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Tom V's Money Magnet

To: El Oscuro <eloscuro@artofhacking.com>
Subject: FW: Money Magnet
Date: Friday, August 22, 2003 8:17 PM

Money Magnet Mini-Seminar 4/25/00

This is a demonstration of Tom talking to Paul,
walking him through the money magnet .

Tom: One of the first things that I noticed when
I sat down and started doing this was I was able
to start having things happen in my life
automatically. I wasn't really sure how I did it
but I really got associated into things. I
began last year when I was having a seminar and
was concerned that not enough students were signing
up. So I laid in bed one night and just thought
of all these people on the planet who needed to
know what I know, who needed this information, and
how great it would be for them to have this. I
started to go through all the things that they
would be able to do, and all the things that they
would be able to accomplish if they had these
skills; how their lives would be improved.  I
really started getting into it and got way down
the list to the point of where all the money I was
going to make. Then what would happen the very next
day, I would have four or five people sign up, out
of nowhere. So this has become my seminar ritual now!
We already have 6 people signed up for the London
seminar in August. It's like cha ching.  I'm going
to break even. So at this point I can have a free
vacation in London, talk to six people for three
days, and that's okay. That takes care of my plane
ticket and the room. I might have to stay in a
hostel. (Laughter)

So what I began to notice was, I was able
to shift my states into states that were really,
really open and had everybody's best interest

Tim: What do you mean by open?

Tom: Okay. How about instead of open, let's say
more like sharing or giving.

Tim: Okay.

Tom: Okay. Is that a better description? Sharing or
giving. When I was into those kinds of states when
doing things I was able to draw into my life a
little better because it wasn't selfish, like just
for me. If you look at things and look at them like
how are they going to benefit just you, you are
leaving out the rest of the world.
Now my theory about how people interact, or how it
is called energy or any of that stuff, is that if
you isolate yourself you don't get anything.
If you approach it from a model of being incredibly
selfish, only looking at what
you are going to get out of the transaction, then
more than likely you aren't going to get anything.
It's like interacting with women. If you just figure
out what you are going to get, and they're not going
to get anything, you're not going to get anything.
It's just not going to happen.

Tom: So anyway, I will catch you up real quick.
We were talking about attracting things into your
life, because about a month ago there was a thread
on the list about money and energy, and how to
attract it. So of course I went out and I tried it.
I wanted to see what I could do.
Over a month's time, not only me, but lots of people
close to me have been coming across with these really
great deals and making a lot of money. So I go, "Okay."
Now I'm going to try to explain what I did, and that's
why we are here today.
So the part we got to was, if you focused on exactly
what you were going to get out of acquiring something,
then you are energetically cutting yourself off from
every other part of the transaction. If you energetically
isolate yourself then you're not in the flow with
everything else going on. It's like only breathing in,
which I think you can only do once. (Makes loud sound of
breathing in.) (Laughing.) Well it's true. You can only
do it once.
So then the energy that you use... I dunno... Ummm Paul,
think of something you'd like to have in your life. You
don't  have to tell me about it, just think of something.

Paul: Ok, that's easy.

Tom: Okay, so when you think of the thing that you want
to have, when you look at it, what does it look
like? I mean what do the surroundings look like?
I don't want to know what it is, but what is
around it? I mean is it a color or a setting?

Paul: Black

Tom: Well that's good.

Paul: What is in the middle is very wide though. I
mean you could see it. I could see it, I know y'all
can't see it. I want a better job where every thing
just flows easier; where I don't have to have that
stress; you know a job that fits exactly how I am.

Tom: Okay, so do you have a good definition of
exactly how you are?

Paul: Yeah, a really relaxed job, but up beat
tempo. Very aggressive, absolutely.

Tom: Relaxed, up-beat and aggressive? Okay, so what
about you fits into the thing that you want?

Paul: Put it differently.

Tom: Okay, what about wanting the things that you woo? I mean you
have a desire for something. Now what about you is aligned with
that desire?

Paul: I'm aggressive.

Tom: Okay, so is that something that you want to be there?

Paul: Yeah. I want a more aggressive type company. I wouldn't say
cut-throat, but a very persuasive type.

Tom: What does aggressive mean? I mean there are different types
of aggressive. I mean I am passive aggressive.
(In high squeaky voice) I won't do it.

Paul: A company willing to take more chances, to go after the gold,
not like worry about their own ass.

