Persuading yourself into greater success An article on Bandler's Persuasion Engineering and DHE ====================================================== Written and published by Thorsten Hassiepen May 3,1996 ------------------------------------------------------ Have you ever been to any seminar, which gave you some really new thoughts you thought you have had before ? Well, something like this happened to me when I have attended Richard Bandler's two seminars last year here in Germany. I have seen Richard the year before in Munich in the trainer's training and was totally overwhelmed by his abilities to persuade people into all kinds of pleasant states. I saw him as the master of State Induction, because whenever he did anything you almost felt the air in the room chaning to something else, as if there was something new yet to come and there you went ! It was just fabulous and there's no way to describe it but to experience it. With all that in mind, I read an article about DHE, which is one of the newer developments by Richard Bandler. It didn't really caught much of my interest, because there were people there, who were talking it into being only a bad copy of NLP, just being the other way around. Some of the articles then published in the press were only talking about things I would really want to be part of. Thus I went on without any more thinking of this new development and just sticking with the old NLP-techniques helping me and others so far. Then suddenly there were all of these ads appearing on the NLP magazines, advertising the courses by Richard like Persuasion Engineering, DHE, Optimizing Life's Success and the trainer's training. What struck me first, was the major increase on the prices since they some were almost doubled compared to the year before. But still there was something about that was kind of glued to the back of my mind, telling me that it might be very interesting to go on and read on what was going on there, so I did. Every ad promises to brind more success to your life and to increase your wellbeing, your pleasure and so on. So I finally somehow found myself signing up for the Persuasion Engineering and the DHE courses. The third one offered (Optimising Life's Success) I could sign up for, since the company I was then working for was taking me on a tight schedule and it was hard enough to get out of it for the two weeks anyhow. So I convinced myself and went ahead to these seminars..... Like always I was one of the first persons arriving at the scene and thus secured a place for myself way up in front. The big speakers on both sides of the stage were looking into the room and filling it with soft but trancy music. The lights were dimmed and all windows curtained, so it was only me and the others. Everyone who came in was kind of shy at first, but we didn't know yet, that this was about to change very quickly. Having all of this in mind I suddenly found myself drifting of to some other dimension as I was listening to this trancy music flooding the room in a way you could barely hear, but it was there and it most certainly affected everyone in this way. The the big moment came and Richard Bandler entered the room. He almost instantly got attention from anyone as he walked in from the back (what a metaphor, isn't it) and pulled everyone's mind to a charged up yet relaxed level when he then began to speak with his friendly voice tone which put me into a deep trance instantly ! I tried invane to stay alert and to consciously follow his tales and his methods and techniques, but the only things I then could remember, were that he looked at me, told me to "change the way you see" and to "go into an even deeper trance, now!" as I then drifted of to somewhere else. During the whole week this happened to me again and again and I listened to Bandler's tales with great fascination, because his way of telling them, you have the feeling of almost beeing at the scene and being an eye-witness of anything he is speaking of. Interupted by the exercises, where I only had a short chance to come out of trance after finishing the listening and reading, the group was enjoying the seminar more and more. During the exercises you heared people laughing all over the place, kindly reminded by Richard and his assistants to have "more pleasure" all the time. Probably the term that was used the most, was the great question of "HOW MUCH PLEASURE CAN YOU STAND ?" And it seemed as if everyone in the room only lived up to that question to find out, that can always be more . . . Having learned all of that we exercised the seeing of other peoples pictures, when they are describing what they want, would like, must have or need. We put ourselves into all kinds of different states in order to lead the other into the same state. I never would have believed that persuading someone of something could be that easy if you only know how. During the seminars we also installed our control panels for controlling all of our submodalities (here we go with those words again) and to create all kinds of new and better feeling. We installed great new machineries into our panels and I even went ahead and built in a small laboratory for mixing up my own chemicals, because you actually can release them into your system by simply doing some thinking, like the famous endomorphines ! Some nights I was so excited I could even go to sleep, because I had to search for new things to add to my panel. I even found myself sitting in front of the table in my room and playing with my panel and laughing for almost half an hour without having any reason for it, but feeling good in a new way. That really convinced me of the great effect the seminar had on me. Thus, having learned a lot of new things I could and have added to my life, I gratefully left at the end of the seminars and thanked Richard for the great sight he opened up to me. These seminars weren't just seminars, they were somewhat more, they were exciting, they were filled with pleasure and fun, they were filled with excited people and they had good impact on my future life. If you ever have the chance to attend one of Bandler's seminars do so. Don't let anyone talk you out of this, except when he is standing in front of you pointing a gun in your direction. And even then, just tell him, how great people thought those seminars have been and he will understand and let you go, because if you really want to get ahead in life, you must and will go see and experience Bandler in a live-seminar as soon as possible. For my part, I am looking forward to being able to attend one of the next seminars he is offering and hopefully will have the time to go there. As for the money I found out, it is well worth every penny invested, because it already paid back in every place of my life. So, go for it and always keep in mind, "HOW MUCH PLEASURE CAN YOU STAND . . . " ------------------------------------------------------ (C) 1996 by Thorsten Hassiepen Hauptstrasse 31, D-41844 Wegberg ------------------------------------------------------ http://members.aol.com/thoha/welcome.htm ------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PERSUASION ENGINEERING and DHE are trademarks registered by Dr. Richard Bandler ! ------------------------------------------------------