=================================== BASIC MEDITATION TECHNIQUES Part 3 of 3 Parts May 1987 by Bill Witt =================================== NEW ATLANTIS BBS 301-632-2671 Member of the ParaNet system =================================== This is the third part of a three part online course in Basic Meditation Techniques The course is devided into three sections. Section one deals with what meditation is and how it plays a part in the lives of those who use it. Section two will go into the techniques and tools of meditation. Section three gives suggestions on how to use what you've learned, in everyday life. A list of books for further reading on the subject, will be given at the end of section three. This material may be reproduced and distributed only if the header, by line, and BBS info remain part of any such reproduction. ___________________________________ In this third and final section we will discuss some ways in which you may use what you've learned, in your daily life. The most obvious use of the techniques you have learned, is relaxation. During the course of the day, many of us have moments when the pressure becomes almost to much. When this happens, we often can't deal with other people or projects the way we should. The breathing exercises you learned in section two can help at these times. It doesn't require alot of time or absolute quiet as does your meditation practice. All that is required is about five minutes and relative privacy. At these times, begin doing your rhythmic breathing and visualize a place which is calm and refreshing. This simple and quick exercise, can work wonders to help you regain control in a hectic situation. Another way in which meditation is used is in the development of psychic powers. There are several books on the subject, listed at the end of this section. Most of those who teach about the use and development of these abilities, agree that meditation is necessary to any such study. Again the reason for this is that meditation allows you to reach an altered state of conciousness. In this altered state your mind is more open to such phenomenon as telepathy. If you should decide to persue studies in this direction, please seek the help of someone trained in these areas. One final use I will suggest is visualization. Meditation can be used as a tool for problem solving. While in a meditative state of mind, you have the ability to take any situation and manipulate it. By that I mean you can mentally play the out the situation using several different solutions. Then, you can pick the one which seems to best solve the problem. While the use of meditation can help you deal with problem solving more effectively, it is not infallible. All it can do is allow you to think more clearly and concisely about the problem at hand. Well that concludes this study on meditation. I hope you have gained something usefull from this course. It has been by no means, a full explanation of the subject. There is much more to learn than could be covered in this short series and It is my hope that you will want to continue your studies into this fascinating and usefull skill. More studies of this type will be developed in the near future. The New Atlantis BBS will continue to post these studies as an ongoing service to it's users. Please feel free to leave suggestions on the BBS about subjects you would like to see covered. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Miriam Simos (Starhawk) The Spiral Dance New York Harper & Row; 1979 W.E. Butler How To Read The Aura, Practice Psycometry, Telepathy and Clairvoyance New York Destiny Books; 1978 Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips The Development of Psychic Powers St. Paul, MN Llewellyn Publications; 1985 ----------------------------------- End Of File -----------------------------------