From venusdumbrowski@my-dejanews.com Tue May 04 21:53:50 1999 Newsgroups: alt.seduction.fast,alt.psychology.nlp,soc.single,soc.men Subject: SOPHOMORES EXPOSED From: venusdumbrowski@my-dejanews.com Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 04:53:50 GMT if you wanna see WUSS squirm, go to http;//homestead.com/fraudexposed If you just want to knw what the defrauded talk about, read this: MASSAGE PATTERNS? I was wondering if any guys have successes or ideas on massage patterns, or techniques that really loosen and get hot a HB during massage time. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Frankis \~ A LONG-TIME SLEAZE SEDUCER LOSER REPORTS ON MASSAGE (Halbmike) http://steelballs.com if you are tired of foos already. I do have one qwik story. After hanging w/ Ben (I'm guessing his magicKal connections video is a good bet) I decided to play w/ palm reading. Then my friend looked at his watch and looked at me. So, I changed my approach. I said "Your palm is kinda stiff, if it is OK, I'll read your palm after I loosen you up a bit because it will be easier OK. I then preceded to massage her. I quickly paced and suggested "You seem to be really enjoying this, maybe we should just continue with this and I'll do you (look at her palm) later. I recommend getting some training in addition to doing a pattern. At the very least rent a video from blockbuster or read a little bit. Doing massage the wrong way can actually be dangerous. Maybe Kim can chime in with some good basics or safety instructions. Maybe Kim could even do a video or teach something about this at a future seminar. Halbmike COMMENT: (This goof is a lawyer with and obsession for impressing others - can you say insecure?) This is the basic ass-kissing behavior exhibited by long- time goofs who have spent thousands upon thousands and still can't get laid. This goof kisses WUSS' former shill's ass because he thinks WUSS will like that because WUSS splits the profits with his former shill who is an outcall massage girl. EGAD! MALE MODEL LOVER CHIMES IN WITH MASSAGE ADVICE People carry their nervous tension in their shoulders, anger in their jaw muscles. If you loosen both of these areas, and suggest that the mind follows the body (showing her how becoming more relaxed relaxes her mind is a wonderful convincer). Like Bro Orion suggests, the neck is a great entry point into steamier happenings. Patterning is very easy when you are sitting on her ass, since you can get absolutely amazing state feedback. Wiggles are good. : John S. KIM-CHEE GIVES THIRD WORLD MASSAGE ADVICE I'd have to agree with what another brother had wrote about knowing how to massage before using patterns. I'll present to you my model of learning. I find that I learn fastest when I'm watching and doing at the same time. I aquired my massaging techniques in a similar fasion. I recieved massages from a female friend who used to work as a professional masseus (sp?). It was from these sessions that I remembered where she pressed and poked while rubbing. Of course, I refined these techniques by applying them to another HB and asking for feedback wether it feels good. After learning to massage, comes developing the patterns. What you maynot realize is that you've also learned the basis of building a pattern when you were learning the techniques. Just recall the feel of the massage, how it put you in a relazed state, the process you went through. The 'how' is key. This allows you to _lead_ by simply describing what you felt. Of course, we'll use quotes to say what our friend Jessica had told us what she felt. . . [GRIN]. Simple as that. Bro KimChi http://steelballs.com if you are tired of foos already. MUFFIN PATTERN? Does anyone have a copy of amy's muffin pattern? Scott THIS GUY ALMOST GOT LAID, ALMOST Lately success has been showing up and I wanted to report on some of the progress. Three nights ago I went out to a coffee shop with a friend who is in the process of breaking up with a serious girlfriend (one he met because I started up with her and her friend in the middle of the street early last summer). There was this interesting HB waiting in line with a guy who didn't look like a bore friend. I went up to the dessert counter (which was right where they were standing) and started up with her, fluff talk about the pies on display. I tell her, "I have to give you a compliment" and she is really intrigued and asks what it is and I go "You give out a very warm energy that I find to be a very attractive and unique quality. My name is Clifford. " She introduces herself and we talk a bit but I don't push it(I probably should have, but I was just pleased that I had started up with her while she was with a guy which is something I rarely do). I start up with another HB as she was leaving and with one of the waitresses but these don't go anywhere again because I didn't push them. But all were fun, light and enjoyable. Thursday night I went out sargying (alone, Ross, alone). I headed out to one bar/restaurant that gets a good crowd on Thursday night but not much was going on so I headed downtown to Weinstein & Gavino's, another bar/restaurant. Not much going on here but as I was leaving I notice this HB and her friend getting ready to leave the crowd (of mostly guys) that they were with. There's this moment where she is standing alone halfway to the door, waiting for her friend to come join her so they can leave. I go up to her and say, "Excuse me for interrupting you, but I have to give you a compliment. " Then I wait. I find this works so well it is phenomenal. She says, "That's nice. . . so what is it?" "I just think you have this energy about you that I find very attractive. " "Thank you, that is soooo sweet!" "My name is Clifford, and I really wanted to meet you. " After she introduces herself (I forget her name) I