This is a chapter from my book THE POWER TO USE NLP #1 (out soon). Feel free to "chat" with me about it. Michael Mallows. Social Effectiveness Training A QUEST?ON OF LOG?C ? This chapter offers a series of statements indicating the logical level from which the speaker may be operating, albeit unconsciously. I then suggest some meta-model responses from each of the representational systems. The meta-model, which I also call LINGUISTIC ICEBERGS, enables you to explore beneath the surface structure of spoken words to possible deletions, distortions or generalisations. These three processes are normal human activities, necessary processes ensuring that our senses are not overwhelmed or over stimulated by excessive input. If we failed to exclude certain details, or did not make generalisations, life would be very difficult. The brain quickly familiarises itself to the environment and maintains a watchful eye, a listening ear, and an incredibly sensitive epidermis, so that it can assess potential threat by noticing what differs from the norm. The italicised questions or statements contain all three modes of seeing, hearing and feeling. Developing this level of listening along with the flexibility to respond, to investigate appropriately and creatively in any given context or environment will certainly make you a better communicator. This can result in patterns and processes that create more efficient behaviours. Developing these skills you will increase your ability to move yourself and others toward mutually desired outcomes and more elegant solutions. This can create greater awareness and resourcefulness in the people you relate to - and in your own dealings with them. You may become more aware of subtle shifts in your beliefs about peoples capabilities and worth. This in turn may reinforce and facilitate value based, principled transactions and life enhancing relationships. This will inevitably have an effect on your identity, your sense of self. Whether you believe in Higher Selves, Spirituality, Guardian Angels, God or nothing, you may discover aspects of relationships that are interesting and illuminating and able to transcend mere ego. The format is as follows LOGICAL LEVELS Definition of logical level. STATEMENT RELATED TO THE SPECIFIC LOGICAL LEVEL. Questions (with representational predicates) about the above statement. A question that contains all three Rep Systems. ENVIRONMENT This is where and when whatevers going on goes on! Environment encompasses all the other logical levels setting boundaries or opening doors of opportunity. IVE GOT TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE IVE GOT TO MOVE INTO THAT PLACE How do you imagine things will change if you are in a different place? What do you say to yourself about moving to another location? How would you feel if you lived (worked / loved / interacted) elsewhere? Can you imagine what youd talk about if you felt better about this place? BEHAVIOUR This is what we do to maintain or adjust our environment. Our actions and reactions in response to the inhibitions or invitations created by the environment. I NEED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT How would you feel if you did something else? What would people say if you behaved differently? How would things look different if you acted different? ILL KEEP DOING THE SAME THING What do you see changing if you dont? What do you tell yourself about change? Can you get a handle on continuing with that habit? Explain what sensations youd get from a different perspective. CAPABILITIES These are the skills we bring to bear when we take or avoid actions or reactions. ID LIKE TO CHANGE BUT I DONT KNOW HOW What would you need to see in order to learn? How can I best describe it to you? What feelings help or hinder you? How would you feel if I demonstrated instead of describing it to you? BELIEFS What we perceive or consider to be the way the world works. Our perception of the Universe and its inhabitants and out relationship to them. I DONT BELIEVE IT WILL WORK Will you believe it if I can draw a word picture? What can I tell you to convince you? Do you sense there might be some truth in it? Would you get a better handle on it if I illustrated my lecture? VALUES What we think should and shouldnt (as opposed to is or isnt). What we say must happen or must not happen or exist. The rules of the game. PEOPLE SHOULD TREAT EACH OTHER WITH RESPECT Do you glimpse people not doing that? Do you hear disrespectful in their voices? What sensations do you experience when they dont? Would you feel different if their tone didnt suggest they were taking the moral high ground? IDENTITY Who we experience and expect ourselves to be. The sense of Self, the ego. IM NOT THE SORT OF THE PERSON WHO DOES THAT Could you visualise becoming like that? Whats the gossip about people like that? Whats your gut reaction to that sort of person? If you saw yourself in that light, might you describe yourself differently? RELATIONSHIP How we express our sense of Self with other people, with the world, with our environment. I DONT GET ON WITH PEOPLE How do you behold people when you do get on with them? Do you talk about what you dont like? What do they feel about making contact with them? Can you picture yourself feeling more friendly if they talked to you in a different way? SPIRITUALITY Beliefs or fantasies about life beyond life, or the spirit with which we approach our endeavours, our relationships, our world, our transactions. I DONT THINK THERES ANYTHING AFTER THIS LIFE Could you imagine such a thing? Can we debate the transmigration of the soul? Do you have any emotions about life before death? Lets try to make contact with dear departed Uncle Fred and see whether he has anything to say about it. This a framework, dont memorise it and dont forget it, above all, be creative with it.