PMS, EEG, Biofeedback, and Photic Stimulation Paper presented at the 1995 SSNR Annual Conference David Noton, Ph. D.* Abstract Recent EEG research on women with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), shows that, when they are pre-menstrual, their EEG's show more slow (delta) activity and slower P300 evoked response than when they are mid-cycle. Thus PMS joins a growing group of brain disorders, such as ADD, CFS, Minor Head Trauma, and Depression, all of which are now seen to be characterized by a general slowing of the brainwaves, ie, excessive theta or delta activity and slower P300 evoked response. All the disorders in this group are being successfully treated with EEG biofeedback, using positive reinforcement of beta frequencies and negative reinforcement of low frequencies. Alternatively, daily photic stimulation at beta frequencies has been shown to be effective, in several ADD studies and now informally in work with PMS patients. Apparently the brainwave slowing can be corrected either by learning to produce higher frequencies oneself (EEG biofeedback) or by external stimulation driving the brain to higher frequencies (photic stimulation). A trial is now underway at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London with 20 women, to assess the effects of beta- frequency photic stimulation on PMS. Anecdotal results are very positive. Preliminary work is also underway in the US with CFS and minor head trauma patients. Slowing of EEG during PMS Recent EEG research at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London, on women with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), shows that, when they are pre-menstrual, their EEG's show more slow (delta) activity and slower P300 evoked response, than when they are mid-cycle (Toner et al. 1995). Since these results are new and not yet published in the US, they are described in brief below. Six women with self-reported PMS, all staff at The Hammersmith Hospital in London, had 21 channel QEEG recordings and P300 evoked potentials measured during mid- cycle and premenstrually. Ages ranged from 30 to 43 and all were taking no treatment for PMS. QEEG was measured using a 21-channel topographic brain mapper. Electrode placement was according to the International 10-20 system and recordings were performed under standard conditions. Relative power over all 21 channels was determined from 40 seconds of artifact-free EEG for the frequency bands: delta (1 - 3.5 Hz), theta (4 - 7.5 Hz), alpha (8 - 11.5 Hz), and beta (12 - 23 Hz). Means (SD) and p values following Wilcoxon test were as follows (5 subjects, 1 omitted): Delta % Theta % Alpha % Beta % PMS 40.2 (27) 9.9 (7.1) 38.5 (32) 4.4(1.8) Mid-cycle 24.5 (17) 10.8 (5.7) 49 (28) 6.3 (3) p 0.043 0.786 0.224 0.138 A significant increase in delta activity during PMS is shown, along with a suggestive, but not necessarily significant, decrease in beta activity. This is consistent with previous reports of increased slow activity and decreased fast activity during PMS (Harding et al. 1976, Lamb et al. 1953). P300 evoked potential was elicited using an odd-tone procedure with a frequent tone (1000 Hz) and an odd tone (2000 Hz) presented in the ratio 4:1, for 40 msec each at a rate of 1 per second, at a level 50 dB above the patient's hearing threshold. Using global field power averaging, the P300 latency and amplitude for the 6 women were as follows: Premenstrual Mid-cycle Subject Latency (msec) Amplitude (V) Latency (msec) Amplitude (V) 1 408 7.7 360 11.3 2 384 2.5 376 13.7 3 398 18.0 318 10.1 4 382 6.6 340 3.7 5 356 12.6 314 8.6 6 328 7.5 292 5.0 The increased latencies during PMS are statistically significant (p=0.027). The amplitude differences vary, some being higher and some lower, and are not statistically significant. The Bigger Picture: PMS is One of a Group of Similar Disorders In view of the EEG research results presented above, PMS may be seen to join a growing group of brain disorders, such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Minor Head Trauma, and Depression, all of which seem to be characterized by a general slowing of the brainwaves, ie, excessive theta or delta activity and slower P300 evoked response. Excessive slow activity in ADD has been widely reported, especially during ineffective task execution (for example, Lubar 1989). Clinicians and researchers using EPS (EEG- Driven Photic Stimulation, also known as EDF or EEG-Driven Feedback) on patients with minor head trauma and CFS report that these patients' EEGs before treatment typically show excessive slow activity (Robertson, Ochs 1995). Depressed patients show low levels of beta activity, but typically may also have low levels of all EEG