PREFACE My main interest is the use of SS (Speed Seduction), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and Ericksonian Hypnosis (from the late Milton Erickson, father of modern hypnotherapy) to increase my personal power and charisma for increased personal happiness, interpersonal happiness, and financial success, as well as an increased ability to help others. Remember that SS is only one application of NLP, and that NLP is largly based on Ericksonian Hypnosis. I believe that, in order to be good at either SS or NLP, one should be well grounded in Ericksonian Hypnsosis. Also, much of this information is repeated in books or tapes on effective communication, since hypnosis is, in a sense, really good communication skills. My experience includes the following: many Anthony Robbins tapes, several effective communication tapes, reading the SS newsletters, practicing online for about a month, and starting to practice the art of pacing to gain rapport with people. Pacing, of course, is kind of like mimicking another person's posture, tone, and words. The point here, is that I'm very much the amateur. I'd like to point out that the first, and easiest step to take, before trying hypnosis or embedded commands, is to practice pacing. That alone can provide the rapport with a person which is necessary for both of you to enjoy each other's company. INTRODUCTION The following is a chat on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) in which a woman had come online and was complaining that she couldn't sleep - that she hadn't slept for a long time. I thought I would try to induce a trance to help her relax and sleep. Also, it may be important to note that I used a confidence anchor (learned from a Tony Robbins tape I got from the public library) to help me feel like I could do well in the following dialog. Also note that I was winging-it a lot. Often I wasn't sure what the next phrase was going to be! However, IRC communication is slow enough to allow one to think a lot between sentances! Notes have been added to the dialog in brackets, and the identity of the woman has been changed. INTERNET RELAY CHAT HYPNOTIC INDUCTION Chat with mary buffer saved on Sun Jun 23 07:38:56 1996 Chat with mary Waiting for acknowledgement... DCC Chat connection established - [IN THIS FIRST PART, I WAS JUST TRYING TO ESTABLISH SOME RAPPORT BY GETTING HER TO TALK ABOUT HER SITUATION.] <mary> hi > Hi! > Do you FEEL TIRED? [OK I STARTED OUT STRONG] <mary> can't sleep <mary> yes > what happened? <mary> oh it has been a horrid week <mary> i was in hosp > really - what for? <mary> i had a violent reaction to sleeping med > what were you in the hosp for [NOTICE PACING HER OWN USE OF "HOSP"] > oh my > tell me more > my name is David, by the way :) > I might be ABLE TO HELP you <mary> ok > so you had a violent reaction to a sleeping med? [MORE PACING] <mary> yes [I NOTICED THAT I HAD ASKED A CLOSED-ENDED QUESTION THAT COULD BE ANSWERED WITH A SIMPLE YES-NO. I WANTED HER TO OPEN MORE, WHICH IS WHY I ASKED AN OPEN-ENDED QUESTION NEXT. HOWEVER, IN RETROSPECT, IT PROBABLY WASN'T SO BAD TO ASK A CLOSED-ENDED QUESTION THAT HAS A "YES" ANSWER, SINCE THAT'S A POSTIVE RESPONSE.] <mary> i did <mary> then i have a sinus infection > what happened after the violent reaction <mary> and were trying to reduce my paxil <mary> i was in the hospital for 4 days <mary> i came home and i am ok <mary> the worst is certain friends have now dropped me > dropped you??? [WOOPS A CLOSED-ENDED QUESTION!] > could you explain that? [ANOTHER OPEN-ENDED QUESTION] > hi mary - you there? <mary> yes <mary> i ma here <mary> sorry > ok > its ok > could you explain about your friends - i don't understand <mary> my friends know <mary> what is goign on and still act like jerks > how do they act? [OPEN ENDED QUESTION] <mary> like i have no brain and that all my own thinking <mary> needs help <mary> period <mary> i won't be online [AT THIS POINT, I FELT LIKE I WASN'T GETTING ANYWHERE, SO I JUMPED INTO