From mystery28man@hotmail.com Sun Aug 26 23:14:03 2001 Newsgroups: alt.seduction.fast Subject: The Mystery Method: MM Basic Training FAQ From: mystery28man@hotmail.com Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 06:14:03 GMT MM Basic Training FAQ: Master Pick-up Artist "Mystery" is now offering an IN-FIELD MM BASIC TRAINING Workshop in selected cities (Canada and USA). Q: What is MM? The Mystery Method is an explosively controversial FIELD-TESTED method for picking up women and is a practical, SYSTEMATIC, results oriented set of rules for FINDING, MEETING, ATTRACTING and CLOSING hot women rated 8.5+. MM includes GROUP THEORY, NEG THEORY, PAWNING and more. It's NOT about trying to jump over the step of obtaining the PUA skillset to get ONE particular girl you've been pining over and settle. Rather, it's about practicing and gaining experience for a time when a particularly hot and valuable woman comes along. You don't want to blow it with this future woman and must start working on the skills to get her NOW. The good news is, you will be able to enjoy your journey until she finally comes along. Q: Why is Mystery offering Basic Training? It is OBVIOUS by now that people are NOT able to understand and fully appreciate MM by only reading about it. There are wonderful insights that you just can't UNDERSTAND unless you SEE IT LIVE and IN ACTION. Who better to teach you MM than Mystery himself. Q: Is taking IN-FIELD BASIC TRAINING better than a seminar? Think about it. A well-known three day seduction seminar in Los Angeles costs $895 US! While these guys are SITTING at desks for hours in a room FULL OF OTHER GUYS, with their eyes closed, getting HYPNOTIZED to try to feel confident, you'll be spending YOUR TIME getting the JOB DONE RIGHT! Confidence comes from EXPERIENCE and not wishful thinking. Like a new driver of a car, you will be thrust behind the wheel with a MASTER-INSTRUCTOR. Not only will you get experience ON THE ROAD finally, but you will also learn through EXAMPLE as you watch Mystery DEMONSTRATE his methods BEFORE you do it yourself. Q: What does Basic Training cover? Imagine 4 incredible evenings out in a ROW (Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat), 5 hours per evening (9pm to 2am). Each evening a limo will pick you and 4 others up (you'll get greater personal attention with only 4 others and won't be stuck in a seminar with 50 GUYS all day like other less practical teaching methods). You'll have a candid interactive conversation with Mystery about MM in the limo as he prepares you for an evening of approaching groups of women. An hour later you'll pull up to the front of a club and walk in. There you'll watch Mystery DEMONSTRATE various strategies and tactics. You'll learn and understand more in ten minutes WATCHING a PUA in action than you could reading online for a month. By the end of BASIC TRAINING, you will have met close to 50 women! Now tell me you won't begin to feel confident after even 15 to 20 approaches under your belt? After each approach you will get quick tips from Mystery before the next approach. This is HANDS ON learning. You will find ADVENTURE around every corner in the presence of Mystery. Here's an example: Mystery: "Ok, see there ... that's a 3 set. Notice how the 2 male obstacles are trying to get her attention? OK, lets go in." After you watch the set, mystery debriefs. "See how I approached the two GUYS first and ignored the TARGET? I used the poltergeist opener on guy 1 and pulled guy 2 into the conversation. See how I negged the target with the hand model neg? OK, by doing this, not only did I lower her self-esteem a bit (bring her down from her beauty pedestal), but I also made it appear to her and the guys that I was not interested in her. This immediately disarms the guys as they think I'm there just to shoot the shit, but this also challenges her to find out why I'm not into her. More ignoring her and conveying my personality through interesting routines aimed towards the guys builds social proof from her own peer group. After the nose wiggling neg, I ask the group, "So how does everyone know eachother?" I used this to find out the info I needed. Turns out, neither of the guys were BFs or brothers so I was ready to go one on one with her. Since I've been publicly alienating her (using playful shotgun negs) I've prepared the situation. Now I simply asked the guys, "I've really been alienating your friend. Is it alright with you if I speak to her for a