TUCoPS :: Wetware Hacking :: Others :: hypscr08.txt

Hypnotic Scripts: Anger/Temper

Hypnotic Scripts


See yourself in a situation where you might have lost your temper in the
past. This time see yourself in control You no longer respond with anger.
You respond with understanding and are calm. You no longer fee a need to

You can now allow people to be themselves and allow them their own
priorities. You no longer get angry because they do not agree with you.
The only value someone else's opinion has, is the value you give it. You
no longer get angry because their opinion is different from yours. You are
in control of your own emotions and reacting with anger is negative. You
are now choosing to be positive. You will never again react with
uncontrolled anger.

Instead of becoming angry, you can now see their view. You now react with
understanding and care and are calm. You react with positive thoughts and

(Find what triggers anger most and have client visualize a similar
situation while maintaining a calmness.)

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