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An NLP Book List

Patrick's NLP Library version 1.6

Last Update: March 24th, 1996 

Compiled by Patrick E. Merlevede, e-mail: 100117.1420@compuserve.com Give some feedback... 

This file contains a selection of books sitting on the shelves of my library. 
Below you'll find NLP-titles, and some NLP-related books, even though the "relation" between the book and NLP rather might be called mine. The comments are
some kind of short book reviews, and are completely for my own account.

Note: the easiest way to read this document, and the only way to be sure that you are actually reading its most recent version, is by accessing the web page!

Related documents:

In addition to this document, I published some more documents, also available in the CompuServe libraries and on www: 

     The CompuServe Frequently Asked Questions about NLP 
     The International List of NLP Training Institutes 

Other Info

At the end of this document 

1. Popular reading (no "real NLP"):

     Unlimited Power: the new science of personal achievement, 
     Anthony Robbins, 1986, Simon & Schuster, New York 

     A very popular book, which was even printed 7 times in Dutch! A lot of hype. The book looks like a typical American book for self-improvement - no
     wonder it sells that well! However, it contains a repackaged version of the info that is needed to get an introduction to NLP. 

     Giant Steps, Anthony Robbins 1994, ISBN: 0-671-89104-9 

     A small self-help book containing a daily inspiration or a small action for each day of the year. 

2. To start with (the real stuff):

For the English speaking world

     Introducing NLP, Revised edition, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour, 1993, The Acquarian Press, ISBN 1-85538-344-6 

     This book is a real best-seller! It is a well-structured book, which contains all information you'll need up to the practitioner's level (255 pages in a small
     print). This book can be used as a course book. The book also contains a list of NLP-books. Quite an interesting list: shows you where to go if you
     want to know more. 

     "R" Principles of NLP, Joseph O'Connor & Ian McDermott, 1996, Thorsons (an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers), ISBN 0-7225-3195-8 

     This book is part of a series of introductionary books that explain the principles of a certain area. This introduction differs completely from the previous
     one by its structure: it is organised around the presuppositions and goes deeper into the epistomological roots ( not explicitly! it's an easy read). is more
     descriptive. In my perception, this book would rather be for the non-NLP-er willing to get an idea what the field is about, where I recommend
     "Introducing NLP" for the NLP-student willing to get a descriptive and structured overview of the material the is dealt with during NLP training. 

For the rest of us

     Introducing NLP (see above) : has been translated in several languages, among them Spanish, .... 
     Der Fronsh auf der Butter - NLP: Die grundlagen des NLP, Helmut Krusche, 1992, Econ Verlag 

     I bought the Dutch translation of this book during my Practitioner's training, but I preferred "Introducing NLP" from O'Connor (see above) 

     La communication efficace par la PNL, Rene de Lassus, 1992, Marabout Pratiques, ISBN 2-501-01681-5 

     The first part of this book offers a good introduction to NLP, if you're French-speaking that is. The second part is for self-study. The third part gives
     some of the classic formats and gives some idea's how to enhance your NLP-skills. In this book you'll also find some references to the sources where
     some of the NLP-idea's came from. 

     "R" Neurolinguistisches Programmieren (NLP): Was es kann, wie es wirkt un wem es hilft, Thies Stahl, 1992, PAL Verlagsgesellschaft
     Mannheim, ISBN 3-923614-43-8 

     This is a book in a series about different therapy-forms. It describes what it's title pretends: how NLP is applied in therapy. The book is written in a
     manner that a non-NLP will understand the NLP-techniques and how they are applied in therapy by an NLP practitioner. The style it is written in does
     not really help you to learn NLP techniques to apply them yourself, but if you just want to know about them, I can recommend this book. I personally
     think it should be translated into other languages, since the public that can be served by it has no other book in the same style. 

3. Some of the original books:

These original books are not books to be read without proper introduction to the topic of NLP. Read them after some introductionary books, at the moment you
want to find out more about the roots of NLP 

     The structure of Magic, Richard Bandler & John Grindler, 1975, Science and Behavior Books 
     The structure of Magic II, R.Bandler & J.Grindler, 1976, Science and Behavior Books, ISBN 08314-0049-8 
     Patterns of the techniques of Milton H.Erickson, Volume I, R.Bandler & J.Grindler, 1975, Meta publications 
     Roots of NLP, Robert Dilts, Meta Publications (1983) 

     This book is a collection of 3 smaller publications with a academic background (dating from 1976, 1977 and 1978). It represents NLP as it was in the
     early days. 

Original transcripts of seminars

These books are easy to read, even if they are quite unstructured (they are often criticized for this). Their content comes from transcrips of seminars, so the structure
they have, is the structure of the seminar. They probably influence the unconscious more than the conscious mind. 