bit?" Remember to make man to man eye contact with the guys ... respectful. So now I sat beside her one on one and knew that none of the guys would cockblock. Whispering, I asked her, "What qualities do you possess that would make me want to get to know you better?" This is a great IOI tester because if she starts to give you some qualities, you know she is trying to qualify herself to you. See how I did kino while she was talking? See how I phase-shifted into seduction mode once I had enough IOIs by slowing down my speech? See how I didn't stick around too long to stale the great first impression and just got a kiss & # and left? OK ... now its your turn. See that 2 set there? Which one do you like? Alright, go in ... try the Elvis Opener and transition to the question game. If you get funked up, just eject with a "Pleasure meeting you. Later." Time passes. "That was sweet! OK so it fucked up but you approached and got it under your belt. Failure one was your entry. You got caught up in the moment and choked a bit by not going in smiling. OK, remember to fake it BIG for the next set ... and there it is ... a 3 set. Three girls, all hot. OK, before you go in, you'll need to pawn girls around you so you are dressed in women. So to win this set, let's enter into the 2 set (2 7s) near the hot 3 set. Once they are disarmed, we can merge the groups and pawn off the 7s to get the attention of that 10 in there. Ready? I'll wing you to get rid of the 2 hot obstacles once we merge sets. Go into the 2 set with the same opener and remember, be ENTHUSIASTIC like we just had a laugh. Natural. Let's Go!" Yes, that's what it's like. The nightclub is a HOLODECK that presents several scenarios for you to practice getting good at. Once you get a handle of this in the club, all outside approaches become quite easy. Watching the other guys do approaches and then hearing Mystery debrief them will help you dramatically as well. This is fast paced and fucking fun! PROBLEM: If you do not actively seek to acquire a target, you will not FIND one. SOLUTION: 4 evenings out by limo to where the girls are. PROBLEM: If you do acquire a target but do not approach her, you will not MEET one. SOLUTION: See Mystery approach and then YOU WILL ... a dozen times a night. PROBLEM: If you do approach your target but do not disarm her bitch-shield, you will not ATTRACT. SOLUTION: Learn how to OPEN without conveying interest nor alarming the men and get your timing down over successive approaches. PROBLEM: If you do disarm but fail to convey attractive personality characteristics, you will not ATTRACT. SOLUTION: Learn how to perform great routines that entertain in groups, convey social proof and get attention. Practice the same routines to different groups to get them down. PROBLEM: If you do convey an attractive personality but do not have the guts to finally show interest, you will not CLOSE. SOLUTION: Learn how to test for IOIs, know what an IOI looks like and how to SOI. PROBLEM: If you do not close properly, you will not have sex. SOLUTION: Learn proven # and kiss closes, see them in action and then practice them. PROBLEM: If you close properly but don't follow up, you will not have sex. SOLUTION: Learn what to say on the phone to get her to see you again. OK, so, imagine an IN-FIELD WORKSHOP where you get to first SEE a particular tactic in action and then with coaching get to TRY IT YOURSELF and have a quick debriefing RIGHT AFTER. You will learn WHERE MYSTERY GOES and you will meet the SAME girls he meets. At the very worst, you will have met a HELL of a LOT of women in 4 days. At the very best, you will have FINALLY learned how to PU women and have so many of them your cock will ache. Taking them back to your place via limo wouldn't hurt either. It's unfortunate that the many PUA subtleties cannot be expressed in text. Many concepts must actually be internalized into your motor response, just like a driver must learn exactly how to steer. You have to be EXPRESSIVE, PEACOCK, naturally approach, ALWAYS approach GROUPS, act ENTHUSIATIC and KNOW YOUR ROUTINE'S timing. Remember, the PUA is a PERFORMING ART. At some point you must put down the books and start actually getting out to real public gatherings where women are and approach them. Mystery will give PERSONALIZED advice based on your PARTICULAR level of skill and offer thoughts on style of dress, where to go based on the TYPE of girl you enjoy, etc. This 4 day EXTENDED LONG-WEEKEND of INTELLECTUALIZED