==Phrack Inc.== Volume Two, Issue Ten, Phile #4 of 9 A Beginner's Guide to: The IBM VM/370 (or what to do once you've gotten in) A monograph by Elric of Imrryr Presented by Lunatic Labs UnLimted. KopyRite (K) 1986 RePrint what you like PREFACE: What this guide is about. This was written to help Hackers learn to basics of how to function on an IBM VM/370. Not as a guide on how to get in, but on how to use it one you have gotten in. Comments on this are welcome at RIPCO 312-528-5020. Note: To VM/370 Hackers, feel free to add to this file, just give myself & Lunatic Labs credit for our parts. PART 1: Logging in & out When you connect to a VM/370 system hit RETURN till you see: VM/370 ! To logon you type: logon userid ('logon' may be abbreviated to 'l') If you enter an invalid userid, It will respond with a message: 'userid not in cp directory'. If it is valid you with get: ENTER PASSWORD: Enter your password, then your in, hopefully.... Logging Out: Type: log PART 2: Loading CMS & Getting set up When you logon, if you do not see the message 'VM/SP CMS - (date) (time) you will need to load 'CMS' (CMS in a command interpreter). Type: cp ipl cms You should then see something like this: R; T=0.01/0.01 08:05:50 Now you will be able to use both CP & CMS commands... Some system my think you are using an IBM 3270 Terminal, if you can emulate a 3270 (for example with Crosstalk) do so, if not type: set terminal typewriter or set terminal dumb PART 3: Files You can list your files by typing: filelist Wildcards can be used, so: filelist t* list all files beginning with a 't'. Filenames are made up of a FILENAME and FILETYPE You can list a file by typing: listfile filename filetype Other file commands are: copyfile, erase, and rename, they all work with FILENAME FILETYPE. PART 4: Editing your files I'm going to keep this down to the basics and only discuss one editor XEDIT. To use XEDIT type: xedit filename filetype Once in XEDIT, enter the command 'input' to enter text, hit a RETURN on a blank line to return to command mode, then enter the command 'FILE' to save your file. PART 5: Communicating with others on the system Sending & receiving 'NOTES': To send a 'NOTE' to another user type: note userid You will then be in the XEDIT subsystem, see PART 4. Once you are done writing your NOTE, save the file and type: send note This will send the NOTE to userid. You can also use the SEND command to send other files by typing: send filename filetype userid. Sending messages: You can use the TELL command to communicate with a user who is current logged on, type: tell userid Help me! PART 6: Getting Help Type: help That's it, good luck. ===============================================================================