JEUNGSAN DO SERIES ONE : TAEULJU HEALING MEDITATION (HEALING SOUND FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE) Prayer from the Heart Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim! You are the ever Renewing God, the Maitreya, the Ruler of Earth and Heaven who have incarnated into this human world from the Heavenly Throne in order to open the Coming New Age of Peace and Harmony. Holy Mother TaeMoNim! You are the Mother of all life on Earth and Heaven in this time of New Beginning. I wish to be a righteous and sincere JeungSanDo Follower. Thank You for forgiving sins and misdeeds of my previous lives. I repent sins and misdeeds of this life. Thank You for freeing me from the wrath of vengeful spirits and evil intentions. Let our forefathers rest in peace by fulfilling their wishes. And thank You for showing my ancestors and descendants to the New Path of the Coming Justice. After the period of hardship and relief, the impending time of Disaster is near at hand. I will save my parents, brothers and sisters. I will stand firmly above an unyielding faith with the utmost devotions and respects. Following the spirit of the Fall that returns to the Origin of Life I will meditate with One-Mind upon the life-giving Truth that unifies the role of Sovereign, Master and Father. I will save the suffering mankind and lead them to the coming fifty thousand years of the Cosmic Fall Time. May your Holy Grace shine upon my path toward the Truth of JeungSanDo. CONTENTS Introduction 1 Our Crisis 2 What is TaeUlJu? 3 TaeUlJu Healing Meditation Tape 4 Method of TaeUlJu Healing Meditation 5 Things to Keep in Mind for the Most Effective Meditation 6 Different Stages of Spirituality 7 The Diseases Among Us 8 Today's Answer and Tomorrow's Vision 9 Epilogue * "Sleep less and read TaeUlJu. It is the Supreme King of Heaven. For fifty thousand years TaeUlJu will be read by all schools on earth." * "I have tested TaeUlJu and WoonJangJu. You shall practice them daily. I have resolved the disaster of ByungWook Kim with TaeUlJu and the trouble of HyoSoon Chang with WoonJangJu. TaeUlJu will open the gate of salvation even if you have violated the law of nature and WoonJangJu will open the prison gate even if you are convicted for murder." * "No matter what you chant, it is good as long as you have faith in that chanting." -- The Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim -- --- Healing Sound From The Origin Of The Universe--- * Introduction* Anyone who reads " TaeUlJu" for the first time has many questions. For example , they may ask, "What is this chant about? What's the meaning of the words? " and so on. At the same time, for beginners, the pronunciation of TaeUlJu is particularly difficult. They frequently ask questions such as "How do we pronounce the chant properly? How will this meditation help me?" In my own experience, I had similar questions when I began practicing the TaeUlJu Healing Meditation for the first time. Since then, I have solved some of these questions concerning TaeUlJu Meditation. Yet, many of my questions still remain unanswered. I realize that with time , through the power of the TaeUlJu Meditation, I will find all answers. My journey toward the TaeUlJu Healing Meditation has been a wonderful experience. I enjoyed and loved it. I hope you do, too. In what follows, I will be summarizing the instructions for TaeUlJu Healing Meditation and this booklet will give you a more detailed information about how to practice it. First, I would like to explain the meaning of TaeUlJu. TaeUlJu is the healing sound from the origin of the universe and it is the ultimate healing power of the Universe. The sound of TaeUlJu is also the sound of a baby suckling on its mother's breast. The shape of the words of TaeUlJu written on paper forms the shape of a spoon, the spoon to scoup the nutrients of the universe. "TaeUl" means the 'Great Heaven' in its literal sense and "Ju" means a 'chant'. Literally TaeUlJu is the Mantra of the Great Heaven and Mother Nature. JeungSan SangJeNim (the Supreme Lord of the Universe) told us that the sound of TaeUlJu is the calling for the Parents of the Universe. The holy motherTaeMoNim (the Mother of our Universe) told us that it is better for us to know just the basic meaning of TaeUlJu. Thus, just by knowing the basic concept of TaeUlJu and chanting it, one can receive strong Healing Energy. The more one receives the Energy, the healthier he or she will be in mind and body. You will be happy, relaxed and enlightened by the TaeUlJu Healing Meditation. The way to chant TaeUlJu is as follows: HumChi TaeUlChunSangWonGun HumNiChiYaDoRae HumNiHamNiSaPaAha HumChi You can produce the sound naturally and comfortably from your abdomen. The most important point of chanting TaeUlJu is to make the sound from your abdomen and to breathe deeply after each phrase. As often as you can and as long as possible, chant TaeUlJu and you will feel the bright Energy coming from Mother Nature. Whenever you chant TaeUlJu, you can feel the Healing Light. The Energy will heal diseases in your mind and body. You can also cure other's pain by using the Healing Power of TaeUlJu . You and I can use the TaeUlJu Energy to heal this diseased world. Healing