go, "I see we both don't have a lot of time right now and I know we don't know each other, but if you're not with someone in the way you truly want them to be, perhaps we owe it to each other to talk. " She says that she would very much like to talk but with only 30 seconds that we know each other she says she will be at the same place next week. Ok, time to move across the street to Thursday's, a bar/restaurant that is always busy. It is jumping, with a number of quite attractive women in the crowd (more than usual). I notice one in particular who really gets my attention but she is talking with a couple of guys who are trying to pick her up. I notice that the seat next to her is empty to I sit down beside her. I turn to the woman on the other side and ask if anyone was sitting there. She says her friend was but that her friend wants to stand and walk around so I can stay there. We exchange a few similarly innocuous comments and then I introduce myself. I shake her hand and I don't let go (she's not the 9 that is sitting next tome on the other side with her back to me, but for a 6. 5-7 there was something interesting about her) and she is holding on warmly. I get introduced to her friend, who is Swedish (unfortunately not what you would think when I say I met a blond Swedish woman in a bar, she was nothing special) and a guy who is with them. She starts asking me a number of qualifying questions (age, religion, marital status, etc. ) and I start running some process language on her. She warms up considerably and I start talking in a very intimate manner about connections, attraction, places in the mind, etc. and telling her about my friend Monica who met this guy in a bar who totally fascinated her (then ran the commands of fascination on her). As I am doing this I am getting closer to her, talking into her ear but also nuzzling my cheek against hers, touching her other cheek with my hand. She is trancing out, doggy dinner bowl, and enjoying every moment. I felt sure that I could have started making out with her right there. I told her not to fall in love with me, that I go out with a lot of women. Then I did this trick a friend of mine told me. She mentions that she believes in certain parts of astrology and that certain signs go better together than others. I ask if she believes in numerology, which she does. I tell her how a friend of mine showed me that it is amazing how the random association of numbers can tell a lot about a person, and I tear off the back of a book of matches and ask her for a pen. I tell her to write down her name, birth date and phone number. She laughs a lot and is skeptical, but does it. I take the paper, look at it, and lean into her and whisper in her ear "This tells me that you are going to get a phone call from an attractive man who has brown hair. " That got a big laugh but then she says, "Well, I'm not going to fuck you. " Immediately I said "I don't fuck people, I make love with them. " and that really shut her up. She stared into my eyes with an intensity that was really inspiring. I left her with her being very interested to hear from me but the HB on the other side was still busy with other guys working on her. Generally, I am noticing that I am incredibly relaxed and sure of myself when I approach women lately. Further, I have also noticed a state of being in very good mood when I am doing this and I have found women are just warming up to me more than ever lately. I think it may be useful for me to try and figure out more specifically what is different because the results are happening. If I had to speculate, I think that there's just been a subtle shift where I am more relaxed, more positive, very sure of myself, and I have in the back of my mind to just talk to them in person the same way I would on the phone lines where I play heavily on the tonality, tease and say patterns and bits of patterns with in a very intimate, warm way. I also have a feeling the hypnotic inductions that Major Mark did in L. A. are having an effect. Clifford HE ALMOST GOT LAID TOO I have become aware that I am very powerful in "giving her the picture" and "getting her there" but need imporvement in linking back to me with total certainty and NOW. I have babboozzled some chyks and made them grab another that would not have stood a chance. . . Not that I am complaining, this is not a big issue but I need to improve----this would make and excellant seminar topic. Any ideas? Soren THIS SOPHOMORE ALMOST GOT A PHONE NUMBER Oh my god! I just got this little gem from a girl who I've been playing with in email and on the phone. It's a lot like a "peak experience", but I think it could bring up similar moments. This is her writing word for word, and she kind of messed up the "with me" link but I think it's pretty good. . . I was wondering if you have ever experienced a moment (or series) in your life that you thought was totally perfect? You stopped to memorize the people and things around you so that at some time in the future you could pull that memory out and enjoy it again. It may not have been a conscious thing when you did it, but now looking back you can remember that time in it's entirety and you can put yourself right back in it. Share this with me Greg. Can you understand why I saved this for here -- so that I could read your response and look into your soul a bit more. GREG THE NOTORIOUS MUFFIN PATTERN WRITTEN BY AMY! Have you ever woken up from a pleasant dream to the smell of hot, freshly baked muffins? And maybe you were so ravenous that you felt compelled to satisfy your craving, and to just bury your face in this hot muffin and eat. Me, I can see how apply cinnamon or blueberry would be especially tempting. . . maybe one with butter dribbling down. If you don't act on your intense hunger relatively quickly, it's not hard to