()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() () () () 'How To Get... Older Women' () () () () Part III () () () () An explanation and update () () () ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() I have had many questions asked about my earlier 'How To Get...' files from a lot of different people, so here is somewhat of a reply to those questions and an update on the earlier files about this intriguing subject. Bear in mind that this is written in a humorous state of mine when you see a <g> or a ':)' but not otherwise (read on for more info on this). Section 1 - Comments and Questions The usual comments I get are of the nature: "Haha, loved the file, but couldn't you make it a bit more explicit?" or "What do you mean? Is this a joke or are you serious?". a) I don't want to make them more explicit, because you should really know that you don't have to have a manual for everything, and that most things you'll do come naturally and with ease. Second, most people are different. From me. From you. I can't write a manual that will work on _anyone_. What I write, is what works for me, and the girl/woman I have tried it on. If it works for you and the one you're after, great, but I'm not giving you any guarantees of any sort. That's mostly the reason why I decided not to write about sex, how to do it, and what not to do. Most people like the same things, but we all have different favorites, wants and needs, so that won't be covered at all. b) When you see a humour mark at the end of a sentence, it's a joke. It means "I'm kidding" or "don't take this serious". The humour marks used are "<g>", "<grin>", ":)" and ":-)". Note: the first file was written about 3 years ago, and I can't really be held responsible for that one now, can I? <g>. Seriously, it was written from what I knew and had experienced back then, and when I read it today, I see a lot of mistakes, a lot of dumb, naive things that shouldn't really be in there, though those things worked then, I experienced it first hand, and it worked, I don't think everything in that file would work today. The world, and the people living in it have changed, but the file stays intact unfortunately. ;) Section 2 - Update [Part I] The first file was written in October 1991, about two and half years ago. It's a mess today, I admit that, but it does contain some good advice here and there. The parts that need an update are the following: * Chapter One - Why Older? Here I'd like to change the part: " 2) Older Women have more money. This is a fact. Young women spend all their summer-work money and often live on their parents. They have nothing saved." To: " 2) Older women can take care of you. They are _usually_ employed, have a steady income, a place of their own and are ready for most things. You won't have to go through the hassle with parents home/not home. They will take care of you, if they want to that is. A younger girl usually is in the same situation as you are (ie. not that much money, living with her parents or on campus or something like that)." And the part: " 3) Older Women don't talk to you about 'their day in school' for 2 hours every day, and spend the rest of the day talking on the phone with 'Jamie', 'Lisa', 'Margret', 'Pheobe', and the rest of her 50 closest friends about 'boys' and the school-dance on friday. You can discuss (if That's what you're after) with older women. They understand what you're saying (amazing) and can actually tell you Their views on what you were talking about." To: " 3) You usually get a more interesting conversation. This is not always true. When girls are older than about 19, you'll notice that you do have interesting discussions with them, though there will be talk about school, boys, etc anyway. With an older woman, you get insight in her life, probably a life pretty much different from your own. You will be pre-educated in the life of someone in their 30's. They are often more frank, direct with you as well." The part: " 4) Older Women like to have younger men. This applies mostly to women in their thirties and over. It's a fact that when a woman gets a lover, she IS over 30. A younger man helps them to fight the crisis they face when and before hitting the magical '40'." To: " 4) Older women like to have younger men. Why?, one could ask, but it's such an easy question to answer. It applies for men and women, so you can just ask yourself, and you have the answer. Though from my own experience, I've found that most of the time it's because it's exciting. A woman I was involved with (37 years old) asked her sister (44 years old) if she'd dare to have an affair with me, and her sister replied 'But of course. You should, at least once in your lifetime have an affair with a younger man, if not for the excitement and fun, then for the experience.'" And forget about the 5th part. It's just silly. In Chapter Three - What To Say To Her... well, heh heh, I guess that those lines are pretty much standard, and she'll probably know if you don't mean what you say. So my advice, instead of those lines, are of course to say what you feel. Be honest (unless you're not serious with her that is) and say whatever comes to mind, just like you do normally. If you're not serious with her, you can use those lines. They're enough cliche‚-like as it is. In Chapter Four - What Not To Say To Her. Okay, there are a couple of good "not's" here. Like asking her how many men she have slept with, and the obvious bad language (unless you're having _such_ an affair :)) But, like I said, the world and the people living in it have changed. I got a letter from a woman at 37, with some comments on the file, where she stated that she LOVE computers for example, and I can't agree more. Today, most people are working with computers, so you probably can talk about them. What do I know? :) I guess I was referring to the "riviera" type of women, rich, with husbands who are never home, etc. You get the idea. They are usually not interested at all in computers, so if that is what you're working on (or whatever you do), cancel computer-talk. Chapter Five is pretty good as it is actually. The dumb advice to have a couple of older women to work on.. heh, okay. If you're not serious, that is a good advice, otherwise, obviously it is not. I'd just like to emphasize the importance in the way you talk to her. You can't just walse in, slap her on the back, and pull bad jokes all night. But that's also pretty obvious isn't it. And I guess you can't go for the british upper-class accent either, unless that's what she's after. Just talk naturally and be interesting. Sounds easy doesn't it? In Chapter Six - The Second Date, we have the computer business again. Well, read the update for chapter three again. The good stuff in this chapter is to go along with whatever she says, and make your conversation from that. If she's very quiet, and the conversation is pretty much zero, you _have_ to come up with something to say, or you're out in the cold. There should be numerous of things you could ask her. Her work, what she's been doing, where she usually spends her holidays, what her interests are and so on. If you go to a place where you can dance, then dance. It's also probably a good idea, the first time you meet her, to ask her about her favorite places. Restaurants, where she usually go out etc. That way, you know where to take her on the second date, or perhaps, where _not_ to take her. If you're having an affair, you don't want to take her to her regular places where people would recognize her, right? You can use the information to find places that are similar to her favorite ones, and take her there instead. And for heaven's sake, don't babble about yourself! Just remember that. Good advice also is to bring flowers, or at least a rose to the second date. Finally, Chapter Seven - What's Next? is fine as it is. Good advice, and some pointers there that I think would apply for the next, oh, ten or so years. Section 3 - Update [Part II] This file took care of the Younger women.. well, it's pretty good actually :). It was written in June 1992, and I'd say it'll still work. The only addition I have to it, is that you basically don't have to do anything to meet a younger woman. Just go out a couple of nights and you'll probably meet one. Just don't go looking like you're looking for one and you'll be okay. Section 4 - End Comments Well, I hope this has answered most of your questions, but please, keep those comments coming in! It's really rewarding for me to get comments and questions on the files I have written. And yes, there will be another update. :)