PARTYING will not only likely be the best time you've ever had out on the town, but you will come back from BASIC TRAINING a PUA! Sure, it's like jumping out of an airplane, but you don't DECIDE to jump when you are in the air already right? You decide before you sign up. It's the same here. If you don't have the guts to at least try and fail in the HOLODECK, then do NOT SIGN UP. Here is the daily schedule breakdown: 7pm to 8pm Limo pick-up. 8pm to 9pm Mystery speaks about MM. 9pm to 11:45pm Club ONE (on last day, club will be a strip club) 11:45pm to 1:30am Club TWO 1:30am to 2am Debriefing On DAY 1, Mystery will focus on the following: Beginning, Middle & End - the anatomy of a Pick-up. FMAC Find Meet Attract Close Rating Systems and and why they're needed Mystery Rating System (UG, BABE, HOT BABE) Binary (DO or DO NOT) Standard Bacholor's System (1 to 10) 12 approaches an evening - "The more doors you knock on, the more will open." Practice makes better - "Focus on the many, don't obsess on one." The GAME metaphor and how it empowers you. The 5 characteristics of an alphamale and how to convey them The PUA equipment list - from pen to condoms Rebounding quickly and learning from your errors for the next approach. Dealing with the AWARE STATE and how to get your GOOGLE. How to approach groups 3 sec rule Openers Personality conveying routines On DAY 2, Mystery will focus on the following: Indicators of Interest (IOIs) and how to test for them. Closing - Kiss close and various # close routines NEG Theory: One on one sniper negs The power of enthusiasm. It's contagious! How to elicit the emotion in others. Special routines The Photo Routine The Digital Photo Routine ESP routine On DAY 3, Mystery will focus on the following: Advanced Field Tactics - pawning girls for better ones. The Proximity Alert System and how to use it. Peacocking tactics. How to use a tape recorder to your advantage. Social proof tactics. Weaving stories to involve her in a drama. The Money Belt Drama. NEG theory (Shotgun Negs - group negs). See Pull My Finger Shotgun Neg in ACTION. Handling the next day phone call. Why introducing yourself sucks. Compliment rules in action. Things to do while phone # closing - the 'event' (not a date). The Phone Rules close On DAY 4, Mystery will focus on the following: The Stripper Rules. (Remember, Mystery LIVED with a stripper for 2 yrs, had another LTR stripper of 2 yrs and enjoyed the company of 6 more!) Special Operations (spec ops). Picking up waitresses, approaching girls in the subway, the Choose Gino gambit, tactics to go from kino to making out, spell routines to get her 'believing' such as the rose spell of attraction, spell of charming and others. Tying down Loose Cannons (guys who fuck up your game intentionally). The Hollywood scene and why you should go there if you want to be a serious PUA. Getting past all those last barriers before fucking her with the take-away. You will be required to approach groups of people, begin by performing an OPENER, see how longr you can keep the conversation going and then politely EJECT. You will do this 12 times. After each time, you will quickly debrief with Mystery and use the new info in your next approach. Approaching women has been rated more scary then speaking in public. The aware state certainly can play interesting tricks on you. The only current training method offered is hypnosis. We are expected to get TALKED into a MOTIVATED state. The Mystery Method is taught differently. You are expected to be nervous on the first 3 approaches, just like Mystery. But by the fourth approach, you will have allowed the previous approaches to get you into gear. That is when it gets FUN. If you are too chicken to approach groups of girls and bomb, then do not sign-up. Q: How do I know Mystery is an authority on the PUA? Checkout www.fastseduction.com and do a search for posts by Mystery. You'll quickly recognize that Mystery has been contributing his unique theories for more than three years. Having broken down dynamic social interactions into a science, Mystery is the creator of FMAC (Find Meet Attract Close) and the discoverer of the 3S (3 second) rule, NEG THEORY (both SNIPER NEGS and SHOTGUN NEGS), GROUP THEORY (how to approach and disarm groups of people - including groups with possible boyfriends) and PAWNING (how to merge one group with another). He has invented THE QUESTION GAME, the PHOTO ROUTINE, PEZ OPENER, ELVIS SCRIPT NEWBIE MISSION, SPELLS OPENER, ESP