Tom: Well they have lots of those. They're called bankrupt.
I mean there are certain business rules.

Wesley: Give us an example of aggressive in this case.

Tom: Yeah, like aggressive marketing, creativity, something
that would challenge you more.

Paul: The company in my mind means to go in a direction of start
expanding their frame of mind of where the product should be. I
mean we have this product which just goes after this narrow field,
and we need to expand that more. We need to be more technical
or more towards sales people, or more towards marketing.

Tom: Oh, Okay. So here's something that I want to ask because this
is kind of a specific thing that you want. When you see that in
your mind, does it have movement to it?

Paul: No.

Tom: Okay. This is one of the things that I found. If you take
your desires and actually put movement to them, they become
more real. Like if you would see a company growing, it wouldn't
be a still picture, would it?

Paul: Nope.

Tom: Allright, does that make sense? Now does that look different?

Paul: Yeah.

Tom: How does it feel?

Paul: Like the comic strip, Dilbert zone.

Tom: Now what is around the picture of the growing thing?

Paul: People working, the marketing actually working better.

Tom: Okay, now what is outside around the picture of it?

Paul: Black.

Tom: Okay, we got some more tuning up to do. One of the things
that I found is that if you give the thing you want some life,
then you'll have more of a chance of getting it. So, so far we
have a state that is sharing. So do you want this just for
yourself or for everybody in the company?

Paul: I want it for everybody in the company, but for selfish needs.
Does that make sense?

Tom: Yeah, okay, if you could cut the selfishness out of it. Could
you do that?

Paul: Oh yeah.

Tom: Just do that for now. Trust me. It's okay to have selfish needs
and desires but it is not good to put them into a projection. Does
that make sense?

Paul: Yeah, because it kind of taints the energy. You see it at a
different level. Underneath it the energy is different colors, and
to kill the selfish need it is more wider, like gold.

Tom: Okay, so are you guys following this so far? Notice when he took
the selfishness out of this it changed. Does this make sense?

Fred: When you took that out, how else did the picture change? Did
it get larger or brighter? You got rid of the red and added some gold.
How else did it change?

Paul: I didn't add the gold, it just showed up.

Tom: The gold was already there. Here is the thing that I noticed with
energy. Most energy is just naturally occurring. It's really, really
kind of good and light. I don't know what good means and what light means,
but this just makes sense to me. When we start projecting things like
our selfishness or our desires, or what we want out of it, we actually
take that energy and taint it a little bit. Okay, like he said, there
were some red things and those things were projected from him. Now look
how easily he got rid of them.  Okay. I didn't tell him how to do it.
I didn't give him a process. I just said: "If you could take the
selfishness out of it, what would it be like?". Then he went and had
his own acid induced hallucination to find out what would happen, and he
just did it. People make this so complex. (Voice deepening) "Oh, you have
to pray to your higher, higher, higher self, or make sure your root chakras
are plugged into a tree and it has to be DC current." I don't know, but
this shit is all a hallucination to me, but a lot of it really works.
But then again, if you go tell someone to do something and they do it
anyway without any of that stuff, that means that everything we do
turns the same bolt. It seems that many different tools turn the same
bolt, and this is all just a constructive hallucination.
Okay, what I wanted you to notice is when Paul was changing the pictures
he was really changing the feelings. It's just that it's not so much
that the pictures were important, but the feelings. The pictures are
how he manipulates the feelings. Does that make sense?

Paul: I mean it's sort of like when I changed the picture, something
changed in here. I had to feel that first before the picture would

Tom: Makes perfect sense. There is no real process. Okay, so do you
see how we're cleaning out his state a little bit for the thing he
desires? It's not like voodoo, or building little idols,
or throwing salt everywhere. So here's a question: Is there any part
of you that is connected to that picture?

Paul: Yeah.

Tom: Where? (Paul points to shoulders) Okay, what is that connection like?

Paul: Depends on context. Sometimes it turns colors, sometimes it just sits.

Tom: Ok, which one feels best?

Paul: The lighter color. It's like a white gold.

Tom: Okay, is it thick is it thin?

Paul: About that thick (Using fingers to illustrate thickness).

Tom: So if you make it thicker how big is it?

Paul: I don't want to make it thicker.

Tom: What does that do? How does that feel?

Paul: It would overwhelm me.

Tom: What if you make it thinner?

Paul: Okay.

