FAIR USE NOTICE. This document contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The CHANCE project is making this material available as part of our mission to promote critical thinking about statistical issues. We believe that this constitutes a `fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond `fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Copyright 1993 Newsday, Inc. Newsday April 7, 1993, Wednesday, NASSAU EDITION SECTION: NEWS; Pg. 19 Other Edition: Suffolk Pg. 21, City Pg. 27 LENGTH: 518 words HEADLINE: Ridding Blood of Lead May Raise IQ BYLINE: By Gale Scott. STAFF WRITER DATELINE: New York KEYWORD: LEAD; HEALTH; HAZARD; CHILDREN; SCIENCE; RESEARCH; TEST; ACHIEVEMENT BODY: Federally funded research into combating childhood lead poisoning suggests that removing the lead from children's blood can result in improvement in IQ tests. A related study on the best way to spend limited federal dollars has found that removing lead-contaminated soil from the yards of single-family homes is not worth the money. Both studies are reported in this week's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers at Albert Einstein Medical College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx found that removing lead from children's blood resulted in improved IQ scores among children who had moderately high levels of lead. "When there is a high level of lead, there is no question that there can be brain damage. But it is not so clear with these kids with moderate levels," said Holly Ruff, a professor of pediatrics at Albert Einstein. The researchers found that the standardized test scores of children aged 1 to 6 improved by one point for every 3-microgram decrease in their blood-lead level. The measurement was taken seven weeks after the children had undergone medical treatment to remove the lead. A blood-lead level of 10 micrograms per deciliter is considered dangerous. The children tested had levels of between 25 and 55 micrograms, according to JAMA. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the research will be used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in drawing up standards that will determine what level of lead in soil is dangerous. In Boston, after spending $ 9,600 per household to truck 15 tons of lead-contaminated soil out of the yards of 126 Boston households in 1989, researchers concluded it was not worth the money, said author Dr. Michael Weitzman, a pediatrician and researcher at Rochester General Hospital. "The results did not support the belief that soil removal would be prudent," he said yesterday. "We found only a modest decrease in the level of lead in children's blood." The CDC is awaiting results of related studies of lead- contaminated soil removal in Cincinnati and Baltimore, said Dr. Sue Binder, a researcher with the CDC's lead poisoning branch. "The Superfund is struggling with the question of what is an appropriate soil-lead level and this study shows soil removal has very little effect," she said. Weitzman said his study did not mean that soil removal was always ineffective. "It might make more sense in a setting such as New York City, where you would have thousands of kids playing in the same area of dirt," he said. Weitzman said he felt funds would best be spent in controlling household dust, removing old windows with their hard-to clean surfaces, and removing leaded paint or using new technology to seal it. "In a situation like the Williamsburg Bridge soil, though, you might want to dig it up," he said, because of the large number of children who might be exposed. The city came under fire last fall when it was discovered that sandblasting of the Williamsburg Bridge had apparently contaminated some nearby areas, including playgrounds.