see that it is only bound to grow. Hardest for me to understand is why people deny themselves those kind of natural indulgences when they're really hungry. Can't you just taste that tasty muffin on the tip of your tongue. . . feel that soft texture. . . smell that sweet aroma. You know, if you don't allow yourself that indulgence, you'll only grow resentful later and want to eat muffins all night long! So I think it is better to act now on what you really want. Don't you agree? NICK THIRD WORLD SLEAZE SEDUCERS ARE PRIME FOR SPENDING MO' MUNNIE > >Hey guys,> >I seem to be having problems using patterns. I noticed> >HBs seem to lose interest and when i talk, and lotsa times IM asked> >to repeat what i say, and so i realized that the problem is in my > >speech/voice. > >English is my 2nd language, and my voice is not clear, and slurred. > >Any of u guys have any suggestions on how to improve my voice tone,> >and make it dynamic, clear, and powerfull ?> >(btw IM 19)> > Tom Vizzini wrote:> Get Kim's tape " Speak with her masters voice" !!!! This tape is loaded> with excersises, metaphors and attitude. Tonality in one of the most> essential skills!! Of course that is why we are teaching it in. . . Atlanta!!!>> Seriously, you simply can not deliver a 20 megaton bomb with a biplane. > If your voice sucks you will have much less success. >> I personally did not like my vioce so I changed it. I used many of the> exercises that are on Kim's " Speak with her masters voice" Tape. >> It is available through Straightfoward. >> Tom Vizzini> TOMMY BALONEY VIZZONI IS A PHILOSOPHER TOO Hi Mike, Sorry I still have to disagree. To me, using HB's to trigger happiness in a slippery slope to supplication. That does not mean that you can not be happy that you are with them. You can still look at being with a woman as enjoyable. I guess the problem I am having is with them word trigger. It seems to mean that it would be a state that would get fired. We I personally want to be more in control of the states I enter when with an HB. It also does not matter to me if it is one or dozens of woman that would fire happiness. I could be wrong but what you are suggesting is that you allow woman to be an anchor for happiness. That is a dangerous thing. With that kind of anchor who would be in control??? There are enough people that think that getting women is the key to happiness. The real key to happiness it to be happy with yourself and let it shine from the inside out. That will attract women to you. See ya, Tom Vizzini Tom, We agree about the real key to happiness. I think that is the best key. While people are gaining mastery of that key they can also create many triggers along the way. . . kinda like training wheels. Halbmike These two goofs are the most miserable, lonely, self-deceived guys on the planet talking about happiness! EGAD. PERLOIN, THE ULTIMATE SYNCOPHANT GIVES ADVICE (He's a virgin, by the way) > I start up> with another HB as she was leaving and with one of the waitresses but these> don't go anywhere again because I didn't push them. Cliff stop your whining! I am interested in what pictures you make in your head after you realized that you did not get your outcome. These pictures should be of what your outcome should have been and what it will be in the future. Telling me that it "did not go anywhere becasue you did not push it" does not help me or anyone else reading your wonderful list. . Telling them what you will do differently and beleiving it will. Now that I have kicked your ass, give me back my shoe! Pelone Semper Fi, USMC PURLOIN GIVES GOOD MASSAGE ADVICE TOO (Even if he is a virgin, he knows a lot about seduction) Frankis: Your homework is to go to your bookstore (or if your a cheap SOB go to the library) and get a book on massage. Find a chapter that intrigues you and outline it getting the jargon down. The next step is to take what you know from the Basic Course and and have been using so far and incorporate it into the Massage Framework (hmmm. . . there is that frame workd again. ) Try it and report back to me your results before I see you in Atlanta. You will discover that after playing with it for a while (that means trying it out on at least 10 hb's) you will see what you need to do to improve or drop what is working or not working in that frame work. The key is to experiment and have fun no matter what results you will get! Pelone, Semper Fi, USMC PURLOIN KNOWS EVERYTHING (He's read books and listened to WUSS tapes and paid for Thou$and$ of $eminar$) > I have babboozzled some chyks and made them grab another that would not> have stood a chance. . . > STOP!! Do not say this ever again. This is not serving you. You have the wrong idea. If you persisit it will not benefit you. What will beneift you is to realize that it is a mutually enjoyable experience that she is trully deserving of ONLY after you realize that she meets your criteria for further exploration. Pelone, Semper Fi USMC PURLOIN AT HIS ASS-KISSING BEST As the Essential Skills seminar draws nearer, I am somewhat meloncholly about retiring the old me as " THE NEW ME EMERGES FULL OF FIRE AND WITH A LOOK OUTBABY HERE I COME !" attitude. I can see myself one month after the seminar with my new essential skills strummin and a hummin to the new beat beat beat of the hb's heart. OH YEA. "(Damn happiness loop! Gee when your sargin is powered by Major Markness which embodies big dickness and Brother Ross which personifies language skills and technique, there is notihing that can stop you! ) Can you tell that I just got back from Sargin and havin a rockin time? Anyway back to our regularly scheduled post! I can see myself using Kimmy's visualization skills to create that timeline of wonder and amazement where you (yes that was an I you shift) create new and exciting behaviors and attitudes within