======== Newsgroups: alt.psychology.nlp Subject: Pacing & Leading In Persuasion & Influence From: Steve Gold <goldie@earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 09:12:58 -0700 VERBAL PACING & LEADING Is there a way to organize your language to make what you say far more credible? In fact, can we go so far as to ask if it's possible to organize our language to make what you say automatically accepted. In this posting we will be dealing with the use of verbal pacing and leading as well as the covert "yes set" for use in conversational persuasion. One of the main reasons to use verbal pacing and leading is that it automatically sets up a unconscious yes set. What is a unconscious yes set? Lets define our terms before we go any further (note: these definitions are not necessarily complete. They do provide a useful way of understanding this information.) Conscious - What you are aware of, that is, what you are paying attention to right now. Unconscious - What you are not aware of or paying attention to right now. An example of this might be the feelings of your clothes on your body, the speed of your breathing or the amount of light that is available for you to read this by. The second definition happens automatically. An example of this, is as you are driving down the street and a child runs out in front of you, how long do you have to consider stopping? Not long probably. So, the concise definition of the unconscious is, that which you are not aware of and that which happens automatically. Yes set - A yes set traditionally is a set of questions designed to elicit a "yes" response from your prospect. The theory is that if you say enough yeses during the presentation, when you ask for the prospect for the order they will say "yes". Let's stay with the yes set for a bit. Here's an example of the traditional conscious yes set. Salesman to prospect: Mr. Smith Prospect: Yes Salesman: Mr. John Smith Prospect: Yes Salesman: Thank you. Mr. Smith, my records indicate that you are the vice- president of purchasing. Is that right? Prospect: Yes Salesman: Great. May I ask you a question? Prospect: Yes Salesman: If I can show you a way to save costs on your inventory, you would be interested in taking a look, wouldn't you? YUCH! Do you see the pattern? What else happens for you as you read this. If you are a like a lot of intelligent consumers, you are also alerted to the upcoming assault, right?!! So, what is the answer? How can you get people saying yes without using out moded tactics such as that? The answer is in verbal pacing and leading. What is verbal pacing and leading? It is a sophisticated verified as true or things that are true with things that you'd like people to believe are true. Let's again define our terms. Pacing - is talking about things that can be immediately verified as true or things that are commonly accepted as true. Leading- is talking about things you want the other person to believe that as yet have not been proven. Here are some examples of things that qualify for pacing: 1. You are reading this. 2. You can feel the temperature around you. 3. On the news last night.. 4. The last time the phone rang.. What are some of your own. 5. 6. 7. The reason that those qualified are that they are true and verifiable or qualify as truisms (things that are accepted as true.) Leads are anything that you want people to believe. So here are some examples of things that could be considered leads: 1. You are excited about this information. 2. You are becoming committed to learning more about this. 3. Verbal pacing and leading makes persuasion easier. What are some of you own? 4. 5. 6. Can you begin to see the difference between pacing and leading? Pacing statements are statements that are true. You can't take exception to them! That's what makes them so powerful for our purposes. Leading statements are what you want your prospect to believe. They are not proven necessarily but they are what you want your prospect to believe. There is a format to follow that will assist you in using this technique. The formate is as follows: PACE, PACE, PACE - LEAD PACE, PACE, - LEAD PACE - LEAD LEAD- LEAD..... As you review what you've read so far, allowing the seconds to pass while you think about this in your own way, you can begin to understand the value of using this technique to get more of what you want when you want it. And as you begin to understand the value of this, thinking back to a time when this might of made the difference, you can begin to anticipate the benefits that will be yours as you begin to use it. While that anticipation builds you might take just a second to tell yourself how thrilled you are to have found this at a time when you can really use it. NOW, as the realization begins to sink in perhaps even outside your awareness that the real key to persuasion is having skills like this that you can use, have you already started to wonder who will first share this new skill of yours with? Now let's go back over this paragraph and analyze it. First, before we do that, read it one more time. Can you understand how the pacing and leading creates a powerful influence that literally compels your experience? Here are the paces and leads. Pace - Review what you've read. Pace - allowing the seconds to pass. Pace - While you think about this in your own way. Lead - Understand the value of using this. Pace - Understand the value of using this. Pace - thinking back to a time... could of made a difference. Lead - anticipate the benefits... use it. Pace - anticipation builds. Lead - tell yourself how thrilled you are to have found this. Lead - realization begins to sink in. Lead - the real key to persuasion is having skills like this. Lead - wonder who you will share this new skill with first. Try this. Read just the leads above. Preferably read them aloud. If those had been all that was written, they wouldn't have had near the power as when you have the pacing statements with them. Each time you read a pace, your unconscious goes "yes". Only this is so subtle (albeit powerful) that nobody thinks of it as an assault. Instead, you have created an environment that is comfortable, one that supports the other person in moving with you. Here's another example for you. As you sit there, reading this information, letting your eyes follow each word, you can begin to discover how this information will allow you to increase your persuasion power. And as you think about how that might happen, and listen to what those ideas are inside your own thoughts, you may find yourself getting excited at how much easier this makes the process of convening someone to do what you want. In fact, feeling that excitement beginning to build, now, causes, you to want to begin to practice, to perfect this technique. The technique is strong enough to get people to go along with what ever you say, so much so that utilizing it will dramatically increase your sales. It also establishes your credibility and furthers the rapport you are building. Now, let's see if you can list the paces and leads in this paragraph. Pace- Pace- Pace- Lead- Pace- Pace- Lead- Pace- Lead- Lead- Lead- Lead- Advanced readers will also note that the paragraph begins with an external orientation and moves the reader to an internal orientation, thus further facilitating the persuasion process. Let me suggest a few methods of practicing this to get it down. On a sheet of paper draw a line vertically down the middle. On the left side list 10 or 15 paces and on the right side list 10 or 15 leads. Practice saying 2 or 3 paces and then a lead. Doing this will enable you to learn this rapidly. If you want a free demonstration tape on influence and Persuasion Patterns, E-mail: goldie@earthlink.net with your name, address and phone number and I'll send a tape out to you right away.