the world is our real mission in this disordered age we live in. For over a hundred years, more than ten million people experienced the healing power of TaeUlJu. TaeUlJu has healed many different kinds of physical and mental pains all around the world. Today you can be the person who feels the TaeUlJu Healing Power. Follow the instructions in this booklet. Practice TaeUlJu today and feel the Healing Energy. If you have any questions about the TaeUlJu Healing Meditation, please let us know and we will be happy to help you. May the Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim bless you and your family. JeungSanDo Research Center The New Truth for a New Age 1) Our Crisis Today we face the destruction of our own environment. Our earth is overpopulated. There are now more than five billions of us living on this earth and at least 80 million more people are being born every year. Our natural resources are limited. Destruction of natural habitat is inevitable. At least 100 species of plants and animals face the fate of extinction everyday. The lands that are given to us and the energy sources that are known to us are finite. Our environment can no longer sustain our strange notion of paradise that is bent on dominating nature. The results are pouring in. Famine in the midst of oversupply of food has become reality. The inevitable waste due to human consumption strangles the environment. Millions of tons of household garbage and toxic waste are dumped into our backyards and into our water supply. The fluorine compound gases from our hair sprays and our refrigerators destroy the earth's ozone layer. There is a hole in the sky above Antarctica that is larger than the United States due to the depletion of the ozone. If such a hole was to move to a more populated area, the outbursts of unknown deadly new diseases would be expected. In private, we destroy our own human habitat. The outbursts of crimes, divorces, drugs and abortions destroy the natural rhythm of human existence. Previously unknown deadly new diseases such as AIDS threaten our livelihood. The dearth of spirituality in modern life generates a humanity that has lost its own identity. We have lost our roots. We have lost our myths. We have lost our rituals. We have lost our ancestors. We have become the uprooted trees. We have become the burned down forests. With every extinction of natural life, we lose a part of ourselves. We forget who we are. We become "man-made." We need to renew our spirituality. It is more urgent than ever. 2) TaeUlJu Healing Meditation TaeUlJu Healing Meditation is the most effective way to renew spirituality. Its proven method has led multitudes of people into higher self. Chanting is a way to absorb the energy of the spiritual world. TaeUlJu possesses the most spiritual power of all known mantras. By continuously repeating the TaeUlJu, one breathes in the strong natural energy of Earth and Heaven. TaeUlJu is the song of harvest for the current humanity. It is the process of ripening this humanity. If the sound of TaeUlJu is embedded in one, one will be healthy and be without sudden diseases, disasters or accidents. Please chant TaeUlJu not only when you are meditating, but also when you are walking, driving or working. You will feel the natural rhythm of your life. TaeUlJu is the sound of this universe seeking its mother. Chant it softly with One- mind. HumChi HumChi TaeUlChunSangWonGun (Take a deep breath) HumNiChiYaDoRae HumNiHamNiSaPaAha (Take a deep breath) TaeUlJu heals our bruised spirit. It is a process of returning to the all-forgiving bosom of the original Mother, the original healing spirit at the womb of the beginning of the Universe. 2500 years ago Buddha explained to his disciples that "the quest for truth is like a wheel that requires a fresh push from a new Enlightened One every twenty-five centuries." Even the truth that was put forth by Buddha himself must wind down and die. A New Truth must be put forth according to the time. Buddha prophesized that 2500 years later this new Enlightened One (the Maitreya Buddha) will come and lead all humanity to a new level of spirituality. Buddha stated that this Maitreya Buddha (the Future Buddha) shall teach a Healing Mantra that cures all illness and diseases of humanity. This new Enlightened One shall lead humanity to the path of great salvation. Buddha actually gave us 2500 years earlier one half of this healing mantra: "HumNiChiYaDoRae HumNiHamNiSaPaAha." The other half of this Healing Mantra was given to us by the Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim (the new Enlightened One) who was born on this earth in 1871: "HumChi HumChi TaeUlChunSangWonGun". Since then over ten million people have experienced the Healing Power of TaeUlJu. * "Sleep less and read TaeUlJu. It is the Supreme King of Heaven. For fifty thousand years TaeUlJu will be read by all schools on earth." * "I have tested TaeUlJu and WoonJangJu. You shall practice them daily. I have resolved the disaster of ByungWook Kim with TaeUlJu and the trouble of HyoSoon Chang with WoonJangJu. TaeUlJu will open the gate of salvation even if you have violated the law of nature and WoonJangJu will open the prison gate even if you are convicted