SOMETHING ELSE] > consider this, jane <mary> ok > can you remember a time > when you felt real cozy <mary> yes > and to go to sleep was very natural <mary> yes > and in feeling this > if you thought about it > you may notice > that you can hear sounds in the room > can you hear small sounds > in the room you are in? > how about the sound of > your breathing? <mary> i have tried that it did not owrk [HOW VERY INTERESTING. I HAD JUST READ THAT THE WORD "TRY" IMPLIES FAILURE TO THE SUBCONCIOUS MIND.] > what did you try? <mary> what you are suggesting [I GOT A BIT NERVOUS HERE. MAYBE SHE WAS THINKING I WAS TRYING TO MESS WITH HER. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. MY INITIAL REACTION WAS TO SUGGEST THE SHE TRY AGAIN. BUT WHAT A FAILURE THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN - THAT WOULD HAVE PUT ME IN A "SELLING MY IDEA TO HER" POSITION WHICH WOULD OBVIOUSLY HAVE PUT US ON SEPERATE SIDES OF THE FENCE! THEN IT OCCURED TO ME THAT I NEEDED TO CONTINUE TO GAIN MORE RAPPORT. SO I DECIDED TO AGREE WITH HER!] > i see what you mean > how did it feel when you tried? [GEEZ WHAT A DUMB QUESTION! DO I WANT HER TO ACCESS FEELINGS OF FAILURE? NO! OK SO TIME TO QUICKLY TURN THIS MISTAKE AROUND!] > how would it > feel > if you STOP TRYING > and if you were <mary> i have > ABLE TO RELAX > that's good > hey mary <mary> yes > I got an idea that might help <mary> i do appreciate all you thoughts and ideas > :) [BINGO! OK I FEEL GOOD ABOUT EVERYTHING NOW. I FEEL CONFIDENT THAT I HAVE ESTABLISHED RAPPORT.] > this is a little game [I THOUGHT ABOUT SAYING "MIND-GAME" BUT THAT SEEMED TO HAVE NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS. "EXPIREMENT" ALSO HAS NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS.] > a game that may FREE YOUR MIND > and help you to RELAX > so you can GO TO SLEEP > would you like to play? [OF COURSE SHE WOULD!] [SHE WASN'T RESPONDING, SO I FIGURED SHE WAS TALKING WITH SOMEONE ELSE AS WELL.] > you need to GIVE ME YOUR FULL ATTENTION > thought > though <mary> ok > are you chatting with someone else? <mary> yes <mary> do you wnat me to stop > ok you should stop that chat, if that's ok <mary> sure [NOTE THAT SHE ASKED ME IF SHE SHOULD STOP EVEN BEFORE I COULD GET MY SENTANCE OFF TO HER. THIS GAVE ME CONFIDENCE THAT I COULD TAKE THE LEAD FAIRLY QUICKLY. SHE WAS GIVING ME THE OK TO TAKE CONTROL.] > ready? <mary> ok <mary> ok <mary> go > ok <mary> hang on > ok <mary> ok go > ok <mary> ok > first > what is your real first name? <mary> Mary > :) > If you can relax Mary [NOTE THE USE OF A SPACE TO MARK THE PHRASE] > that would be good > to start with <mary> ok [NOTE THAT THE PACE OF THESE SHORT, CHOPPY PHRASES IS SLOWER THAN TYPICAL CONVERSATIONAL WRITTEN COMMUNICATION, AND WITH A DEFINITE RHYTHM.] > can you feel > the weight of your body [OF COURSE SHE CAN] <mary> yes > perhaps you can feel > your hands touching > the keyboard [OF COURSE SHE CAN] <mary> yes > or if you notice > the shape of the letters > on the screen > the whiteness > and the blackness > all these things [BEING VAGUE ON PURPOSE.] <mary> yes > may help you so > you can RELAX even > more deeply > and as you RELAX > even more deeply > you may BEGIN TO FEEL HEAVIER > can you FEEL THAT? [I'M PRETTY SURE SHE CAN - I AM!!!] <mary> yes > good > and as you FEEL THAT > you may begin to realize > that your eyes > feel heavy > and the more you understand that <mary> yes > the heavier you feel <mary> ok > you can really FEEL YOUR WEIGHT > now > as you take a deep breath > you can hear > the sound of the air [OF COURSE SHE CAN] > and > perhaps you can feel other > sensations [VERY VAGUE ON PURPOSE - OF COURSE SHE CAN!] <mary> yes > good > the more you FEEL YOUR WEIGHT > and as you > feel these other sensations > you may find > that you can FREE YOUR MIND > to think of things > you may wish > to PICTURE SOMETHING FROM YOUR PAST > in your mind's eye > its ok to CLOSE YOUR EYES > in order to PICTURE SOMETHING > then tell me what it is > take your