yourself that will serve you and be unconsciously executed when you go out to blend in and meet girls in your daily normal activities. I will learn that meeting girls is just a normal daily occurence that happens naturally and easily becasue you will meet them as you to your regular hangouts and they will be at your new hangouts after you get a map of your area and locate the cities within 30 minutes of your home to go out and explore them and have new and exciting adventures in the process of checking and claiming new turf. Did I do this. Yes I did and it is an adventure! IPROMISE!!I see myself doing Tom's Condum Mint Anchoring and creating new methods of anchoring states to different paraphenalia no matter what is in my environment. I just laughed at my cleverness as I deftly and covertly yet (with her willingness) elict her orgasm pictures and feelings and link and anchor them to me as I fire off that arousal anchor as she wonders why she is feeling so turned on!! Oh yess. . . . . ymmmm. . . . . more and more. . . . (Isn't this pathetic! I know stop but I can't this is so much fun it is becoming contagious didn't it!) I also revel in my pictures of how I smurfed this cute hb (whom I see myself meeting in the near future (well yea I know it has not happened yet but what you do not relize is that past was the future a few seconds ago and by the time you read this the future is now past. Say this to an hb and watch her eyes roll up into her brain! So therefore, I submit to you and present to you the new and improved Sargy brother and invite you to enjoy these same pictures that I just enjoyed!. Can you see and feel that would be an amazing way of behaving from now on only after you have taken the seminar! Pelone Semper Fi USMC KIM-CHEE ALMOST GOT AN EMAIL! Well, its happening, Bros. You stick to the studies and practicing long enough and then one day, BOOM, you're spinning patterns around the topic at hand. This was e-mailed to some girl (not sure if she's HB, this is just practicing) in less than two mins. I especially like the part "this is happening". Enjoy and give me some feedback if you wish. On with the pattern: Have you ever wondered just what it is about meeting someone new and interesting that. . . stirs something within? Something magical and special as you interact with this person? Some simply enjoy a new encounter. . . others. . . feel a shiver of excitement. And then. . . on very. . . very rare sometimes. . . you can. . feel a connection. . . . . its almost as if there was a warm. . glowing cord of energy connecting. . . you. . . to him. . . . and the more you become intrigued, the more that connection glows with the warmth of timeless bond. . As all this. . . this is happening. . . it is so much easier to understand every word that he speaks. . . . . every description. . . they come to vivid life in your mind. . . . . like the picture of a stroll on a moon lit virgin beach. . . the cool sand beneath your feet. . . the breeze that carry the mist. . . the sheen of pale moon light on lips. . Many may not experience something as this. . . though. . if you listen closely. . . carefully. . to what the other says. . . through the passing of an enjoyable evening. . . you will find all the qualities and values that you hold so dearly to yourself. . . in him. . . that. . . is when after even the turn of six months. . you can look back. . . and know that this was the day it all began. This is true magic. Bro KimChi THIRD WORLD SLEAZE SEDUCERS ADVISING EACH OTHER! EGAD >> Also, speak more softly when you wish to be hypnotic. This is where I'm poor at. . when I try to speak in deep voice, most of the time, the girls want me to repeat again. So I use to speak a little bit louder. > >> >Maybe, you should also think about focusing on your attitudes. > >> >By the way, does anyone know what's the BEST thing to do when a girl smile> >to you?>> Make a big boner in your pants as maybe more experienced SS brother> would tell you, Jerome HAhahhaha! MARK CUNTINGHAM, PROFESSIONAL HYPNOTIST >Hi Mike,>> Sorry I still have to disagree. To me, using HB's to trigger happiness>in a slippery slope to supplication. That does not mean that you can not be>happy that you are with them. You can still look at being with a woman as>enjoyable. >> I guess the problem I am having is with them word trigger. It seems to>mean that it would be a state that would get fired. We I personally want to>be more in control of the states I enter when with an HB. >I do this thing where I imagine I have a Target Finder. This is a behavior device (TM) that will constantly scan all my senses to find a pattern -- hot women, somnambulists, patrol cars, whatever. Look, listen, sniff, hmm. And when it finds a woman who fits the profile, it kicks the conscious mind in the ass and yells "prospect!". So. So long as I see her as an opportunity to find out who she is, I feel perfectly happy to stroll on over and chat her up. And maybe she's alright, and maybe she's not. Because as I talk to her, I get to decide if I'm liking the experience of her kind of woman, and I'm deciding how much of myself to share. I get to be happy about being the guy who walked up to talk to her, and maybe I get more than that. Back when I hadn't hung out with a whole lot of women, I used to think/feel that I need something specific outside myself to be happy -- which led to my dating models phase, the infamous redhead phase, actors, big tits, small ones, atheletes, dancers, housewives. . . . Who has the time? Letting someone or someone else control access your happiness is a Bad Thing. It's easier now just to let the Target Finder find whatever I'm looking for, and then check them as people one by one. -- Mark Pardon me? Aren't you the fat slob with the comb-over three-strands hair do? CUNTINGHAM'S MACHINES IN HIS