Tom: Allright, does that feel better or does it make any difference?
How does it feel?

Paul: It's like it requires less energy. There is less energy going
into the picture.

Tom: Okay, so you say there's energy going to the picture. Where do you get
it from?

Paul: From myself.

Tom: Okay. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to open up the top
of your head so that there is a big, old, oil can funnel in there. Do
you understand what a funnel of light is?

Paul: Yeah, I've done that before.

Tom: Okay, then do it. And what I want you to do is let it funnel THROUGH
you, instead of FROM you and expending your own energy into the picture.

Paul: Okay, done.

Tom: How does that feel?

Paul: It feels like there is a lot more energy there, but it's like it's
none of mine.

Tom: Okay, so add a little of you to it because we want some of you to be

Paul: It's kind of like expands the picture.

Tom: Okay, we taught you the rapport skills right?

(Paul nods his head yes)

Tom: Can you get rapport with that picture? (Nodding yes again) So, what did
you do to do that?

Paul: I built the scene in this room real quick. I know this sounds
totally weird. I built the whole scenario right here, started moving
the picture around a little bit and just slid right into it.

Tom: Okay, now how does it feel?

Paul: Sort of feels like I'm there already.

Tom: Allright, we don't want that.

Wesley: Yeah. We don't want that because he's not motivated if he's
there already.

Tom: Right. But actually it's really not a motivation, because what you
are going to do is get this, and you're going to build it as an attractor
of the thing you want. Like a magnet.

Paul: Oh, I know how to do that.

Tom: Allright, here's what I want you to do. Now before you do that I
want to ask you a couple of questions. What would it take for you to
deserve that?

Paul: I already deserve it.

Tom: So when you think of things that you deserve, what do they look
like to you?

Paul: It's a feeling.

Tom: Where is that at in your body?

Paul: It's like up in the shoulders.

Tom: So then you deserve it?

Paul: Yep.

Tom: You desire it?

Paul: Now that is a very good question.

Tom: Stick it out in front of you again so that you don't have it. We were
talking about desire.

Paul: Okay, I understand what happened. What happened was I was associated
into the picture.

Tom: So you desire, and deserve, and you are capable of it.

Paul: Oh yeah.

Tom: Allright. If there was anything getting in your way what would it
be? Between here and there.

Paul: Other people.

Tom: That's bullshit! There is no such thing as that. There are other
people in the way because you just haven't moved to a point where they
are not. What, other people have your job?

Paul: Well, I depend on a lot of other people to do their job who don't do
their jobs.

Tom: So what if you had a bunch of other people around you that did their

Paul: Well it changes the picture.

Tom: But I figured that the people there would already be doing them,
unless you have to run around and change everybody to where you are now.
Believe me I tried that and it doesn't work. It gives you a headache.
No, I am not talking about your headache, I'm talking about mine.

Paul: Okay, so what is the question?

Tom: Oh about the thing in between here and there?

Paul: Just time right now.

Wesley: (Slow tone of voice) JUST TIME....................RIGHT NOW.

Paul: Hey, that's the answer.

Tom: So what if time was irrelevant? That's actually something else we
can forget because no matter how much time would pass, if you sat on
your ass, nothing would change.

Paul: That's true.

Tom: So then time is not really a factor, unless you're waiting for
people to die so that you can take their jobs! Okay, here's something
that I did for myself when I started playing with this stuff. I noticed
that I would be making all these pictures of the things that I wanted,
and these little friking gremlins would be popping up all over the place.
All these little popping excuses I was using for the reasons I couldn't
have that.  All these little things like, it's people, it's time, it's
this or that. I actually noticed that when you talk about visualization,
you talk about feelings because I know that works better for
you... (Referring to Tim), ...but for me I actually see them
floating around out there. They had color to them and they had motion. The
interesting thing is that some of the things that I wanted would
actually migrate. It was like, NO, I can use this excuse over here. There's
no use making another excuse, I'll just come right over. Why create more
when I can just use this excuse or that one.

Wesley: Multi tasking excuses.

Tom: Oh yeah. They were fast little fuckers, too. Because I would go like
this and they would go like: Zoom! (Indicating speed with hand). This
is the point I was getting at when I was talking to you about the things
because you know most of the excuses you've been giving. Not that they're
real excuses, but because they are reasons. But most of the reasons you've
been giving have been hallucinations. They are NOT, really, reasons. I mean
like what kind of reason is time? What would more time do?