time [THE IDEA HERE IS, OF COURSE, TO GET HER TO CLOSE HER EYES AND START DREAMING!] <mary> my dad and i at our beach house before he died [WHOA! WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? OK AT FIRST I THOUGHT ABOUT DEALING WITH THAT ISSUE, BUT THEN I FIGURED THAT COULD BE LONG AND INVOLVED, AND THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE SLEEP. HOW TO DEAL WITH A STATEMENT LIKE THAT? I THINK IT WAS GOOD TO AVOID THE ISSUE ENTIRELY, AS I DID BELOW.] > you are doing fine mary <mary> thank you for helping me > now as you are able > to picture that > you may find > that you can feel > your chest rising and falling > with each breath [OF COURSE SHE CAN] > and since you can feel this > you can RELAX even more deeply [NICE LOGIC, HUH?] > now [AT THIS POINT I WANTED HER TO GO BACK TO DREAMING, BUT ON SOMETHING MORE PLEASENT!] > you may wish [SORRY TO INTERRUPT HERE, BUT I JUST WANTED TO POINT OUT THAT I REALLY LIKE SAYING "YOU MAY WISH" BECAUSE ITS MUCH LESS LIKE A COMMAND, AND PERHAPS IT IS EASIER FOR THE MIND TO ACCEPT COMMANDS LIKE THIS] > to MAKE A PICTURE of something else > something even earlier in your life > and something that is > reassuring and comfortable > take your time > you may CLOSE YOUR EYES <mary> my little sister and i playing tent in our room > very good > I would like for you to go there > to that tent > with your little sister > and spend some time with that picture > NOW > I will wait until you speak again [ABOUT 2 MINUTES...] <mary> ok > very good > You may look at the > letters > but now, Mary > I will tell you a little > story > this story may > make sense to you > or it may not > it doesn't matter > because > as I tell this story > a story about people > and elevators > you will find yourself > getting very sleepy > and when you get sleepy enough > you may just turn off the computer > and go to sleep <mary> ok > you may say bye to me to let > me know <mary> k [THE FOLLOWING STORY WAS PRETTY MUCH MADE UP ON THE SPOT. I WAS DELIVERING THE PHRASES SLOWER AND SLOWER, IN ORDER TO GET HER TO SLOW DOWN.] > this story is about > people > and elevators > and TV > if you can see > some people in an elevator > all they do is > look at those numbers > and as the elevator goes up > you may notice > everyone looking at the numbers > and as you notice that > you may feel very relaxed > because > its much like watching TV > in which your concious mind > doesn't need > to be there > you may > TUNE OUT > if you wish > and > in doing that > and > in feeling like > you can SLOW DOWN > and take > a deep breath > you can FEEL TIRED > and you can FEEL COMFORTABLE > because > your MIND KNOWS WHAT TO DO > in order > to HAVE PEACE > and > in order > to ENJOY SLEEP > you can fully appreciate > your little sister in the tent > and you can LOOK FORWARD TO DREAMING > about > the things > that make you FEEL GOOD [AT THIS POINT I WAS WONDERING IF I WAS REALLY GETTING ANYWHERE. I HAD A LOT OF SELF-DOUBT. I NEEDED SOME REASSURANCE.] > does that make sense to you? <mary> yes > good <mary> i am off to sleep [BINGO! WOW I WAS SO EXCITED! OK I HAVE MUCH MORE CONFIDENCE AND FAITH IN ALL THIS NOW!] > ok bye <mary> thank you this is the calmes i have been in days <mary> good nite <mary> ou beh eree tomorrowww > what's your email <mary> xyz@xyz.com > ok good night <mary> good niite > :) DCC session closed End of Chat with mary buffer Sun Jun 23 07:38:56 1996 ___________________________ POSTSCRIPT While I was typing notes, she came back online and wrote to me that she tried to sleep, but could not stay asleep. By the time I saw that and responded, she had already left. I still feel good that she did get some bit of sleep and relaxation, and I also believe that I could have quickly gotten her back into trance and reinforced the idea of sleep WITHOUT EFFORT. With that said, its 9:34am and I (yawn) feel kinda sleepy. However, I'm just going to get some coffee and look forward to the bright, sunny Florida day. Love and Peace, David Stein