MIND? Major Mark wrote in part:>I do this thing where I imagine I have a Target Finder. This is a behavior>device (TM) that will constantly scan all my senses to find a pattern --hot>women, somnambulists, patrol cars, whatever. >>Look, listen, sniff, hmm. >>And when it finds a woman who fits the profile, it kicks the conscious mind>in the ass and yells "prospect!". I started installing these types of 'machines' in my mind a couple of months ago. My results have been mixed, but they have improved my by ability to trust my unconscious mind to propel me to my desired outcomes. I think I just need more experience using the machines so that I can build up more positive reference experiences. The one I've had the most success with is a machine that plots values, beliefs and meta programs without direct ellicitation. The machine directs my unconscious mind to display the resulting patterns on a halucinated video monitor. Can you perhaps share with us some of your techniques for designing and installing these devices, and/or possible techniques for reinforcing their success? I'm a newbie at this, but my limited experience has allowed me to see the potential power of this type of technique. Any direction you could give would be greatly appreciated. >It's easier now just to let the Target Finder find whatever I'm looking for,>and then check them as people one by one. If I may ask, what are you using as your output generator? I'm using a kinesthetic 'alert mechanism' followed by either visual digital or auditory digital details. Chunking this concept up, it seems to me that it povides in part a structure for intuition much like strategies provide us with a structure for behavior. If I'm way off base here, please let me know. I don't want to reinforce bad habits. Ciao, George WUSS LOVES KIMMY EVEN WHEN KIMMY BELOW-ME'S TOMMY' BALONEY PONY By the way, Kim was chatting with me on the phone last night about some new exercises she'll reveal in Atlanta for improving the full range of how to use your voice, including some KEWL stuff on properly using pauses. . . Go kimmy! Ross THE ZEN OF SEDUCTION << Good post! Similar thing happened to me, one question is why you are more relaxed and being in a state of good mood lately? the other is how we maintain that state so that we will not fall back to the old way ? >> Answer to 2nd question: Rehearse the 'new' state as necessary. I have found, in times of lucidity, it's not so much that we replace one state for another(since then we are again fixed in a state), but that we gain fluidity (through practice) in moving into any and all desired states effacaciously. A change of state does not necessarily happen once and for all. The Zen master, the Taoist priest lives life as a practice in fluidity. . each day. . each moment. PRACTICE. Penn Law Student RIKER, COLLEGE STUDENT BUT MASTER SYCOPHANT AND SELLER OF MERCHANDISE I have become aware that I am very powerful in "giving her the picture">and "getting her there" but need imporvement in linking back to me with>total certainty and NOW. >>I have babboozzled some chyks and made them grab another that would not>have stood a chance. . . >>Not that I am complaining, this is not a big issue but I need to >improve----this would make and excellant seminar topic. Yes, the typical . . . . . . . . . . . now, with me, etc etc etc Also continued references to "this person. . "this moment "this opportunity Also things that move from that place that "could be" into that place that "will happen" almost as if they already had. Actually, these topics and techniques are covered quite extensively in the course materials. <<- Riker -COMMENT:Do you get any of this? Other than "spend more money?" STRIP TEASE PATTERN BULLSHIT STORY Hey bros, gotta question for y'all. I just had a woman do a strip tease for me last weekend. . . a first for me (I'm ashamed to admit I never really thought about it before), and what a blast! You'd really have to know this woman to understand what a big leap this is for her, which makes the next thing even more incredible that it was her first time, and she was absolutely incredible. . . I've been to a few strip clubs, seen some pros. . . and she would have won any amateur contest, and put a few pros to shame as well. Let's just say neither of us has quite recovered from an unforgettable night. . . And here's the kicker, I have no idea how I got her into the state to want to do this (and she was loving every second of it). We've been seeing each other for a little while, and I've done all sorts of languaging, themes, etc. in the past and had some incredible times. So much so that she's now using a lot of what I taught her on me (you gotta love the smart ones). Somehow I got on the subject of putting on a show, played with her a bit on the theme, but didn't really do that much more. I'm still recalling the evening, to try to narrow down the flow of thoughts and conversation. And while I work on that, I thought I'd pose the question to the list to see if there were any other bros out there who have had a similar experience. A repeat performance is definitely in the cards, I just want to figure out the best way to lead her to the opportunity. . . ;-) Anyone? Anyone?Oh, and as always, thanks Ross!