for murder." * "No matter what you chant, it is good as long as you have faith in that chanting." - The Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim. - TaeUlJu Healing Mantra is composed of healing sounds. TaeUlJu is the healing sound that is in harmony with the way of the coming New Age - the New Heaven and New Earth. TaeUlJu in its essence means "to be returning to the Origin," whether it is the origin of yourself, origin of your ancestor or origin of the Universe. "HumChi" is a gentle suckling sound. Imagine you are suckling the milk of the origin of the Universe from the breast of the Mother Universe. "TaeUlChunSangWonGun" is the Origin, the origin of the Universe, the original Creation or the original womb of the Universe. "HumNiChiYaDoRae HumNiHamNiSaPaAha" means you wish to return to the origin. TaeUlJu is the original healing power of the Universe. TaeUlJu will enrich your spirituality. It is the gentle healing hand from the origin of the Universe. Now it is your turn to try TaeUlJu. 3) TaeUlJu Healing Meditation Tape The TaeUlJu Healing Meditation tape allows you to chant along. In repeating after the tape use a clean and natural voice. Imagine that your voice is coming from the abdomen, and feel the vibration throughout the body. You may need to practice on the pronunciation and tone of the chant. Simply listening to the tape while at home, at the office or driving in a car will help you ease fatigue as well. It will allow you to concentrate on your everyday creative activities. Make it a habit to listen to it regularly. You will detect a noticeable improvement in your self-esteem. Of course if you can chant along, that would be better. Even after one session of Chanting Meditation, your body and mind will thank you for your effort. You will feel refreshed, relaxed and confident. 4) ProperWay to Conduct TaeUlJu Healing Meditation Now, before starting the actual meditation, there are a few steps and preparations you must take as a ritual, such as preparing a bowl of water or bowing, etc. Of course you will get the benefit of TaeUlJu regardless of the time, place, and situation; but it will be far more effective when you do it with such rituals. **Preparation** On top of a clean table, place a bowl filled with clear water and two candles as shown in the picture. The bowl should be filled with the most clean water you have access to, and it should have a cover on. The bowl of water symbolizes the water energy of the universe, also referred to as Yin energy. The candles symbolize the fire energy, or Yang energy. You should be dressed in a light, comfortable outfit of plain color. It is best to wear white, which symbolizes cleanness and emptiness. **The ritual ** First, light the candle and open the bowl cover. This symbolic process will help the fire and water energy of your body to balance during meditation. Second, do the holy bow four times as shown in the picture. This form of bowing has been done to worship the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for at least 5,000 years. It has a symbolic meaning of upholding the heaven and embracing the earth. The holy bow should be done slowly with great concentration on each movement. By now your mind should be at peace and freed from all unnecessary thoughts of your daily life. These bowings will help you to concentrate during meditation. Third, kneel with your head down on the floor and pray with your hands together with your thumbs pointing between the eyebrows. It would be most appropriate to pray to the Supreme Lord JeungSan SangJeNim, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. It is most important that you have faith when you are praying, and also that you pray sincerely from the heart. The prayer can be a request for anything from personal health to world peace. Fourth, you need to get rid of the negative energy in your body. Most of us have in our memories moments that we wish that they had never happened. These memories come back to haunt us time to time. It could be memories of sin, crime, embarrassment, disrespect, or abuse. All of these memories of negative feelings remain in our bodies in forms of negative energy, or "bad energy." They act as a blockade to the flow of our "good energy." Write all these experiences down on a piece of paper, being as specific as you can. Read over what you have written down word by word. Then afterwards burn the paper. This process has an amazing effect of getting rid of bad energy in your body. It allows your good energy to flow in balance. As a result, not only will your mind shift into a much more calm and peaceful state, but also your body will be more resistant to diseases. Do this ritual as many times as you want and as often as you want. But once you've burned away your negative feelings, trust that they are gone. Do not think about them any longer. Finally, read the "Prayer From the Heart" that is printed on the back of the cover page. This is to strengthen the Holiness in your mind. ** Start Chanting ** The number one rule in meditation is to keep the back straight. Your spine must be straight and parallel with the Earth's gravitational pull. The point of all meditation is to create a circulation of energy inside