Paul: I mean it would take more time for me to get what I want because I
need the time to work on it.

Tom: Well, I mean that is accomplishing a process. A process takes time.
Okay, you're not going to hallucinate a house and have it show up tomorrow.

Wesley: Or have it before you leave the room.

Tom: BUT, we are talking about the process. Think about when the process
would begin.

Paul: It's sort of hibernating.

Tom: Okay, so what is the limitation that's keeping you from getting
there? I mean actual programming work. Are we actually talking about
work, work? We are talking about what?

Paul: Well there is a part of me...

Tom: Oh shit, you got parts, Paul? Wesley, do you have your parts knife
back in the office?

Wesley: Yes I do. Now I have a little parts pocket knife that will do
since this is a little part. (Gesturing like he is cutting the part away)

Tom: Is that part valid or is that the part you use when you're not sure
you want to have something? (High squeaky voice) Hello, my name is Ducky
Doubt. (Laughs)

Paul: Thus, I am in confusion.

Tom: This is not an accident, trust me. <Laughs> We are just having fun.
This isn't serious, so just relax, okay? Take your brain colon and go
ahhhhhhh. Does that feel better now?

Paul: Yeah.

Tom: Notice when he changed his focus to the things that were preventing
how it just completely and totally stagnated him. He spent the last five
minutes not being able to do jack-shit. I'm sorry. I won't do that to you
again. (Laughs) Now I want you to change your focus.

Paul: To what?

Tom: To how many ways this could be possible.

Paul: Yeah, okay.

Tom: Okay. Did you listen to his voice? It's much nicer isn't it.

Wesley: There is also an interesting thing about symmetry. His resources
were on his left side. When he went right he was getting stuck.

Tom: Now here's something that I want you to think about. Do you have
stupid things that you do from time to time when you know you shouldn't?
Where would you decide to put them? Up there? (Points to Paul's upper
right). You don't want to destroy them because you might want to know
about them, otherwise you might just do them all over again.

Paul: From my current pattern of doing things, maybe there is something
better to do. I'll start to notice when I do something stupid, and I'll
say "Stop it Paul", then just do something different.

Tom: Oh, okay as long as you have something that says to wait, which was
pretty close to the other spot I had pointed out. For those of us who are
looking at you through a microscope, not that that's necessary.
Now you have the picture of the thing that you want to do, so go ahead
and look at it again. Now if you think about all the things that get
in between you and that there, how does that picture change?

Paul: About the same right here. I can throw it on the side.

Tom: Yeah, I just want you to notice it.

Paul: If I put this right there, it stops the picture and changes the
color underneath it.

Tom: The only statement I want you to have in your mind is, "How many ways
can I do that? How does that change things?"

Paul: You mean the different routes to get there? It's like a photo copy
of the picture, but each are different.

Tom: Okay, what about the color, shape and size?

Paul: The movement comes back and the color underneath it comes back to
normal. It's like it's gold, and there is like clarity, and a lot of
sharpness to the pictures. The one in the center is the sharpest.

Tom: Here's the other thing, and this is the perfect example of the other
thing that I have noticed. When you draw something into your life and you
are limited in one way of getting there, you are technically what we call
trapped. That is your only path to get there. Now when you ask him the
question, and it is a nicely crafted little question: "How many different
ways can you get there?", it generally has the effect of multiplying the
image so that you have a variety of choices. Now here's something
interesting when you have all those choices. How many of the paths are
fairly common, but have just one or two different distinctions? Or are
there any? Some may be completely different. Is there a group of them
that are common that have minor differences?

Paul: Yeah, there are just minor differences. Certain pictures have
certain people still there, and certain pictures don't.

Tom: Where did they go? Bye. Anyway, does it feel better
with those choices or do you want to narrow it back down to one?

Paul: No, I'm going to make it bigger.

Tom: Bigger? More?

Paul: No, just add a couple more.

Tom: Okay, just let me know when you have enough. We will sit and wait, and
wait, and wait... Okay. Now here's something that I want you to notice.
Now this might not be true for you, but pretend it is. I want you to notice
which ones are brighter.

Paul: The ones that are more in the center. It's hard for me to visualize
when I'm looking down.

Tom: Okay. You know what you do?  Tilt your head. But the cool part is that
you only have to tilt it on the inside. It's okay, just stay where you are.

