VIRTUAL REALITY BIOFEEDBACK - OR? (A Brief Concept Paper) Thomas H. Budzynski, Ph.D. Center for Behavioral Medicine University of West Florida Fred edged very slowly toward the railing. With pounding heart and moist palms he knew only too well that the view from that railing was an ernormous abyss that separated him from the Golden Gate bridge wreathed by fog in the distance. All his life Fred had been terrified by heights, especially the monstrous environments often found in nature. A flat-lander from Kansas, Fred was not challenged by such frightening natural surrounds until he left his comfortable home state to take an irresistable new job in Vail, Colorado. Just looking out the window of his rented room at the nearby mountains brought a lump to his throat. Fred however had learned to walk the streets among the happy skiers while keeping his eyes focused on the street no more than 12 feet ahead, thus avoiding adrenalin- generating glances at the steep snow-covered slopes. Fred may have continued his extremely limited lifestyle had he not met Amy, a gloriously tanned skier, who soon thereafter attempted to integrate Fred into her very active sporting life. Though skiing-challenged, infatuated Fred knew he had to make a valiant attempt to shed the acrophobia that seemingly had dogged him all his life. A new alternative medicine clinic was advertising Virtual-Reality Therapy at a reasonable rate even though the ad boasted a $200,000 V-R system. Amy practically dragged the mildly objecting Fred to the clinic. And so it was that Fred found himself standing on a sort of small platform with a railing and with an HMD (head mounted display) over his head. The V-R system could detect the positioning of his head in space and thus adjust the virtual world accordingly. It was very much like being there, after one adapted to the slightly lagged movement and the crudeness of the objects and vistas in that world. The available "acrophobic" virtual worlds included looking out from mezzanines, ladders of various heights, glass-enclosed elevators, and the present VR scene. In fact, this was Fred's third try at approaching the railing and he was moving closer than ever before. This time there wasn't the extreme paralysis that seemed to immobilize his limbs in the first 2 sessions. Fred would move a step forward, stop and look around. He was amazed to see that the virtual world responded appropriately, in other words, the scene changed as Fred turned his head. If he moved too quickly however, the slight delay in the changing scene made him feel queasy. Fred rapidly learned not to do that. He was also aware that his view of the Golden Gate bridge was somewhat rough, in other words, a crude approximation of the actual bridge. The same was true of the rest of the virtual world, in fact, the scenery away from the main feature, in this case the bridge, was even more simplistically drawn. Nevertheless, Fred was moving closer and closer to the railing. Each time his heart began to race he stopped, breathed deeply and slowly from the abdomen as he was taught, then proceeded when he calmed down a bit. In about 10 sessions Fred will have overcome his fear of heights. V-R Therapy is Here Now! Sound too futuristic? Too fantastic? Actually, this sort of therapy is being done today in several clinics and in research settings. As an example, a brief report by Rothbaum et al. in the April, 1995 American Journal of Psychiatry, described a study which showed that the V-R therapy illustrated above resulted in reductions in self-reported anxiety and avoidance of heights and improvements in attitudes toward heights compared to waiting list controls who did not change. Only seven sessions were required. Why is V-R therapy apparently so effective? First of all there are several well known facts about the brain that may be relevant: for one, the right or nondominant hemisphere has been identified as the mediator of the more negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and even depression. Secondly, this same cerebral hemisphere is specialized for the processing of spatial aspects of our world. Therefore, the three dimensional V-R representation of the world, combined with the realistic feeling of movement toward the feared situation, allows an extremely effective desensitization. In other words, the V-R pocedure impacts exactly the part of the brain in which the anxiety process is being mediated. The more realistic the desensitization scene, the more effective the fear reduction. Can Bio-Signals Drive a V-R Display? The only reason there has not been an explosion of research with what I have called BIOVIR, or bio-driven V-R, is that the V-R system itself is so costly that only those groups of people closest to the equipment (usually the computer science folks) have any chance of actually using it. Not many biofeedback researchers or clinicians occupy that privileged place as yet. An exception is Dan Chartier in Raleigh, North Carolina, a neurotherapy clinician who has begun some pilot work with a rather expensive system. Dr. Chartier reported on this very preliminary work at the 1995 Key West Neurotherapy Conference. Approximately 6 years ago I managed to get a biofeedback system placed in the V-R lab (called the HIT or Human Interface Technology lab) at the University of Washington. We spoke of possible linkages with the electronics and computer people and of virtual displays with the programmers, but other priorities took precedence and the system was never used. Yes, alpha EEG signals from the left and right hemispheres could control two separate figures in the virtual world. Dual EDRs and temperatures could also be represented, and why not heart rate as well? A long time ago Barbara Brown speculated that biofeedback skills were mediated by the nondominant hemisphere and I agreed. Hasn't it always seemed as though we first learned to control biofeedback responses before we could verbalize how we did it? With BIOVIR we will be learning to control objects in three- dimensional space - - ready-made for the nondominant brain. Alas, All is Not Perfect in the Virtual World Wouldn't it be great if there were V-R systems that would cost less than $10,000, permitted true real time apparent movement without the confusing delay, and could present virtual displays that were clear, sharp and brightly colored? Then perhaps one could convert them to a BIOVIR system without too much trouble. To give an idea of how complex such a V-R system would be, the V-R show at the Epcot Center, a kind of short Alladin-like interactive cartoon, requires the computer storage of over 80,000 assorted polygons 4. alone just to process the moving images in this short episode. And, of course we haven't even considered the cost of programming such a system. Let's not even consider it! Instead, let's compromise just a bit. What about Bio-Driven 3-D Motion Graphics? No, not