     Frogs into Princes, R.Bandler & J.Grindler, 1979, 
     Real people Press / Eden Grove Editions, ISBN 1-870845-03-X 
     Trance-formations, R.Bandler & J.Grindler, 1981, Real People Press, ISBN 0-911226-23-0 

     This is a book about hypnosis, as Bandler & Grinder modeled it from Erickson. It is written to look as a 3 day seminar, and invites you to try out things
     yourself (The book is edited by Steve Andreas). At the end of the book, you'll find a well-structured description of the techniques and concepts used
     for inducing a state of hypnosis (the Milton Model). For an NLP-er, just reading appendix 2 is a way to refresh his or her knowledge of

     Reframing, NLP and the transformation of meaning, R.Bandler & J.Grindler, 1982,, 
     Real people Press, ISBN 0-911226-25-7 
     Using your brain - for a change, R.Bandler (C & S. Andreas, eds.), 1985, 
     Real People Press, ISBN 0-911226-27-3 

     This was the first NLP-book I've read (in 1987 or something), without knowing what NLP was all about, and years before going any further in the
     topic. At that time I was looking for books about positive thinking, but this book really got my attention. 

Some other seminar transcripts

The style of writing a book by assembling the transcripts of some seminars has not stopped with the original books. There are still some books recently published
that keep the same structure. The advantage is that persons studying NLP get some "real" examples of how the application of a NLP technique sounds like. 

     ("R") Triffst du 'nen Frosch unterwegs ...: NLP fur Praxis, Thies Stahl, 1995 (6th Edition), 
     Paderborn: Junfermann, ISBN 3-87387-284-6 

     This is yet another book that explains Pene-Trance, State of Excellence, Anchoring, Change History and Reframing (includes 6-step reframing). It is
     good material for a German following practitioner training. The book uses seminar transcripts of several different seminars, that have been edited. To
     deal with the disadvantages of the format, the book gives some structured overviews, that are very similar to typical handouts given during NLP

4. Advanced books (food for Master practitioners):

2 books sitting on my library shelves, waiting to be read, but meanwhile I use them as reference-material. 

     Changing belief systems with NLP, R.Dilts, 1990, 
     Meta-publications, ISBN 0-916990-24-9 
     Skills for the future, Managing Creativity and Innovation, R.Dilts, 1993, 
     Meta-Publications, ISBN 0-916990-27-3 

     This book is more than a way to learn about creativity. It also explains a lot of the NLP models where Dilts was involved in the development. You'll
     find explanation concerning the TOTE, SCORE and SOAR models (3 models related to problem solving). The ROLE and BAGEL models are also
     integrated in this book, as well as the Disney Strategy and explanation about well-formedness. This book is applicable for personal creativity, as well as
     I especially like the structure of the book and its use of charts 

5. Applications of NLP:


I'm not a therapist, so don't ask me a lot about books on how to apply NLP in therapy ... 

If you want an introduction describing how the basic NLP is used in therapy, I'd refer to the book of Thies Stahl (see above). 
Apart from this, a lot of the original NLP-books cover therapy more or less explicitly. 

     The structure of magic, Part I and part II, have been called "obligatory reading for therapists". 

Linking NLP with other elements, from a therapeutic point of view: 

     ("R") The Enneagram and NLP: a journey of evolution, Anne Linden and Murray Spalding, Metamorphous Press, 1994, ISBN 1-55552-042-1 

     The Ennagram is a personality typing system according to which a person belongs to one of 9 personality types. This book helps you to recognise what
     type a person belongs to, without this being an instrument of judgement or self-righteousness. Based on the type, the book suggests how a person can
     develop himself (or can be helped to develop). No prior knowledge of NLP nor of the Enneagram is needed, since this book does right to its title: it
     explains both models, and about half of the book is spent to explain several NLP-based models. 

A non-NLP book that I liked was: 

     Brief Counselling, A practical guide for beginning practitioners, W.Dryden & C.Feltham, 1992, 
     Open University Press, ISBN 0-335-09972-6 


     Training with NLP, Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour, 1994, ISBN 0-7225-2853-1 

     Compared to 'Introducing NLP', this book has less to offer. If you know something about training, you will find out how much you already know. But
     the book offers a good overview of what training is all about. A nice feature of this book is its use of brain maps to offer a section overview, and really
     each chapter ends with an overview, offering the key points. 