your body in order to create a balance. Your spine is like the main street for the energy flow. A good way to keep your back straight is to imagine a human tower, where there are nine people stacked above you and nine people stacked beneath, all sitting in the same position you are in. Or, you can use whatever works for you, but don't use anything to lean on. Also, pull the chin towards you so that the back of your neck is straight. There is no such thing as the standard meditative position. You should use a position that is most comfortable for you. There are two general types of position: kneeled and cross legged. The kneeled position lets you keep the back straight without much strain, but your legs will start to ache in a short while. The crosslegged position allows you to withstand a long time, but it's harder to keep the back straight. If you are a beginner, you are recommended to use kneeled position as much as possible. You can change your position during the meditation, but do it while keeping your upper body as still as possible so that you don't disturb the balanced energy flow in your body. As you are meditating, the Fire energy (Yang) will tend to sink to the bottom, and the Water energy (Yin) will tend to rise to the top to create the most harmonious and balanced state both mentally and physically. This state of balance can be compared to a glass of muddy water. When all the dirt has sunk to the bottom, the top portion of the glass becomes clear. Just as the clear water will become muddy again with movement of the glass, you will lose the balance of energies by moving your upper body. -- Experience 1-- "It was the third day since I started the meditation. I saw white cloudy energy surrounding my body. It started moving upward above my head and became a cylinder which stretched down through my head into the lower part of the spine. White smoke came out of my mouth and surrounded my body as I kept chanting TaeUlJu. At that moment, I saw an image of myself in a circle. I thought to myself, 'Is this another me?' I felt strange, but soon a joyous and thankful feeling filled my heart. Suddenly, I realized myself being one with the great nature of the universe. Then I understood why human beings are 'the small universe'. I saw two people behind me meditating in the same position I was in. They were wearing white robes, and their bodies were shining with light. For the first time, I saw the guardian spirits." - Dong Kwan Yu Seoul, South Korea-Experience 2-- One day, during meditation I saw an image. A big hand reached out from JeungSan SangJeNim's portrait and touched my head. Then the miracle happened. The doctor said that the cancerous cells that had transferred to the brain were all gone, and the cancer in the lung had become smaller. The doctor told me with an excited voice, "You are being cured! Do you know?" - Nakajima Yoshibumi Kobe, Japan --Experience 3-- "After my serious car accident, one day I became angry and said, 'Enough already, I'm not going to take any pain killers today'. That day, with much pain in my body, I went to bed and played the TaeUlJu tape. After a few minutes, I felt an enormous energy penetrating into my feet and into the top of my head, and then it filled my entire body. The next day I was able to walk, and what a blessing it was, not to have any pain in my body. As I continued to meditate little by little, I had returned to my normal self." - Norma Diaz New York, U.S.A 9) Epilogue Those who are serious about TaeUlJu Healing Meditation should form a JeungSanDo (Tao) meditation group in their area. If one chants with a group of people, a collective energy gets formed that generates a collective will toward Justice. We strongly encourage those who are interested to contact us at the following address. We are looking for socially conscious people who can share the responsibility of harvesting current humanity in order for us to construct a New World in the Coming Cosmic Fall Time. JeungSan Do (Tao) NY DoJang (Temple) 33-38 147th Street Flushing, NY 11354 Tel: 718-321-0970 Fax: 718-321-7174 E-mail: JeungSanDo@aol.com JeungSan Do (Tao) LA DoJang (Temple) 345 South Oxford Avenue #201 Los Angeles, CA 90020 Tel: 213-386-3586 Fax: 213-386-4272 Book number 1. This book is the personal property of: ________________________________________________________ Someday soon there will come a time when this little booklet will save your life. Please practice TaeUlJu Healing Meditation with assured confidence. Additional JeungSanDo Healing Meditation Tapes: 2. Oh-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. 3. Jel-Hu-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. 4. Woon-Jang-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. 5. Gang-Sang-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. 6. Chil-Sung-Kyung Chanting Meditation Tape. 7. Jin-Byub-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. 8. Gae-Byuk-Ju Chanting Meditation Tape. To order an above Meditation Tape, please send a check or money order in the amount of $12 to: JeungSanDo, P.O. Box 1185, Scarsdale, NY 10583 JeungSanDo DoJang Headquarter 123-2 SeoGu, KweJengDong TaeJeon City, South Korea Tel: 01182 (42) 525-9125 The New Truth for a New Age