From amoderncaveman@aol.com Fri Mar 21 11:25:01 2003 Lines: 158 X-Admin: news@aol.com From: amoderncaveman@aol.com (A Modern Caveman) Newsgroups: alt.hypnosis Date: 21 Mar 2003 19:25:01 GMT Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Subject: Subject: High School Stage Hypnotists RAPE CHILDREN!!!!!!! Message-ID: <20030321142501.02699.00000198@mb-ck.aol.com> Path: nubby2.!newsfeed4.cidera.com!newsfeed1.cidera.com!Cidera!nntp.theplanet.net!inewsm1.nntp.theplanet.net!peer1.news.newnet.co.uk!news-xfer.cox.net!cox.net!cyclone1.gnilink.net!ngpeer.news.aol.com!audrey-m1.news.aol.com!not-for-mail Xref: nubby2 alt.hypnosis:32179 HYPNORAPE Risk: BAN High School Stage Hypnosis NOW!!! Contrary to what many people believe, hypnosis is not the harmless little experience that many in the profession would like for you to believe. While light hypnosis may be relaxing and enjoyable, with the subject in full awareness and control of his or her actions and thoughts, stage hypnosis is a different breed of cat. Stage hypnotists have special training which makes hypnosis a very powerful weapon in their hands, a weapon which can be used to create entertainment and excitement, but also which can be abused to create severe damage and destruction in the impressionable young minds of our high school students, students who have no choice but to either participate in these shows, or demonstrate in front of their peers that they are anti-hypnosis. Because our students have to go to school, there is no way for them to avoid this problem. Hypnotists dismiss the issue of risk in general with hypnosis by claiming that "all hypnosis is self-hypnosis." This, however, has never really been proven, and several experiments, such as those done by Estabrooks, have demonstrated the opposite: that once someone is in the clutches of a deep hypnotic trance, they CAN be made to do things which violate their moral code (such as grabbing at poisonous snakes or comitting crimes), with the added evil twist that the victims of malicious hypnotic control will often be dismissed if they raise their complaints. As the internet proliferates, however, more and more stories of hypnosis abuse are surfacing, including one outlined in a recent lawsuit against a New York therapist, who is said to have hypnotized a man into signing over millions of dollars to him while deep in trance. Such instances of overt control are rare. More commonly, a hypnosis abuser uses hypnosis the way a drug dealer would use drugs: they give the victim a taste of the "high" created by hypnosis, then they withdraw it, knowing full well that their victim will come back for more. Many female hypnodommes on the net combine this technique with their sexuality to addict men to them, withdraw the hypnosis fix, and refuse to hypnotize them again until they get what they want, usually increasingly large amounts of money. Male doms tend to seek sexual rewards, reminding their victims that to get their fix, they have to come across sexually, or "please him and obey his wishes." This type of abuse doesn't work on everyone, but a skilled hypnotist will find those who are most vulnerable to it, and capitalize on their ignorance. Applied to high school stage hypnosis, you have a powder-keg of danger which can explode anytime a high school hires a stage hypnotist. A predatory hypnotist, say a pedophile, has a gold mine of opportunity to commit his (or her) crimes, without ever being detected by anyone except the victim, and only then when it is too late. The innocent setting of a high school doesn't shield the mostly underage student body from abuse, nor does the innocent nature of most high school shows. The predatory hypnotist is given access to the minds of the student body via these shows, and that is a sufficient "hook" to begin the process of abuse. Even for those who don't believe in direct "hypnorape" being possible, few would argue the existence of the well-documented hypnosis FETISH, or those who are sexually aroused by even nonsexual uses of hypnosis. The high school hypnosis show therefore serves as a conduit by which a percentage of the audience is likely to have this fetish unmasked. While it is true that the fetish would exist without the show, only to be triggered later in life, there is no reason that the high school should be the catalyst for an underage individual to get in touch with his or her sexual fetishes. To this extent, a high-school stage hypnosis show is no more appropriate than a PG-rated BDSM show fully equipped with whips and chains. Since experienced stage hypnotists are well aware of this fetish, and since they know that *some* of their easier-to-hypnotize youthful subjects are going to have a fetish triggered, those subjects become easy prey for the predatory, experienced hypnotist. To understand the special rape risk presented by high school stage hypnosis, consider that the pedophiles and statutory rapists are already generally known to seek out high schools because they are a victim-rich territory, made even richer by the near-total ignorance most of them have about the potential for hypnosis abuse. That sexual predators seek out target-rich environments is nothing new, but where high school stage hypnosis is concerned, there is a problem in that unlike other dangers, this one is not recognized. My aim with this article is to change that and to promote awareness and proper safety, and to urge high schools to stop the practice