activity and a general condition of underarousal (Shealy et al. 1989, Smith, 1981). Speeding up the Brain with EEG Biofeedback If this group of disorders is characterized by a general slowing of the brainwaves, then speeding up the brainwaves, by whatever means, might be expected to benefit patients. One way to do this is to train patients to speed up their own brainwaves. In fact, biofeedback practitioners are reporting great success with all of the disorders in this group, using EEG biofeedback with positive reinforcement of beta frequencies and negative reinforcement of low frequencies. For example, the Lubar's have for many years worked with children with ADD, training them with beta frequency biofeedback, with excellent results (Lubar 1989, Lubar and Lubar, 1984); the Othmer's have a long history of success with beta frequency biofeedback with patients with all of the disorders in this group (Othmer 1994); and there are many other practitioners using this approach to speed up brain activity (for example, Tansey 1990). Speeding up the Brain with Photic Stimulation Unfortunately the process of learning to control and speed up one's brainwaves is slow and demands many hours of training with fairly expensive equipment. Not all patients with disorders of this type are willing or able to make the effort. For some, it may be more practical to speed the brain up by external stimulation. (The drug Ritalin, frequently prescribed for children with ADD, is also a form of stimulation but, compared with the therapies discussed here, it is considered to be undesirably invasive.) Photic stimulation with flashing lights has been shown to be effective in entraining brainwaves and driving them to higher frequencies and it is beginning to be applied to the group of disorders described above. For example, H. L. Russell, J. L. Carter, and other researchers have used photic stimulation (sometimes combined with auditory stimulation) for a number of years with a large number of children with ADD and related learning disorders and have reported very impressive improvements in learning and IQ (Russell et al. 1993 and 1995). And the practitioners of the more-recently developed EEG-Driven Photic Stimulation have reported success with all of the disorders in this group, especially with minor head trauma and chronic fatigue syndrome (Ochs 1994, Robertson 1995). D. J. Anderson, while working with photic stimulation with migraine patients (Anderson 1989), discovered serendipitously that many of the women patients were reporting significant improvements in their PMS. This is now the subject of a separate study described below. In sum, it seems that the brainwave slowing that is characteristic of these disorders can be corrected either by learning to produce higher frequencies oneself (EEG biofeedback) or by external stimulation driving the brain to higher frequencies (photic stimulation). This group of "EEG-slowing disorders," which are being treated by speeding up the brainwaves, is to be distinguished from a separate group of disorders, such as alcoholism, drug abuse, and certain stress syndromes, which are being successfully treated by slowing down the brainwaves (eg, Peniston and Kulkowski 1989) and perhaps also from hyperactivity disorders, which are being treated by SMR-frequency biofeedback training (Lubar and Lubar 1984, Othmer 1994). In each case, the objective is to normalize brainwave frequency and activity. Test of Photic Stimulation for PMS now underway A trial is now underway at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (Hammersmith Hospital) in London with 20 women, to assess the effects of beta-frequency photic stimulation (light only, no sound) on PMS. Final results are not yet available, but anecdotal results are very positive. The photic stimulation device used is that previously described by Anderson for treatment of migraine (Anderson 1989). It uses red LED lights, which flash alternately in left and right eyes, and a control box. The frequency of flashing is controlled by the patient, but it is initially suggested that the patient start at the flicker-fusion point, around 30 cycles per second (one cycle consisting of light in the left eye for half the cycle and then light in the right eye for half the cycle). The brightness of the light is controlled by the patient for best comfort, with a maximum of 500 millicandela. The patient is asked to use the device for 15 minutes per day, every day. Meanwhile, in the US, preliminary studies are starting with US doctors and practitioners on the effects of this style of photic stimulation on CFS and minor head trauma; additional participants are invited. That something as simple as flashing light in the eyes