-jon DAVID BARRON WHO IS THE ULTIMATE FOOL CHIMES IN ON THE STRIP TEASER My guess is, brother, that either you did one of Dark Sun/Awakening type patterns or she create that state for herself. (Brothers: If you don't know these patterns DON'T ASK! THEY ARE ONLY TAUGHT ONE-ON-ONE TO SELECTSARGIERS. ) The leap she made (especially if she is going way outside her usual behaviors) is one of being able to think in terms of ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, thinking of possible new feelings, new thoughts, new behaviors. . . . and then she PUT YOU THERE WITH HER in her fantasies. Yes, this is powerful, women do it naturally and it can be elicited with more the advance patterns. Brother David COMMENT: This guy's girl fucked and suck her Massage Therapist! Duh. David says "It's wonderful. He found an anchor I installed and accidentally fired it off and she went for it. " I'm not kidding. Look it up on dejanews. I posted it about six months ago. DUH! He thinks that's why she blew the Massager! DUH! She told him that's why and the fool believe it. This guy is dumber than WUSS about women if that's possible. HOW THE STRIPPER STRIPPED IS EXPLAINED! You can remember that the ss opens you up to new possibilities . I could be that you are more open to these possibilites of fun with women that more and more positive things happen seeminly random off or mysterious reasons. Also, like maybe you did a pattern or something automagically to trigger it. Be grateful. James HALBMIKE ALWAYS HAS SOMETHING TO SAY NO MATTER HOW USELESS Remember just as you can enjoy turning a woman on, a woman can enjoy turning you on and be turned on by the thought of how she is turning you on. Lots of woman want to be appreciated as sexy. This may have been about her feeling sexy more than about you. It may have been fun for her to just goof around or for a moment explore what stripping would be like (kind of like when you were a child and played pretend to explore different careers). It may have given her a feeling of power. It may have been many things. ASK HER WHAT SHE ENJOYED ABOUT IT AND WHY SHE DID IT. YOU CAN SIMULTANEOUSLY, LEARN (and perhaps apply this with other women), Get her back into state, and learn how to get her to explore other things. What she says (at least verbally) may not be the real reason(s) or all of the reasons. Halbmike MALE MODEL LOVER ON STRIP TEASER Having read the responses here to this post, in particular Bro Barron's post, I'd have to recommend Mark's Building a Better Girlfriend tapes (I have the audio ones--there are video ones). The pattern types that David talked about are explored in depth and demonstrated with extreme skill. In brief, you get to learn how to take her wonderful natural qualities, and store those away. Then you'll learn to build a place where anything is possible. . . an incubator of sorts, and when all is right and congruent, those rehearsed fantasy behaviors will slide easily, gently and naturally into her everyday behavior. Can you say. . . . Secret core? However, don't bother ordering them unless you are willing to go first, meaning, unless you are willing to build yourself as a better boyfriend by applying the techniques to yourself, your success with this kind of material may be very limited, at least, that being my experience with it. Without congruence, the words come out hollow and it is obvious toany woman with a functioning brain cell. A muffed attempt with standard SS is largely recoverable. . . a muffed attempt with BABGF is quite offensive and difficult to put right. I know this from experience. Maybe others are better at unfucking muffed attempts than I. The material is powerful, and if done correctly, you won't be able to stop her from demonstrating this side of herself. However, for short term, hit and run SS'ing, in my opinion, it would be a mistake to use some of the more powerful material, lest you build a better, more motivated stalker. Of course, you can learn patterns of this type without Mark's guidance, but the results you get may not be to your liking. . . Mark seems to build in a proper sense of responsibility as you learn to elicit deep permanant change, both in yourself and anyone else special enough to deserve it. take care, John S. THIRD WORLD POET AND STILL CAN'T GET A DATE I dug this one out from way back when the list was first in its infancy. It was a prose back then, but I changed it to have a lil' rythem and some rhyme (I sould like some rapper. . . ). The basic concept of it is to lead an audience through a gauntlet of representational systems. The first thing I want you to do is, pay attention to your internal state as you read it for yourself the first time. It doesn't take a brainer to see which section stimulates which modality. You'll actually feel a change when you get to your favorite representational system. I think the next step would be to read it to a HB and see where she goes into state. Then, you'll have no problem at all in choosing your approach. Positive criticism is welcome as well as any other suggestions and inputs. This poem is my work, so please don't sell or plagerize it. Here it is: ~World Alive~A summer walk, feeling the cool breeze passing by, feel the tingling on your skin as the goosebumps arise a short lived life. Feel your hair fluttering with the wind's caress. . . and the songs of birds in the sky, joining the chorus of leaves and grass rustling gently. Play of children can be heard in the distance. . . while the vibrant hues of summer green cheer your eyes. See the trees sway in the wind as the scent of the fresh lavender bloom tantalize your sense. The smell of a rose. . . a hint of fading perfume . . . spark the thoughts of someone close . . . right before your eyes . . . and find yourself asking, ". . . in which world am I most alive?" -Bro KimChi A NEW SUCKER ON THE BLOCK Greetings Brothers! I am new to the world of SS. I have listened to Ross's basic course on tape several times and I have also gone out and utilized several of the patterns. The responses are incredible, just as Ross said they wouldbe. The opening lines really make the women break their states and focus soley on you! The whole world just goes away. . . . Aside from these new found techniques, I now have an area where I need help and the tapes mention, but unfortunately, do not address. On the basic course, Major Mark had mentioned going over the "Locket