Paul: I don't know if I can do that.

Tom: That's okay. Just forget about it for now and tell me about the

Paul: Well it's like there's a big bright ball underneath, not all of
them, but just the ones in the circle... the ones that I think have more
possibilities that are actually working out that way, but there are others
that can work out, and I can still keep my goals.

Paul: Do this with Tim, real quick.

Tom: No, no, no, no. You're the perfect example of what's going on. I
mean it's the way I notice things being set up. I just stop things from
time to time to point things out, and this is all not real, so it really
doesn't matter. You can do this with multiple feelings, multiple this,
multiple that. The idea is that you're giving yourself more choices with
the use of language and hallucination.

Tom:  Okay. Now there's another thing that I want to add. If you had to
give those things temperature, what temperature would they have? Play
with it. Give it cold, give it warm, mediocre...

Paul: I can't give them a temperature, not yet.

Tom: Ok, stick your hand in one. (Paul gestures like he is putting his hand
in one.) Like you're testing the water in the morning when you take a

Paul: I never do that.

Tom: Okay, so reach out and touch it like you're touching an ice cube.
You've touched an ice cube? (Paul nods yes.)

Tom: Have you ever stuck your hand out the car door and the sun light hit
it on a warm spring day? Not the August days where you stick your hand out
the window and it drips sweat. You know where it feels just right? Do that.
Stick that in there. If you can't get the feeling I'll lend you one. (Paul
shakes his head 'no') Aw, come on, I got spares.

(Paul nods yes.)

Tom: How does that feel?

Paul: Warm.

Tom: Is it better than cold?

Paul: Yeah, because I don't want to take my hand away from it.

Tom: I know, you don't want to.

Paul: Yeah.

Tom: I mean it feels more pleasant.

Paul: Yeah, it does. I kind of remember when me and my dad built
this house and there was this pleasant warmth, but it was combined
with hard work and sweat and me going home and going "Ooooh whoo".

Tom: Okay, just close your eyes for me just for a second. Okay, when
you change the temperature in the picture does the actual picture
change at all?

Paul: Yes.

Tom: Okay, so make it too hot.

Paul: No.

Tom: Make it too cold.

Paul: I already did.

Tom: Okay, so desire, deserve, capable. How would you getting that affect
other people's lives and make it better?

Paul: That's easy. I would make a lot of money.

Tom: Well, okay. Now let's take the money out of it.

Paul: We're talking about business people though.

Tom: Business people are just like anyone else. They want their
money to get a feeling. Money is all about feelings or the things
they buy to get them feelings.

Tom: Allright, so you have more choices. Okay, just to see where
we are right now. How is that different from where we first started?

Paul: A world of difference. What happens if I ahhhhh...

Tom: I dunno. What happens if you do?

Paul: If I could put a different type of energy... I know this is just a
hallucination but it still works for me... like a compelling energy.

Tom: What color would a compelling energy be for you?

Paul: It would be like sort of gleaming out, but it kind of sucks in.

Tom: What sucks in? Are we just breathing in forever?

Paul: I guess the picture sucks in all the energy around it.

Tom: That's only because it's not full.

Paul: Okay, now it's gone.

Tom: A sponge does the same thing, you know. Okay, so when it's full
with that, how is that? As a matter of fact fill them all.

Paul: Oh, I already did that.

Tom: Well this is pretty cool so far, but this isn't going to get you
Every week I think the lotto is going to hit, and it does... for other
Okay, now here is something that I want you to add to it. What is the energy
added to it?

Paul: Compelling energy. It has a great energy. It's something like, I know
can do it; I know it's going to happen, and it's going to happen
Well, that makes sense to me.

Tom: It doesn't have to make sense to anybody else. Trust me, half of what I
say doesn't make sense to anybody and they still buy it. So here's something
to just play with when we get to the end part, where it really gets it
because this is all just preliminary warm up. Can you add a little laughter
in there?

Paul: Oh yeah, I can do that.

Tom: Is that nice? Okay, now how about a little bit of Christmas morning.

Paul: I don't celebrate Christmas.

Tom: Okay, how about a birthday? How about that feeling of just before you
open a present. How about the feeling of being next in line?

Paul: I got a feeling... it's a playful feeling.

Tom: So how does that feel?

Paul: It feels pretty good, actually.

Tom: Okay, but I don't want you to have all that yet because having this
hallucination is a really good thing and can make you feel good. But then
you have to connect it to everything else going around. Does that make

Paul: No.