of hiring stage hypnotists, for the safety of our children. If one does not accept that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, then one has to acknowledge the potential for abuse in the high school setting, as this would set the stage for the abuser to target his or her victims without anyone, including the victims, being any the wiser. Obviously, no stage hypnotist performing at a high school is going to directly attempt to abuse hypnosis at the show, but it is at the show that the seeds can be planted, which grow down the road. The abusive high school stage hypnotist uses the show to condition the victims, who will generally surface from the crowd due to an existing fascination with hypnosis. To the student, this "fetish" will be something they do not understand, and do not have any idea how powerful it can be. In fact, many in the hypnofetish community, especially the females, speak of their first realization of their fetish arising as the DIRECT result of a stage hypnotist visiting their school (or summer camp, which is almost as bad). Even though the roleplay was benign, the hypnosis itself was quite deep and left a lasting impression. It is very easy for a stage hypnotist to condition a highly eager subject in what the subject presumes to be a safe setting, and when the subject assumes the hypnotist has been screened for things like a criminal background (which most are not), or even a surface check of where the hypnotist participates on the internet. Many stage hypnotists who perform at high schools participate openly in the hypnofetish community, in fact, and can be traced with something as simple as an internet search. Once the abusive stage hypnotist has conditioned his or her subjects, the first step of the crime has been completed. In a certain percentage of the subjects, a hypnofetish will have been unmasked and simultaneously satisfied by this "amazing" person who has stumbled into their life. The hypnotist is fully aware of what comes next, but the subject is not. The hypnotist knows the subject will crave the trance experience, and relies on this by using the reverse psychology of thanking the subject for their participation, and then ignoring them. The subject, with the impression of the hypnotist firmly implanted in his or her mind, will then seek out the hypnotist, usually over the internet. Sometimes the subject will travel into the hypnofetish community in search of a similar experience, or someone who knows of the hypnotist. It is there that they have arrived at the "second crime scene" with the advantage to the hypnotist that they are already preconditioned. At this point, the hypnotist has not approached the victim, but has been eagerly sought out because of the deep conditioning s/he implanted during the innocuous stage show. The hypnotist knows full well that the "nibble" by the student will lead to another request for hypnosis, at which point the conditioning can be deepened considerably, and no one is around to see if the "show" remains kosher. Having seen the students firsthand at the show, the hypnotist uses that show as a second screening process to find the most receptive (and sexually appealing) victims. The second hypnosis session results in a deeper addiction, deeper conditioning, and the process of brainwashing has begun, and the subject remains convinced, until it is too late, that "hypnosis is perfectly safe." To those who think hypnotic control is impossible, look no further than hypnotic amnesia for a refutation of that argument: memory is our primary form of self-control (as it lets us review our actions). Our memory is a primal function which we normally cannot shut off. You cannot watch something and tell your brain not to remember what you are seeing; if someone else has done this to you, then your control in the form of your memory has been LOST. To summarize, the problem of abuse by high school stage hypnotists is caused by the mistaken belief that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, the benign appearance of the show and the respectability of the hypnotist, who may have a criminal record and who may even have left evidence of a fetish on the internet, and the ability of the hypnotist to condition his or her victims during the show, followed by the knowledge that a student with a fetish will seek out him or her on the internet at some point after the show, with the lambs leading themselves to the slaughter in this case. This danger is real and ever-present, and it's something which can be stopped simply by abolishing the practice of allowing stage hypnotists to perform at high schools, or for any underage audiences, and to make their adult audiences aware of the risks and dangers, and to let them make an informed decision about whether or not they wish to participate. Our ignorance is exactly what these sexual predators thrive on, and fighting this evil is simply a matter of raising awareness. I urge those who read this PUBLIC DOMAIN article to send copies of it to anyone they know who works in school administrations, and urge them to put the safety of their children ahead of the need for the cheap and deceptively dangerous and unregulated "entertainment" that is stage hypnosis. The potential for harm is too great and the practice needs to be stopped NOW. Ray Gordon: BACK by popular demand! Limited time only! Everything you need to know about women. FREE! http://www.cybersheet.com/library.html