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Basic Meditation Techniques 1/3

                          BASIC MEDITATION TECHNIQUES
                               Part 1 of 3 Parts
                                   May 1987
                                   Bill Witt
                               NEW ATLANTIS BBS
                         Member of the ParaNet system

   This is the first part of a three part online course in Basic Meditation

   The course is devided into three sections. Section one deals with what
meditation is and how it plays a part in the lives of those who use it.
Section two will go into the techniques and tools of meditation. Section three
gives suggestions on how to use what you've learned, in everyday life. A list
of books for further reading on the subject, will be given at the end of
section three.

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   Webster defines meditation as "The act of meditating; close or continued
thought; the revolving of a subject in the mind."

   To meditate is to focus mentally on one thought, idea, or concept. It may
also mean, to revolve an idea in your mind so as to change the way in which
you think of that idea. Meditation is therefore, a tool with which you may
manipulate thought in an organized manner.

   Many people view meditation as a very difficult thing to learn. In reality
though, we do it often without even knowing it. When you daydream or find your
mind fixed on one thought, that is a form of meditation. Have you ever watched
a bird in flight, or stared up at the clouds in the sky, or maybe even found
yourself watching a stream of water flow by? If you have and at that moment
the rest of the world around you has seemed removed, then you were in a state
of meditation. The real key to this practice, is to be able to exercise
control over your thoughts and awareness of the world around you.

   There are many groups of people for whom meditation is an everyday ritual.
Others use it at special times as a means of relaxation and "mental house
cleaning." It allows the individual a freedom unlike no other freedom. The
freedom to look inside oneself and learn just who you are. Some use it as a
way of being closer to nature or God. No matter how you wish to use it, you
will find it a healthy and very rewarding experience.

   Most all religions practice meditation in one way or another. Eastern
philosophies such as Yoga, and Buddism are not the only ones to view
meditation as a way of looking for the Truth found in one's own consciousness.
Even in Christianity meditation finds a place of value. The Bible itself
mentions the value of meditation. In writing to the Phillippians, the Apostle
Paul tells them this. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things
are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
(Phil. 4.8)

   So you ask, what can it do for me. Well, beyond just being a good way to
really relax, which we can all use in this hectic world, it can be a doorway
to the Truth inside yourself. It is a way of gaining wisdom. Knowledge has
always been fairly easy to come by. Wisdom on the other hand, is a bit harder
to grasp onto.

   In "The Task" by William Cowper, the following line is found. "Knowledge
dwells in heads replete with thoughts of other men: Wisdom, in minds attentive
to their own."

   For me, meditaion becomes a way of "grounding" myself, of reaching a place
of peace and stability, where I can find how I fit into the universe.

   In many philosophies, meditaion is viewed as a necessary skill. All those
who are students of these philosophies must learn the ways of meditaion early
in their training. Although the techniques may vary from one group to another,
the most basic concepts remain the same. The ability to be able to focus on
one thought and selectively block out all others is the foundation upon which
many more advanced skills will be built. These skills may range from telepathy
to the ability to move objects with only the mind.

   It is well known that Yogi adepts can lower their breathing and heart rates
to near death levels. This is something you should not try as it takes years
of practice to learn and can be quite dangerous. Still, these yogis are proof
of the type of power the mind can exercise over the body through meditation.

   In some cultures, the use of drugs to achieve a meditative state is
encouraged. The american indians for example, used drugs derived from various
plants to put themselves into an altered state of conciousness. This was
usually done as a religious practice and as an event marking the change from
one state of life to another. A good example would be the ceremony marking the
coming into manhood of a young boy. Today there are still many, who advocate
the use of drugs to achieve these altered states. It is my opinion that such
measures are neither necessary nor good. You can reach an altered state of
conciousness without the use of drug induced "highs". It takes practice, but
it can be done.

    In New Age philosophy, the art of meditaion is highly valued. We also find
another well developed skill which is called "creative visualization". This is
the idea of visualising what you want to the point of it becoming reality. A
good example would be a salesman visualizing himself as successful and
prosperous. The concept is simple, if you can visualize a personal reality,
you can change or bring that reality into being. "Positive Thinking" is a very
similar idea. The technique of creative visualization goes beyond positive
thinking however. It deals with the premise that we all create our own reality
and therefore have the power to change many aspects of that reality. The idea
of "personal reality" is a lengthy one and we do not have enough room to cover
it in this course.

   So far we have looked briefly at what meditation is and how it is used. By
no means have we touched on all the aspects of this practice. There are many
books on the subject which cover it in much more detail. My purpose is to give
you an overview of the many facets of meditation in the hope that you will
wish to learn more.

   In the next section, I will give you insructions on how to meditate and
achieve an altered state of conciousness. Also a list of aids to meditation
will be given and their use explained.

                                 End Of Part 1

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