Hypnotic Scripts Alcohol Session I Now as you sink deeper and deeper relaxed ... deeper and deeper and deeper, all the sounds fade away in the distance and you pay attention only to the sound of my voice. Going deeper and deeper and deeper ... There are five steps in the elimination of any alcoholic problem... The first step is relaxation. You must obviously be relaxed so that the adequate communication can take place between yourself and the hypnotherapist ... Therefore, if for any reason at this moment you are not completely relaxed I want you now to completely relax ... let go of everything ... Let all your arms and your legs and your entire body completely let go and relax completely ... Now that you are relaxed ... relaxed more than you have ever been before, we come to this second point ... The second point is realization ... You are now going to be made to realize the cause of your drinking problem ... and understand it completely ... First of all, in almost every case of a drinking problem ... in your mind the person with the drinking problem, including yourself was formulated in your own mind ... the deficient father figure or a deficient authorization figure ... maybe your own father was an alcoholic, or at least a heavy drinker, or maybe your mother on frequent occasions accidentally placed either you or someone else in a trance like state, screaming at you that you are nothing but a bum, a no good bum ... And that you are going to be a bum just like your father or a drunk like your father ... If this hasn't happened a suggestion similar to it has been planted deep into your subconscious mind somewhere in childhood ... It may be frequently one of multiple causes ... But you recognize that somewhere along the line you have a deficient father figure if it isn't your own father, then you felt that God the Father was deficient in your life, or that your prayers weren't answered, or somehow or another you've got it connected up that if your father was a drunk then maybe God's no good either. Whatever it is, someone in the position of authority somewhere has let you down. And your mind has picked this up and has become an integral part of your personality even though you don't even say it ... even alcoholic's anonymous recognize that this deficient father figure as being an integral part of every alcoholic personal program ... and in their twelve-suggested steps for a cure they say that in step two that cure can result only when an authoritarian or power greater than themselves can be inserted into their lives ... the easiest and most frequently used and more helpful authoritarian or father figure is that of God the Heavenly Father of us all ... and if one of the main causes of alcoholism is a deficient father figure then obviously the formation of the father figure should promote a cure. Since the insertion of an adequate father figure does promote a cure, we can assume that part of the cause of alcoholism is a deficient father figure. And the second most frequently observed cause of alcoholism which also appears in over 95% of all cases is a great deficiency of ego. The alcoholic always says, "I'm no good. I'm a bum." And if you argue with him when he's drunk, and you say, you're alright, he'll say, "No, I'm not." And somewhere in an incident in the past, an alcoholic has almost always been physically kicked. Certainly nothing is more damaging to the ego for and individual than physical abuse from the foot of another individual. And further more, since emotion concentrates the mind, and since a particular incident in which one is being physically kicked, is very likely also to be one caught with deep emotions. It's easy to understand other suggestions of heavy ego damage can be implanted in the mind with great force at a time such as this. And so, we are giving you a number of suggestions of realization. First, you will realize how you became an alcoholic, how you accepted a deficient father figure, and why the father figure doesn't need to describe you. You're not like your father, you never were your father and your father or your father figure is not God in Heaven, God the Father, there's a difference, We use the same words, but there's a difference. And even the Bible says "Call no man your father on this earth just for fear of that one thing that they might be confused." Regarding your deficiency of ego, we're going to build it up, from this moment on you're going to think well of yourself in every way. You're going to be surprised and amazed at what a better person you are, not so much because of what you do but because of what you are; your composition, the fact that you are ... From this moment on it is important to completely re-educate you, to get rid of the habit pattern because you finished with the relaxation and you finished with the realization and now comes the re-education. As so from this moment on, you have no compulsion to drink, that's been removed. You're going to be surprised and amazed at how much better you feel. You've lost all desire to turn into a bar. The bottle is gone for you. You're no longer interested in alcohol in any form ... And all those suggestions take complete and thorough effect on you ... The fourth point in hypnotherapy of the alcoholic is rehabilitation. That consists of breaking the habit pattern and strengthening the ego. The habit pattern is only part of yesterday and yesterday's habit pattern with regard to alcohol is gone. And your damaged ego has been repaired. For this is a dynamic way with dealing with alcoholics. And it's a dynamic pattern in dealing with you. For we removed your habit pattern, and alcohol to you is distasteful, you have no desire for it in any form and should you even taste it, it will be distasteful to you. Your faith in your own religion is built up, your faith in God is strengthened, your ego is strengthened and these suggestions are reinforced which is the fifth point ... over and over again at regular intervals in you life. Now you sink deeper and deeper and deeper ... And your alcoholic problem vanishes leaving you sound in mind, sound in spirit, sound in body and sound in health.