for a few minutes every day can have profound effects on mental and even physiological functioning is a source of constant amazement, but eventually one comes to accept that it is "strong medicine," to be used to advantage. Some Additional Comments on the Photic Stimulation Technology Why alternate left-right flashing rather than simultaneous? Clinical results in the migraine work that preceded the PMS study suggested that alternate was more effective. In addition to the slowing down of the brain in PMS and these related disorders, some researchers have found that there is also an imbalance between the left and right halves of the brain (for example, Davidson 1992) or a lack of centralization of brain activity (Anderson 1994). The alternate left-right flashing has perhaps some balancing effect betwen the left and right halves of the brain and/or stimulates left-right communication between the two halves of the brain (but this effect is not a simple one, since nerve impulses from each eye are received by both halves of the brain). Why 30 Hz rather than the 15 - 18 Hz range usually used in beta frequency EEG biofeedback? Again this was based on reports from patients, who were free to choose their own frequency setting, but there is some supporting research evidence: the work of Bird et al. (reported in Lubar 1989) suggests that focused mental or intellectual activity uses beta frequencies as high as 40 Hz and that the lower beta frequencies are more associated with alertness, awakeness, and even anxiety. Unfortunately, above about 30 Hz EEG is increasingly contaminated by muscle (EMG) artifacts from the scalp and this prevents EEG biofeedback from operating in this high beta area (at least without special equipment). Photic stimulation is not subject to this limitation. References Anderson, D.J., "The Treatment of Migraine with Variable Frequency Photo-simulation," Headache, 29:154-155, 1989. Anderson, D.J., Personal communication regarding EEG Brain Mapping of PMS patients, 1994. Davidson, R.J., "Anterior Cerebral Asymmetry and the Value of Emotion," Brain and Cognition, 20:125-151, 1992. Harding, G. F. A., Thompson, C. R. S., "EEG Rhythms and internal milieu." In: Remond, A. Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (Vol 6A, pp. 176-194), 1976. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Lamb, W., Ulett, G., Masters, W., Robinson, D., "Premenstrual tension EEG, hormonal and psychiatric evaluation." American J. Psychiatry., 109: 840-848, 1953. Lubar, J. F., "Electroencephalographic biofeedback and neurological applications." In J. V. Basmajian (Ed.), Biofeedback Principles and Practice for Clinicians (3rd ed.), pp.67-90, 1989. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Lubar, J.O. and Lubar, J.F., "Electroencephalographic Biofeedback of SMR and Beta for Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorders in a Clinical Setting," Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 9 (1):1-23, 1984. Ochs, L., "EEG-Driven Stimulation and Heterogeneous Mild Head Injured Patients: Extended Observations," Paper presented at the 1994 SSNR meeting, Las Vegas, 1994, and also personal communication. Othmer, S.O., "EEG Biofeedback Training," Megabrain Report, J. of Mind Technology, 2(3):43-47, 1994. Peniston, E. G., and Kulkowski, P. J., "Alpha-Theta Brainwave Training and B-endorphin Levels in Alcoholics," Alcoholism, 13:271-279, 1989. Robertson, C., Personal communication, 1995. Russell, H.L., and Carter, J.L., "A Pilot Investigation of Auditory and Visual Entrainment of Brainwave Activity in Learning-Disabled Boys," Texas Researcher, J. of the Texas Center for Educational Research, 4:65, 1993. Russell, H. L., Carter, J. L., Bell, S., Bush, R., "Quantitative Changes in Brain Functioning following Auditory and Photic Stimulation," Biofeedback and Self- Regulation, in press, 1995. Shealy, C. N., et al. "Depression -- A Diagnostic Neurochemical Profile and Therapy with Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES)." J. of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery, 10 (4), 1989: 301-3. Smith, R. B. "Conforming Evidence of an Effective Treatment for Brain Dysfunction in Alcoholic Patients." J. of Nervous and Mental Disease, Nov 1981. Tansey, M.A., "Righting the Rhythms of Reason: EEG Biofeedback Training as a Therapeutic Modality in a Clinical Office Setting," Medical Psychotherapy, 3:57- 68, 1990. Toner, I., Peden, C., Carol, S., Hayden, M., Stone, J., Vucicevic, V.,, "P300 and QEEG changes during menstrual cycle." (Abstract) International Journal of Psychophysiology, in press, 1995. * Congleton Centre, Thomas Street, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1QU, UK. US contact: 707-765-9383.