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Hypnotic Scripts: AIDS Session II

Hypnotic Scripts

AIDS Session II

As you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation, you are feeling calm and at
peace with yourself. During your last visit I talked about your ability to
fight off and eliminate tensions and how this can be accomplished. As you
remember, tension and anxieties bring about a breakdown in your immune
system and how this can lead to disease and illness. Today you are going
to learn, effectively and permanently how you can rid yourself of the
disease that has been allowed to invade your body. Through visual imagery,
you are going to tell your subconscious to strengthen your body's immune
system and to fight against the invading disease. The disease in your body
will become helpless against the revived immune system. Your mind power is
going to overpower and destroy your diseased cells. I want you to
visualize the picture you drew of the disease in your body. Visualize its
disorientation ... visualize its weakness ... visualize its sluggish,
disorganized shape ... visualize its frightened and scared expression ...
that's right ... very good. Now I want you to visualize the current
treatment you are receiving from your doctor. If you are taking
medication, picture it as an orange fluid surging throughout your system
towards the diseased cells ... plunging through your body and attacking
these cells ... Good, very good. Visualize this medication successfully
killing off these cells, hundreds at a time, shrinking them until they
have lost all life and leaving your white cells safe and untouched.
Visualize these diseased cells shrinking and afraid because they know your
immune system is much stronger than they are. Visualize this medication
succeeding ... that's right, very good.

Now I want you to visualize the picture you drew of your immune system ...
powerful, aggressive, invincible. Visualize its viciousness, its strength,
ready to attack and kill all disease. Now, visualize your immune system
zeroing in on one, only one, of these diseased cells ... zero in on one of
those weak, small cells. See how frightened and disoriented it is ... how
difficult it is for it to run of even move because of its soft, sluggish
shape ... see how it reacts to the knowledge that it's going to be
attacked by your vicious, fierce and ferocious immune system, your white
cells that are so strong and unbeatable. Alright, now attack that diseased
cell ... Visualize your immune system destroying, powerfully destroying,
bursting with energy and conquering that frightened diseased cell ... See
how angry your immune system is and how it rushes viciously up to the
diseased cell, with no mercy or gentleness, and destroys it ... tearing it
to pieces. The number of white cells in your body are limitless and the
diseased cells are outnumbered. You can't lose! You have billions in
reserve. Now visualize that dead cell and feel triumphant. Look around you
... see the other diseased cells cowering from this successful attack.

They know that they too are going to be destroyed. Alright, now zero in on
another one ... visualize your white cells readying for another attack ...
and charge forth ... striking, tearing apart, destroying, bursting with
energy ... See that diseased cell being torn apart, destroyed, ripped to
pieces ... See how easy the diseased cell is destroyed ... how its soft,
sluggish body crumpled and died at your immune system attack. Now again,
zero in on another one ... and charge! ... attack that weakling of a cell.
A weak, confused disease of that sort has no use in a strong body such as
yours ... get it out of there ... destroy it ... attack ... viciously
attack ... its place is not in a strong body such as yours ... rip it
apart ... show no mercy to this ridiculous mush that's not welcome in this
powerful body ... your white cells are screaming at the diseased cell
saying 'I'll show no mercy and I enjoy destroying you' You're nothing but
small, weak and confused. What's more ... there are many, many more of me
than you!