ROUTINE, IOIs (recognizing Indicators of Interest), STRIPPER RULES and yes, even the KISS CLOSE. Information on ALL this can be found at all the popular PUA archives including www.fastseduction.com, Tony's Layguide (tranceboy.fws1.com/layguide.htm), and www.pickupguide.com. Mystery is also the creator and system's administrator of "Mystery's PUA Lounge", a private online community where some of the best PUAs come together (real names, real photos) to talk shop. Q: Has anyone from the online world met Mystery in person? Yes. He's hungout with the likes of Roadking, Craig, Rick H, Tim B., Tom in LA, Keen_arene, Sindrome_K and David Shade in person. Online friends and private members of Mystery's PUA Lounge include: Ross Jefferies, Clifford, Lovedrop, Maniac High, Mudbomb, Nathan (from Nathan's Lounge fame), Riker, Rio, Rock Harders, Toecutter, Vince, Tony (from Tony's Layguide fame), Smackulus, Nightlight9, Alphahot1, and Formhandle (from Fast Seduction 101 fame). Email any of the above PUA cats and ask them for an honest assessment of Mystery's PUA contributions and skills. Read what one PUA to be had to say after meeting Mystery in LA (2 parts): http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=retrieve&grp=1&mn=95290659143710 http://www.fastseduction.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?action=retrieve&grp=1&mn=95292811243718 Q: Does NEGGING really work? YES! If you think NEG THEORY is about INSULTING women, then you NEED to SEE NEG THEORY in ACTION! It is mind-blowing! Q: Can I approach a HB surrounded by GUYS? YES! In fact, in the field, PUAs recognize that MOST HBs will not be found alone. They will USUALLY be found in 2 or 3 sets, the obstacles of the groups often being men. Since you aren't a mindreader, you won't know if any of the guys are boyfriends or brothers of the target until AFTER you have asked, "So, how does everyone know eachother?" If you don't think this is possible, then you must SEE GROUP THEORY in ACTION! Mystery approaches groups as large as 10 people easily. Q: I've read all the info available on the net, but why can I STILL not pull girls? Quite simply, the reason you fear approaching women is this: you don't have EXPERIENCE. With experience comes confidence. When you know what to EXPECT, you will no longer feel fear. However, you will not know what to expect until you have BEEN THERE first. Get in the game finally by taking BASIC TRAINING. Q: Does the ELVIS SCRIPT actually work? Yes! Until you SEE the elvis script in action, you just won't understand HOW such a routine can open a group. We want to go UNDER the bitch shield, not THROUGH IT! Q: Where will MM Basic Training take place? Mystery CURRENTLY has interest in doing the MM BASIC TRAINING course in the following cities: LOCATION DATES Montreal September Toronto September Vancouver (to be announced) Edmonton (to be announced) New York (to be announced) Ft. Lauderdale November Miami November San Diego (to be announced) San Fransisco (to be announced) Seattle (to be announced) Boise Septmeber New Orleans (to be announced) Vegas October Los Angeles October If you cannot get to one of these locations, contact Mystery and he'll add your city to the list. He will ONLY do a workshop in a particular city if he has a total of 5 people who signup for the workshop in that city. If you bring in other PUAs to be, you'll get 20% off (that's $100 off your fee!) Q: What is the "MM Basic Training" fee? The fee is $500 US. This includes, club entry, limo for 4 days (sweet huh!), an hour lecture in the limo each evening with a 30 minute debriefing at the end of the night, and finally 3 and a half hours per night IN-FIELD (broken up into 2 clubs per night) with Mystery. You will meet other great PUAs (friends of Mystery) as well. You will also receive FREE, Mystery's 3 e-books (MM Basic Training, MM Advanced Tactics and MM Spec Ops). Though the e-books are not yet complete (they are being edited now), when they are done you'll get them free. As the e-books will be continually upgraded (much like any typical software package has increasing version numbers) you will get all upgrades FREE forever. Email Mystery for more info or to sign-up at mystery28man@hotmail.com. Q: Who is Mystery? That's a secret. You will have to sign a NON-DISCLOSURE agreement before you may take part in the MM Basic training In-Field Workshop so that Mystery's true identity remains a secret. If you are a member of the press, you may only interview Mystery via email.