Tom: Of course. So what else would have to connect to that? It's connected
you, right?

Paul: What do you mean?

Tom: I don't know. Allright, you have that thing, and it's benefiting

Paul: Oh yeah.

Tom: How far out in the world can that ripple spread? Let it spread out to
limits to where you don't know how far it is.

Paul: I got the world already in my mind.

Tom: Let it go farther.

Paul: Past the world?

Tom: Yes. Now ripple it out 3 dimensionally.

Paul: I already did that.

Tom: Now trans-dimensionally. I just did that to see if I could get the

Paul: Well if I do it in multiple frequency it kind of overloads my brain.
Remember when you told me to extend that bubble? Sometimes when I extend it
much, I get too much information and it shifts me back.

Tom: Okay, then only extend it far enough out to where it's comfortable.

Paul: I can extend it out as far as I want to as long as I don't try to pick
every bit of information.

Tom: I don't want you to pick up information. I want you to transmit.

Paul: Okay.

Tom: Well what you're doing is creating something that is actually live, and
breathes. You're going to give it life. This is being connected. I mean
sperm cell is going to get there. Only one sperm gets there, but you're
to send the whole load, right? (Group laughter)

Paul: I sent the whole load.

Wesley: You can tell we have an all male room.

Tom: Now what I want you to do is surround the whole thing with an energy

Paul: I just sent all the pictures all over the world. I just took
and dropped it into the world. I dropped into the world and the bubbles...
not bubbles but floating 3D cubes. I sent them off somehow.

Tom: Did you put a return mailing address on any of them?

Unknown Speaker: Yeah, they know where they're going but not where to send

Tom: But that's okay because they are all DNA imprinted. Trust me. I've done
this before. Now where is all that stuff?

Paul: (Unintelligible)

Tom: Is this taking any of your energy?

Paul: The answer is No, then I start putting energy into it.

Tom: Well then stop it. When you put a letter in the mailbox and don't let
how far does it get? Sooner or later you have to drop it in and have faith
to where it's going. Or, you can stick the letter in the mailbox and sit
until the mailman comes and takes it, and follow him the post office, and
wait until the letter leaves there and follow it to where ever it's going.
the time you did all that you could have taken it yourself. That's the old
fashioned way. It was called the Pony Express. Okay, now how does that feel?

Paul: It's like the body sensations are right. It feels like I have multiple
plans to get there. I get the feeling that some people, even though I don't
it yet, are going on one of the plans.

Tom: I just love that. I'm not sure if I am following that, but it's right

Paul: Some people, they don't know it yet, but they're going to be on the

Wesley: They don't know it yet but they're on one of the plans?

Paul: Don't lock me away, that's all I got to say.

Tom: Okay........ Now, just clear your mind for a second. If they were going
lock anybody away, they would have taken me and Wesley a long time ago.
relatively safe as long as I am out. Okay. Now that you have that, what else
would you like? Just do the same process with something else. Something
How about something that's really stupid? I don't know, just for an
What's something that you wouldn't run across in day to day life, other than
naked cheerleaders.

Paul: Can it be something totally off the wall?

Tom: Sure. What's an unusual shape, object, or thing you wouldn't run
across on a day to day basis, that sometime within the next week you
would be surprised to find?

Paul: Don't choose people because they just never go away. Okay. You want
to be careful of what you ask because you don't want people to ruin your

Paul: Okay, I got it.

Tom: Okay, just do it with that. All the ways you can get there... desire...
deserving... capabilities... and all that... laughter... excitement. You can
use sperm cells as possilities. Okay, how did you do that so fast? It took
me an hour to explain it. Actually it seems kind of 'not fair'.

Paul: I just know what the desired affect of the picture to be. Well I
really say the desired picture but the desired feeling.

Tom: That's an important feature: the desire and intent behind the picture.
you have no intent, you don't get to have anything.

Paul: I was thinking about a mattress on the highway.

Tom: Is anybody on it?

Paul: Oh yeah. If anybody sees a mattress on the highway, I'll be surprised.

Tom: They'll probably see one on the way home, but this one is for you.
You have to see this one for yourself.

Paul: Well if I see one, I'll post it.

Tom: I don't know.  It's just an experiment.

Wesley: We can take a mattress over there if you want.

Tom: Yeah, that will work. ***

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