the kind of 2-dimensional computer graphic with perspective that looks sort of 3-D, but a real 3-D display that is sharp, clear, in beautiful color, and moves! Technology for this type of system is available now in bits and pieces. It will be something like this: bio- signals will drive a 3-D display which is viewed by very light weight stereo glasses which look into a flicker-free 3-D world. These are not your old blue/red cardboard glasses but a real technological breakthrough by a company called Seattle I-O. With this system one needs to have a special type of screen presentation that looks fuzzy to the naked eye but is transformed into a truly "fall into" 3-D world with the "Virtual I-O" glasses. A young company from Ketchum, Iowa called Motion Graphics, LCC, has developed a new stereo video camera which makes videos that can be viewed with the Virtual I-O glasses. This might revolutionize instructional videos. It will be especially valuable where a 3-D view is important such as sports, architecture, surgery instruction, etc. Remember that anything photograhed by this camera can be viewed in 3-D at a much higher resolution than with virtual reality. OK so far, but how does the bio-signal fit in? Well, wouldn't it be great if a bio-signal could drive some aspect of those 3-D video displays? Actually, there are at least two (Thought Technology of Montreal and IBVA of New York), and possibly several other biofeedback companies that now have the capability of assigning, through their software, particular frames of CD-ROM vignettes to be driven by a given level of bio-signal. By combining the Virtual I-O glasses with the stereo video-to-CD-ROM, and the Thought Technology or IBVA system, one has, for example, the capacity for viewing with light weight glasses a beautiful three dimensional graphical representation of changes in left and right alpha for depression ala Peter Rosenfeld's approach at Northwestern. Instead of a virtual world the user of this sort of system can employ actual video vignettes that he/she has filmed with the Motion Graphics stereo video camera. These actual scenes can be used alone or combined with computer graphics to provide a totally enthralling 3-D world that changes with the client's brainwaves or autonomic responses. This total system, which should be available in late '95, will be well within the price range of most clinics and even individual clinicians. Rothbaum, B.O., Hodges, L.F., Kooper, R., Opdyke, D., Williford, J.S., & North, M. (1995). Effectiveness of computer-generated (virtual reality) graded exposure in the treatment of acrophobia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 626-628. 5. ITHE DEPRESSED/IMMUNOSUPPRESSED BRAIN * We except the premise that negative emotions are mediated primarily by the right or nondominant cortical hemisphere and the limbic system. Depression, for example, is said to be characterized by an overactivation of the right frontal area of the cortex and a relatively decreased activation of the corresponding left side. * It is also generally accepted that hopeless, helpless, depressed emotions can weaken the immune response. Perhaps then one could infer that the right cortical hemisphere and the underlying limbic system have some degree of influence over the immune system. * Given that negative emotional states (especially if chronic) might weaken the immune response thus allowing us to get sick, it would seem to be a very logical step to investigate what could change this dangerous brain state. In other words what could normalize the negative arousal pattern manifesting in the right brain? * If we could increase the left/right activation ratio we should see a decrease in depression. * The split-brain research showed that the nondominant hemisphere is a visual processor whereas the left brain converts visual images into words. * The right brain can understand verbal language but of a childlike sort. Its real medium is visual imagery. * Another feature of the right brain is its ability to process three- dimensional space. * Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer generated 3-D display that you can not only control but appear in! * The EEG and EDR (electrodermal response) signals can drive the VR display. We thus have an exquisite biofeedback system. Budzynski 2. * The trainee thus can learn to generate an optimal brain state with the VR display. * We hypothesize that the optimal brain state will strengthen the immune response. * Additionally, visual display and audio affirmations will rescript the brain so that more long-term positive attitudes will result. * The VR display, representing both left and right aspects of the brain, can be used to reduce interhemispheric conflict as well. THE TELEOLOGIC BRAIN * The brain is a teleological organ which strives to attain whatever goal(s) we "present" to it. * Question: Why therefore don't we usually carry through on our positive affirmations and goals? * Answer: Because another part of the brain has a different plan. Split-brain research showed that interhemispheric conflict was indeed probable. * Question: Why then don't we just change that part's plan to bring in it line with the conscious mind? * Answer: Because that dissenting part is usually in the unconscious and therefore is hard to reach. * David Galin of the Langley-Porter Institute published a landmark paper which concluded that the split-brain studies strongly suggested that the unconscious existed largely in the right or nondominant hemisphere. * If we could get more directly and quickly to the unconscious we perhaps could negotiate a compromise and reduce the conflict. * The right brain (unconscious?) is strongly influenced by 3-D (spatial) information because it is a spatial processor. * Virtual Reality (VR) can generate a 3-D computerized display that can be driven by the EEG and ANS (autonomic) signals. Budzynski 3. * By assigning VR symbols to left and right EEG and ANS signals we can experience (see, hear, feel) the unconscious as well as the conscious mind. * Questioning by a trainer (therapist?) will result in relevant changes in the VR display. In other words, both the unconscious and conscious are more directly experienced in VR and a compromise can be reached, e.g., "Yes, I'll go along with the plan IF you'll just do . . . . " by observing the unconscious VR reaction on the screen. * By eliminating interhemispheric conflict we pave the way for a smooth, unsabotaged path to our goals. * Some researchers feel that chronic, unresolved conflict, often on the unconscious level, may be a causal factor for cancer development. * In general, reducing interhemispheric conflict may be the most optimal way to restore or maintain both mental and physical health as well as the attainment of our goals. * Virtual Reality Biofeedback should prove to be the most efficient approach to reducing such conflict. I