Some related non-NLP books 

     The Commanding Self, Indries Shah, The Octagon Press, London, 1994, ISBN 0-863040-66-7 

     This book is intended as introduction to Sufi thought, but it also clarifies a lot about Sufi Teaching. I personally see a lot of paralels between good NLP
     teaching and the "requirments" Isdries Shah formulates for the teacher-student relaton. 

see also: 

     Styles of Learning and teaching, N. Entwistle, 1980 
     Organizational learning: A theory in Action perspective, C.Argyris & D.A.Schon, 1978, 
     Experimental learning, D.A.Kolb, 1984 


Some NLP books to the field: 

     Successful selling with NLP, Joseph O'Connor and Robin Prior, 1995, ISBN 0 7225 2978 3 

     As you can read on the cover, this book translates NLP-concepts in a language directed to persons who need to do some selling. If you have some
     NLP training and some sales experience, this book won't teach you many new things. If you don't have both, or you are looking how to apply NLP
     skills is a sales context, this book can give you some directions. Part 4 ("Sales management") some stuff that does not directly relate to sales itself, but it
     is useful if you are a salesperson, or if you want to be come one. 
     Also, as typical for O'Connor, this book is well structured. In the second part of the book, you'll find the key points of the book summed up at the end.
     If you wonder how you'll ever learn how to apply all the tips described in the book, take a look at the end: there you can find some exercises to learn
     the NLP-skills described in the book 

     Selling with NLP, Kerry L.Johnson, 1993, ISBN 1-85788-047-1 

     This book offers a good framework you can use if you want to give some sales-training. If you already know a lot about the topic (and NLP), or if you
     modeled some top-salesmen, you won't find really new stuff. It also covers less NLP-models than the O'Connor book. The best part, as in the
     previous book, can also be found at the end: there you can find a 21-day plan to put the described techniques together 

     Mieux vendre avec la PNL, Catherine Cudicio, 1989, Les Editions d'organisation, ISBN 2-7081-1055-1 

     If you prefer to read in French, this is the book of your choice. It has a similar content to the two other books, and it has a better covering of the
     meta-model (O'Connor refers to his "introducing NLP" in stead). At also end with some exercises 

     Instant Rapport, Michael Brooks, 1989, Warner Books, ISBN 0-446-39133-6 
     The power of Business Rapport, Michael Brooks, 1991, HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN 0-06-016383-6 

Some non NLP books, that require NLP-knowledge to put them into practice: 

     The Fifth Discipline, The Art & practice of The Learning Organization, 
     P.M. Senge, 1990, ISBN 0-7162-5687-1 
     The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, P.M.Senge et al, 1994, ISBN 1-85788-060-9 

     Two books that are a must for NLP-ers that are active in an business environment. These books offer a lot of inspiration on how to apply NLP. For
     those familiar with the NLP-presuppositions, check out the similarities! NLP is in some ways the "How to" to Senge's theoretical framework. 


     Words that Change Minds, Mastering the Language of Influence, 1995, 
     Shelle Rose Charvet, ISBN 0-7872-0803-5 

     This book explains the LAB-profile and how to apply it. As far as I know, it is the only book dedicated to this subject. The Lab-profile itself is based
     on the NLP meta-programs. The book seems to be based on Shelle's training sessions, but has been reworked to become a quite structured and
     readable book, but it could have used more time to be written (Shelle should have asked some more persons to read the manuscript). I like the book,
     and can see a lot of applications for the Lab-profile it describes. However, keep in mind that this book is not really NLP: it judges people, and splits
     them up in categories: useful for recruitment, but still dangerous. 

5.5. MUSIC

     ("R") Not Pulling Strings, A book about Instumental Teaching and Music Education, Joseph O'Connor, Lambent Books, 1987, ISBN

     <BG> As you could have guessed, Joseph also wrote a book about this area. 
     In fact, I think it was his first book where he shared his NLP knowledge with the rest of us. Joseph was a guitar teacher, and this is reflected in his
     book. In my humble opinion it is rather meant to be used by teachers, than by the students (unless the student wants to explain how he should be
     teached... (what I would do the day I start to learn to play the piano, but probably that is a pattern on itself). 

6. Results of Modeling projects that made it into books.

     ("R") Lost Secrets of Ancient Hawaiin, Tad James and Ardie James, Prepublication Manuscript, 1993 

     The lost secret of Hawaii is a teaching, called Huna. Huna is derived from a system of personal development, healing and spiritual discipline that can be
     traced back to 750 AD and earlier. It is a shamanistic system, and therefor also interesting for those studying Shamanism in other cultures. This
     document is an up to date presentation of techniques that have been practiced over centuries. This publication can be obtained through Tad James'
     Organisation: Advanced Neuro Dynamics. 

     Cognitive Patterns of Jesus of Nazareth: Tools of The Spirit, Robert B. Dilts, Dynamic Learning Publications 

     This text examines the structure behind the story of Jesus, as it can be found in the bible. It is one of the many modeling projects Robert undertook. If
     you want to find out what makes a text like the bible work, you can find some answers in here. This text can be seen as a great aid to create

     My Pathway to Wholeness, Patricia A.Dilts, Dynamic Learning Publications 

     This short text (16 pages) tells the story of how Robert's mother recovered from breast cancer - from her own perspective. In that way it is an addition
     to Robert's perspective, as it is told in Changing Belief Systems with NLP (see higher). 

