Social Engineering Sears by mstrmind of The Phone Rangers --------------------------------- Ahoy ye phreaks and hackers! This was my first succesful social engineer. We had a phoneranger meet that night and i wanted to have some fun so, i decided i might as well get the screensaver password to the computers there. Here we go:<BR><BR>I called 411 and got the number for sears. Here is where i start. We were over Agentex's house at the time too. Dial...ring ring ring Sears voice box- Hello and welcome to sears our hours are from 11-9:30pm tonight. Please say the name of the department you would like to betransferred to. Me- Compuers Ladie- hello welcome to sears debrah speaking, how may i help you? Me- Yes i jus purchased a computer from sears and i booted it up it prompted me for a password, do you know what this is? Debrah- Hmm im not shure, hold on a sec ill transfer you. Me- Ok ::music in the backround:: Sears ladie- welcome to sears how may i help you. Me- Uhh yes, you see my dad got this computer for me, i he told me to get it working, so i booted it up and it asks me for a password. Do you know what this means? Sears ladie- What kind of computer is it? (i thought real quick and i knew sears sells packard bells) Me- umm i think its a packard bell or sumthing like that. Sears ladie- did u like get it one clearence or something? Me- umm yea i guess, my dad got it and he is on a business trip and i he said get it working, hes doesnt know anything bout computers. Sears Ladie - well ok try out Brother. (CHA CHING! my first sucess) Me- ok let me try it out. (i shut down the computer, agent slaps me head for doing that, hehe. it boots up and i pretend im typing ) Yes!! it worked thank you very much ma'am. Sears Ladie- you gotta try to get that out of there. Me- ok i will thank you very much gbye. well there it is, it jus demonstrates what a little phone skills and some computer knowledge. till next time, mstrmind signing out.