Pattern" and some others in order to re-direct those energies which we create with SS. Sad to say, it was not on the tapes. However, I now have a situation where I need to re-direct that energy and don't know how to do it. Ross is so right. The same BS excuses they use NOT to see us, they use so much in their favor when they want us! I don't want to shut her down and cause pain or be cruel, that is not our way. Any assistance will be VERY welcome. I am certain that stories and experiences will follow soon. . . . . Sincerely, Bob H ADVICE FOR NEW SUCKER FROM MALE MODEL LOVER I'm not gonna post the locket pattern. It's Mark's. . . maybe he'd be willing to post it. However, there are ways to end relationships. The best one is not having a relationship at all. If you've done a values elicitation, you know what she needs to be fullfilled, and conversely know what it would take to bore her senseless. That's one idea. Another quality theme is being on different paths. . . heading different directions. That can go hand in hand with an anti-values approach. "I'm going this way (some way that would not fulfill her), and you are going that way. " The best part of this approach is that the thing to blame is not you. . . its the relationship. Another way to go would be to talk with her about relationships for her that started out great and turned sour. You can anchor yourself there and pick out trance words to apply to yourself. For example. . . . she says. . . "I really liked this guy, but he became needy. . . his whole world revolved around me. . . I felt like he'd be crushed if things didn't work out. . . it stressed me out knowing I was the only one responsible for his happiness. "So you take that, and start demonstrating those qualities. "I need you. " "Only you make me happy. " "If you loved me, you'd never leave my side. " "You are the only one for me. " "You are my world. " "Everything that happened before you is unimportant now since you are mine. " "My journey is over. . . we'll be together forever. " (basic Supplication 101). Come'on now, every guy here knows what behaviors will put a woman off without being cruel or heartless. Good luck, John S. NEW SUCKER EXHIBITS THE PROPER BROWN-NOSING BEHAVIOR TO BE LOVED AND LIKED Thanks John! Being new to the community, there is much wisdom in your words that tie indirectly with what is on the tapes. You have given me just the thing to do. Bob CUNTINGHAM'S WISDOM IS STUNNING >On the basic course, Major Mark had mentioned going over the "Locket >Pattern" and some others in order to re-direct those energies which we >create with SS. Sad to say, it was not on the tapes. Actually, one version of it is on several of the tapes (Seduction Master's Weekend, and I think maybe on the new Basic Home study set), and the full-bore version is printed at the end of Scoring With Married Women. But remember -- The Locket is designed to LOCK IN feelings for later reactivation! I designed it so that I can have great moist adventures with a woman, then lock those feelings in so that the next time I'm in town I can call, drop a few trance words, and get all the goodies again. Using it to break completely off with a woman is NOT a Good Thing. Think harem, not escape. And if she is fine enough to sample once, why would you want to break completely off? And if she isn't, why waste your time in the first place? -- Mark A KNOW VIRGIN JUMPS IN TO HELP THE NEW SUCKER Busting up the relationship is easy: SUPPLICATE and SATURATE her with your love. Remove Mystery and challenge. . . and she will leave you. . . . hell you might even get a few fake diamond rings 4 your quiver and REALLY scare them off! But, why? I agree with Major Mark. Soren NEW SUCKER EXHIBITS THE PROPER BROWN-NOSING BEHAVIOR TO BE LOVED AND LIKED Ah, Wonderful to receive so much support! I will follow Major Mark's advice. That made the most sense to me. . . Thanks! Bob CUNTINGHAM ANNOUNCES HIS GENIUS These techniques are a simplified version of what we do all day long in our clinical practice to induce permanent change. The vast majority of women are perfectly willing -- hell, they're EAGER -- to experience wonderful new states and to make those states (and linkages to yourself) permanent. BUT -- they are only willing to go there when they are sure that you know what you're doing. Which is why the first of the six steps is to develop and massively increase rapport. >The material is powerful, and if done correctly,>you won't be able to stop her from demonstrating>this side of herself. However, for short term,>hit and run SS'ing, in my opinion, it would be>a mistake to use some of the more powerful>material, lest you build a better, more>motivated stalker. >You got it right -- she will find all the ways to become the woman she wants to be. And, since by definition only you and she know how to reach that special place where anything is possible, you will have very opportunity YOU need to slip in suggestions/commands having to do with becoming the woman YOU'VE always wanted. And it will all seem like it's HER ideas, hers and hers alone. Holy shit! I AM a genius! My opinion is that SS is great for temporary, or even transient states --light trance states, temporary changes. Sort of like NLP in general. Permanent change CAN happen, but its not the norm. Besides, as Bandler points out, NLP processes are so easy that if a change doesn't stick youjust do the process again! Hypnosis is great for long-term changes, and deep- trance phenomena can lead to massive, rapid yet permanent changes EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEEPLY HELDBELIEF STRUCTURES. Kids, do NOT try this at home! Why someone would use my techniques on women they care nothing for is totally beyond me. Maybe they want to "try" the techniques, ignoring the fact that we've been using them for over a