Alright, now you are going to get into the picture. I want you to
visualize yourself as a white knight, in charge of this tremendous army of
white cells. You are in charge of your immune system ... giving orders ...
leading the attack. Feel the hatred towards these diseased cells ... feel
the anger ... and begin helping your white cells hack and rip to pieces
the diseased cells, one by one. Destroy these diseased cells, one by one.
Give your white cells orders. Ready them for the attack. Tell them to
"Charge! Attack! Destroy!" Tear the cell to pieces ... visualize your
sword plunging right through each diseased cell. Visualize this as you
hack and cut and twist and slash with your sword. Feel the hatred for
these diseased cells ... feel no mercy ... order your white cells to carry
away the dead remains of these diseased cells ... flush them out through
your kidneys or bowel ... they're gone ... gone and will never return.
Keep attacking diseased cells, one by one. Say to yourself, 'I hate this
diseased cell ... I'm killing this cell, I hate it so much ... All of
these cells are dead ... dead cells, never to invade my body again. Now,
as you are killing off these diseased cells, I want you to also visualize
the healing medicine and treatment you are receiving from your doctor.
Visualize the healing, orange medicine fighting right alongside your
strong, white cells ... fighting right alongside you ... the white knight
... the strong leader and commander of your white cells. See your white
cells and the healing medicine fighting side by side. The healing medicine
surging through the diseased cells ... weakening them. These diseased
cells don't have a chance now ... your army of vicious white cells, the
forceful, healing medicine and your strong leadership doesn't give these
diseased cells any chance at all ... Alright, now I want you to order your
white cells to form into groups of 50 each ... hundreds of these groups
are forming in packs of 50 each ... getting ready for a ruthless,
heartless attack ... 50 to 1 ... the diseased cells don't have a chance
... alright, now give the order to attack ... attack ... attack one cell
at a time with your pack of 50 strong, vicious, white cells ... kill,
destroy, rip apart ... savagely kill those diseased cells ... that's right
... good. A victory each and every time your white cells attack these
weak, spineless, frightened diseased cells.

Now look around your system that was once invaded by these weak,
disorganized cells ... see how healthy and glowing it is ... see the
healthy, pink glow ... free of disease ... free of any disorder. See the
white cells, bursting with strength ... free to move throughout your body
without any cumbersome diseased cells ... visualize your healthy blood
pumping through your body ... surging life through every pore, every vein,
every artery ... giving you vitality and perfect health.

Now, as you visualize your body in perfect health, glowing with vitality
and pureness, I want you to visualize yourself walking down a white
stretch of beach ... walking easily ... strolling down a beautiful,
peaceful beach ... You see yourself in perfect, harmonious health ... in a
super-healthy state, completely in harmony with nature, knowing that your
body can fight off every kind of human ailment. Picture that you are
walking along this beach, fully aware that your life's goals have been
accomplished ... accomplished through your own efforts ... feel how proud
you feel ... how wonderful it is to know you have the power to make life
work for you ... Feel a very strong love for yourself ... picture yourself
having accomplished everything you've ever wanted to accomplish ... take a
few seconds out now to visualize this ... visualize accomplishment ...
enjoying life!

Now, it's time for congratulations. It's time to congratulate yourself for
taking an active role in your own recovery. Repeat, to yourself this
suggestion: 'Every day in every way I am getting better and better.'
Repeat this now, to yourself, a few times ... and as you say it, feel
yourself being well, cheerful, optimistic, and full of renewed energy.
Now, I'm going to give you some suggestions that are going to take
complete and thorough effect on you mind, body, and spirit. These
suggestions are also guided rules for you to follow every day, 15 minutes
each time. You are going to follow these seven steps for your own guided
imagery, for you to practice every day, and you are to follow them exactly
in sequence, as I relate them to you.

One - Visualize your ailment exactly as you drew the picture of it. Do
this for thirty seconds.

Two - Visualize the medical treatment you are receiving and see it
destroying the cause of your illness. This session will last approximately
75 seconds.

Three - Visualize your body's healing powers destroying the cause of your
illness. These are your white cells. This session should last about 8

Four - Visualize the afflicted area as already healed and restored to
health. This visualization should last around 90 seconds.

Five - Visualize yourself in perfect health. 75 seconds for this period.

Six - Picture you life goals as fulfilled and visualize a good self-image.
This also 75 seconds.

Seven - Congratulate yourself for taking an active part in your own
recovery. Tell yourself you are feeling great. Maintain a positive
feeling. This last session is also 75 seconds.

You are to use this program of guided imagery 3 times a day for a full 15
minutes each time. You will find that your body will be in a better state
of health than it was before each session ... full of vitality, full of

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