, quieter, softer for healing, try the Gold Ray. Jesus is a good one to ask for this, but there are other well known entities which also specialize in this Ray. It is not required that you call on anybody to do this. I used this meditation as part of my very medical model (Atheist) hypnotic sessions; the clients did very well with it regardless of the fact that they weren't aware they were "meditating" or that I was "healing" them at the same time. I recommend the spiritual aspects only for those who have an interest in such things. Palyne (PJ) Gaenir