decade. >Of course, you can learn patterns of this type >without Mark's guidance, but the results you>get may not be to your liking. . . Mark seems to>build in a proper sense of responsibility as>you learn to elicit deep permanant change,>both in yourself and anyone else special>enough to deserve it. >Aww, John! Now you've done it. Who is going to want the knowledge once they know it also makes THEM happier and better adjusted? Let's just tell em that they can build a better love bunny and let 'em find out the rest later on! -- Mark UH, DUH I notice when I do some imagination and pattern stuff,it will make a women feel very good and relaxed, but then when they are away, they will say that they have been feeling a little down, and when I see them again, they become happy, happy when I am around them. Now, I like to be one big anchor, but I think I should be doing something different here. I don't want them to feel dependant on me for these feelings, or at least be I wish them to be happy when they are not around me also. Any sugestions???? Frankis \~ MALE MODEL LOVER WORRIES ABOUT LOONIES (Like Him?) > And if she is fine enough to sample once, why would you want to break> completely off? And if she isn't, why waste your time in the first place?> > -- Mark This is a wonderful, powerful and true generality. If only real life were so simple. Sometimes, you realize you bedded a loon. You could use the locket, but why lock in obsession in this case? While we're on the subject, what's a quick way to separate out the loons before bedding them? Sometimes it doesn't seem all that obvious until later. Getting your brain in front of your emotions goes a long way toward this end, it seems to me. Any thoughts? John S. WUSS WORLD MAP PATTERN SPOTS LOONS! You might try the World Map that Ross teaches on the advanced tapes. It maybe on the Basic course as well. KOMOS MASSAGE CUCKOLD ON SPOTTING LOONS? EGAD! Here are few other ways: a) Get her values. Do they match yours? b) Find out who her friends are. If they are not who you'd hang with, reconsider. c) Are her eye pupils asymmetrical? This could be a sign of personality disorder. d) Find out how much medication she uses, prescription and otherwise. e) Find out a bit about her Family History. If she had alcoholic parents you are likely seeing a good facade which hides a ruined shanty. f) Ask about her previous relationships. Are there patterns there you would much rather not be a part of? Bro. David MASSAGE CUCKOLD ON DARK SUN AND SECRET PATTERNS FOR HOLY SHIT! I Highly recommend Marks tapes ONLY if you are looking for something more than a hit and run seduction. > > These techniques are a simplified version of what we do all day long in our> clinical practice to induce permanent change. The vast majority of women> are perfectly willing -- hell, they're EAGER -- to experience wonderful new> states and to make those states (and linkages to yourself) permanent. > > BUT -- they are only willing to go there when they are sure that you know> what you're doing. Which is why the first of the six steps is to develop> and massively increase rapport. > > >The material is powerful, and if done correctly,> >you won't be able to stop her from demonstrating> >this side of herself. However, for short term, > >hit and run SS'ing, in my opinion, it would be> >a mistake to use some of the more powerful> >material, lest you build a better, more> >motivated stalker. > >> > > You got it right -- she will find all the ways to become the woman she wants> to be. And, since by definition only you and she know how to reach that> special place where anything is possible, you will have very opportunity YOU> need to slip in suggestions/commands having to do with becoming the woman> YOU'VE always wanted. And it will all seem like it's HER ideas, hers and> hers alone. > > Hypnosis is great for long-term changes, and deep-trance phenomena canl ead > to massive, rapid yet permanent changes EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEEPLY HELD> BELIEF STRUCTURES. Kids, do NOT try this at home!> > Why someone would use my techniques on women they care nothing for is> totally beyond me. Maybe they want to "try" the techniques, ignoring the> fact that we've been using them for over a decade. I've gotten into discussion with those not privy to the "Secret Patterns" like Gemini and Awakenings and their minds can only fathom it as a Ross Jeffries Publicity Tool. *IT'S NOT*! Okay, maybe it is a bit. But the fact is newbies to SS are so eager to be even more powerful that they don't know what the hell they are getting into. They don't know that without them "going first" they only dig a big fucking trench from which they will either bury themselves or hide from stalkers of their own creation. I speak from experience. I've told this story before: After a weekend convention I SSed a beautiful 40 year old HB dancer and later found her crying on my chest because she has never for anyone what she felt with me (and she'd "known" a LOT of guys). Moral: Use these skills irresponsibly and you WILL fall into the "darkside". Know their power and they will humble you. 2nd Moral: If you are going to use the advanced patterns go for quality. Ding it with any convientant babe and you in the shit hole. Bro. David COMMENT: Do you mean to tell me WUSS hustles and lies and DARK SUN and GEMINI are not really dangerous and powerful and guaranteed to work after you've spent ten thousand and nothing else does? Tell me more. Sign me up! Thanks, former brothers for supporting the new version of Seduction Flip Style, A former shill for Wuss J'Ovaries, Claudio Jobert Claudio, Manila, Phillipines http://steelballs.com if you are tired of foos already. -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- http://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own