7. Some other books

     ("R") The structure of Delight, Nelson Zink, 1991, Mind Matters, ISBN 0-96296221-0-4 

     This book is the first NLP novel. Even though the link of this book with NLP is not clear to me, it's a book that I enjoy having. Some parts are really
     intriguing. The author can be reached at CompuServe 72674,1107 

     ("R") The Power to use NLP, Michael L.Mallows, 1995, Power2 Publications, London, ISBN 0-95-25709-0-4 

     This book is original in its approach. It shows us how the author has integrated NLP with various other models and how he applies the
     result throughout several contexts he lives in. Since this was the aim of the book (as can be read on the back cover), you can call the
     book a success! I can recommend the book to anyone needeing a prompt for integrating NLP in one's live. 

     Leaves before the Wind, Leading Edge Applications of NLP, Edited by Charlotte Bretto Milliner, Judith Delosier, John Grindler & Sylvia Topel, 1991,
     Distributed by Metamorphous Advanced Product Services, ISBN 1-55552-051-0 

     This book is a collection of papers around 4 topics: Hypnosis and NLP, Healing and NLP, Artistry and NLP and New Ground. The editors selected
     the papers and wrote an introduction to each section. The papers show what discoveries well-trained NLP-ers are making when they apply their

     NLP in Nederland, J Hollander, L.Derks & A.Meijer, 1990, Servire Uitgevers, ISBN 90-6325-349-4 

     A Dutch NLP book (as you understood if you could read the title). 
     The book is in fact a collection of papers written by 3 of the best known Dutch NLP trainers. 

8. Books/persons that inspired NLP

     A teaching seminar with Milton H.Erickson, Jeffrey K.Zeig, 1980 

     If you want to know more about one of NLP's big models, without having to look at him trough the NLP-map of the world... 

     The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, 1968, Carlos Castaneda 

     Carlos Castaneda, an anthropologist, has been an inspiration for modeling. His books were mentioned to me by Judith Delosier in September 1994 as
     an inspiration for NLP. Robert Dilts also mentions Carlos Castaneda in some of his tapes. 

     Angels fear, towards an epistemology of the sacred, G & MC Bateson, 1987 

     One of the books of one of the most influencial thinkers for the NLP-community as a whole. This book was finished by Greogory's doughter, after he
     His two best known books are "Mind and nature: A necessary unit" (1978) and "Steps to an Ecology of mind" (1972). Especially this last book is often
     referred to by NLP-ers. However, I didn't have the chance yet to obtain my own copy: as far as I know, it is sold out, and nobody is talking about
     reprinting it. 

9. Periodicals

For these publications I apply the same criteria as for the books: I must have read several copies before they were mentioned in this list... 

     NLP World, published 3 times a year 
     by G Peter Winnington, Les 3 Chasseurs, 1413 ORZENS, Switzerland, 
     Tel (+41) 21 88 777 21 - Fax (+41) 21 88 779 76 

     A magazine with some scientific aspirations. Contains articles about new research, book reviews and some ads for upcoming NLP-training. 

     Anchor Point (American): contact Anchor Point Associates/ 346 South 500 East #200 / Salt Lake City, UTAH 84102 USA, Tel: 1-800-544-6480.
     Outside USA call (801) 534-1022. 12 monthly issues for $39(US). 

     A well-known publication, with a history that contains some flaws, but the issues I saw are great. 

     ("R") MultiMind - NLP (German / German spoken): Junfermann / Postfach 1840 / 33048 Paderborn / Tel (+49) 5251 340 34 / Fax (+49) 5251 363 71.
     Or contact Klaus Marwitz (100273,2057) 6 issues a year for 76,- DM 

     Multimind is a publication the German speaking NLP community can be proud of. It is also a good source if you want to know where to find some
     (German-spoken) NLP-training. The publisher is a strong pillar for bringing out the news of NLP in that part of the world: they are also the ones that
     took care to have most of the basic NLP-books translated. 

Document info

I've mentioned the titles of the original publications, but several of these books have been translated in French, German or Dutch (as far as I know). 


Books with an English or German title, but without ISBN-number are books of with I have the Dutch translations, so I couldn't provide you with the

Comments can be given to: Patrick E. Merlevede, CompuServe: 100117,1420 : Give some feedback... 

(Snail mail: Stationsstraat 98/2, 9900 EEKLO, BELGIUM) 

Note to authors: to qualify for this list, I must have a copy of the book. My book-budget is limited: Feel free to send me an evaluation copy :-). Thanks to Joseph
O'Connor, Thies Stahl and Nelson Zink for doing so! 

Note to the readers: until now, I had to buy most of the books, so my reviews are quite unbiased by bribes... The book I recieved, have a letter "R" before their

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